
Sleeping less than five hours a night can raise depression risk, study suggests
Consistently short sleep duration more likely to precede symptoms than inverse, genetic data reveal
Sleeping less 1 five hours a night could raise the risk of developing symptoms of depression, research 2 (suggest).
The link 3 poor sleep and mental ill health is well known, but it has been unclear 4 problem tends to come first. Now scientists have found evidence that consistent short sleep at night can be a precursor to developing
5 (depress) symptoms.
“We have this chicken or egg scenario between suboptimal sleep duration and depression. They frequently co-occur, but which comes first is largely 6 (resolve). Using genetic 7 (suspect) to disease we determined that sleep likely 8 (precede) depressive symptoms, rather than the inverse,” said Odessa Hamilton, a PhD candidate at UCL and first author of the research.
The researchers looked 9 genetic and health data from 7,146 people recruited by the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA). Both sleep duration and depression are partly 10 (inherit). Earlier research shows that depression is about 35% heritable, and that genetic differences account
11 40% of the variance in sleep duration.
When the study’s subjects 12 (track) over time, researchers found that people who were genetically predisposed(有倾向的)to short sleep (less than five hours a night) were more likely 13 (develop)depressive symptoms 14 four to 12 years, 15 that people more genetically predisposed to depression were not more likely to suffer from problems sleeping.
Overall, the 16 (participate)in the study had 17 average of seven hours’ sleep a night. More than 10% slept for less than five hours a night at the start of the study period, rising to more than 15% 18 the end of the study period, and the proportion of participants classed as having depressive symptoms increased 19 around 9% to 11%.
People sleeping five hours or less were 2.5 times more likely to develop depressive symptoms, while people 20 depressive symptoms were a
21 (three) more likely to suffer from short sleep.
The findings might present a 22 (gloom)outlook for those already struggling with sleep disturbances. However, Hamilton said that poor sleep or depression should not be viewed as 23 (evitable) outcomes and that the findings 24 (underline) the importance of sleep for good mental health.
“My advice would be to 25 (prior)sleep and to avoid sleep procrastination. There’s this common saying in genetics that genes load the gun and environment pulls the trigger. You might be genetically predisposed to this, but you can take steps to mitigate(减少,缓解) the risk.”
suggests(解析:研究表明,固定搭配:research suggests)
inherited(解析:be inherited表示遗传的,此处用inherit过去分词形式)
for(解析:account for占比)
were tracked
to develop(解析:be likely to do表示很有可能做某事)
for(解析:for four表示持续四年的时间)
at(解析:at the end of在...结束之时)
third(基数词+序数词,表示几分之几,这里表示三分之一,所以写成a third或者one third)
1. Sleeping less than five hours a night (每晚睡眠不足五小时)
2. Raise the risk (增加风险)
3. Developing symptoms of depression (出现抑郁症状)
4. Research suggests (研究表明)
5. The link between (在...之间的联系)
6. Poor sleep (糟糕的睡眠)
7. Mental ill health (心理健康问题)
8. Tends to come first (更容易首先出现)
9. Precursor to (前兆)
10. Consistent short sleep (持续的短时间睡眠)
11. Genetic susceptibility to disease (遗传易感性)
12. Sleep likely precedes depressive symptoms (睡眠可能在抑郁症状之前出现)
13. Genetic and health data (遗传和健康数据)
14. English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA) (英国衰老纵向研究)
15. Both sleep duration and depression are partly inherited (睡眠时间和抑郁症都部分受遗传影响)
16. Proportion of participants classed as having depressive symptoms (被归类为有抑郁症状的参与者的比例)
17. People sleeping five hours or less (每晚睡眠五小时或更少的人)
18. More likely to develop depressive symptoms (更有可能出现抑郁症状)
19. Suffer from short sleep (患短时间睡眠)
20. Underlined the importance of (强调了...的重要性)
Sleeping less than five hours a night can raise depression risk, study suggests
Consistently short sleep duration more likely to precede symptoms than inverse, genetic data reveal
Hannah Devlin Science Correspondent
Sleeping less than five hours a night could raise the risk of developing symptoms of depression, research suggests.
The link between poor sleep and mental ill health is well known, but it has been unclear which problem tends to come first. Now scientists have found evidence that consistent short sleep at night can be a precursor to developing depressive symptoms.
“We have this chicken or egg scenario between suboptimal sleep duration and depression. They frequently co-occur, but which comes first is largely unresolved. Using genetic susceptibility to disease we determined that sleep likely precedes depressive symptoms, rather than the inverse,” said Odessa Hamilton, a PhD candidate at UCL and first author of the research.
The researchers looked at genetic and health data from 7,146 people recruited by the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA). Both sleep duration and depression are partly inherited. Earlier research shows that depression is about 35% heritable, and that genetic differences account for 40% of the variance in sleep duration.
When the study’s subjects were tracked over time, researchers found that people who were genetically predisposed to short sleep (less than five hours a night) were more likely to develop depressive symptoms over four to 12 years, but that people more genetically predisposed to depression were not more likely to suffer from problems sleeping.
Overall, the participants in the study had an average of seven hours’ sleep a night. More than 10% slept for less than five hours a night at the start of the study period, rising to more than 15% at the end of the study period, and the proportion of participants classed as having depressive symptoms increased from around 9% to 11%.
People sleeping five hours or less were 2.5 times more likely to develop depressive symptoms, while people with depressive symptoms were a third more likely to suffer from short sleep.
The findings might present a gloomy outlook for those already struggling with sleep disturbances. However, Hamilton said that poor sleep or depression should not be viewed as inevitable outcomes and that the findings underlined the importance of sleep for good mental health.
“My advice would be to prioritise sleep and to avoid sleep procrastination. There’s this common saying in genetics that genes load the gun and environment pulls the trigger. You might be genetically predisposed to this, but you can take steps to mitigate the risk.”
研究的第一作者、伦敦大学学院(UCL)的博士候选人Odessa Hamilton表示:“在不足的睡眠时长和抑郁之间存在着鸡生蛋还是蛋生鸡的情况。它们经常同时发生,但哪个先出现尚未得到明确解决。通过使用对疾病的遗传易感性,我们确定了睡眠可能在抑郁症状之前出现,而不是反之。”



