
1. —Is Russia ____ European country
—Yes, although a large part of it is in Asia.
A.a B.an C.the
2. Why not listen to the teacher carefully ____ you can do your homework easily after class
A.so that B.such that C.in order to
3.—What would you like to do this weekend, go shopping or do sports
—____ is OK if I finish my homework on Friday night.
A.Both B.Either C.Neither
4. —____ are you leaving for Xiamen
—In two weeks.
A.How soon B.How long C.How often
5. All the musical ____ should be checked before the concert begins to make sure it will be held successfully.
A.instruments B.materials C.products
6. Lucy and Lily are twins. Even their parents find it hard to tell the differences ____ them.
A.from B.between C.among
7. You ____ return the book today. You may give it back in a week.
A.can't B.mustn't C.needn't
8. —China is facing the problem of aging population.
—Exactly, our government is looking for some ways to ____ it including the 3-child policy.
A.agree with B.deal with C.compare with
9. —Hong Kong is a great place to shop. You can buy many things you like.
—But they will cost a lot. You should think about what to buy and use money ____.
A.wisely B.widely C.exactly
10. —____ excellent work you have done!
—It's very kind of you to say so.
A.How B.What an C.What
11. —Will you go to the Summer Palace this weekend
—If you don't, ____.
A.so do I B.so will I C.neither will I
12.A Lifelong Journey wins high praise from the public. I think it is well worth ____.
A.watching B.to watch C.watch
13. So far, the number of people using 5G mobile phones ____ a lot.
A.is increasing B.have increased C.has increased
14. The Shenzhou XIV ____ into the space on Jun. 5th, 2022. It marked another achievement in exploring the space.
A.is sent B.was sent C.will be sent
15. —Bob, can you tell me ____
—Sure. You can check it on this computer.
A.where can I get the information
B.that I got the information
C.how I can get the information
Paper, as one of the Chinese four great inventions, can be seen everywhere in our life. Although it is very 16. , it can always play an important role when we need it.
Paper is an important 17. in ancient China. Writing was developed gradually from ancient times, when people mainly made ropes to record things. 18. , oracle bone (甲骨) was used as writing material. Bamboo, wood and silk were also 19. and used during the Spring and Autumn Period.
Paper was produced 20. silk was too expensive and bamboo pieces were too heavy. Thanks to the invention, people could no longer use stone, wood, metal and other materials to record writing, pictures or 21. daily things. A large amount of ancient information was spread and preserved.
Paper is quite 22. in our life. It is the carrier (载体) of writing and painting. Painters use it to 23. the beauty of the world, writers use it to tell the warmth of the world, and teachers use it to spread knowledge.
It is also 24. used for packaging (包装). Harder cardboard is used to pack things, such as delivery boxes (快递盒). Of course, it can also be used for other 25. , such as printing paper, toilet paper, and so on.
16.A. smooth B. special C. common
17.A. advantage B. invention C. secret
18.A. In all B. At last C. At first
19.A. discovered B. recycled C. invented
20.A. because B. although C. until
21.A. his B. her C. their
22.A. thankful B. helpful C. painful
23.A. describe B. follow C. learn
24.A. quietly B. carefully C. widely
25.A. plans B. purposes C. problems
三、阅读理解,第一节 阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)
When it comes to giving a name to a child, there are many different kinds of traditions in different places around the world.
In many European cultures, parents' choices for their child's name may be based on names of relatives with their family. For example, in Italy, children are traditionally named after their grandparents. The parents generally use their grandparents' names first on their father's side. If they have more children, they will use the ones on their mother's side.
Traditionally in some Asian countries, it is a child's grandfather who chooses the child's name. What's more, a child's name may influence his character. From the name, we might know the child is outgoing, shy or brave and so on. For example, names have something to do with some certain things such as wuxing: metal, wood, water, fire and earth.
In some certain African cultures, the time of a baby's birth plays an important part in choosing the child's name. But each day has different names for boys and girls. For example, a boy born on Friday is usually named Kofi and a girl born on the same day is usually named Afua.
No matter where the name comes from, a child's name is the first gift in life. The name reflects something about different cultures.
26.Children ____ are traditionally named after their grandparents.
A.in China B.in India C.in Italy D.in Africa
27.A new-born baby in Asia will be traditionally named by his ____.
A.grandmother B.mother C.father D.grandfather
28.What plays an important part in choosing a child's name in Africa
A.The time when a child is born.
B.The place where a child is born.
C.The weather when a child is born.
D.The person who a child is born to see.
29.What does the last paragraph mainly tell us
A.Children should learn the name culture.
B.Name should show a person's character.
C.Parents should give children a good name.
D.We should respect and value all names in life.
30.You may read the passage in the part of ____ in a newspaper.
A.science B.education C.travel D.culture
Kara's neighborhood was filled with many children of her age. She knew everyone on her street and how talented they were.
She could hear Joanne playing her guitar every afternoon when they got home from school. And she could hear Tommy practicing the piano for hours at a time. Sylvia had a sweet singing voice.
"There is so much talent right on this street," Kara said to her mother. "I wish everyone could see and hear all the great things."
"Have you ever thought about setting up a talent show " her mother said. "So all the kids can show what they can do."
"A great idea, Mom," Kara said. Soon Kara started to prepare for the talent show. To attract as many people as possible, Kara made some beautiful posters and put them up all around her neighborhood. Soon, everyone was talking about what they were going to do in the show.
Kara was pleased that everyone wanted to be in her talent show. But she couldn't help feeling a little sad. "I wish I had a talent so I could be in the show, too," she told her mother.
Her mother smiled. "I think you will discover something about yourself by the end of the day," she said.
Kara went to the park a little early and set up a small stage for the performers. Everyone brought chairs to sit on the cool grass. Soon Kara's friends began to perform one by one. The audience (观众) cheered loudly after each act. When it was over, everyone told Kara how wonderful her talent show was.
"What a success your show was, Kara!" said her mother as they walked home. "And I think we've discovered what your talent is!"
31.What did Kara think of the children in the neighborhood
A.They were very busy every day.
B.They were talented in something.
C.They were shy in front of the crowd.
D.They were good at musical instruments.
32.Why did Kara feel sad before the show
A.Because she wished she had a talent so she could be in the talent show.
B.Because she found none of her friends wanted to be in the talent show.
C.Because she learned her neighbors didn't want to watch the talent show.
D.Because she worried the stage wasn't large enough for so many performers.
33.Which of the following shows how Kara's feelings changed over time
A.Good→sad→happy. B.Sad→happy→impatient.
C.Impatient→sad→happy. D.Sad→good→happy.
34.What was Kara's talent in her mother's eyes
A.She was good at making posters.
B.She was very popular with children.
C.She had great skills in communication.
D.She had an excellent ability of organizing a show.
35.What can we learn from the text
A.No one likes a show-off.
B.Everyone has a special talent.
C.No one can do everything well.
D.Everyone should take up a hobby.
Our lives would not be the same without bees. Bees help plants grow. Many of these plants provide us with food. What would happen if there were no bees Some fruits and vegetables that we enjoy could not grow. Bees are wonderful creatures.
But now the number of bees is getting lower and lower. Scientists worry that bees may die off. How to solve it One answer is to make our gardens friendly to bees.
Making our gardens bee-friendly can increase the number of bees. Planting a bee garden is a great idea. These gardens provide bees with nectar (花蜜). A successful bee garden would have flowers from spring to fall. The garden would have all types of plants that are closely grouped together.
Many people believe that all bees live in hives (蜂箱). In fact, some bees dig into the ground. There they build their nests and lay their eggs. People lay wood pieces or other things on the ground. Bees can not dig nests when these materials cover the ground. Here is another good way to help bees. When you are working outside, leave loose dirt (松土) in flower beds and gardens.
Some bees' nests are in old pieces of wood while others' in holes, in buildings or in trees. Gardens can provide spaces like these for bees. Trees or walls that stop wind are a good idea. And cool areas also can help bees get away from the hot sun. Bee gardens also provide bees with water. Bees need water just like people do.
Making a garden friendly for bees is far from a useless task. The results are worth the efforts. A bee-friendly garden is beautiful and colorful. Most importantly, it helps to keep bees healthy and happy.
36.Why are bees so important to us
A.Because they help plants grow.
B.Because the number of bees is low.
C.Because they are wonderful creatures.
D.Because they make our gardens beautiful.
37.What can we do to build a bee-friendly garden
①Plant flowers as many as possible.
Provide spaces that keep bees from harm.
③Lay wood pieces or other materials on the ground.
④Clear useless materials on the ground in the garden.
A.①②③ B.②③④ C.①②④ D.①③④
38.What does the underlined word "nests" mean in Paragraph 4
A.The tools bees use. B.The things bees eat.
C.The games bees love. D.The places bees live in.
39.How does the writer help us understand a successful bee-friendly garden
A.By listing the problems bees face.
B.By telling the order of how a plant grows.
C.By explaining the help it provides for bees.
D.By showing the reasons that bees are dying.
40.What's the best title for the text
A.Bees' Living Habits B.Fun Facts about Bees
C.A Bee-friendly Garden D.A New Use of a Garden
You've been playing in a pool for almost an hour. When you get out of the pool, you will notice there are some wrinkles (皱纹) on your fingers. This is nothing new. But do you want to know the reason
In fact, your skin is covered with its own special oil. It is the surface of your skin. It can protect your skin and keep the water out. When you stay in the water for a long time, the oil will be washed off. The water can then get into your skin. This makes your skin doubled in some places but not in others. Then wrinkles appear as a result.
Anyway, there is no need to worry about the wrinkles. Once the water in the fingers has completely gone, they will go away soon and the skin will return to normal. They may even help protect you better. The wrinkles can give you a better grip in water or on wet ground so that you can't fall easily. Then you can hold things and move more easily under water. Imagine a world without wrinkly fingers. How terrible it is!
Although it isn't harmful to us, we still need to protect our hands carefully. What can we do to avoid getting wrinkly fingers The first is to cut down the amount of time when your hands or feet are in the water. The second is to have less contact (接触) with soap and other similar things. These things may break the outer surface of your skin. The last is to use plenty of hand cream. All of these methods will play a role in keeping your hands smooth.
41.What is the purpose of Paragraph 2
A.To tell how to avoid the wrinkles.
B.To explain why the wrinkles appear.
C.To list the advantages of the wrinkles.
D.To show the disadvantages of the wrinkles.
42.What does the writer think of the wrinkles on fingers
A.They can make people ugly.
B.They are helpful to protect us.
C.They are harmful to people's health.
D.They will never disappear once there.
43.What does the underlined word "grip" probably mean in Chinese
A.防滑性 B.稳定性 C.包容性 D.抗压性
44.How can we avoid getting wrinkly fingers
a. By using fingers less.
b. By having less contact with soap.
c. By reducing the time in the water.
d. By using plenty of hand cream.
A.abc B.acb C.bcd D.abd
45.What is the structure of the passage (P=Paragraph)
A. B.
C. D.
四、阅读理解,第二节阅读还原 (共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)
AQ is the ability of a person to think, manage, experience and overcome difficult situations.  46.   But now, just like Q, it is also important to develop our ability to rise in challenging (挑战性的) or difficult situations and improve our AQ. I would like to share my ideas on how to deal with countless difficult situations.
Exercise and walk. Whenever a difficult situation happens, try to exercise or walk at least 30 minutes a day.  47.   And the problems with your study will no longer trouble you, since you've cleared your mind and you're sure you'll make it.
 48.   If allowed, when a difficult situation happens, it's best to take a break to think and cool down. You can go to a cafe and read a book you've been wanting to read but had no time.  49.   When you take your mind off your problems, you'll find yourself much better no matter what they are.
Last but not least, once you have overcome the difficult situations, be kind to yourself by giving yourself a prize. It may not be something expensive. It can be an experience or something that will make you feel fulfilled and pleased.  50.  
Even if there are still difficult situations in my life now, the list above has helped me better than before. I hope it will help you too in overcoming whatever difficult situations you are going through.
A. Take a break or time off. B. You'll be surprised how much energy this will bring you. C. In the past, most people give so much importance to IQ alone. D. Or you can go out and be with nature like going hiking or swimming. E. Therefore, you'll get the courage to face other following challenges.
51. 你的同桌Bruce到你家玩,你这样向他介绍你的父母:
Bruce,    .
52. 你捡到一串钥匙,想知道它们是谁的,可以这样问:
53. 公园草坪绿意盎然,未免游客肆意践踏,管理方打算立个标牌这样写:
Don't    .
54. 你想了解福建省的人口数量,可以这样问:
    of Fujian Province
55. 你过去怕黑,你可以这样告诉笔友:
    the dark.
56. good at
57. in, spare
58. fly, tomorrow
59. difficult, violin
Wherever you go in China, you can see lion statues (雕塑). Do you know why
 61.   (put) lion statues outside of buildings is a common practice in China. It was especially common in  62.   / e n nt/ times. We can see them at the gates of palaces, temples, government offices and the homes of rich people. The statues are usually made  63.   stone. People believe they can scare away evil (邪恶的) spirits and bring good luck.
However, the lion is not  64.   / l kl/ in China. It was not until about 2,000 years ago, when lions were  65.   (give) to Chinese emperors as gifts, that the animal could be found in China. Emperors loved lions  66.   they look strong.
They kept lions as pets. The animals were also believed to look like Suan ni (狻猊), one of the nine legendary  67.   (son) of the dragon.
Since the old times, people have put lion statues outside their houses to  68.   /pr tekt/ their families. They usually put a pair of stone lions on each side of the gate to their home. A male lion stands on the  69.   playing with a ball, which stands for power. A female lion is on the right with a baby lion under  70.   (she) left paw (爪子). She stands for a large and happy family.
71.近年来,马拉松成为一项非常受欢迎的运动,而且主办方也设置了半马或适合低龄人群参与的项目,如成都的马拉松比赛,就设置了一项"欢乐跑",只要年满13周岁就可以参加,这也给了中学生一次体验马拉松的机会。请据此以Get ready to run a marathon为题用英语写一篇作文。
提示:(1)马拉松是一项怎样的运动? (2)你觉得它为什么会如此受欢迎? (3)如果有机会,你会参与吗?为什么?
参考词汇:run a marathon跑马拉松比赛;half marathon半马;Happy Run欢乐跑
注意:(1)包含以上要点; (2)行文连贯,条理清晰; (3)词数:不少于80词。
Get ready to run a marathon
【解析】【分析】句意:为什么不认真听老师的话,这样你就可以在课后轻松地做作业呢?A.so that+句子,目的是;B.表述错误;C.in order to do sth.目的是做某事。Why not listen to the teacher carefully为什么不认真听老师的话,you can do your homework easily after class你就可以在课后轻松地做作业可知认真听课的目的是在课后轻松地做作业,you can do your homework easily after class是句子,所以用so that,故选A。
【点评】考查短语辨析,首先理解so that和in order to do的区别,然后根据关键词句you can do your homework easily after class确定。
【解析】【分析】句意:——这个周末你想做什么,去购物还是运动?——如果我在星期五晚上完成作业,两者都可以。A.两者都,谓语用复数;B.或者,两者中一个,谓语用单数;C.两者都不。根据is排除A,根据if I finish my homework on Friday night如果我在星期五晚上完成作业,可知讲的是去购物或者做运动两者中一个都可以。故选B。
【解析】【分析】句意:——你多久去厦门?——两周后。A.多久,提问in+时间段;B.多长时间,提问for+时间段;C.多久一次。根据答语In two weeks.可知用how soon,故选A。
【点评】考查疑问词辨析,首先理解疑问词区别,然后根据答语In two weeks.确定疑问词。
【解析】【分析】句意:音乐会开始前应检查所有乐器,以确保音乐会能成功举行。A.器械;B.材料;C.产品。musical音乐的,根据before the concert begins音乐会开始前,结合选项可知讲的是应检查所有乐器,故选A。
【点评】考查名词辨析,首先识记名词词义,然后根据关键词句before the concert begins和句意确定名词。
【解析】【分析】句意:Lucy和Lily是双胞胎。即使是他们的父母也很难分辨出他们之间的区别。A.来自;B.两者间;C.其中,三者或者三者以上。them指的是Lucy and Lily,两者,排除C,结合句子可知讲的是很难分辨出Lucy和Lily之间的区别,所以用between,故选B。
【解析】【分析】句意:你今天不必还书。你可以在一周内归还。A.不可能;B.禁止;C.没必要。根据You may give it back in a week.你可以在一周内归还,可知你今天没必要还书。故选C。
【点评】考查情态动词,首先理解情态动词区别,然后根据关键词句You may give it back in a week.确定情态动词。
【解析】【分析】句意:——中国正面临人口老龄化问题。——确切地说,我们的政府正在寻找一些方法来处理它,包括三孩政策。A.同意;B.处理;C.比较。根据China is facing the problem of aging population.中国正面临人口老龄化问题,可知讲的是我们的政府正在寻找一些方法来处理老龄化,故选B。
【解析】【分析】句意:——香港是个购物的好地方。你可以买很多你喜欢的东西。——但它们会花很多钱。你应该考虑买什么并明智地使用金钱。A.明智地;B.广泛地;C.精确地。use money使用金钱,结合选项可知讲的是明智地使用金钱,故选A。
【解析】【分析】句意:——你做了多么出色的工作!——你这么说真是太好了。what引导的感叹句结构是What+a/an+形容词+可数名词单数+主语+谓语!how引导的感叹句结构是How+形容词/副词+主语+谓语!you是主语;have done是谓语;excellent极好的,形容词;work工作,不可数名词,所以用what,故选C。
【解析】【分析】句意:——这个周末你会去颐和园吗?——如果你不这样做,我也不会。表示.....也是用so/neither+be/助动词/情态动词+主语,前面句子是肯定句用so,否定句用neither。句子If you don't是否定句,所以用neither,if引导的条件状语从句,主句用一般将来时,所以用neither will I,故选C。
【解析】【分析】句意:《一生的旅程》赢得了公众的高度赞誉。我认为它非常值得一看。watch观看,实义动词,不定式是to watch,动词ing是watching。be worth doing sth.值得做某事,固定搭配,所以用watching,故选A。
【点评】考查固定搭配be worth doing sth.。
【解析】【分析】句意:到目前为止,使用5G手机的人数增加了很多。A.正在增加,现在进行时;B.已经增加,现在完成时;C.已经增加,现在完成时。so far表明时态是现在完成时,结构是have/has+动词过去分词,排除A,the number of+可数名词复数做主语时谓语动词用单数,所以用has,故选C。
【点评】考查现在完成时,首先识记现在完成时的标志词和结构,然后识记the number of+可数名词复数做主语时谓语动词用单数。
【解析】【分析】句意:神舟十四号于2022年6月5日发射升空。这标志着探索太空的又一成就。A.被发射,一般现在时的被动语态;B.被发射,一般过去时的被动语态;C.将被发射,一般将来时的被动语态。on Jun. 5th, 2022表明时态是一般过去时,所以用一般过去时的被动语态,故选B。
【点评】考查一般过去时的被动语态,首先理解选项区别,然后根据关键词on Jun. 5th, 2022确定时态。
【解析】【分析】句意:——鲍勃,你能告诉我怎样才能得到信息吗?——当然。你可以在这台电脑上查看。句子是宾语从句,用陈述语序,结构是特殊疑问词+主语+谓语,排除A;can表示时态是一般现在时,B是一般过去时,排除B,根据You can check it on this computer.你可以在这台电脑上查看,可知问的是方式,所以用how,故选C。
16.句意:虽然它很常见,但在我们需要它的时候,它总能发挥重要作用。A.平滑的;B.特别的;C.常见的、普通的。根据前句Paper, as one of the Chinese four great inventions, can be seen everywhere in our life.纸,作为中国四大发明之一,在我们的生活中随处可见,可知讲的是纸很常见,故选C。
17.句意:纸是中国古代的一项重要发明。A.优势;B.发明;C.秘密。根据前文Paper, as one of the Chinese four great inventions可知讲的是发明,故选B。
20.句意:纸的生产是因为丝绸太贵,竹子太重。A.因为,表示原因;B.尽管,表示让步;C.直到。Paper was produced纸的生产,silk was too expensive and bamboo pieces were too heavy丝绸太贵,竹子太重,可知前后句表示因果关系,后句表示原因,所以用because,故选A。
22.句意:纸对我们的生活很有帮助。A.感谢的;B.有帮助的;C.疼痛的。根据后句It is the carrier (载体) of writing and painting.它是书写和绘画的载体,可知讲的是纸对我们的生活很有帮助,故选B。
23.句意:画家用它来描绘世界的美丽,作家用它来讲述世界的温暖,教师用它来传播知识。A.描述;B.跟随;C.学习。根据 the beauty of the world, writers use it to tell the warmth of the world, and teachers use it to spread knowledge世界的美丽,作家用它来讲述世界的温暖,教师用它来传播知识,结合选项可知讲的是描述世界的美,故选A。
24.句意:它也被广泛用于包装。A.安静地;B.仔细地;C.广泛地。根据后句它也被广泛用于包装。根据后句Harder cardboard is used to pack things, such as delivery boxes (快递盒).硬纸板是用来包装东西的,比如快递盒子,可知讲的是广泛使用,故选C。
25.句意:当然,它也可以用于其他用途,如打印纸、卫生纸等。A.计划;B.目的、用途;C.问题。根据such as printing paper, toilet paper如打印纸、卫生纸等,可知讲的是用途,故选B。
26.细节题。根据in Italy, children are traditionally named after their grandparents.可知在意大利,孩子们传统上是以祖父母的名字命名的,故选C。
27.细节题。根据Traditionally in some Asian countries, it is a child's grandfather who chooses the child's name.可知传统上,在一些亚洲国家,孩子的名字是由孩子的爷爷来取的,故选D。
28.细节题。根据In some certain African cultures, the time of a baby's birth plays an important part in choosing the child's name.可知在某些非洲文化中,婴儿出生的时间在选择孩子的名字方面起着重要作用,故选A。
29.细节题。根据No matter where the name comes from, a child's name is the first gift in life. The name reflects something about different cultures.无论名字来自哪里,孩子的名字都是人生的第一份礼物。这个名字反映了不同的文化,可知告诉我们应该尊重和珍视生命中的所有名字,故选D。
31.细节题。根据She knew everyone on her street and how talented they were.可知她认识街上的每一个人,知道他们有多有才华,故选B。
32.细节题。根据But she couldn't help feeling a little sad. "I wish I had a talent so I could be in the show, too," she told her mother.她忍不住有点难过。她告诉母亲:"我希望我有天赋,这样我也能上节目。",可知因为她希望自己有天赋,这样她就可以参加才艺表演,故选A。
33.细节题。根据Kara was pleased that everyone wanted to be in her talent show.But she couldn't help feeling a little sad. "I wish I had a talent so I could be in the show, too," she told her mother."What a success your show was, Kara!" said her mother as they walked home. "And I think we've discovered what your talent is!"Kara高兴大家都想参加她的才艺表演。但她还是忍不住有点难过。她告诉母亲:"我希望我有天赋,这样我也能上节目。"。"Kara,你的节目太成功了!"当他们走回家的时候,她的母亲说。"我想我们已经发现了你的天赋!"可知Kara首先是感觉好,然后感觉不高兴,最后感觉开心,故选A。
34.推断题。根据Kara went to the park a little early and set up a small stage for the performers. Everyone brought chairs to sit on the cool grass. Soon Kara's friends began to perform one by one. The audience (观众) cheered loudly after each act. When it was over, everyone told Kara how wonderful her talent show was.Kara很早就去了公园,为表演者搭建了一个小舞台。每个人都带了椅子坐在凉爽的草地上。很快Kara的朋友们开始一个接一个地表演。每演完一幕,观众都大声欢呼。节目结束后,所有人都告诉Kara她的才艺表演有多精彩,可知讲的是她组织演出的能力很强,故选D。
36.细节题。根据Bees help plants grow.可知蜜蜂帮助植物生长,故选A。
37.细节题。根据A successful bee garden would have flowers from spring to fall. The garden would have all types of plants that are closely grouped together.Many people believe that all bees live in hives (蜂箱). In fact, some bees dig into the ground. There they build their nests and lay their eggs. People lay wood pieces or other things on the ground. Bees can not dig nests when these materials cover the ground. Here is another good way to help bees. When you are working outside, leave loose dirt (松土) in flower beds and gardens.可知一个成功的蜂园从春天到秋天都会开花。花园里有各种各样的植物,它们紧密地组合在一起。许多人相信所有的蜜蜂都生活在蜂箱里。事实上,有些蜜蜂在地里挖。它们在那里筑巢产卵。人们把木头或其他东西放在地上。当这些材料覆盖地面时,蜜蜂就不能筑巢了。这里有另一个帮助蜜蜂的好方法。当你在外面工作时,把松散的泥土留在花坛和花园里,故选C。
38.推断题。根据lay their eggs产卵,可知讲的是在蜂巢里产卵,即蜜蜂住得地方。故选D。
39.细节题。根据Making a garden friendly for bees is far from a useless task. The results are worth the efforts. A bee-friendly garden is beautiful and colorful. Most importantly, it helps to keep bees healthy and happy.可知让花园对蜜蜂友好绝非易事。结果值得付出努力。一个蜜蜂友好的花园美丽多彩。最重要的是,它有助于保持蜜蜂的健康和快乐,即通过解释它为蜜蜂提供的帮助,故选C。
41.细节题。根据In fact, your skin is covered with its own special oil. It is the surface of your skin. It can protect your skin and keep the water out. When you stay in the water for a long time, the oil will be washed off. The water can then get into your skin. This makes your skin doubled in some places but not in others. Then wrinkles appear as a result.可知主要讲了事实上,你的皮肤上覆盖着它自己的特殊油脂。它是你的皮肤表面。它可以保护你的皮肤,防止水分进入。当你在水中呆很长时间时,油会被洗掉。然后水会进入你的皮肤。这会使你的皮肤在某些地方加倍,但在其他地方却不会。然后皱纹就出现了,即解释了皱纹出现的原因,故选B。
42.细节题。根据Once the water in the fingers has completely gone, they will go away soon and the skin will return to normal. They may even help protect you better.可知一旦手指中的水分完全消失,它们很快就会消失,皮肤也会恢复正常。它们甚至可以更好地保护你,即对于保护我们是有帮助的,故选B。
43.推断题。根据so that you can't fall easily这样你就不会轻易摔倒,可知讲的是防滑,故选A。
44.细节题。根据The first is to cut down the amount of time when your hands or feet are in the water. The second is to have less contact (接触) with soap and other similar things. These things may break the outer surface of your skin. The last is to use plenty of hand cream.可知第一是减少你的手或脚在水中的时间。第二是少接触肥皂和其他类似的东西。这些东西可能会破坏你皮肤的外表。最后是要用大量的护手霜,故选C。
45.段落结构题。根据第一段You've been playing in a pool for almost an hour. When you get out of the pool, you will notice there are some wrinkles (皱纹) on your fingers. This is nothing new. But do you want to know the reason 你在游泳池里玩了快一个小时了。当你走出游泳池时,你会注意到你的手指上有一些皱纹。这并不是什么新鲜事。但是你想知道原因吗?,即总结出现皱纹的原因;根据第二段到第三段可知具体介绍了出现皱纹的原因,即总分,故选B。
A.Take a break or time off.休息一下。
B.You'll be surprised how much energy this will bring you.你会惊讶于这会给你带来多大的能量。
C.In the past, most people give so much importance to IQ alone.在过去,大多数人都非常重视智商。
D.Or you can go out and be with nature like going hiking or swimming.或者你可以出去和大自然呆在一起,比如徒步旅行或游泳。
E.Therefore, you'll get the courage to face other following challenges.因此,你将有勇气面对以下其他挑战。
46.根据后句But now, just like Q, it is also important to develop our ability to rise in challenging (挑战性的) or difficult situations and improve our AQ.但现在,就像Q一样,培养我们在具有挑战性或困难的情况下崛起的能力并提高我们的AQ也很重要,可知前句讲的是过去,故选C。
47.根据前句Whenever a difficult situation happens, try to exercise or walk at least 30 minutes a day.每当遇到困难时,尽量每天锻炼或步行至少30分钟,可知后句讲的是锻炼会带来能量,故选B。
48.根据后句If allowed, when a difficult situation happens, it's best to take a break to think and cool down.如果允许的话,当困难的情况发生时,最好休息一下思考并冷静下来,可知讲的是休息,故选A。
49.根据前文If allowed, when a difficult situation happens, it's best to take a break to think and cool down.如果允许的话,当困难的情况发生时,最好休息一下思考并冷静下来,可知讲的是放松,即你可以出去和大自然呆在一起,比如徒步旅行或游泳,故选D。
50.根据前句Last but not least, once you have overcome the difficult situations, be kind to yourself by giving yourself a prize. It may not be something expensive. It can be an experience or something that will make you feel fulfilled and pleased.最后但同样重要的是,一旦你克服了困难,就要善待自己,给自己一个奖品。这可能不是什么昂贵的东西。它可以是一种体验,也可以是一些让你感到满足和高兴的事情。可知后句讲的是你将有勇气面对以下其他挑战,故选E。
51.【答案】these/they are my parents
【解析】【分析】根据汉语提示可知讲的是介绍父母,用句型this is…,介绍某人,父母,parents,复数,因此用these/they are my parents,故填these/they are my parents。
【点评】考查情景交际,注意平时识记介绍人物用these/they are...。
52.【答案】Whose keys are they/these / Whose are these keys
【解析】【分析】根据汉语提示可知讲的是询问物品所属,即它们/这些是谁的钥匙?/这些钥匙是谁的,Whose+名词+be+主语 /Whose+be+主语 ,钥匙用key,复数是keys,these修饰复数keys,所以be动词用are,主语是they/these,故填Whose keys are they/these/Whose are these keys。
【点评】考查情景交际,注意平时识记特殊疑问句表示物品所属Whose+名词+be+主语 /Whose+be+主语 。
53.【答案】walk on the grass
【解析】【分析】根据汉语提示可知讲的是"禁止肆意践踏草坪","肆意践踏草坪"用walk on the grass,固定搭配,don't后面用动词原形,所以walk用原形,故填walk on the grass。
【点评】考查情景交际,注意平时识记固定搭配walk on the grass和祈使句否定句的用法。
54.【答案】What's/What is the population
【解析】【分析】根据汉语提示可知讲的是"询问人口数量",即What's/What is the population,固定搭配,故填What's/What is the population。
【点评】考查情景交际,注意平时识记固定搭配What's/What is the population。
55.【答案】I used to be afraid of
【解析】【分析】根据汉语提示可知讲的是"过去怕黑",过去做某事用used to do sth.,固定搭配;害怕.....用be afraid of...,固定搭配,所以be动词用原形,故填 I used to be afraid of。
【点评】考查情景交际,注意平时识记固定搭配used to do sth.和be afraid of...。
56.【答案】The girl/She is good at drawing.
【解析】【分析】根据图片可知讲的是女孩擅长画画。女孩用the girl,可数名词单数,或者用主格she代指;画画用draw,实义动词;be good at doing sth.擅长做某事,固定搭配,时态是一般现在时,主语是单数girl/she,所以be动词用is,draw用drawing,故填The girl/She is good at drawing.。
【点评】考查看图写话,首先根据图片确定内容,然后注意平时识记固定搭配be good at doing sth.。
57.【答案】They/The boys (like playing) play chess in their spare time.
【解析】【分析】根据图片可知讲的是男孩们/他们(喜欢)在空闲时间下象棋。男孩用boy,复数是boys,或者用主格they代指;下象棋用play chess,固定搭配,主语是复数they/boys,所以play用原形;喜欢做某事用like doing sth.喜欢做某事,固定搭配,所以用playing,主语是复数,所以like用原形;在某人空闲时间用in one's spare time,固定搭配,主语是复数they/boys,所以one's用their,故填They/The boys (like playing) play chess in their spare time.。
【点评】考查看图写话,首先根据图片确定内容,然后注意平时识记固定搭配用play chess、like doing sth.和in one's spare time。
58.【答案】He/The man is flying/will fly/is going to fly from Beijing to Shanghai tomorrow.
【解析】【分析】根据图片可知讲的是他/那个人正在飞行/将要飞行/将于明天从北京飞往上海。男士用man,指的是单数,所以用主格he代指;从北京到上海用from Beijing to Shanghai;飞用fly,实义动词;tomorrow表明时态是一般将来时,结构是be going to do/will+动词原形,主语man/he是单数,所以be动词用is;fly表示位移,所以用现在进行时表示一般将来时,即be+动词ing,所以用is flying;故填He/The man is flying/will fly/is going to fly from Beijing to Shanghai tomorrow.。
59.【答案】It's difficult for her/the girl to play the violin.
【解析】【分析】根据图片可知讲的是她/那个女孩拉小提琴很难。困难的用difficult,形容词;拉小提琴用play the violin,固定搭配。对于某人来说做某事是怎样的用It's+形容词+for sb. to do sth.,固定搭配,sb.指的是女孩即the girl,或者用宾格her代指,故填It's difficult for her/the girl to play the violin.。
【点评】考查看图写话,首先根据图片确定内容,然后注意平时识记固定搭配play the violin和It's+形容词+for sb. to do sth.。
60.【答案】The boy/He runs faster than the girl/her. / The girl runs more slowly than the boy.
【解析】【分析】根据图片可知讲的是男孩/他跑得比女孩/她快。或者是女孩跑得比男孩慢。男孩用boy,或者用主格he代指;女孩用girl,或者用主格she代指;跑用run,实义动词,时态是一般现在时,主语是单数,所以用单三式runs;than表明是比较级,所以更快用faster,比较级;更慢用more slowly,句子是比较级,A和B进行比较结构是A+谓语+比较级+than+B,故填The boy/He runs faster than the girl/her. / The girl runs more slowly than the boy.。
62.句意:它在古代特别常见。根据/ e n nt/可知是ancient,形容词,修饰名词times,故填ancient。
63.句意:雕像通常是石头做的。be made of由.....制成,固定搭配,指的是看出原材料,故填of。
64.句意:然而,狮子在中国并不是本地的。根据/ l kl/可知是local,形容词,be动词is后面用形容词,故填local。
66.句意:皇帝喜欢狮子,因为它们看起来很强壮。Emperors loved lions皇帝喜欢狮子,they look strong它们看起来很强壮,可知前后句表示因果关系,后句表示原因,所以用because,因为,连词,故填because。
67.句意:这些动物也被认为长得像传说中的龙的九个儿子之一的狻猊。son儿子,可数名词,one of+可数名词复数,所以用复数sons,故填sons。
68.句意:自古以来,人们就把狮子雕像放在他们的房子外面,以保护他们的家人。根据/pr tekt/可知是protect,实义动词,根据句子可知人们就把狮子雕像放在他们的房子外面目的是保护他们的家人,所以用to do不定式表目的,故填protect。
69.句意:一只雄狮站在左边玩一个代表力量的球。根据后句on the right在右边,可知讲的是在左边,即on the left,固定搭配,故填left。
71.【答案】One possible version:
Get ready to run a marathon
Marathon is a long running race—about 42 kilometers, which has become more and more popular in recent years.
Many people may wonder why running marathons is so popular. For one thing, running a marathon can help us stay healthy and make us stronger. In addition, if we finish a marathon, we will feel more confident.
I'm interested in Chengdu Marathon's Happy Run, which provides teenagers with a chance to take part in the event. If I get the chance, I will try my best to finish a marathon myself.
【点评】作文内容全面,运用好词好句,如:for one thing;help sb. do sth.;stay healthy;make...+形容词;be interested in;provide sb. with sth.;take part in;try one's best to do sth.等。好词好句的运用为文章增色不少,如: 定语从句和比较级Marathon is a long running race—about 42 kilometers, which has become more and more popular in recent years.I'm interested in Chengdu Marathon's Happy Run, which provides teenagers with a chance to take part in the event.;宾语从句Many people may wonder why running marathons is so popular.;动名词做主语For one thing, running a marathon can help us stay healthy and make us stronger.;比较级In addition, if we finish a marathon, we will feel more confident.;状语从句If I get the chance, I will try my best to finish a marathon myself.等。连词and,for one thing,in addition,if的运用使文章上下文联系更为紧密。
1. —Is Russia ____ European country
—Yes, although a large part of it is in Asia.
A.a B.an C.the
2. Why not listen to the teacher carefully ____ you can do your homework easily after class
A.so that B.such that C.in order to
【解析】【分析】句意:为什么不认真听老师的话,这样你就可以在课后轻松地做作业呢?A.so that+句子,目的是;B.表述错误;C.in order to do sth.目的是做某事。Why not listen to the teacher carefully为什么不认真听老师的话,you can do your homework easily after class你就可以在课后轻松地做作业可知认真听课的目的是在课后轻松地做作业,you can do your homework easily after class是句子,所以用so that,故选A。
【点评】考查短语辨析,首先理解so that和in order to do的区别,然后根据关键词句you can do your homework easily after class确定。
3.—What would you like to do this weekend, go shopping or do sports
—____ is OK if I finish my homework on Friday night.
A.Both B.Either C.Neither
【解析】【分析】句意:——这个周末你想做什么,去购物还是运动?——如果我在星期五晚上完成作业,两者都可以。A.两者都,谓语用复数;B.或者,两者中一个,谓语用单数;C.两者都不。根据is排除A,根据if I finish my homework on Friday night如果我在星期五晚上完成作业,可知讲的是去购物或者做运动两者中一个都可以。故选B。
4. —____ are you leaving for Xiamen
—In two weeks.
A.How soon B.How long C.How often
【解析】【分析】句意:——你多久去厦门?——两周后。A.多久,提问in+时间段;B.多长时间,提问for+时间段;C.多久一次。根据答语In two weeks.可知用how soon,故选A。
【点评】考查疑问词辨析,首先理解疑问词区别,然后根据答语In two weeks.确定疑问词。
5. All the musical ____ should be checked before the concert begins to make sure it will be held successfully.
A.instruments B.materials C.products
【解析】【分析】句意:音乐会开始前应检查所有乐器,以确保音乐会能成功举行。A.器械;B.材料;C.产品。musical音乐的,根据before the concert begins音乐会开始前,结合选项可知讲的是应检查所有乐器,故选A。
【点评】考查名词辨析,首先识记名词词义,然后根据关键词句before the concert begins和句意确定名词。
6. Lucy and Lily are twins. Even their parents find it hard to tell the differences ____ them.
A.from B.between C.among
【解析】【分析】句意:Lucy和Lily是双胞胎。即使是他们的父母也很难分辨出他们之间的区别。A.来自;B.两者间;C.其中,三者或者三者以上。them指的是Lucy and Lily,两者,排除C,结合句子可知讲的是很难分辨出Lucy和Lily之间的区别,所以用between,故选B。
7. You ____ return the book today. You may give it back in a week.
A.can't B.mustn't C.needn't
【解析】【分析】句意:你今天不必还书。你可以在一周内归还。A.不可能;B.禁止;C.没必要。根据You may give it back in a week.你可以在一周内归还,可知你今天没必要还书。故选C。
【点评】考查情态动词,首先理解情态动词区别,然后根据关键词句You may give it back in a week.确定情态动词。
8. —China is facing the problem of aging population.
—Exactly, our government is looking for some ways to ____ it including the 3-child policy.
A.agree with B.deal with C.compare with
【解析】【分析】句意:——中国正面临人口老龄化问题。——确切地说,我们的政府正在寻找一些方法来处理它,包括三孩政策。A.同意;B.处理;C.比较。根据China is facing the problem of aging population.中国正面临人口老龄化问题,可知讲的是我们的政府正在寻找一些方法来处理老龄化,故选B。
9. —Hong Kong is a great place to shop. You can buy many things you like.
—But they will cost a lot. You should think about what to buy and use money ____.
A.wisely B.widely C.exactly
【解析】【分析】句意:——香港是个购物的好地方。你可以买很多你喜欢的东西。——但它们会花很多钱。你应该考虑买什么并明智地使用金钱。A.明智地;B.广泛地;C.精确地。use money使用金钱,结合选项可知讲的是明智地使用金钱,故选A。
10. —____ excellent work you have done!
—It's very kind of you to say so.
A.How B.What an C.What
【解析】【分析】句意:——你做了多么出色的工作!——你这么说真是太好了。what引导的感叹句结构是What+a/an+形容词+可数名词单数+主语+谓语!how引导的感叹句结构是How+形容词/副词+主语+谓语!you是主语;have done是谓语;excellent极好的,形容词;work工作,不可数名词,所以用what,故选C。
11. —Will you go to the Summer Palace this weekend
—If you don't, ____.
A.so do I B.so will I C.neither will I
【解析】【分析】句意:——这个周末你会去颐和园吗?——如果你不这样做,我也不会。表示.....也是用so/neither+be/助动词/情态动词+主语,前面句子是肯定句用so,否定句用neither。句子If you don't是否定句,所以用neither,if引导的条件状语从句,主句用一般将来时,所以用neither will I,故选C。
12.A Lifelong Journey wins high praise from the public. I think it is well worth ____.
A.watching B.to watch C.watch
【解析】【分析】句意:《一生的旅程》赢得了公众的高度赞誉。我认为它非常值得一看。watch观看,实义动词,不定式是to watch,动词ing是watching。be worth doing sth.值得做某事,固定搭配,所以用watching,故选A。
【点评】考查固定搭配be worth doing sth.。
13. So far, the number of people using 5G mobile phones ____ a lot.
A.is increasing B.have increased C.has increased
【解析】【分析】句意:到目前为止,使用5G手机的人数增加了很多。A.正在增加,现在进行时;B.已经增加,现在完成时;C.已经增加,现在完成时。so far表明时态是现在完成时,结构是have/has+动词过去分词,排除A,the number of+可数名词复数做主语时谓语动词用单数,所以用has,故选C。
【点评】考查现在完成时,首先识记现在完成时的标志词和结构,然后识记the number of+可数名词复数做主语时谓语动词用单数。
14. The Shenzhou XIV ____ into the space on Jun. 5th, 2022. It marked another achievement in exploring the space.
A.is sent B.was sent C.will be sent
【解析】【分析】句意:神舟十四号于2022年6月5日发射升空。这标志着探索太空的又一成就。A.被发射,一般现在时的被动语态;B.被发射,一般过去时的被动语态;C.将被发射,一般将来时的被动语态。on Jun. 5th, 2022表明时态是一般过去时,所以用一般过去时的被动语态,故选B。
【点评】考查一般过去时的被动语态,首先理解选项区别,然后根据关键词on Jun. 5th, 2022确定时态。
15. —Bob, can you tell me ____
—Sure. You can check it on this computer.
A.where can I get the information
B.that I got the information
C.how I can get the information
【解析】【分析】句意:——鲍勃,你能告诉我怎样才能得到信息吗?——当然。你可以在这台电脑上查看。句子是宾语从句,用陈述语序,结构是特殊疑问词+主语+谓语,排除A;can表示时态是一般现在时,B是一般过去时,排除B,根据You can check it on this computer.你可以在这台电脑上查看,可知问的是方式,所以用how,故选C。
Paper, as one of the Chinese four great inventions, can be seen everywhere in our life. Although it is very 16. , it can always play an important role when we need it.
Paper is an important 17. in ancient China. Writing was developed gradually from ancient times, when people mainly made ropes to record things. 18. , oracle bone (甲骨) was used as writing material. Bamboo, wood and silk were also 19. and used during the Spring and Autumn Period.
Paper was produced 20. silk was too expensive and bamboo pieces were too heavy. Thanks to the invention, people could no longer use stone, wood, metal and other materials to record writing, pictures or 21. daily things. A large amount of ancient information was spread and preserved.
Paper is quite 22. in our life. It is the carrier (载体) of writing and painting. Painters use it to 23. the beauty of the world, writers use it to tell the warmth of the world, and teachers use it to spread knowledge.
It is also 24. used for packaging (包装). Harder cardboard is used to pack things, such as delivery boxes (快递盒). Of course, it can also be used for other 25. , such as printing paper, toilet paper, and so on.
16.A. smooth B. special C. common
17.A. advantage B. invention C. secret
18.A. In all B. At last C. At first
19.A. discovered B. recycled C. invented
20.A. because B. although C. until
21.A. his B. her C. their
22.A. thankful B. helpful C. painful
23.A. describe B. follow C. learn
24.A. quietly B. carefully C. widely
25.A. plans B. purposes C. problems
16.句意:虽然它很常见,但在我们需要它的时候,它总能发挥重要作用。A.平滑的;B.特别的;C.常见的、普通的。根据前句Paper, as one of the Chinese four great inventions, can be seen everywhere in our life.纸,作为中国四大发明之一,在我们的生活中随处可见,可知讲的是纸很常见,故选C。
17.句意:纸是中国古代的一项重要发明。A.优势;B.发明;C.秘密。根据前文Paper, as one of the Chinese four great inventions可知讲的是发明,故选B。
20.句意:纸的生产是因为丝绸太贵,竹子太重。A.因为,表示原因;B.尽管,表示让步;C.直到。Paper was produced纸的生产,silk was too expensive and bamboo pieces were too heavy丝绸太贵,竹子太重,可知前后句表示因果关系,后句表示原因,所以用because,故选A。
22.句意:纸对我们的生活很有帮助。A.感谢的;B.有帮助的;C.疼痛的。根据后句It is the carrier (载体) of writing and painting.它是书写和绘画的载体,可知讲的是纸对我们的生活很有帮助,故选B。
23.句意:画家用它来描绘世界的美丽,作家用它来讲述世界的温暖,教师用它来传播知识。A.描述;B.跟随;C.学习。根据 the beauty of the world, writers use it to tell the warmth of the world, and teachers use it to spread knowledge世界的美丽,作家用它来讲述世界的温暖,教师用它来传播知识,结合选项可知讲的是描述世界的美,故选A。
24.句意:它也被广泛用于包装。A.安静地;B.仔细地;C.广泛地。根据后句它也被广泛用于包装。根据后句Harder cardboard is used to pack things, such as delivery boxes (快递盒).硬纸板是用来包装东西的,比如快递盒子,可知讲的是广泛使用,故选C。
25.句意:当然,它也可以用于其他用途,如打印纸、卫生纸等。A.计划;B.目的、用途;C.问题。根据such as printing paper, toilet paper如打印纸、卫生纸等,可知讲的是用途,故选B。
三、阅读理解,第一节 阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)
When it comes to giving a name to a child, there are many different kinds of traditions in different places around the world.
In many European cultures, parents' choices for their child's name may be based on names of relatives with their family. For example, in Italy, children are traditionally named after their grandparents. The parents generally use their grandparents' names first on their father's side. If they have more children, they will use the ones on their mother's side.
Traditionally in some Asian countries, it is a child's grandfather who chooses the child's name. What's more, a child's name may influence his character. From the name, we might know the child is outgoing, shy or brave and so on. For example, names have something to do with some certain things such as wuxing: metal, wood, water, fire and earth.
In some certain African cultures, the time of a baby's birth plays an important part in choosing the child's name. But each day has different names for boys and girls. For example, a boy born on Friday is usually named Kofi and a girl born on the same day is usually named Afua.
No matter where the name comes from, a child's name is the first gift in life. The name reflects something about different cultures.
26.Children ____ are traditionally named after their grandparents.
A.in China B.in India C.in Italy D.in Africa
27.A new-born baby in Asia will be traditionally named by his ____.
A.grandmother B.mother C.father D.grandfather
28.What plays an important part in choosing a child's name in Africa
A.The time when a child is born.
B.The place where a child is born.
C.The weather when a child is born.
D.The person who a child is born to see.
29.What does the last paragraph mainly tell us
A.Children should learn the name culture.
B.Name should show a person's character.
C.Parents should give children a good name.
D.We should respect and value all names in life.
30.You may read the passage in the part of ____ in a newspaper.
A.science B.education C.travel D.culture
26.细节题。根据in Italy, children are traditionally named after their grandparents.可知在意大利,孩子们传统上是以祖父母的名字命名的,故选C。
27.细节题。根据Traditionally in some Asian countries, it is a child's grandfather who chooses the child's name.可知传统上,在一些亚洲国家,孩子的名字是由孩子的爷爷来取的,故选D。
28.细节题。根据In some certain African cultures, the time of a baby's birth plays an important part in choosing the child's name.可知在某些非洲文化中,婴儿出生的时间在选择孩子的名字方面起着重要作用,故选A。
29.细节题。根据No matter where the name comes from, a child's name is the first gift in life. The name reflects something about different cultures.无论名字来自哪里,孩子的名字都是人生的第一份礼物。这个名字反映了不同的文化,可知告诉我们应该尊重和珍视生命中的所有名字,故选D。
Kara's neighborhood was filled with many children of her age. She knew everyone on her street and how talented they were.
She could hear Joanne playing her guitar every afternoon when they got home from school. And she could hear Tommy practicing the piano for hours at a time. Sylvia had a sweet singing voice.
"There is so much talent right on this street," Kara said to her mother. "I wish everyone could see and hear all the great things."
"Have you ever thought about setting up a talent show " her mother said. "So all the kids can show what they can do."
"A great idea, Mom," Kara said. Soon Kara started to prepare for the talent show. To attract as many people as possible, Kara made some beautiful posters and put them up all around her neighborhood. Soon, everyone was talking about what they were going to do in the show.
Kara was pleased that everyone wanted to be in her talent show. But she couldn't help feeling a little sad. "I wish I had a talent so I could be in the show, too," she told her mother.
Her mother smiled. "I think you will discover something about yourself by the end of the day," she said.
Kara went to the park a little early and set up a small stage for the performers. Everyone brought chairs to sit on the cool grass. Soon Kara's friends began to perform one by one. The audience (观众) cheered loudly after each act. When it was over, everyone told Kara how wonderful her talent show was.
"What a success your show was, Kara!" said her mother as they walked home. "And I think we've discovered what your talent is!"
31.What did Kara think of the children in the neighborhood
A.They were very busy every day.
B.They were talented in something.
C.They were shy in front of the crowd.
D.They were good at musical instruments.
32.Why did Kara feel sad before the show
A.Because she wished she had a talent so she could be in the talent show.
B.Because she found none of her friends wanted to be in the talent show.
C.Because she learned her neighbors didn't want to watch the talent show.
D.Because she worried the stage wasn't large enough for so many performers.
33.Which of the following shows how Kara's feelings changed over time
A.Good→sad→happy. B.Sad→happy→impatient.
C.Impatient→sad→happy. D.Sad→good→happy.
34.What was Kara's talent in her mother's eyes
A.She was good at making posters.
B.She was very popular with children.
C.She had great skills in communication.
D.She had an excellent ability of organizing a show.
35.What can we learn from the text
A.No one likes a show-off.
B.Everyone has a special talent.
C.No one can do everything well.
D.Everyone should take up a hobby.
31.细节题。根据She knew everyone on her street and how talented they were.可知她认识街上的每一个人,知道他们有多有才华,故选B。
32.细节题。根据But she couldn't help feeling a little sad. "I wish I had a talent so I could be in the show, too," she told her mother.她忍不住有点难过。她告诉母亲:"我希望我有天赋,这样我也能上节目。",可知因为她希望自己有天赋,这样她就可以参加才艺表演,故选A。
33.细节题。根据Kara was pleased that everyone wanted to be in her talent show.But she couldn't help feeling a little sad. "I wish I had a talent so I could be in the show, too," she told her mother."What a success your show was, Kara!" said her mother as they walked home. "And I think we've discovered what your talent is!"Kara高兴大家都想参加她的才艺表演。但她还是忍不住有点难过。她告诉母亲:"我希望我有天赋,这样我也能上节目。"。"Kara,你的节目太成功了!"当他们走回家的时候,她的母亲说。"我想我们已经发现了你的天赋!"可知Kara首先是感觉好,然后感觉不高兴,最后感觉开心,故选A。
34.推断题。根据Kara went to the park a little early and set up a small stage for the performers. Everyone brought chairs to sit on the cool grass. Soon Kara's friends began to perform one by one. The audience (观众) cheered loudly after each act. When it was over, everyone told Kara how wonderful her talent show was.Kara很早就去了公园,为表演者搭建了一个小舞台。每个人都带了椅子坐在凉爽的草地上。很快Kara的朋友们开始一个接一个地表演。每演完一幕,观众都大声欢呼。节目结束后,所有人都告诉Kara她的才艺表演有多精彩,可知讲的是她组织演出的能力很强,故选D。
Our lives would not be the same without bees. Bees help plants grow. Many of these plants provide us with food. What would happen if there were no bees Some fruits and vegetables that we enjoy could not grow. Bees are wonderful creatures.
But now the number of bees is getting lower and lower. Scientists worry that bees may die off. How to solve it One answer is to make our gardens friendly to bees.
Making our gardens bee-friendly can increase the number of bees. Planting a bee garden is a great idea. These gardens provide bees with nectar (花蜜). A successful bee garden would have flowers from spring to fall. The garden would have all types of plants that are closely grouped together.
Many people believe that all bees live in hives (蜂箱). In fact, some bees dig into the ground. There they build their nests and lay their eggs. People lay wood pieces or other things on the ground. Bees can not dig nests when these materials cover the ground. Here is another good way to help bees. When you are working outside, leave loose dirt (松土) in flower beds and gardens.
Some bees' nests are in old pieces of wood while others' in holes, in buildings or in trees. Gardens can provide spaces like these for bees. Trees or walls that stop wind are a good idea. And cool areas also can help bees get away from the hot sun. Bee gardens also provide bees with water. Bees need water just like people do.
Making a garden friendly for bees is far from a useless task. The results are worth the efforts. A bee-friendly garden is beautiful and colorful. Most importantly, it helps to keep bees healthy and happy.
36.Why are bees so important to us
A.Because they help plants grow.
B.Because the number of bees is low.
C.Because they are wonderful creatures.
D.Because they make our gardens beautiful.
37.What can we do to build a bee-friendly garden
①Plant flowers as many as possible.
Provide spaces that keep bees from harm.
③Lay wood pieces or other materials on the ground.
④Clear useless materials on the ground in the garden.
A.①②③ B.②③④ C.①②④ D.①③④
38.What does the underlined word "nests" mean in Paragraph 4
A.The tools bees use. B.The things bees eat.
C.The games bees love. D.The places bees live in.
39.How does the writer help us understand a successful bee-friendly garden
A.By listing the problems bees face.
B.By telling the order of how a plant grows.
C.By explaining the help it provides for bees.
D.By showing the reasons that bees are dying.
40.What's the best title for the text
A.Bees' Living Habits B.Fun Facts about Bees
C.A Bee-friendly Garden D.A New Use of a Garden
36.细节题。根据Bees help plants grow.可知蜜蜂帮助植物生长,故选A。
37.细节题。根据A successful bee garden would have flowers from spring to fall. The garden would have all types of plants that are closely grouped together.Many people believe that all bees live in hives (蜂箱). In fact, some bees dig into the ground. There they build their nests and lay their eggs. People lay wood pieces or other things on the ground. Bees can not dig nests when these materials cover the ground. Here is another good way to help bees. When you are working outside, leave loose dirt (松土) in flower beds and gardens.可知一个成功的蜂园从春天到秋天都会开花。花园里有各种各样的植物,它们紧密地组合在一起。许多人相信所有的蜜蜂都生活在蜂箱里。事实上,有些蜜蜂在地里挖。它们在那里筑巢产卵。人们把木头或其他东西放在地上。当这些材料覆盖地面时,蜜蜂就不能筑巢了。这里有另一个帮助蜜蜂的好方法。当你在外面工作时,把松散的泥土留在花坛和花园里,故选C。
38.推断题。根据lay their eggs产卵,可知讲的是在蜂巢里产卵,即蜜蜂住得地方。故选D。
39.细节题。根据Making a garden friendly for bees is far from a useless task. The results are worth the efforts. A bee-friendly garden is beautiful and colorful. Most importantly, it helps to keep bees healthy and happy.可知让花园对蜜蜂友好绝非易事。结果值得付出努力。一个蜜蜂友好的花园美丽多彩。最重要的是,它有助于保持蜜蜂的健康和快乐,即通过解释它为蜜蜂提供的帮助,故选C。
You've been playing in a pool for almost an hour. When you get out of the pool, you will notice there are some wrinkles (皱纹) on your fingers. This is nothing new. But do you want to know the reason
In fact, your skin is covered with its own special oil. It is the surface of your skin. It can protect your skin and keep the water out. When you stay in the water for a long time, the oil will be washed off. The water can then get into your skin. This makes your skin doubled in some places but not in others. Then wrinkles appear as a result.
Anyway, there is no need to worry about the wrinkles. Once the water in the fingers has completely gone, they will go away soon and the skin will return to normal. They may even help protect you better. The wrinkles can give you a better grip in water or on wet ground so that you can't fall easily. Then you can hold things and move more easily under water. Imagine a world without wrinkly fingers. How terrible it is!
Although it isn't harmful to us, we still need to protect our hands carefully. What can we do to avoid getting wrinkly fingers The first is to cut down the amount of time when your hands or feet are in the water. The second is to have less contact (接触) with soap and other similar things. These things may break the outer surface of your skin. The last is to use plenty of hand cream. All of these methods will play a role in keeping your hands smooth.
41.What is the purpose of Paragraph 2
A.To tell how to avoid the wrinkles.
B.To explain why the wrinkles appear.
C.To list the advantages of the wrinkles.
D.To show the disadvantages of the wrinkles.
42.What does the writer think of the wrinkles on fingers
A.They can make people ugly.
B.They are helpful to protect us.
C.They are harmful to people's health.
D.They will never disappear once there.
43.What does the underlined word "grip" probably mean in Chinese
A.防滑性 B.稳定性 C.包容性 D.抗压性
44.How can we avoid getting wrinkly fingers
a. By using fingers less.
b. By having less contact with soap.
c. By reducing the time in the water.
d. By using plenty of hand cream.
A.abc B.acb C.bcd D.abd
45.What is the structure of the passage (P=Paragraph)
A. B.
C. D.
41.细节题。根据In fact, your skin is covered with its own special oil. It is the surface of your skin. It can protect your skin and keep the water out. When you stay in the water for a long time, the oil will be washed off. The water can then get into your skin. This makes your skin doubled in some places but not in others. Then wrinkles appear as a result.可知主要讲了事实上,你的皮肤上覆盖着它自己的特殊油脂。它是你的皮肤表面。它可以保护你的皮肤,防止水分进入。当你在水中呆很长时间时,油会被洗掉。然后水会进入你的皮肤。这会使你的皮肤在某些地方加倍,但在其他地方却不会。然后皱纹就出现了,即解释了皱纹出现的原因,故选B。
42.细节题。根据Once the water in the fingers has completely gone, they will go away soon and the skin will return to normal. They may even help protect you better.可知一旦手指中的水分完全消失,它们很快就会消失,皮肤也会恢复正常。它们甚至可以更好地保护你,即对于保护我们是有帮助的,故选B。
43.推断题。根据so that you can't fall easily这样你就不会轻易摔倒,可知讲的是防滑,故选A。
44.细节题。根据The first is to cut down the amount of time when your hands or feet are in the water. The second is to have less contact (接触) with soap and other similar things. These things may break the outer surface of your skin. The last is to use plenty of hand cream.可知第一是减少你的手或脚在水中的时间。第二是少接触肥皂和其他类似的东西。这些东西可能会破坏你皮肤的外表。最后是要用大量的护手霜,故选C。
45.段落结构题。根据第一段You've been playing in a pool for almost an hour. When you get out of the pool, you will notice there are some wrinkles (皱纹) on your fingers. This is nothing new. But do you want to know the reason 你在游泳池里玩了快一个小时了。当你走出游泳池时,你会注意到你的手指上有一些皱纹。这并不是什么新鲜事。但是你想知道原因吗?,即总结出现皱纹的原因;根据第二段到第三段可知具体介绍了出现皱纹的原因,即总分,故选B。
四、阅读理解,第二节阅读还原 (共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)
AQ is the ability of a person to think, manage, experience and overcome difficult situations.  46.   But now, just like Q, it is also important to develop our ability to rise in challenging (挑战性的) or difficult situations and improve our AQ. I would like to share my ideas on how to deal with countless difficult situations.
Exercise and walk. Whenever a difficult situation happens, try to exercise or walk at least 30 minutes a day.  47.   And the problems with your study will no longer trouble you, since you've cleared your mind and you're sure you'll make it.
 48.   If allowed, when a difficult situation happens, it's best to take a break to think and cool down. You can go to a cafe and read a book you've been wanting to read but had no time.  49.   When you take your mind off your problems, you'll find yourself much better no matter what they are.
Last but not least, once you have overcome the difficult situations, be kind to yourself by giving yourself a prize. It may not be something expensive. It can be an experience or something that will make you feel fulfilled and pleased.  50.  
Even if there are still difficult situations in my life now, the list above has helped me better than before. I hope it will help you too in overcoming whatever difficult situations you are going through.
A. Take a break or time off. B. You'll be surprised how much energy this will bring you. C. In the past, most people give so much importance to IQ alone. D. Or you can go out and be with nature like going hiking or swimming. E. Therefore, you'll get the courage to face other following challenges.
A.Take a break or time off.休息一下。
B.You'll be surprised how much energy this will bring you.你会惊讶于这会给你带来多大的能量。
C.In the past, most people give so much importance to IQ alone.在过去,大多数人都非常重视智商。
D.Or you can go out and be with nature like going hiking or swimming.或者你可以出去和大自然呆在一起,比如徒步旅行或游泳。
E.Therefore, you'll get the courage to face other following challenges.因此,你将有勇气面对以下其他挑战。
46.根据后句But now, just like Q, it is also important to develop our ability to rise in challenging (挑战性的) or difficult situations and improve our AQ.但现在,就像Q一样,培养我们在具有挑战性或困难的情况下崛起的能力并提高我们的AQ也很重要,可知前句讲的是过去,故选C。
47.根据前句Whenever a difficult situation happens, try to exercise or walk at least 30 minutes a day.每当遇到困难时,尽量每天锻炼或步行至少30分钟,可知后句讲的是锻炼会带来能量,故选B。
48.根据后句If allowed, when a difficult situation happens, it's best to take a break to think and cool down.如果允许的话,当困难的情况发生时,最好休息一下思考并冷静下来,可知讲的是休息,故选A。
49.根据前文If allowed, when a difficult situation happens, it's best to take a break to think and cool down.如果允许的话,当困难的情况发生时,最好休息一下思考并冷静下来,可知讲的是放松,即你可以出去和大自然呆在一起,比如徒步旅行或游泳,故选D。
50.根据前句Last but not least, once you have overcome the difficult situations, be kind to yourself by giving yourself a prize. It may not be something expensive. It can be an experience or something that will make you feel fulfilled and pleased.最后但同样重要的是,一旦你克服了困难,就要善待自己,给自己一个奖品。这可能不是什么昂贵的东西。它可以是一种体验,也可以是一些让你感到满足和高兴的事情。可知后句讲的是你将有勇气面对以下其他挑战,故选E。
51. 你的同桌Bruce到你家玩,你这样向他介绍你的父母:
Bruce,    .
【答案】these/they are my parents
【解析】【分析】根据汉语提示可知讲的是介绍父母,用句型this is…,介绍某人,父母,parents,复数,因此用these/they are my parents,故填these/they are my parents。
【点评】考查情景交际,注意平时识记介绍人物用these/they are...。
52. 你捡到一串钥匙,想知道它们是谁的,可以这样问:
【答案】Whose keys are they/these / Whose are these keys
【解析】【分析】根据汉语提示可知讲的是询问物品所属,即它们/这些是谁的钥匙?/这些钥匙是谁的,Whose+名词+be+主语 /Whose+be+主语 ,钥匙用key,复数是keys,these修饰复数keys,所以be动词用are,主语是they/these,故填Whose keys are they/these/Whose are these keys。
【点评】考查情景交际,注意平时识记特殊疑问句表示物品所属Whose+名词+be+主语 /Whose+be+主语 。
53. 公园草坪绿意盎然,未免游客肆意践踏,管理方打算立个标牌这样写:
Don't    .
【答案】walk on the grass
【解析】【分析】根据汉语提示可知讲的是"禁止肆意践踏草坪","肆意践踏草坪"用walk on the grass,固定搭配,don't后面用动词原形,所以walk用原形,故填walk on the grass。
【点评】考查情景交际,注意平时识记固定搭配walk on the grass和祈使句否定句的用法。
54. 你想了解福建省的人口数量,可以这样问:
    of Fujian Province
【答案】What's/What is the population
【解析】【分析】根据汉语提示可知讲的是"询问人口数量",即What's/What is the population,固定搭配,故填What's/What is the population。
【点评】考查情景交际,注意平时识记固定搭配What's/What is the population。
55. 你过去怕黑,你可以这样告诉笔友:
    the dark.
【答案】I used to be afraid of
【解析】【分析】根据汉语提示可知讲的是"过去怕黑",过去做某事用used to do sth.,固定搭配;害怕.....用be afraid of...,固定搭配,所以be动词用原形,故填 I used to be afraid of。
【点评】考查情景交际,注意平时识记固定搭配used to do sth.和be afraid of...。
56. good at
【答案】The girl/She is good at drawing.
【解析】【分析】根据图片可知讲的是女孩擅长画画。女孩用the girl,可数名词单数,或者用主格she代指;画画用draw,实义动词;be good at doing sth.擅长做某事,固定搭配,时态是一般现在时,主语是单数girl/she,所以be动词用is,draw用drawing,故填The girl/She is good at drawing.。
【点评】考查看图写话,首先根据图片确定内容,然后注意平时识记固定搭配be good at doing sth.。
57. in, spare
【答案】They/The boys (like playing) play chess in their spare time.
【解析】【分析】根据图片可知讲的是男孩们/他们(喜欢)在空闲时间下象棋。男孩用boy,复数是boys,或者用主格they代指;下象棋用play chess,固定搭配,主语是复数they/boys,所以play用原形;喜欢做某事用like doing sth.喜欢做某事,固定搭配,所以用playing,主语是复数,所以like用原形;在某人空闲时间用in one's spare time,固定搭配,主语是复数they/boys,所以one's用their,故填They/The boys (like playing) play chess in their spare time.。
【点评】考查看图写话,首先根据图片确定内容,然后注意平时识记固定搭配用play chess、like doing sth.和in one's spare time。
58. fly, tomorrow
【答案】He/The man is flying/will fly/is going to fly from Beijing to Shanghai tomorrow.
【解析】【分析】根据图片可知讲的是他/那个人正在飞行/将要飞行/将于明天从北京飞往上海。男士用man,指的是单数,所以用主格he代指;从北京到上海用from Beijing to Shanghai;飞用fly,实义动词;tomorrow表明时态是一般将来时,结构是be going to do/will+动词原形,主语man/he是单数,所以be动词用is;fly表示位移,所以用现在进行时表示一般将来时,即be+动词ing,所以用is flying;故填He/The man is flying/will fly/is going to fly from Beijing to Shanghai tomorrow.。
59. difficult, violin
【答案】It's difficult for her/the girl to play the violin.
【解析】【分析】根据图片可知讲的是她/那个女孩拉小提琴很难。困难的用difficult,形容词;拉小提琴用play the violin,固定搭配。对于某人来说做某事是怎样的用It's+形容词+for sb. to do sth.,固定搭配,sb.指的是女孩即the girl,或者用宾格her代指,故填It's difficult for her/the girl to play the violin.。
【点评】考查看图写话,首先根据图片确定内容,然后注意平时识记固定搭配play the violin和It's+形容词+for sb. to do sth.。
【答案】The boy/He runs faster than the girl/her. / The girl runs more slowly than the boy.
【解析】【分析】根据图片可知讲的是男孩/他跑得比女孩/她快。或者是女孩跑得比男孩慢。男孩用boy,或者用主格he代指;女孩用girl,或者用主格she代指;跑用run,实义动词,时态是一般现在时,主语是单数,所以用单三式runs;than表明是比较级,所以更快用faster,比较级;更慢用more slowly,句子是比较级,A和B进行比较结构是A+谓语+比较级+than+B,故填The boy/He runs faster than the girl/her. / The girl runs more slowly than the boy.。
Wherever you go in China, you can see lion statues (雕塑). Do you know why
 61.   (put) lion statues outside of buildings is a common practice in China. It was especially common in  62.   / e n nt/ times. We can see them at the gates of palaces, temples, government offices and the homes of rich people. The statues are usually made  63.   stone. People believe they can scare away evil (邪恶的) spirits and bring good luck.
However, the lion is not  64.   / l kl/ in China. It was not until about 2,000 years ago, when lions were  65.   (give) to Chinese emperors as gifts, that the animal could be found in China. Emperors loved lions  66.   they look strong.
They kept lions as pets. The animals were also believed to look like Suan ni (狻猊), one of the nine legendary  67.   (son) of the dragon.
Since the old times, people have put lion statues outside their houses to  68.   /pr tekt/ their families. They usually put a pair of stone lions on each side of the gate to their home. A male lion stands on the  69.   playing with a ball, which stands for power. A female lion is on the right with a baby lion under  70.   (she) left paw (爪子). She stands for a large and happy family.
62.句意:它在古代特别常见。根据/ e n nt/可知是ancient,形容词,修饰名词times,故填ancient。
63.句意:雕像通常是石头做的。be made of由.....制成,固定搭配,指的是看出原材料,故填of。
64.句意:然而,狮子在中国并不是本地的。根据/ l kl/可知是local,形容词,be动词is后面用形容词,故填local。
66.句意:皇帝喜欢狮子,因为它们看起来很强壮。Emperors loved lions皇帝喜欢狮子,they look strong它们看起来很强壮,可知前后句表示因果关系,后句表示原因,所以用because,因为,连词,故填because。
67.句意:这些动物也被认为长得像传说中的龙的九个儿子之一的狻猊。son儿子,可数名词,one of+可数名词复数,所以用复数sons,故填sons。
68.句意:自古以来,人们就把狮子雕像放在他们的房子外面,以保护他们的家人。根据/pr tekt/可知是protect,实义动词,根据句子可知人们就把狮子雕像放在他们的房子外面目的是保护他们的家人,所以用to do不定式表目的,故填protect。
69.句意:一只雄狮站在左边玩一个代表力量的球。根据后句on the right在右边,可知讲的是在左边,即on the left,固定搭配,故填left。
71.近年来,马拉松成为一项非常受欢迎的运动,而且主办方也设置了半马或适合低龄人群参与的项目,如成都的马拉松比赛,就设置了一项"欢乐跑",只要年满13周岁就可以参加,这也给了中学生一次体验马拉松的机会。请据此以Get ready to run a marathon为题用英语写一篇作文。
提示:(1)马拉松是一项怎样的运动? (2)你觉得它为什么会如此受欢迎? (3)如果有机会,你会参与吗?为什么?
参考词汇:run a marathon跑马拉松比赛;half marathon半马;Happy Run欢乐跑
注意:(1)包含以上要点; (2)行文连贯,条理清晰; (3)词数:不少于80词。
Get ready to run a marathon
【答案】One possible version:
Get ready to run a marathon
Marathon is a long running race—about 42 kilometers, which has become more and more popular in recent years.
Many people may wonder why running marathons is so popular. For one thing, running a marathon can help us stay healthy and make us stronger. In addition, if we finish a marathon, we will feel more confident.
I'm interested in Chengdu Marathon's Happy Run, which provides teenagers with a chance to take part in the event. If I get the chance, I will try my best to finish a marathon myself.
【点评】作文内容全面,运用好词好句,如:for one thing;help sb. do sth.;stay healthy;make...+形容词;be interested in;provide sb. with sth.;take part in;try one's best to do sth.等。好词好句的运用为文章增色不少,如: 定语从句和比较级Marathon is a long running race—about 42 kilometers, which has become more and more popular in recent years.I'm interested in Chengdu Marathon's Happy Run, which provides teenagers with a chance to take part in the event.;宾语从句Many people may wonder why running marathons is so popular.;动名词做主语For one thing, running a marathon can help us stay healthy and make us stronger.;比较级In addition, if we finish a marathon, we will feel more confident.;状语从句If I get the chance, I will try my best to finish a marathon myself.等。连词and,for one thing,in addition,if的运用使文章上下文联系更为紧密。



上一篇:4.1 原子结构与元素周期表 (含解析)同步练习 2023-2024高一上学期人教版(2019)化学必修第一册
