人教版(2019)必修第一册Welcome unit & Unit 1 Teenage Life 词汇检测提升(含答案)

Welcome unit&unit 1知识检测
Dear Jack,
How is everything going I am writing to you (写信来和你分享我在高中的第一天).
fact,I had no (confident) whether I can my new classmates.(给新同学留下一个好印象).It seemed that the life would be (challenge).I was (对...感到好奇的) everything campus and I was so (焦虑的;着急的) (explore) new things.
(困惑的) about which courses to choose , the help of adviser, I finally (申请;为...签名) (advance) courses which was (适合我的).
(被...吸引) Chinese literature so much that I try out for a (辩论) whose topic is "the differences between Eastern and Western literature."I really look forward to ( exchange) with other (同伴) .
What a busy day!I promise I will never (被困难吓到fright) and
(专注于) my school life .What about your first day at school?
Li Hua
Dear fellows,
It’s my pleasure to give a (讲座) about “Less screen time,but more contact/communication”.
Different from last generation,our (young)was really (对...
上瘾的) social media even it is likely(有可能的) to give out our (person) information. (obvious),we are having less communications with others especially our family.Having a talk with our beloved family members is always waiting (等待被安排schedule).And we always (放弃) chances to contact with people in the fear of (害怕;以防) getting awkward or annoyed. (如果..将会怎么样呢)there is no communication in the world How frightening it will be!I strongly (推荐)that we our own lives(对自己的人生负责)and build up connections with people.We should be the (design)of our own lives.
That’s all.Thank you.
1.What i__________me most was their excellent performance in the match.
2.Mike c__________on his homework, not knowing what was happening outside the window.
3.I am sure we'll have a wonderful time and enjoy each other's c__________.
4.You will build up c__________ by finishing the challenging tasks successfully.
5.You will spend two days e__________the ancient city at weekend.
6.I became a teacher because I p__________talking to people to sitting in front of computers.
7.Currently, many students are a__________ to video games, which is very harmful to their growth.
8.Judging from his c__________expressions,we can tell that this question must be quite difficult to 8019
9.It is highly r__________that you should try the new Italian restaurant that just opened up downtown
10.When it comes to technology and health care, opportunities and c__________come together.
11.It is not unusual for teenagers of your generation to be__________(attract)to computer games.
12.__________(actual),online shopping plays an important part in our daily life.
13.Where I graduate from college, I think I will be__________(suit)for this job.
14.He recommended__________(read)the book before seeing the movie yesterday.
15.Several reasons may account for my____________(prefer)for western paintings.
16.The sense of__________(responsible)for our country makes teenagers study harder than before.
17.Mike found a__________(challenge)job as a computer programmer.
18.She just seems so unhappy and I don't know what the__________(solve)is.
19.She worked as an English__________(edit)for years.
21.The meeting is__________ for Friday afternoon.(schedule)
22.We've got two people called Paul James working here, so it's a bit__________(confuse)
23.As we all know, WTO is short for World Trade __________(organize)
24.This is one of the farthest places that__________(explore)so far in that country.
25.This is your first time here. May I have your __________(register)ID please
26.The__________(frighten)girl burst out crying
Ballet teaches grace, posture(姿势)and flexibility. Students focus on the use of proper ballet items(物品), expanding their knowledge of classical ballet techniques and improving motor skills for classical ballet practice. The class is a formal ballet class.
Age:8--10 Date:September 7,2019--May 16,2020 Time:10:30 am--12:00 am on Saturdays
Creative Movers
Students can explore creative movement, balance, focus, the development of skills, motor planning and balance.The class helps build strength, flexibility and self-confidence, and allows children to realize expression in a positive and encouraging environment. Children use their imagination to celebrate movement and have lots of fun.
Age:3--5 Date:September 7,2019--January 18, 2020 Time:9:00 am--9:45 am on Saturdays
Jazz includes movements from both classical ballet and dance techniques. This class will focus on traditional Jazz dance. Students will be introduced to jazz-style rhythms and movements. In order to ensure proper placement for your child, we invite all students to participate in a sample(示例)class. Students and parents work with program staff to meet students' personal dance goals.
Age:5--6 Date:September 7,2019--May 16,2020 Time:2:00 pm--3:00 pm on Saturdays
Hip Hop
Students will be introduced to several different aspects of hip hop dance including Popping, Locking, Breaking and Tutting in a high-energy environment. Our hip hop skilled instructors will provide students with a wonderful view of hip hop dance.
Age:7--10 Date:September 7,2019--May 16,2020 Time:1:00 pm--2:00 pm on Sundays
1.Which class is suitable for 4-year-old children
A.Ballet. B.Creative Movers. C.Jazz. D.Hip Hop.
2.What can students do in the jazz class
A.Make use of all the ballet items. B.Learn the long history of jazz.
C.Dance with famous modern jazz dancers. D.Get to know jazz-style movements.
3.What is special about the hip hop class
A.It is open in the morning. B.is available on Sunday.
C.It teaches traditional dances. D.It has the most skilled teachers
After graduating from Ontario College of Teachers, I became a teacher at a one-room country school in Aldborough Township.
That first day of school as a 19-year-old female teacher was a frightening experience. It was one thing to have graduated as a successful student, it was another thing to face a classroom of little faces that were waiting for the “new teacher.” I had a classroom of 21 children of different shapes and sizes.The youngest was five going on six and the eldest was 16.
There were two doors for entrance in my school, one for the girls, one for the boys and just inside each door was a chemical toilet-no outdoor facilities for us!The heat in the building was a wood-burning furnace()down in the basement. Tending the fumnace was one of my responsibilities.Luckily,I knew a bit about starting a fire.so the school didn't burn down.
What I found most difficult was that a parent might take a child out of school for any reason. I had one Dutch family, whose father would keep the children out of school to help with the farm work.Finally, I got tired of this and sent an education officer to solve the problem. Needless to say, I was very unpopular with that father from then on, but the children came to school much more regularly!
In the classroom, the older students helped the younger ones with learning, as well as with putting on coats and hats.If someone's lunch was forgotten, everyone shared a bit of their food. We were a family. We had good times and bad times, but we kept learning. Far beyond maths, social studies, reading, grammar and writing, we learned how to get along with each other.
I loved teaching at this small school and knew I was teaching the children about life as much as about subjects. I'd like to believe some students will have an influence on the world that will last long after I am gone.
4.Why did the author feel her first day as a teacher frightening
A.So many students were in class. B.The situations were quite different.
C.No outdoor facilities were provided. D.The students were curious about her.
5.What do we know about the school
A.It was poorly equipped. B.The playground was large.
C.It was once damaged by a fire. D.The students were of similar age.
6.What was a headache for the author
A.A Dutch family hated her. B.The students preferred farm work.
C.The education officer offered little help. D.Some parents ignored children's education.
7.What can be inferred from Paragraph 5
A.They cared about each other. B.They had an influence on the world.
C.They laughed away bad times D.They did well in almost every subject.
It was the men's skating finals of the Winter Olympics when I was 16. Someday I'd be in the Olympics. In fact, it was my dream.
That night I lay on our living room floor excitedly watching the battle between the Brians:American Brian Boitano facing Brian Orser in Canada.Both of them had been world champions. Both of them deserved to win. Naturally I was for Brian Boitano, a northern California like me. We had skated on the same ice. I held my breath in amazement. Boitano performed successfully. The gold medal! I jumped in the air when his score went up.
But what happened next is what I'll never forget.Brian Boitano sat in front of the camera with his coach, surrounded by a group of journalists. He was talking about his career and his medal, talking to the whole world. A terrible sinking feeling went through me.I could never be in the Olympics, I thought, I could not talk in public like that. Just the idea of a press conference terrified me.
I loved skating partly because I didn't have to talk. I could express myself with my jumps and dances better. I didn't have to stand up and give a speech like some teachers expected. I could feel the blood rush to my face if I thought a teacher was going to call me.I stared at my shoes.I was sure I'd make a fool of myself.
The next day I was at the rink (溜冰场)as usual.I was practising a combination of jumps that had once seemed impossible.I worked very hard the next few years-on the ice and especially off. After journalists talked to me and although my heart pounded every time I spoke to them, I got to know them.
They became familiar faces. And they got to know me. So when my big moment came four years after Brians, I was ready. Sometimes I think my biggest accomplishment was not winning the gold but talking to the press afterwards. When you do the thing you fear most, you put an end to fear.
Fear can stop you dead in your tracks.Fear can kill a dream. What are you afraid of What scares you more than anything else This year, walk right up to it and conquer it, step by step.
8.What information can we got from tho second paragraph
A.The author lived a lord life. B.The author comes from Canada.
C.The author once skated with Orser. D.The author wished Boitano to win the match.
9.What is one of the reasons why the author liked skating according to the passage
A.She could build up her body to be healthier.
B.It could help her to get closer to her idol.
C.She could better express herself with body language.
D.The possibility of her being a world champion was great.
10.What the author felt the most satisfied with is that_________.
A.she lived up to her coaches expectations
B.she became a world champion as planned
C.she managed to overcome her inner fear eventually
D.she handled the balance between her career and life
11.What does the author mainly want to tell us
A.Face a fear bravely. B.Practice makes perfect.
C.Bad times make a good man. D.Failure is the mother of success.
If something that you're doing doesn't challenge you:then it doesn't change you. We all need some normal stress in our lives, after all. ___16___So challenge the following limits:
1.Figure out what you're scared of and do it continuously.
If you're a salesman, and you're scared of talking to people personally or over the phone now, instead of being scared and thinking you'll fail, spend at least five minutes a day to pick up the phone and make a call. ___17___But don't stop on the first try! Eventually, you can look at fear in the eye and say, “Go on. I'm not scared!”
Make sure this hobby is not linked to your career; you have to relax and relieve your stress while performing this. Some examples might be cooking, sewing, painting and so on. Apart from helping you challenge yourself, taking a class for your hobby may also give you extra income.
3.Set aside at least nine minutes a day for physical exercise.
__19__A simple 9-minute run around your neighborhood can do wonders for yourself. Exercise can not only help you maintain your regular weight, but also make you feel better about yourself,
4.Travel and an low yourself to be interested in new people.
Don't just limit yourself to your fellow travelers, try to connect with the service staff. You never know what kind of people they're going to be.Get out of your house or go online to book your ticket right now. ___20___
A.Someone may hang up on you.
B.You should do it continuously.
C.You don't need to go to the gym.
D.Running in the gym may be a better choice.
E.Start to travel now and learn to challenge yourself.
F.Take a class for a hobby you've been wanting to develop
G.You can never see any improvement if you stick to your comfort zone.
根据首字母填写单词 1. impressed 2.concentrated 3.company 4.confidence 5.exploring
6.preferred 7. addicted 8. confused 9.recommended
11.attracted 12.actually 13.suitable 14.reading 15.preference
16.responsibility 17.challenging 18.solution 19.editor 21.scheduled
22.confused 23.Organization 24.have been explored
25.registered 26.frightened



