牛津上海版八年级上册Module 2 Unit 4 Numbers同步练习卷(含解析)

牛津上海版八年级上册《 Unit 4 Numbers》2023年同步练习卷
1.(1分)Which of the following words matches the sound /brein/?
A.Bring. B.Brain. C.Brown. D.Brand.
2.(1分) the help of my classmates,I can do better in English now.(  )
A.By B.With C.For D.In
3.(1分)I'm keen on__________stamps.Look,I have a big collection.(  )
A.collect B.collecting
C.to collect D.collects
4.(1分)Electricity makes it easier ____ the housework.(  )
A.to do B.did C.doing D.does
5.(1分)The artist said that he hoped ______drawing the picture soon.
A.his son to finish
D.his son would finish
6.(1分)It takes only an hour ________ to Xianmen from Shanghai by plane.(  )
A.going B.went C.go D.to go
7.(1分)You left out "s "in the word "preserve ".(  )
A.an B.a C.the D./
8.(1分)What made the country so fast?(  )
A.developed B.developing
C.develop D.Develops
9.(1分)There is little milk left in the bottle,_______________?(  )
A.is there B.is it
C.isn't there D.isn't it
10.(1分)﹣ I hear ________ your grandpa _________ your grandma like watching Beijing opera.
﹣ Right,just as many old people do in Beijing.(  )
A.both,and B.either,or
C.neither,nor D.not only,but also
11.(1分)I don't think the kiwi tastes as as the pear.(  )
A.good B.well C.better D.the best
12.(1分)I have three pencil﹣ boxes.One is made of plastics,_________ are made of wood.(  )
A.others B.the other two
C.another two D.the other
13.(1分)Electricity gives us ____ and makes machines work;take care when using it.(  )
A.power B.soil C.time D.sale
14.(1分)China will be the ______contributor to the regular UN budget for the next three years.
A.third large B.third largest
C.third larger D.third﹣largest
15.(6分)The Japanese pay much attention to the lucky meanings of telephone numbers.
The bathhouses,for example,like to use 4626,because when read(1)   Japanese,it has the same pronunciation as "having a good bath".
Both the clothes shops and the butcher's like 4129 better than any other numbers because this number can(2)   be read as "good meat" or "nice clothes".
Since these numbers are(3)   with something nice,people can remember them very easily.So they have become advertisements for the shops.
(4)   ,there are also telephone numbers which are regarded as forbidden by the Japanese people.1564,for example,has the sound of "kill people" while the number 4219 has(5)   of "people die".
At present there are about 44 million telephones in Japan,yet it is almost(6)    for everyone to get a lucky number.So these numbers have become valuable and can be sold as goods.The price can reach as high as 222 thousands Japanese yen.
(1)A.with B.about C.in D.along
(2)A.not B.never C.either D.even
(3)A.dealt B.designed C.connected D.considered
(4)A.On one hand B.On the other hand C.In my opinion D.In short
(5)A.voice B.sound C.noise D.ring
(6)A.possible B.changeable C.responsible D.impossible
16.An old miser (守财奴) lived in a house with a garden.He put his gold coins in a hole (洞穴) under some stones in the garden.Every day,before going to bed,he went to the stones and counted the gold coins he put there.He did this every day,but he never spent the gold coins in the garden.
One day,a thief who knew the old miser's gold coins waited for the old miser to go back into his house.After it was dark,the thief went to the garden and took away the gold coins.
The next day,the old miser found that his gold coins were missing and started crying loudly.
His neighbor heard the old miser's cries and asked him what happened.On learning what happened,the neighbor asked, "Why didn't you save the gold coins inside the house?It would be easier to get the money when you had to buy something!"
"Buy?" said the miser." I never used the gold coins to buy anything.I was never going to spend them."
On hearing this,the neighbor threw a stone into the hole and said, "if that is the case,save the stone.It is as worthless as the gold coins you have lost."
(1)Where did the old miser put his gold coins?    
A.In his bedroom.
B.In his backyard.
C.In his garden.
D.In his kitchen.
(2)When did the old miser count the gold coins?    
A.In the morning.
B.At noon.
C.In the afternoon.
D.At night.
(3)What can we infer from the passage?    
A.The stone is as valuable as the gold coins.
B.The gold coins are worthless unless they are used.
C.The stone are more valuable than the gold coins.
D.All the gold coins in the world are worthless.
17.Let me try a wild guess:the system of passwords you use on the Internet﹣ for accessing online banking,e﹣mail,shopping sites,and Renren accounts﹣ is a mess(一团糟).
You know perfectly well what you ought to be doing for each site you visit,you should be choosing a different,complex sequence of letters,numbers and symbols,and then memorizing it. (That's the first rule of the common knowledge on passwords:never,ever write them down.) But you don't do this,because it's hard for you to remember so many numbers.
So instead,you use the same familiar words for every site﹣your dog's name,the name of your street﹣by adding"123"at the end.Or maybe you do try to follow the rules,and if you're probably getting locked out of your bank account,you began trying to remember the answers to various security questions. ("What was your favourite sport as a child?")
A recent security breach (安全漏洞) at Yahoo showed that thousands of users' passwords were either "password", "welcome", " 123456"or"ninja".People choose terrible passwords even when more is in danger than their savings.
Password hacking takes many different forms.This is where the length of your password makes an almost unbelievable difference.For a hacker with the computing power to make 1,000 guesses per second,a five﹣letter,purely random,all﹣lower﹣case password,such as "fpqzy",would take three and three quarters hours to crack.Increase the number of letters to 20,and the cracking time increases it's 6.5 thousand trillion centuries.
If you think you've got a clever system for coming up with passwords,the chances are that hackers are already familiar with it.The least hackable password,then,would be a long string of completely random letters,numbers,spaces and symbols but you'd never remember it.
However,because length matters very much,the surprising truth is that a longish string of random English words,all in lower case﹣say, "awoken wheels angling ostrich"﹣is actually much more secure than a shorter password that follows your bank's annoying rules,such as "M nch3st3 r".
(1)According to the writer,what's the reason for most people to write down their password?
(2)What else do people have to remember if they get locked out of their bank account?
(3)According to the Yahoo security breach, "ninja" is among those terrible passwords,isn't it?
(4)How long does it usually take a hacker to crack a password,such as "fpqzy"?
(5)Which password is probably a secure one, " m@nch3st3 r"or " welcome123"?
(6)What does a safer secure password possibly consist of?
18.(2分)The little girl can count from 1 to 10. (改为否定句)
The little girl        from 1 to 10.
19.(2分)Steve went to the meeting room in a hurry in order not to be late. (同义句转换)
Steve       the meeting room in order not to be late.
20.(2分)Some people call the brain a living computer. (划线提问)
       any people call the brain?
21.(2分)It took Devi less time to do a calculation than a computer. (保持句子意思不变)
Devi     less time     a calculation than a computer.
22.(2分)Make the model plane,Ken. ( 否定句 )
Ken,       the model plane.
23.(2分)To walk on the wet road is quite awful for us.(保持原句意思不变)
    is quite awful for us       on the wet road.
24.(15分)以"Numbers are important"(以数字是重要的 )为题,写一篇60字的作文 10%
Suggested questions:
(1)Are numbers important in your daily life?Why
(2)What do you do with numbers?
牛津上海版八年级上册《 Unit 4 Numbers》2023年同步练习卷
1.【解答】Bring[br ];Brain[bre n];Brown[bra n];Brand[br nd]。根据单词的发音可知B项画线字母的发音与题干要求相符合。
2.【解答】by由;with和;for为;in在…里;结合题干,with the help of 在…的帮助下。
3.【解答】根据题干I have a big collection,可知此处是指坚持集邮。keep on doing sth坚持做某事。而keep on to do sth是指坚持做另一件事,不合题意。
4.【解答】根据题干,可知考查句型:主语 make it+形容词 to do sth某人使做某事……的。固定句型。
5.【解答】The artist said 是主句;引导词是that,其后跟宾语从句。从句中考查hope 的用法:hope 没有hope sb to do sth;能用hope to do sth ,排除ABC。此题中hope 后跟考查宾语从句,宾语从句要用陈述句语序。
6.【解答】It takes some time to do sth.为固定句型,意为做某事花费多少时间,句中it是形式主语,不定式作真正的主语。
反意疑问句的构成:助动词/系动词/情态动词+主语(代词),前句是肯定,后句用否定;前句是否定,后句用肯定;此题前句出现了little,本身表示一个否定的概念,后面应该用肯定形式,前面出现了there be结构,后面还应该用there be,故选A.
10.【解答】A both and …和…都;B either or 要么…要么;C neither nor 既不…也不;D not only but also 不但…而且.根据下文right,just as many old people do in Beijing"对的,就想北京许多老年人一样",可知,空格处表示"祖母和祖父都喜欢京剧",从句意上排除B和C选项.both and连接并列主语时,谓语动词用复数;not only but also 连接并列主语时,谓语动词就近原则,离谓语动词最近的主语grandma是第三人称,谓语动词要用三单形式,原句中谓语动词like是动词原形,排除D选项.
11.【解答】根据题干,可知是原级比较not as…as不如……,用形容词或副词原形。taste+形容词。
12.【解答】others其他的,泛指,the other后跟可数名词复数,特指,another two另外两个,泛指,the other两个中的另一个,根据I have three pencil﹣ boxes.可知有三个铅笔盒,据此判断其他两个表示特指。
14.【解答】根据题干,可知此处是指third largest contributor第三大出资国。序数词+形容词最高级,表示第几……
15.【解答】(1)C 介词辨析.A和;B关于;C在…里;D沿着;本句句意是按照日语读的时候,用语言是介词in,故选C.
(2)C 副词辨析。A不;B从不;C或者;D甚至;this number can (  )be read as"good meat or nice clothes."句意是与其他任何号码相比,服装店和肉店更喜欢1429这个号码,因为这个号码要么被读作好服装,要么被读作好肉,either…or…或者…或者…,故选C.
(3)C 动词辨析.A处理;B设计;C联接;D考虑;本句Since these numbers are(3)with something nice,people can remember them very easily.句意是既然这些号码都与一些好的东西相关联,人们很容易记住它们,connect~with和~相联系,故选C.
(4)B 短语辨析.A一方面;B另一方面;C我的观点是;D总之;根据后面there are also telephone numbers which are regarded as forbidden by the Japanese people.句意是有一些号码被日本人认为是禁止的,应该是别一方面,故选B.
(5)B 名词辨析.A声音;B声音;C噪声;D铃声;本句1564,for example,has the sound of "kill people" while he number 4219 has(5)of "people die".句意是1564有杀人的意思然而4219有人死了的含义,和前面 has the sound of 可知用sound,故选B.
(6)D 形容词辨析.A可能的;B有变化的;C负责任的;D不可能的;本句yet it is almost (  )for everyone to get a lucky number.句意是然而让每个人获得幸运电话号码是不可能的,impossible不可能的,故选D.
16.【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据原文He put his gold coins in a hole (洞穴) under some stones in the garden.(他把他的金币放在花园里一些石头下面的一个洞里。)可知是放在花园里。故选C。
(2)细节理解题。根据原文Every day,before going to bed,he went to the stones and counted the gold coins he put there.(每天睡觉前,他都走到石头前,数他放在那里的金币。)可知是午夜数金币。故选D。
17.【解答】(1)Because it's hard for them to remember so many numbers.细节理解题。根据 you should be choosing a different,complex sequence of letters,numbers and symbols,and then memorizing it. (That's the first rule of the common knowledge on passwords:never,ever write them down.) But you don't do this,because it's hard for you to remember so many numbers.可知你应该选择一个不同的,复杂的字母,数字和符号序列,然后记住它。(这是密码常识的第一条规则:永远不要,永远不要写下来。)但你不会这样做,因为这对你来说很难记住这么多数字。故答案为Because it's hard for them to remember so many numbers.
(2)The answers to various security questions.细节理解题。根据 if you're probably getting locked out of your bank account,you began trying to remember the answers to various security questions.可知如果你可能被银行账户锁在门外,你开始试着记住各种安全问题的答案。故答案为The answers to various security questions.
(3)Yes,it is.细节理解题。根据 A recent security breach (安全漏洞) at Yahoo showed that thousands of users' passwords were either "password", "welcome", " 123456"or"ninja".可知雅虎最近的一次安全漏洞显示,数千名用户的密码要么是"password"、"welcome"、"123456"或"ninja"。故答案为Yes,it is.
(4)It usually takes them three and three quarters hours to crack.细节理解题。根据 a five﹣letter,purely random,all﹣lower﹣case password,such as "fpqzy",would take three and three quarters hours to crack.可知一个五个字母的、完全随机的、全小写的密码,比如"fpqzy",需要三个四分之三个小时才能破解。故答案为It usually takes them three and three quarters hours to crack.
(5)Neither of them.推理判断题。根据 the surprising truth is that a longish string of random English words,all in lower case﹣say, "awoken wheels angling ostrich"﹣is actually much more secure than a shorter password that follows your bank's annoying rules,such as "M nch3st3 r".可知令人惊讶的事实是,一长串随机的英文单词,都是小写的,比如"awoken wheels angling ostrich",实际上比遵循银行令人讨厌的规则(如"M nch3st3 r")的较短密码安全得多。因此"米@nch3st3 r或者"欢迎123"都不是安全的密码。故答案为Neither of them.
(6)It consists of completely random letters,numbers,spaces and symbols.细节理解题。根据 The least hackable password,then,would be a long string of completely random letters,numbers,spaces and symbols but you'd never remember it.可知那么,最不容易破解的密码就是一长串完全随机的字母、数字、空格和符号,但你永远记不住。故答案为It consists of completely random letters,numbers,spaces and symbols.
故答案为:can't count。
19.【解答】根据题意,为了不迟到,史蒂夫匆忙地去了会议室的同义句,可以用动词hurry to仓促,结合went可知是过去时,要用过去式。
故答案为:hurried to。
20.【解答】What,do.考查特殊疑问句。根据题干中的划线部分可知就宾语a living computer进行提问,所以疑问词用what,其次在主语some people前加助动词do构成一般疑问句即可。
21.【解答】It takes sb.some time to do sth.=Sb.spend some time doing sth.某人花多长时间做某事;根据原句时态用一般过去时,spend的过去式是spent.
故答案是 spent,doing
故答案是 don't make
23.【解答】根据题意,在潮湿的路上走对我们来说很可怕。同义句,可以用it is+adj+for sb+to do sth做某事对于某人怎么样。
故答案为:It;to walk。
Numbers are important
Numbers are very important in our daily life.(点题)Maths teachers use numbers to teach us how to do calculations and solve problems. 【高分句型一】(重要的原因)We read numbers from newspapers to know the information and facts.When we go to the supermarket,numbers can be seen everywhere to show the prices. 【高分句型二】Without numbers,it will be difficult for us to even tell the time.(用数字做什么)
Our life will be difficult without it.(总结全文)



