
(考试时间:120分钟 试卷总分120分)
A. 听句子(本题共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)
()1. What festival does the man talk about
()2. What does Jane want to be in the future
()3. How did the man go to school when he was a pupil
()4. Who is Mary
()5. When does Henry get up on weekends
B. 听对话(本题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)
()6. How often does the man exercise
A. Every day. B. Twice a week. C. Three times a week.
()7. How does Peter study English
A. By listening to tapes. B. By reading books. C. By remembering words.
()8. Where did the man find his dog
A. In a park. B. In the street. C. In a market.
()9. Whose birthday is it tomorrow
A. Eric's. B. Jim's. C. Lucy's.
()10. Where are the speakers
A. In a gym. B. In a museum. C. In a library.
()11. When is the man's grandpa's birthday
A. It's on Friday. B. It's on Saturday. C. It's on Sunday.
()12. What's his grandpa's habit
A. Collecting watches. B. Cooking dishes. C. Keeping fish.
()13. Where does the woman want to go
A. A market. B. A bank. C. A restaurant.
()14. How far is it from here
A. Ten minutes' walk. B. Twenty minutes' walk. C. Thirty minutes' walk.
()15. Which bus can the woman take to get there
A. No. 3. B. No. 13. C. No. 30.
C. 听短文(本题共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)
()16.What invention does the passage talk about
A.The ice-cream scoop. B.The dishwasher. C.The smart blender.
()17.When was the machine invented
A.In 1886. B.In 1893. C.In 1950.
()18.Where was Josephine Cochrane from
A.Canada. B.France. C.The US.
()19.What made Josephine Cochrane come up with the idea of inventing the machine
A.People broke plates and cups when washing them.
B.She was too busy to give a lot of dinner parties.
C.She had too much money.
()20.Who bought her ideas when the machine was first introduced to the public
A.Only her friends.
B.Only the hotels and large restaurants.
C.Most people.
A PhD student surnamed Sun is in the hot seat for occupying a woman’s seat on a high-speed Train on Aug 21.
In a video posted on Sina Weibo, the man can be seen slouching(懒散地坐)in a seat. When the woman asked him to give her seat back, he 21 and said: “You have three choicer --- stand, take my seat or go to the dining coach(车厢).”
A train attendant(乘务员)then came to 22 to persuade him to give the seat back. Sun claimed he wasn’t able to 23 on his own and asked for a wheelchair. Left with no other options, the attendant led the female passenger to another seat, China Daily scare.
The video quickly sparked debate(引起争论)online. Many have expressed
24 at the man’s behavior. Some people even dug up the man’s name, as well as his education and work history , and released this information online.
The Jinan Public Security Bureau handed down a punishment for Sun on Aug 24. He was fined 200 yuan and will not be 25 to buy train tickets for a set period of time.
However, some think the punishment was not 26 enough, adding that those who behave similarly on airplanes can be held criminally liable(承担刑事责任).
Experts 27 that the bureau could only punish Sun in this way according to present laws and regulations. But they added that such laws could be 28 to stop train passengers from behaving poorly.
21A. repeated B. refused C. failed D. stole
22.A. pardon B. deal C. warm D. try
23.A. stand B. lay C. lie D. sit
24.A. joy B. anger C. worry D. scare
25.A. allowed B. invited C. asked D. required
26.A. polite B. direct C. strict D. helpful
27.A. spread B. explained C. requested D. suggested
28.A. guarded B. influenced C. corrected D. improved
When I first arrived in China, I knew little Chinese. And some of the Chinese words I 29 had something to do with food I learned the names of a few dishes, but still didn't know most of the things I saw on Chinese restaurant menus. Luckily, there were 30 to help me.
Nearly every restaurant menu in China has pictures of food 31 it. But many restaurants I've been to in the US don't. What is the 32 for the difference
One thing I've definitely (明确地) 33 about China is that food is a bigger part of their culture than it is in the US. A common way to 34 someone in China is to ask them if they've eaten yet. Food is just a bigger deal here — and having pictures of food in menus is 35 that. Some menus are almost like works of art, with beautiful photos.
Another thing is the 36 of the dishes. Chinese dishes sometimes have fanciful(别出心裁的)names like "palace guard chicken” or "three fresh things from the soil". 37 these are interesting names, but they don't really tell you 38 the dishes are like. Therefore, it's 39 to have pictures so you can actually see what you are going to eat.
There are 40 even more reasons. All I know is that I was very thankful to have those picture menus when I first came to Chins years ago.
29. A. learned about B. came up C. kept away D. cleared out
30. A. videos B. covers C. pictures D. materials
31. A. at B. for C. from D. in
32. A. result B. reason C. choice D. list
33. A. noticed B. thought C. reflected D. imagined
34. A. introduce B. remember C. respect D. greet
35.A.a number of B. except for C. a part of D. a lot of
36. A. plates B. colors C. pages D. names
37.A. Although B. Through C. So D. Because
38. A. what B. how C. why D. which
39. A. harmful B. helpful C. colorful D. awful
40. A. nearly B. simply C. probably D. hardly
Peking University started a new optional course on electronic games. The course is to introduce something about video game research and development instead 41 training students in playing games.
The course was for at most 120 students at first, but 42 (actual),it attracted about 200 for the first five lessons. Finally, they changed the classroom for a 43 (big) one, but some students still had to stand to take the two-hour lesson.
Chen Jiang, the teacher of the course, said, “I started the course because I like playing electronic games. More importantly, I want more of my students 44 (know)what electronic games are. If they take the course, they 45 (have) a better understanding of the game industry(行业).”
He continued,“ 46 (play) games is not all bad. Spoiled(被宠坏的)children can learn that they are not the center of the universe from playing group games.”
Shuai Yuanhua, 47 student who takes the course ,said, “I’m 48 (interest) in playing games and in the development of the game industry. 49 possible, I will work at a game company. The course may be of some help to my future job.”
During the course, Chen also invites 50 (guest) to talk to students. They include a team with first-hand experience in developing games and a psychology teacher, who discuss the problems caused by games.
Birthday Traditions in Different Countries
England Certain symbolic objects are mixed into the birthday cake as it's being prepared. If your piece of cake has a coin in it, then you will be rich. Also, when it's your birthday, your friends give you the "bumps". They lift you in the air by your hands and feet and raise you up and down to the floor; one for each year you lived, then another one or two for luck.
Denmark A flag is flown outside a window to show that someone who lives in that house is having a birthday. Presents are placed around the child's bed while he/she is sleeping, so he/she will see them at once upon awakening.
Holland Special year birthdays such as 5, 10, 15, 20, 21 are called "crown" years. The birthday child receives an especially large gift on a crown year birthday. The family also decorates the birthday child's chair at the dining room table with flowers, paper streamers and balloons.
Canada The birthday child's nose is greased(涂抹) with butter for good luck. The greased nose makes the child too slippery for bad luck to catch him/her. In some parts of Canada, the birthday person even receives a punch (一拳) for each year he/she is alive and then one for good luck.
Brazil The birthday child receives a pull on the ear for each year he/she has been alive. The birthday person also gives the first piece of cake to his/her most special friend or relative, usually mom or dad.
Korea There is a big family party on the first birthday. The table is set with food, and four items: a pencil, a ruler, thread, and money. The item that the baby chooses is said to forecast his/her future: excellent student, good with hands, long life or riches.
South Africa On the twenty-first birthday, a key made of anything from paper to silver to gold is presented by the parents as a sign that the child is ready to unlock the door to their future.
51. The following tradition is mentioned in the passage EXCEPT for_____.
A. giving a pull on the ear B. having a big family party
C. greasing butter on the nose D. flying a flag at the child's bed
52. In which countries do people celebrate their 21st birthday specially
A. Canada and England. B. Denmark and Korea.
C. Brazil and Holland. D. Holland and South Africa.
53. The passage mainly tells us_______.
A. people in different countries have their own special year birthdays
B. people in different countries celebrate their birthday in different ways
C. people always have a big birthday party at home in different countries
D. people always know a 1-year-old baby's future from the item he chooses
Day and night across China, groups of middle-aged retirees, mostly women, gather together to dance in open space, like squares and parks. They are known as"guang chang wu da ma". Their love for square dancing has made them a national phenomenon.
However, some people don't think highly of it. Their music is too loud, and they take up too much public space.
Besides, they even dance at improper (not proper) places---such as the square in front of the Louvre in Paris, where Chinese tourists broke into a dance last year.
Even so, the dancers are growing in number and style. Li Dong,46is a pioneer in this field. "In addition to keeping fit, square dancing has become so popular because older people who are free from work and from raising children want to be connected with one another. But I think that square dancing has a deeper meaning."
By teaching herself different dances, such as Latin, Tango and Cha-cha, Li adds variety (花样) to square dancing."
Although we are old, we are curious and want to try different dance style, "she said," because square dancing has attracted(吸引)so much attention, I want to take it seriously."
As for people's objection(反对),Li says her team has taken the suggestion of turning down the volume(音量)and dancing at proper sites." We are not a trouble at all."
54.Why does the writer mention Chinese tourists broke into a dance in front of the Louvre in Paris
A. Because their music was too loud.
B. Because they weren't dancing at a proper place.
C. Because they took up too much space.
D. Because they wanted to show their dancing to others.
55.Which words can be used to describe Li Dong
A. Curious and creative. B. Helpful and careful.
C. Kind and funny. D. Patient and active.
56.This passage most probably comes from
A.A story book. B.A science magazine.
C.A newspaper. D.A text book.
It doesn’t matter when and how much a person sleeps, but everyone needs some sleep to stay alive. That’s what all doctors thought until they heard about Herpin. 57 . Could this be true The doctors decided to see this strange man themselves.
  Herpin was 90 years old when the doctors came to his home in New Jersey. They thought for sure that he got some sleep of some kind. So they stayed with him and watched every movement he made. 58 . Though they watched him hour after hour and day after day, they never saw him sleeping.
In fact, Herpin did not even own a bed. 59 The only rest that Herpin sometimes got was sitting in a comfortable chair and reading newspapers. The doctors were puzzled(疑惑) by this strange continuous sleeplessness. 60 , so they asked him many questions.
They found only one answer that might explain his condition. His mother had been injured several days before he was born. 61 . Was this the real reason No one could be sure.
A. As a result, he came to the world a few days earlier B. They hoped to find out the real reason for it C. Someone said Herpin never slept in his life D. However, the result was very surprising E. He never needed one
Perhaps you've already watched or heard about Readers, a TV show that has recently become popular. It invites different people to read aloud on the stage as well as tell the touching stories behind them. They can read everything, like poems, novels, and letters.
Many people are fans of the show and begin to enjoy reading aloud at home. Now the show gives people a special place to read across China. Reading pavilions(亭子)are now in cities like Shanghai, Hangzhou and Xi'an.
The pavilion is quite small. Only one person can come into it each time. There is a microphone in it, which records people's voices. Everyone can read anything they like for three minutes in the pavilion. The show will later pick some of the readers and invite them to read on TV.
People of all ages have come and read in the pavilion, according to People's Daily. "Reading should be just like singing and talking, "said Dong Qing, the host of the show. "We can actually express our deep feelings through reading aloud. "
"Both the TV show and the pavilion are promoting(推动)reading among the public, "reported by China Youth Daily. In fact, this is also what our country is trying to do now. During the two sessions this year, deputy(代表)Lu Yaping suggested that a national reading day should be set up, which received support from many other deputies.
62. What do different people do on the stage of the show (答题数不超过13个)
63. What is in a reading pavilion (答题数不超过3个)
64. What are the reading pavilions made for (答题数不超过8个)
65. What can you learn from the passage (答题数不超过6个)
A: Hey, Peter! You were late for school this morning. 66
B: That was because nobody woke me up today.
A: Why did you say so 67
B: They have gone to Beijing to attend a meeting.
A: Wow! 68 I’ve never been alone at home.
B: In fact, it isn’t interesting at all. I make a mess of my life.
A: But you’re free to do anything you like.
B: That’s true. But I stayed up so late to play computer games that I got up late.
A: That’s not good. 69
B: No, I can’t do that!
A: So terrible. 70
B: Yes. I am so hungry now.
A. You’re so lucky! B. Where are your parents C. I’m afraid of staying at home alone. D. But you were always on time before. E. My parents make dinner for me at home. F. By the way, did you make breakfast for yourself G. You mean you came to school without having breakfast.
71、中国传统文化中蕴含着丰富的智慧与处世理念。古语有云:“单丝不成线,独木不成林。”请你结合下图,以“Working with others”为主题,联系身边事例,写一篇80词左右的英语短文。文中不得出现真实的地名、校名和人名。
提示:1) Describe the picture.
2) Share one of your past experiences.
3) Tell what you learn from it.
6-10 CBABC
11-15 BABBC
16-20 BACAB
21-25 BDABA
26-30 CBDAC
31-35 DBADA
36-40 DAABC
of 42.actually 43.bigger 44.to know 45.will have
46.Playing 47.a 48.interested 49.If 50.guests
51-53 ADB
54-56 BAC
57-61 CDBEA
They read aloud as well as tell the touching stories behind them.
A microphone.
To help the show pick possible readers.
We should read aloud./We are encouraged to read aloud.
66-70 DBAFG
Working with others
In the picture, I can see that three people try to walk to the other side.
But if they go alone, they will end up falling into the river and losing their lives. However, they choose to work together and pass through the broken way successfully. In the big earthquake in Wenchuan, Sichuan province, 2008, thousands of people lost their lives. Many people went there to give their hands. Although people still felt sad, their lives returned to normal quickly.
Thanks to the cooperation. Just like the old saying goes, many hands make light work. Let’s work together with others.
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