
13.(5分)(Cathy,Noah and Alex are chatting in the dining hall. )
A:Hi,Alex.You look unhappy.What's wrong?
B: (1)   
C:What's wrong with her?
B: (2)   
A:I'm sorry to hear that.When did it happen?
B:Last weekend.She played computer games for a long time.
C: (3)   
B:Yeah,she sat in the same way for too long without moving.
B:Yes.I'm going to visit her tomorrow.
A:OK.I'll go with you then.
B: (5)   
A:OK.See you then.
C:See you.
A.That's probably why. B.She should do more exercise. C.She was listening to music. D.My friend Linda is ill in hospital. E.Are you going to visit her sometime? F.She has a headache and can't move her neck. G.Then let's meet at 9 o'clock at the gate of the hospital.
14.(8分)Mary,Ollie and Jane are friends.One day,they were playing together. "I(1)   an old movie last night.There is a lovely dog in this movie called Ollie,the same name as yours!" Jane said happily.
"Haha!Sounds great!" Ollie said(2)   .Then Jane started singing a song with "O﹣ll﹣ie,O﹣ll﹣ie.They call the dog Ollie.It's so funny,isn't it?"
"Well,the dog's name is the same as mine, "Ollie said calmly (镇静地).
Another day,Ollie(3)   Mary and Jane. "O﹣ll﹣ie,Oll﹣ie.They call the dog Ollie!" It was Mary and Jane who were singing,but Ollie seemed to be sad.
"You are(4)   me!" Ollie said.
"I am sorry.1 think that you think it is(5)   ,too," said Jane.
"I feel unhappy because you hurt my(6)   .I am not a dog," said Ollie."Thank you for telling us about it so that we can know our mistake," said Jane.
"It's OK,but could you please(7)   me that you won't sing or say a word about it?" asked Ollie.Then Jane and Mary promised Ollie and Ollie was not unhappy any more.
Sometimes people hurt(8)   friends' feelings without thinking much.They don't realize their jokes may hurt others.
(1) A.watched B.missed C.made
(2) A.angrily B.excitedly C.heavily
(3) A.met B.cheated C.parted
(4) A.taking after B.looking for C.laughing at
(5) A.funny B.wrong C.crazy
(6) A.safety B.feelings C.health
(7) A.argue B.invite C.promise
(8) A.her B.his C.their
Fun Charity Walk
Time 7:30 a.m. ﹣ 10:30 a.m.Saturday,June 24th Be sure to arrive at Hongshan Park half an hour earlier to register (登记).
Distance From Hongshan Park to Changhai Park. (5 km)
Fee (费用) Adult: $ 10 Children: $5 Under 5 or over 60 years old for free.
Contents No.1 Every walker gets a T﹣shirt and a gift. No.2 There are four fun activities on the way. No.3 Warming up is trained by our leader.
Prizes Prizes will be given to 1st﹣3rd walkers.
Notes The fees will go towards health care for those in need. For more information,please call 430﹣6549087 or visit www..
(1)If you want to take part in the walk,you should arrive at Hongshan Park at    .
A.7:00 a.m.on June 24th
B.7:30 a.m.on June 25th
C.10:00 a.m.on June 26th
(2)Mr.Smith and his two children,9﹣year﹣old son and 4﹣year﹣old daughter want to take part in the walk.How much should they pay?    
A. $10.
B. $15.
C. $20.
(3)What can every walker get in the Fun Charity Walk?    
A.A prize and a T﹣shirt.
B.A T﹣shirt and a gift.
C.A gift and a card.
(4)What can we know about Fun Charity Walk?    
A.The fees are used to help the homeless people.
B.Only one person can get the prize at last.
C.There are four fun activities during the walk.
(5)Where can you possibly read the passage?    
A.From a notice board.
B.From a letter.
C.From a diary.
16.(10分)One day,a little boy asked his father, "What does the word 'great' mean?How do great people become great?"
Father thought of an idea.He asked his son to bring two plants and then told him to plant one of them inside house and the other outside house.The boy did as his father said.
Now,Father called his son and asked, "What do you think?Which one of these two plants will be bigger and safer?"
Boy replied, "Papa,the plant which is inside our house will be safe,so it will grow big while the plant outside house is not safe at all.No one will be there to take care of it.It may be eaten by animals,"
Father smiled and said, "I will give you the answer to your question at right time."
The boy left for higher studies and after four years he came back to his house.When he saw that plant inside,he said to his father, "See,it is safe and grows big."
Father smiled and said, "You should see the other plant outside."
When the boy went outside,he saw a big tree.He couldn't understand how the plant outside was able to grow much bigger than the plant inside house.
Then Father explained that the plant outside could grow so big because it faced every season (季节) and many difficulties.Because the plant inside was safe,it didn't face weather changes and it didn't get adequate sunlight,so it didn't become so big.
(1)How many plants did the father asked his son to plant?    
(2)How did the boy feel when he saw the plant outside?    
(3)What does the underlined word "adequate" mean?    
(4)What can we know from the article?    
A.The boy would be a great man in the end.
B.The boy got the answer to the question.
C.The father was a great man.
(5)What's the best title for the article?    
A.How great people become great
B.Where plants should be planted
C.How the plant outside grow bigger
17.(10分)It might be fun to use your smartphone,but be careful. (1)   
First,it is bad for your eyes.Looking at a smartphone for a long time can cause headaches and dry eyes.Now more and more people are working at a computer or using a smartphone. (2)   
Second,screen use can do harm to children's brains (大脑).A new study shows that using screens too much can affect( 影响) how children's brains grow.If children use screens for more than one hour a day,they might have lower levels of white matter(白质水平)in their brains. (3)   So it is wise to cut down the time of children using all kinds of screens.
(4)   According to a study,about 95% of the people between the ages of 13 and 64 use electronics(电子设备) before bed,especially the young people under 20.Doctors say that the light from those electronics at night may make you excited before you go to bed. (5)   So it is good for you to turn off smartphones,TVs,and all other screens an hour before your bedtime.
To keep healthy,doctors strongly advise that you shouldn't use screens for long hours.
A.Then it's hard for you to get enough sleep. B.Too much screen time may be bad for your health. C.The smartphone provides you more information. D.So it is a good idea to take a rest every 15 minutes. E.Third,using screens too much will affect your sleep. F.White matter is a key to the development of language and reading skills.
18.(10分)Do you think it is important for teenagers to learn how to do chores?If your parents go away on business,you have to stay at home alone and do everything all by yourself.Would life be as easy as when your parents are around?Would it be a perfect holiday for you?
"I can feed myself with tomato and egg soup,but that's all I think many of my classmates are the same.We don't know what to do,or how to look after ourselves,"says Tony,"And I'd forget things easily.I'd probably watch television and burn the soup. "
"Now parents do almost everything for us.We're very lazy in housework," he says.
Most teenagers only have time for their homework.They don't learn any life skills until they go to college.However,Paul doesn't think so. "I think I will be all right.I wouldn't just have tomato and egg soup.I know how to cook some simple dishes because my mom showed me before," the 13﹣year﹣old boy says, "Many teenagers depend too much on their parents,and there is much more to learn than cooking,like tidying up your room or even dressing yourself properly".
For most teenagers,it won't be a holiday at all.
Nowadays,it is important for teenagers to learn how to do chores.When their parents are out,they have to do everything on their(1)   .Tony thinks he and many of his classmates don't know how to take(2)    of themselves when their parents are not around.He says that he'd forget things(3)   .Now teenagers are lazy in housework(4)   their parents do almost everything for them.Most teenagers only(5)   time on their homework,so they don't learn any life skills until they go to college.But Paul doesn't think so.He thinks teenagers shouldn't depend on their parents too much and they should learn to do chores.
19.(12分)Father's Day is a great time to say "thank you" for all the hard work your father does.Maybe you usually give bright flowers or colorful gifts.But here is another great way:send your father your very own thank﹣you card!It shows you've chosen the card carefully just for him.
In Britain,thank﹣you cards are traditional.And they are not just for special days.You can send a thank﹣you card to your friend,just for being a good friend!If you know the person very well,you can even send the message with a kiss.
When you grow up and begin to find a job,a thank﹣you card is also important.No matter whether you can get a job,writing a thank﹣you note by card or e﹣mail sometimes has magic power.It helps you stand out (突出) among other people.
In a world full of smartphones and e mails,sending a message is easy and fast.But taking your time to write the words "thank you" adds something important to the message.It doesn't matter how you say "thank you",as long as you say it.Because these two special words remind the person you care.
How to write a thank﹣you note Step 1:Greeting."Dear (name)" "is often used. "Hi" is also OK. Step2:▲.A short sentence about thanking the giver,such as "Thanks for the great birthday gift". Step 3:The details (细节).Describe the thing ,explaining what makes it special.A few sentences will do. Step 4:Thank you for the second time.A sentence that says thanks again. Step 5:Closing and signature (签名).Say"with love",or"best wishes" .Then sign your name.
(1)What can we give to our fathers on Father's Day according to Paragraph 1?    
(2)Where are thank﹣you cards traditional according to the passage?
(3)Please translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.
(4)Why do we write the words "thank you" in the message in Paragraph 4?
(5)What is the best subtitle (小标题) of Step 2?
(6)Have you ever written a thank﹣you note?What do you think of it?
20.(10分)Last Sunday evening my parents went out for a walk.But I studied alone at home because I would have a test the next day.Suddenly,I saw bright light(1)    my neighbor s kitchen.I thought he was cooking so I went on studying.
Soon,there(2)    a terrible smell in the air and I thought something was wrong.I went out and saw fire coming out of my neighbor's kitchen.So I shouted "Fire!Fire!" But no one heard or came out.
I ran back to my house to call 119,and then I knocked at (敲) my neighbor's door,but there was no response.I got into the house through the(3)   and found my neighbor sleeping in his bedroom.I woke(4)   up and we rushed out of the house together.
Luckily,the firemen came and put out the fire quickly. (5)   my parents came back,they found I was dirty and tired.After my neighbor told them the whole story,they were happy and said I was a brave boy.
far I check sudden nature voice control what usual stick drive hug
It is a special experience for me.I will never forget that(1)   day!I kept hearing a strange noise while I(2)   on a mountain road.So I stopped on the dirty road(3)   .There was a little green head looking at me in my backpack.
"What are you doing there,little frog?" I said to myself.Well,you can imagine my surprise when I heard this frog answering me in the(4)   of a frog. "Madam,I love to travel so much that I just can't(5)   myself when I see the backpack."
I just looked at him with my mouth open and didn't know(6)   to say. "Oh,Madam," continued the frog, "I am Mongy.Nice to meet you!"
"Nice to meet you,too!You can call(7)   Christa.How is it possible that I can hear you,Mongy?"
"You wanted to know(8)   and the living things in the world,and you started to pay attention to nature.Most people never pay attention to nature,so they only listen when they are young.But you can hear the voices of nature calling you.You went even(9)   than that and you tried to get along well with nature.That's why you can hear me now."
It was at that moment that my life changed and I(10)   knew what I should do from that day on.
Class 3 did a survey among 50 students about their objects with sweet memories.Here are the results.
13.(5分)(Cathy,Noah and Alex are chatting in the dining hall. )
A:Hi,Alex.You look unhappy.What's wrong?
B: (1) D 
C:What's wrong with her?
B: (2) F 
A:I'm sorry to hear that.When did it happen?
B:Last weekend.She played computer games for a long time.
C: (3) A 
B:Yeah,she sat in the same way for too long without moving.
C:(4) E 
B:Yes.I'm going to visit her tomorrow.
A:OK.I'll go with you then.
B: (5) G 
A:OK.See you then.
C:See you.
A.That's probably why. B.She should do more exercise. C.She was listening to music. D.My friend Linda is ill in hospital. E.Are you going to visit her sometime? F.She has a headache and can't move her neck. G.Then let's meet at 9 o'clock at the gate of the hospital.
【解答】(1)根据Alex.You look unhappy.What's wrong?(Alex,你看起来不高兴,怎么了?)可知,此处应回答原因,且根据下文What's wrong with her?(她怎么了?)可知,此处应该解释她的情况。故D项"我的朋友Linda生病住院了。"符合语境。故选:D。
(2)根据上文What's wrong with her?(她怎么了?)可知,此处应说明Linda的具体情况。故F项"她头疼而且她的脖子动不了了。"符合语境。故选:F。
(3)根据上文She played computer games for a long time.(她玩了很长时间的电脑游戏。)及回答Yeah,she sat in the same way for too long without moving.(是的,她以同样的方式坐了太久而没有动。)可知,此处A项"那可能就是原因。"符合语境,猜测Linda生病的原因。故选;A。
(4)根据回答Yes.I'm going to visit her tomorrow.(是的,我明天要去看她。)可知,此处在讨论去看望她。故E项"你打算找个时间去看她吗?"符合语境。故选:E。
(5)根据回答OK.See you then.(好的,那时见。)可知,此处在谈论见面时间。故G项"那么我们9点钟在医院门口见面吧。"符合语境。故选:G。
14.(8分)Mary,Ollie and Jane are friends.One day,they were playing together. "I(1) A an old movie last night.There is a lovely dog in this movie called Ollie,the same name as yours!" Jane said happily.
"Haha!Sounds great!" Ollie said(2) B .Then Jane started singing a song with "O﹣ll﹣ie,O﹣ll﹣ie.They call the dog Ollie.It's so funny,isn't it?"
"Well,the dog's name is the same as mine, "Ollie said calmly (镇静地).
Another day,Ollie(3) A Mary and Jane. "O﹣ll﹣ie,Oll﹣ie.They call the dog Ollie!" It was Mary and Jane who were singing,but Ollie seemed to be sad.
"You are(4) C me!" Ollie said.
"I am sorry.1 think that you think it is(5) A ,too," said Jane.
"I feel unhappy because you hurt my(6) B .I am not a dog," said Ollie."Thank you for telling us about it so that we can know our mistake," said Jane.
"It's OK,but could you please(7) C me that you won't sing or say a word about it?" asked Ollie.Then Jane and Mary promised Ollie and Ollie was not unhappy any more.
Sometimes people hurt(8) C friends' feelings without thinking much.They don't realize their jokes may hurt others.
(1) A.watched B.missed C.made
(2) A.angrily B.excitedly C.heavily
(3) A.met B.cheated C.parted
(4) A.taking after B.looking for C.laughing at
(5) A.funny B.wrong C.crazy
(6) A.safety B.feelings C.health
(7) A.argue B.invite C.promise
(8) A.her B.his C.their
(2)考查副词。句意:"哈哈!听起来很棒!"Ollie兴奋地说。A.生气地;B.兴奋地;C.重重地。根据Haha!Sounds great!(哈哈!听起来很棒!)可知,是很兴奋的。故选B。
(4)考查短语。句意:你们在嘲笑我!A.(在外表、举止、性格方面)像;B.寻找;C.嘲笑。根据前文They call the dog Ollie!(他们把狗叫做Ollie!)可知,是在嘲笑她。故选C。
(5)考查形容词。句意:我想你也认为这很有趣。A.有趣的;B.错误的;C.疯狂的。根据后文Thank you for telling us about it so that we can know our mistake,(谢谢你告诉我们,这样我们可以知道我们的错误,)可知,她们以为Ollie也认为这是有趣的。故选A。
(6)考查名词。句意:我感到不开心,因为你伤害了我的感情。A.安全;B.感情;C.健康。根据I am not a dog,(我不是一只狗,)可知,是伤害了她的感情。故选B。
(7)考查动词。句意:没关系,但是你们能不能答应我,你们不会唱这首歌,也不会说一个字?A.争论;B.邀请;C.答应。根据后文Then Jane and Mary promised Ollie and Ollie was not unhappy any more.(然后Jane和Mary答应Ollie,Ollie不再不高兴了。)可知,此处应是指"答应我"。故选C。
Fun Charity Walk
Time 7:30 a.m. ﹣ 10:30 a.m.Saturday,June 24th Be sure to arrive at Hongshan Park half an hour earlier to register (登记).
Distance From Hongshan Park to Changhai Park. (5 km)
Fee (费用) Adult: $ 10 Children: $5 Under 5 or over 60 years old for free.
Contents No.1 Every walker gets a T﹣shirt and a gift. No.2 There are four fun activities on the way. No.3 Warming up is trained by our leader.
Prizes Prizes will be given to 1st﹣3rd walkers.
Notes The fees will go towards health care for those in need. For more information,please call 430﹣6549087 or visit www..
(1)If you want to take part in the walk,you should arrive at Hongshan Park at  A .
A.7:00 a.m.on June 24th
B.7:30 a.m.on June 25th
C.10:00 a.m.on June 26th
(2)Mr.Smith and his two children,9﹣year﹣old son and 4﹣year﹣old daughter want to take part in the walk.How much should they pay?  B 
A. $10.
B. $15.
C. $20.
(3)What can every walker get in the Fun Charity Walk?  B 
A.A prize and a T﹣shirt.
B.A T﹣shirt and a gift.
C.A gift and a card.
(4)What can we know about Fun Charity Walk?  C 
A.The fees are used to help the homeless people.
B.Only one person can get the prize at last.
C.There are four fun activities during the walk.
(5)Where can you possibly read the passage?  A 
A.From a notice board.
B.From a letter.
C.From a diary.
【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据表格第二段7:30 a.m. ﹣ 10:30 a.m.Saturday,June 24th(活动时间是6月24日早上7:30到10:30)可知如果你想参加这个活动,你应该在6月24日早上7点到红山公园。故选A。
(2)细节理解题。根据表格第四段Adult:$ 10,Children:$5,Under 5 or over 60 years old for free.(参与费用为成人10美元,儿童5美元,5岁以下和60岁以上的人免费。)可知史密斯先生应付10美元,9岁的儿子应付5美元,4岁的女儿免费,他一共需付15美元。故选B。
(3)细节理解题。根据表格第五段No.1 Every walker gets a T﹣shirt and a gift.(每个参与者都会得到一件T恤和一份礼物。)可知每个参与者都会得到一件T恤和一份礼物。故选B。
(4)细节理解题。根据表格第五段There are four fun activities on the way.(途中还有四个有趣的活动。)可知C选项"途中还有四个有趣的活动。"是正确的。故选C。
(5)细节推理题。根据表格最后一段For more information,please call 430﹣6549087 or visit www..(如需更多信息,请拨打430﹣6549087或访问www.。)可知可能在告示栏看到本文。故选A。
16.(10分)One day,a little boy asked his father, "What does the word 'great' mean?How do great people become great?"
Father thought of an idea.He asked his son to bring two plants and then told him to plant one of them inside house and the other outside house.The boy did as his father said.
Now,Father called his son and asked, "What do you think?Which one of these two plants will be bigger and safer?"
Boy replied, "Papa,the plant which is inside our house will be safe,so it will grow big while the plant outside house is not safe at all.No one will be there to take care of it.It may be eaten by animals,"
Father smiled and said, "I will give you the answer to your question at right time."
The boy left for higher studies and after four years he came back to his house.When he saw that plant inside,he said to his father, "See,it is safe and grows big."
Father smiled and said, "You should see the other plant outside."
When the boy went outside,he saw a big tree.He couldn't understand how the plant outside was able to grow much bigger than the plant inside house.
Then Father explained that the plant outside could grow so big because it faced every season (季节) and many difficulties.Because the plant inside was safe,it didn't face weather changes and it didn't get adequate sunlight,so it didn't become so big.
(1)How many plants did the father asked his son to plant?  A 
(2)How did the boy feel when he saw the plant outside?  B 
(3)What does the underlined word "adequate" mean?  C 
(4)What can we know from the article?  B 
A.The boy would be a great man in the end.
B.The boy got the answer to the question.
C.The father was a great man.
(5)What's the best title for the article?  A 
A.How great people become great
B.Where plants should be planted
C.How the plant outside grow bigger
【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据第二段He asked his son to bring two plants and then told him to plant one of them inside house and the other outside house.(他让儿子带来两棵植物,然后告诉他把一棵种在房子里,另一棵种在房子外面。)可知,父亲让儿子种了两棵植物。故选A。
(2)推理判断题。根据倒数第二段When the boy went outside,he saw a big tree.He couldn't understand how the plant outside was able to grow much bigger than the plant inside house.(当男孩走到外面时,他看到了一棵大树。他不明白外面的植物怎么能长得比屋里的大得多。)可推知,看到室外的植物比室内的植物长得更好,他会很惊讶。故选B。
(3)词义猜测题。根据划线词所在句Because the plant inside was safe,it didn't face weather changes and it didn't get adequate sunlight,so it didn't become so big.(因为里面的植物是安全的,它没有面对天气变化,也没有得到......阳光,所以它没有长得那么大。)结合选项可知,室内的植物没有得到充足的阳光。所以划线词意为"充足的"。故选C。
(4)推理判断题。根据第五段Father smiled and said, "I will give you the answer to your question at right time."(父亲笑着说:"我会在适当的时候给你这个问题的答案。")以及最后一段Then Father explained that the plant outside could grow so big because it faced every season (季节) and many difficulties.Because the plant inside was safe,it didn't face weather changes and it didn't get adequate sunlight,so it didn't become so big.(然后父亲解释说,外面的植物能长得这么大,是因为它要面对每个季节和许多困难。因为里面的植物是安全的,它没有面对天气变化,也没有得到足够的阳光,所以它没有长得那么大。)可推知,男孩得到了这个问题的答案。故选B。
(5)标题归纳题。根据第一段One day,a little boy asked his father, "What does the word 'great' mean?How do great people become great?"(一天,一个小男孩问他的父亲:"'伟大'这个词是什么意思?"伟大的人是如何变得伟大的?")以及通读全文可知,本文主要讲述了一个小男孩问他爸爸关于"伟大"这个词的含义以及伟大的人是如何变得伟大的,父亲通过让儿子种植两棵植物来回答他的问题。所以本文的最佳标题是"伟大的人是如何变得伟大的"。故选A。
17.(10分)It might be fun to use your smartphone,but be careful. (1) B 
First,it is bad for your eyes.Looking at a smartphone for a long time can cause headaches and dry eyes.Now more and more people are working at a computer or using a smartphone. (2) D 
Second,screen use can do harm to children's brains (大脑).A new study shows that using screens too much can affect( 影响) how children's brains grow.If children use screens for more than one hour a day,they might have lower levels of white matter(白质水平)in their brains. (3) F So it is wise to cut down the time of children using all kinds of screens.
(4) E According to a study,about 95% of the people between the ages of 13 and 64 use electronics(电子设备) before bed,especially the young people under 20.Doctors say that the light from those electronics at night may make you excited before you go to bed. (5) A So it is good for you to turn off smartphones,TVs,and all other screens an hour before your bedtime.
To keep healthy,doctors strongly advise that you shouldn't use screens for long hours.
A.Then it's hard for you to get enough sleep. B.Too much screen time may be bad for your health. C.The smartphone provides you more information. D.So it is a good idea to take a rest every 15 minutes. E.Third,using screens too much will affect your sleep. F.White matter is a key to the development of language and reading skills.
【解答】(1)细节推理题。根据上文It might be fun to use your smartphone,but be careful. (使用智能手机可能很有趣,但要小心。)可知,提到使用智能手机,应说"过多的屏幕时间可能对你的健康不利。"符合题意,故选:B。
(2)细节推理题。根据上文Now more and more people are working at a computer or using a smartphone.(现在越来越多的人使用电脑或智能手机工作。)可知,提到智能手机,应说"因此,每15分钟休息一次是个好主意。"符合题意,故选:D。
(3)细节推理题。根据上文If children use screens for more than one hour a day,they might have lower levels of white matter in their brains. (如果孩子们每天使用屏幕超过一个小时,他们大脑中的白质水平可能会降低。)可知,提到白质水平,应说"大脑中的白质水平是语言和阅读技能发展的关键。"符合题意,故选:F。
(4)细节推理题。根据第二段首句Second,screen use can do harm to children's brains.(第二,使用屏幕会对儿童的大脑造成伤害。)可知,提到第二,应说"第三,过度使用屏幕会影响睡眠。"符合题意,故选:E。
(5)细节推理题。根据上文Doctors say that the light from those electronics at night may make you excited before you go to bed. (医生说,晚上这些电子设备发出的光可能会让你在睡觉前感到兴奋。)可知,提到晚上电子设备发出的光的作用,应说"那么你很难有足够的睡眠。"符合题意,故选:A。
18.(10分)Do you think it is important for teenagers to learn how to do chores?If your parents go away on business,you have to stay at home alone and do everything all by yourself.Would life be as easy as when your parents are around?Would it be a perfect holiday for you?
"I can feed myself with tomato and egg soup,but that's all I think many of my classmates are the same.We don't know what to do,or how to look after ourselves,"says Tony,"And I'd forget things easily.I'd probably watch television and burn the soup. "
"Now parents do almost everything for us.We're very lazy in housework," he says.
Most teenagers only have time for their homework.They don't learn any life skills until they go to college.However,Paul doesn't think so. "I think I will be all right.I wouldn't just have tomato and egg soup.I know how to cook some simple dishes because my mom showed me before," the 13﹣year﹣old boy says, "Many teenagers depend too much on their parents,and there is much more to learn than cooking,like tidying up your room or even dressing yourself properly".
For most teenagers,it won't be a holiday at all.
Nowadays,it is important for teenagers to learn how to do chores.When their parents are out,they have to do everything on their(1) own .Tony thinks he and many of his classmates don't know how to take(2) care  of themselves when their parents are not around.He says that he'd forget things(3) easily .Now teenagers are lazy in housework(4) because their parents do almost everything for them.Most teenagers only(5) spend time on their homework,so they don't learn any life skills until they go to college.But Paul doesn't think so.He thinks teenagers shouldn't depend on their parents too much and they should learn to do chores.
【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据第一段If your parents go away on business,you have to stay at home alone and do everything all by yourself.(如果你的父母出差,你要独立在家并自己做所有事情。)可知当他们父母外出时,他们要自己做所有事情。on one's own表示"自己",与by oneself同义。故填own。
(2)细节理解题。根据第二段We don't know what to do,or how to look after ourselves(我们不知道做什么或者如何照顾我们自己)可知托尼认为他和他的许多同学都不知道当父母不在身边时如何照顾自己。take care of表示"照顾",与look after同义。故填care。
(3)细节理解题。根据第二段And I'd forget things easily.(我很容易忘事。)可知他很容易忘事。easily表示"容易地",副词修饰动词forget。故填easily。
(4)细节理解题。根据第三段Now parents do almost everything for us.We're very lazy in housework,(现在父母几乎为我们做所有事情。我们做家务很懒,)可知现在青少年做家务很懒是因为父母几乎为他们做所有事情。两句为因果关系,because表示"因为"。故填because。
(5)细节理解题。根据第四段Most teenagers only have time for their homework.(大部分青少年只做作业。)可知大部分青少年只花时间做作业。spend time on sth.表示"花费时间做",根据时态一致原则可知此处用一般现在时,主语是复数Most teenagers,谓语动词用原形。故填spend。
19.(12分)Father's Day is a great time to say "thank you" for all the hard work your father does.Maybe you usually give bright flowers or colorful gifts.But here is another great way:send your father your very own thank﹣you card!It shows you've chosen the card carefully just for him.
In Britain,thank﹣you cards are traditional.And they are not just for special days.You can send a thank﹣you card to your friend,just for being a good friend!If you know the person very well,you can even send the message with a kiss.
When you grow up and begin to find a job,a thank﹣you card is also important.No matter whether you can get a job,writing a thank﹣you note by card or e﹣mail sometimes has magic power.It helps you stand out (突出) among other people.
In a world full of smartphones and e mails,sending a message is easy and fast.But taking your time to write the words "thank you" adds something important to the message.It doesn't matter how you say "thank you",as long as you say it.Because these two special words remind the person you care.
How to write a thank﹣you note Step 1:Greeting."Dear (name)" "is often used. "Hi" is also OK. Step2:▲.A short sentence about thanking the giver,such as "Thanks for the great birthday gift". Step 3:The details (细节).Describe the thing ,explaining what makes it special.A few sentences will do. Step 4:Thank you for the second time.A sentence that says thanks again. Step 5:Closing and signature (签名).Say"with love",or"best wishes" .Then sign your name.
(1)What can we give to our fathers on Father's Day according to Paragraph 1?  A thank﹣you card. 
(2)Where are thank﹣you cards traditional according to the passage?
 In Britain. 
(3)Please translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.
(4)Why do we write the words "thank you" in the message in Paragraph 4?
 Because these two special words remind the person you care. 
(5)What is the best subtitle (小标题) of Step 2?
 Thank you for the first time. 
(6)Have you ever written a thank﹣you note?What do you think of it?
 Yes.I think it is very polite to do so. 
【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据第一段But here is another great way:send your father your very own thank﹣you card!(但这有另一种好方法:给你爸爸你自制的感谢卡!)可知在父亲节时我们可以给爸爸送一张自制感谢卡。故填A thank﹣you card.
(2)细节理解题。根据第二段In Britain,thank﹣you cards are traditional.(在英国,感谢卡是传统的。)可知在英国感谢卡是传统的。故填In Britain.
(3)英译汉题。grow up表示"长大",begin to do表示"开始做",find a job表示"找到一个工作",also表示"也",a thank﹣you card表示"一张感谢卡"。故填:当你长大并开始找工作时,一张感谢卡也很重要。
(4)细节理解题。根据第四段Because these two special words remind the person you care.(因为这两个特殊的字使你想起你关心的人。)可知写这两个字是为了使你想起你关心的人。故填Because these two special words remind the person you care.
(5)段落大意题。根据such as "Thanks for the great birthday gift".(比如"谢谢你的生日礼物")和Thank you for the second time.(第二次表示感谢)可知此处指第一次感谢。故填Thank you for the first time.
(6)主观表达题。答案合理即可。我写过感谢卡。我认为这样很礼貌。故填Yes.I think it is very polite to do so.
20.(10分)Last Sunday evening my parents went out for a walk.But I studied alone at home because I would have a test the next day.Suddenly,I saw bright light(1) in  my neighbor s kitchen.I thought he was cooking so I went on studying.
Soon,there(2) was  a terrible smell in the air and I thought something was wrong.I went out and saw fire coming out of my neighbor's kitchen.So I shouted "Fire!Fire!" But no one heard or came out.
I ran back to my house to call 119,and then I knocked at (敲) my neighbor's door,but there was no response.I got into the house through the(3) window and found my neighbor sleeping in his bedroom.I woke(4) him up and we rushed out of the house together.
Luckily,the firemen came and put out the fire quickly. (5) When my parents came back,they found I was dirty and tired.After my neighbor told them the whole story,they were happy and said I was a brave boy.
(2)考查be动词。句意:很快,空气中弥漫着一股难闻的气味,我觉得有点不对劲。分析句子可知,此处为there be句型,根据句中thought可知,该句为一般过去时态,结合空后的a terrible smell可知,此处应填was。故填was。
(3)考查名词。句意:我通过窗户进入房子,发现我的邻居在他的卧室睡觉。根据 I ran back to my house to call 119,and then I knocked at (敲) my neighbor's door,but there was no response.(我跑回我的房子打119,然后我敲我邻居的门,但没有回应)可知,敲门没有回应,所以应是通过窗户进去的,window"窗户",可数名词单数,结合空前的the可知,此处填名词单数形式。故填window。
(4)考查代词。句意:我叫醒了他,我们一起冲出了房子。根据I got into the house through the window and found my neighbor sleeping in his bedroom.(我通过窗户进入房子,发现我的邻居在他的卧室睡觉。)可知,此处指的是邻居,结合his可知,为男性,且空格处在句中作宾语,所以应填人称代词宾格him。故填him。
far I check sudden nature voice control what usual stick drive hug
It is a special experience for me.I will never forget that(1) unusual day!I kept hearing a strange noise while I(2) was driving on a mountain road.So I stopped on the dirty road(3) to check .There was a little green head looking at me in my backpack.
"What are you doing there,little frog?" I said to myself.Well,you can imagine my surprise when I heard this frog answering me in the(4) voice of a frog. "Madam,I love to travel so much that I just can't(5) control myself when I see the backpack."
I just looked at him with my mouth open and didn't know(6) what to say. "Oh,Madam," continued the frog, "I am Mongy.Nice to meet you!"
"Nice to meet you,too!You can call(7) me Christa.How is it possible that I can hear you,Mongy?"
"You wanted to know(8) nature and the living things in the world,and you started to pay attention to nature.Most people never pay attention to nature,so they only listen when they are young.But you can hear the voices of nature calling you.You went even(9) further than that and you tried to get along well with nature.That's why you can hear me now."
It was at that moment that my life changed and I(10) suddenly knew what I should do from that day on.
【解答】(1)考查形容词。句意:我永远不会忘记那不寻常的一天!根据第一段It is a special experience for me.(这对我来说是一次特殊的经历。)结合选项可知usual"寻常的"符合题意。这次经历是特殊的,所以那一天是不同寻常的,unusual"不同寻常的"。故填unusual。
(2)考查动词。句意:当我在山路上开车时,我一直听到一种奇怪的声音。结合选项可知drive"开车"符合题意。根据I kept hearing a strange noise while (我一直听到一种奇怪的声音,当......)可知while引导的时间状语从句用过去进行时,was/were+现在分词。主语是I,助动词用was。故填was driving。
(3)考查动词。句意:所以我在肮脏的路上停下来检查。结合选项可知check"检查"符合题意。I stopped on the dirty road(我在肮脏的路上停下来)的目的是检查,做目的状语用动词不定式。故填to check。
(4)考查名词。句意:好吧,你可以想象当我听到这只青蛙用青蛙的声音回答我时我有多惊讶。结合选项可知voice"声音"符合题意。in the voice of..."用......的声音"。故填voice。
(5)考查动词。句意:夫人,我太喜欢旅行了,看到这个背包我就控制不住自己。结合选项可知control"控制"符合题意。根据 can't是情态动词可知control用原形。故填control。
(8)考查名词。句意:你想了解自然和世界上的生物,于是你开始关注自然。根据and you started to pay attention to nature.(于是你开始关注自然。)结合选项可知nature"自然"符合题意。故填nature。
Class 3 did a survey among 50 students about their objects with sweet memories.Here are the results.
My mother gave it to me when I was eight years old.我八岁时妈妈给我的。
It is special to me because it helps me to develop a good habit of saving money.它对我来说很特别,因为它帮助我养成了存钱的好习惯。
because 引导的原因状语从句。
【解答】 Class 3 did a survey among 50 students about their objects with sweet memories.Here are the results.45% of students believe that old books hold good memories for them.25% of students believe that toys hold good memories for them.30% of students believe that birthday gifts carry good memories.
One special gift I got is a piggy bank.(它是什么)It has a big mouth and two big ears.I have had it for 7 years.(多久了) My mother gave it to me when I was eight years old. (谁给你的)【高分句型一】It is special to me because it helps me to develop a good habit of saving money. (为什么它很特别)【高分句型二】I remember I never went to bed without it until I was 12.When our class raised money for the poor students,I took it to the class and gave the money away.I was very happy.Today I still keep it because it can bring back sweet memories.



上一篇:苏科版七年级数学下学期期末专项复习 期末复习模拟试卷(二)(含解析)
