
1.(7.5分)The great philosopher Voltaire once said " Reading makes people see and think clearly." If you want to be a better self,try the following books.
Pride and Prejudice
Pride and Prejudice is kind of a literary Rosetta Stone,the inspiration,basis,and model for so many modern novels.For a book written in the clearly 19th century,is modernity is surprising only until you realize that this is the novel that in many ways defined what a modern novel is.
A Wild Child's Guide to Endangered Animals
From New York Times bestselling author Millie Marotta comes this gorgeous celebration of the animal kingdom.Highlighting the difficulty of 43 endangered species from around the world,the book takes readers on a trip through freshwater,oceans,forests,mountains,deserts,grasslands and wetlands while learning about rare and well﹣known animals and their habitats.
Patriarchy and Capitalism
Chizuko Ueno,a leading Japanese sociologist,feminist (女权主义) critic and public intellectual,has been a pioneer in women's studies and the author of many books,including Patriarchy and Capitalism which discusses the status of Japanese women.
Know My Name
Chanel Miller's breathtaking memoir is praised to be the Best Book of the Year in People magazine.In this book,she recalls all her whole life.It's a story of trauma (创伤) and transcendence (超越),shining with the courage required to move through suffering and live a full and beautiful life.
(1)What is special about Pride and Prejudice?    
A.It has a long history.
B.It encourages readers.
C.It defines modern novels.
D.It includes surprising plots.
(2)Which should you choose if you want to know about nature?    
B.Pride and Prejudice.
C.The Rings of Saturn.
D.A Wild Child's Guide to Endangered Animals.
(3)What kind of book is Know My Name?    
A.A record about endangered animals.
B.A folk tale.
C.A novel discussing female status.
D.An autobiography.
2.(10分) Heavy clouds threaten rain,but this doesn't seem to weaken the spirits of the gardeners who are cheerfully weeding in a community vegetable garden which lies deep inside Manguinhos,previously a rubbish dump.
The Manguinbos garden is part of the Hortas Cariocas project (Carioca Gardens).Launched in 2006 by Julio Cesar Barros,an agriculturist who works for the government,the project now includes 55 gardens that are located either in schools or in "vulnerable" neighborhoods,such as favelas (棚户区).The gardens produce organic food that is then supplied to feed low﹣income families around.
Barros explains that the expansion of the largest garden which will benefit five nearby favelas is under way.It will follow the same model as existing gardens.Each of the five favelas will provide a team of local gardeners.Half of the produce must be donated locally,but the team is then free to sell the other half,adding to the salary they receive.
Hortas Cariocas is run and funded by the government,but each garden is tended by a group of locals who receive a small salary:for their work!The favela residents involved in the gardens are nevertheless enthusiastic about the project's other benefits,such as education and bringing people happiness.I always tell people,Hortas Cariocas' dis the name of the project,but its surname is " Saving Lives",says Ezequiel Dias Areas,who manages the team of gardeners in Manguinhos.Dias Areas was unemployed for five years before getting involved in 2013.Without the garden "today I might be doing something illegal,I might be dead,I might be in prison",he says.
Douglas dos Santos,a 30﹣year﹣old father﹣of﹣four,tells his story. "I feel valued," he says,explaining how he learned about agriculture via the project.Despite his pride,dos Santos isn't blind to the project's shortcomings.He readily admits that juggling a pleasant relationship with the favela's residents' association is no easy task.
(1)Where may the vegetable gardens be?    
A.In some football pitches.
B.In Barros' neighbourhood.
C.In low﹣income communities.
D.In local government yards.
(2)What can we learn about Hortas Cariocas?    
A.Benefits of it are many﹣sided.
B.Local gardeners work for it for free.
C.The produce is sold by the government.
D.It is financially supported by the locals.
(3)What is challenging for the project?    
A.The shortage of the gardeners.
B.The profits it made is so limited.
C.This project is rejected by the locals.
D.It's hard to keep a pleasant relationship with the favela's residents' association
(4)What is Santos' attitude towards the project?    
D.Not clear
3.(10分)Microbiologists have designed a sustainable way to remove polluting microplastics from the environment by using bacteria.Initial design as it is,it paves the way for sustainably lowering plastic pollution levels and stop the"plastification".
Bacteria naturally tend to group together and stick to surfaces,and this creates a sticky material called"biofilm".Researchers at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) want to use this adhesive bacteria character and capture microplastics in polluted water to form an easily disposable and recyclable blob(团).
Sylvia Lang Liu,microbiology researcher at PolyU and lead researcher on this project,together with his team,has engineered a bacterial biofilm,which can fix and absorb microplastics floating around in the water,and make them sink to the bottom of the water.Then the researchers can separate the microplastics from the bacteria traps and get them ready to recycle.
Microplastics are the plastic fragments,usually smaller than 5mm,which are accidentally released into the environment during production and breakdown of grocery bags or water bottles,or during everyday activities such as washing synthetic (合成的) clothes or using personal care products with scrubbing microbeads in them.Microplastics are visually tiny,making it challenging to develop effective solutions to trap,collect,and recycle them.
Microplastics are not easily biodegradable (生物降解的) ,so they stick around for long and absorb and accumulate poisonous chemicals.They spread into wastewater and into the oceans,endangering marine animals and even usually threatening human health,.Microplastics had be on found in more than 114 species living in the water and also salt,lettuce,apples,and more in 2018 according to the International Maritime Organization.
"This is an innovative application of biofilm engineering to address the plastic pollution crisis," said Dr Joanna Sadler,researcher at University of Edinburgh,who was not involved in this study."One of the biggest challenges in dealing will microplastics is capturing such small particles Liu and co﹣workers have demonstrated an elegant solution to this problem,which holds great potential to be further developed into a real﹣world wastewater treatment technology,"
(1)Which of the following best explains the underlined word"adhesive" in Paragraph 2?    
(2)Why are microplastics hard to capture?    
A.They are visually too small.
B.They are hard to biodegrade.
C.They continue to exist for long.
D.They are poisonous chemicals.
(3)What can be learned from the last paragraph?    
A.Small particles are essential to address water pollution .
B.Biofilm has been widely used to settle plastic pollution.
C.Sadler thinks little of the biofilm engineering application .
D.Biofilm application is promising for wastewater treatment.
(4)What is the text mainly about?    
A.Microplastic removal.
B.Uses of bacteria.
C.Wastewater treatment.
D.Plastic pollution.
4.(10分) One recent report found that adults in the US check their phones,on average,344 times a day—once every four minutes—and spend almost three hours a day on their devices in total.The problem for many of us is that one quick phone﹣related task leads to a quick check of our email or social media feeds,and suddenly we've been trapped into endless scrolling (刷屏).
What we do know is that the simple distraction of checking a phone or seeing a notification (提示) can have negative consequences.This isn't very surprising;we know that,in general multitasking harms memory and performance.One of the most dangerous examples is phone use while driving.One study found that merely speaking on the phone,not texting,was enough to make drivers slower to react on the road.It's true for everyday tasks,too.Simply hearing a notification "ding" made participants of another study perform far worse on a task﹣almost as badly as participants who were speaking or texting on the phone during the task.
In one recent study,for example,researchers asked participants to either put their phones next to them so they were visible (like on a desk),nearby and out of sight (like in a bag or pocket),or in another room.Participants then completed a series of tasks to test their abilities to process and remember information,their problem﹣solving,and their focus.
They were found to perform far better when their phones were in another room instead of nearby—whether visible,powered on or not.That held true even though most of the participants claimed not to be consciously thinking about their devices.
Our brains may be subconsciously hard at work in preventing the desire from checking our phones,or constantly monitoring the environment to see if we should check our phone (eg.waiting for a notification).Either way,this distracted attention can make doing anything else more difficult.The only "fix",the researchers found,was putting the device in a different room entirely.
(1)What did the recent report in Paragraph I find?    
A.Multitasking is very dangerous.
B.Notification is always heard.
C.People are addicted to mobile phones.
D.People like doing phone﹣related tasks.
(2)How is the text developed?    
A.By making comparisons.
B.By examining differences.
C.By following the order of importance.
D.By analyzing causes and giving examples.
(3)What should you do to prevent the desire of checking phones?    
A.Do anything more difficult.
B.Use phones to do right things.
C.Monitor the environment around.
D.Stay away from phones entirely.
(4)What would be the best title for the text?    
A.How do We Avoid the Distraction of Phones
B.Why Are People Fond of Using Mobile Phones
C.What Should We Do When Buying Mobile Phones
D.How Do We Do Research by Using Mobile Phones
5.(12.5分) Getting along with others is all about understanding,empathy,and respect.Let me share a few tips with you.
Be a good listener. (1)   .Show genuine interest in what they have to say and ask follow﹣up questions.This helps them feel valued and understood.
Be open﹣minded.Accept that everyone is different and has their own perspectives and beliefs.Try to be understanding and tolerant,even if you disagree with someone. (2)   .
(3)   .Celebrate your friends' successes and be there for them during challenging times.Offer a helping hand or a listening ear when needed.Showing kindness and support strengthens your bond with others and makes them feel comfortable around you.
Be respectful of boundaries.Everyone has their personal space and limits.It's important to recognize and honor them. (4)   .Treat them with kindness and avoid judgment.
(5)   .Discover shared hobbies,activities,or passions with your friends.Engaging in activities together creates a sense of friendship and strengthens your connection.It also provides opportunities for meaningful conversations and shared experiences.
Remember,building strong friendships takes time and effort.It's essential to invest in meaningful conversations,demonstrate kindness,and show genuine care for others.By following these tips,you'll find it easier to get along with your friends and create lasting bonds of friendship.
A.Be friendly
B.Be supportive
C.Find common interests
D.Respect others' opinions,choices,and privacy
E.When someone is talking,tell them about yourself
F.When someone is talking,give them your full attention
G.This creates a more harmonious atmosphere and encourages people to be themselves
6.(15分) When it comes to my fathering lessons,few adventures compare to the motorcycle trips I've shared with my daughter,Ewa.
Our first(1)   ,in August 2017,was a winding (蜿蜒的) ride around the Catskills and Finger Lake districts of New York state.We (2)    big highways and spent the week on(3)    scenic back roads.At one point,I found myself (4)   along a Catskills meadow (草地) not far from Woodstock,keeping pace with a deer and shouting, "Go Bambi,go!"
On our second day,we (5)    in a small town for ice cream.I asked the woman at the picnic table next to us: "What's the(6)    of this town?" "Interlaken, " she answered. "Where are you trying to get to?"
Me: "We don't know. "
It (7)    to me then that I'd always wanted to do this no﹣schedule kind of trip,when you ride just for riding.Ask any middle﹣aged (8)   :We've all dreamed about doing the Easy Rider (逍遥骑士) thing,throwing our wristwatches into the ditch and heading toward the horizon without a(9)   .Now,travelling with no plan became a(10)    of my rides with Ewa.
Since we almost (11)    knew where we were going,we were almost never (12)    when we arrived,pulling (13)    the road at the end of each day with satisfaction.The reason to celebrate?We(14)   !The truth is that life on a motorbike is one close call (死里逃生) after another.On the way,riders must stay (15)    100 percent of the time.A tiny stone can be deadly.I used to be nervous,but Ewa had a different take: "To me,motorcycling is like meditation (冥想). "
(1)A.sail B.flight C.goal D.journey
(2)A.avoided B.chose C.built D.promoted
(3)A.straight B.twisty C.main D.broad
(4)A.walking B.running C.riding D.laughing
(5)A.settled B.stopped C.landed D.moved
(6)A.population B.rule C.name D.position
(7)A.occurred B.happened C.mattered D.referred
(8)A.engineer B.bicyclist C.chemist D.motorcyclist
(9)A.destination B.reaction C.exploration D.explanation
(10)A.course B.benefit C.feature D.present
(11)A.never B.always C.completely D.absolutely
(12)A.satisfied B.disappointed C.surprised D.frightened
(13)A.out B.in C.off D.down
(14)A.grew B.failed C.waited D.survived
(15)A.silent B.smooth C.careful D.energetic
7.(15分)The Lion Rock mountain stands not only as one of the most famous scenic spots in Hong Kong,(1)    has become a spiritual symbol representing the persistent efforts of ordinary Hong Kong people(2)    (live) a better life.
The Lion Rock spirit has also(3)    ( deep) touched those outside Hong Kong,such as Cui Xiaodong,(4)   ink artist and director of the Yan Huang Art Museum in Beijing."The mountain stands like a giant,symbolizing the industrious and persistent spirit which,over the past decades, (5)   (pull) people in Hong Kong together through hard times.It is a recollection of the youth and vigor(活力)of a generation of people in Hong Kong(6)    struggled to make the city what it is today." he says.
Cui created Lion Rock in Hong Kong,a colored ink painting.In his painting,Cui depicts (描绘) the
cliffs of the Lion Rock,surrounded by blooming trees and(7)    (overlook) the city's skyscrapers.Made earlier this year,the painting is now(8)    show at Greater Bay Area in the Eyes of Artists,a display marking the 25th anniversary of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.The(9)    (exhibit) displayed there hail (向……致敬) the ecological diversity of the area and also presents to the audience(10)    (success) reformative accomplishments since 1997.
(1)词数应为 80 词左右;
Dear Jack,
I would like to tell you about a recent study tour organized by our school.___________
Best regards!
Li Hua
Jack sat by the radio at exactly five minutes before seven o'clock.This was a part of his daily routine he never broke.The old man sighed,turned the radio on,and tuned it to a specific frequency.He wanted to contact his best friend,Gerry.With the noise in the house,his step﹣son (继子) always had an argument with him.
When his wife passed away,Jack's step﹣son,David,wanted to persuade a doctor that he was crazy and had dementia (老年痴呆).So,he could get his power of lawyer and then send Jack to a nursing home.
Phillip didn't understand why Dad wanted Grandpa to leave his home.The next day,Phillip decided to find out what was happening with Grandpa.Phillip bit his lip and moved closer to ask the most important question: "Where is Gerry now?" Grandpa frowned, "It's been forty﹣five years,and I still haven't heard from him,but I haven't given up hope either.I know my friend will contact me one day by radio at a specific frequency. " Phillip nodded.He felt that Grandpa was telling the truth.
After listening to Grandpa's stories about his friend Gerry,Phillip returned home feeling better about Grandpa's health.However,that evening,Phillip suddenly heard that the doctor would arrive a few minutes before seven o'clock.This time,he realized he needed to take action.
At about seven o'clock,the doctor and David peered into the sitting room and watched Jack sit down and turn on the radio.The static (电流声) was loud enough to hear in their hiding spot.The doctor turned to David. "It seems you're right about your step﹣father's state of mind," he said.
Just then,a voice spoke over the radio: "Jack,can you hear me?"___________
One day,when Jack entered the boy's bedroom to surprise Phillip,Jack got a surprise.___________
1.【解答】(1)C.推理判断题。根据第二段For a book written in the clearly 19th century,is modernity is surprising only until you realize that this is the novel that in many ways defined what a modern novel is.(对于一本写于19世纪的书来说,现代性是令人惊讶的,直到你意识到这是一部在很多方面定义了现代小说的小说。)可知,Pride and Prejudice的特殊之处在于其定义了现代小说,故选C。
(2)D.细节理解题。根据A Wild Child's Guide to Endangered Animals介绍内容Highlighting the difficulty of 43 endangered species from around the world,the book takes readers on a trip through freshwater,oceans,forests,mountains,deserts,grasslands and wetlands while learning about rare and well﹣known animals and their habitats.(这本书突出了来自世界各地的43种濒危物种的困难,带领读者穿越淡水、海洋、森林、山脉、沙漠、草原和湿地,同时了解稀有和知名动物及其栖息地。)可知,A Wild Child's Guide to Endangered Animals这本书里提到了很多关于自然山川的事,想要了解自然的人可以选择它,故选D。
(3)D.推理判断题。根据Know My Name介绍内容In this book,she recalls all her whole life.(在这本书中,她回忆了自己的一生。)可知,Know My Name讲述的是作者自己的故事,则它是一个自传,故选D。
2.【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据第二段的Launched in 2006 by Julio Cesar Barros,an agriculturist who works for the government,the project now includes 55 gardens that are located either in schools or in "vulnerable" neighbourhoods,such as favelas(该项目于2006年由政府的农学家胡里奥 塞萨尔 巴罗斯发起,现在包括55个菜园,这些菜园要么位于学校,要么位于贫民窟等"弱势"社区),可知这些蔬菜园可能位于位于贫民窟等"弱势"社区,即低收入社区。故选C。
(2)推理判断题。根据第四段的The favela residents involved in the gardens are nevertheless enthusiastic about the project's other benefits,such as education and bringing people happiness(参与菜园的贫民窟居民仍然对该项目充满热情,因为它能带来其他好处,例如教育和为人们带来幸福),可知这个项目有多个益处。故选A。
(3)细节理解题。根据最后一段的He readily admits that juggling a pleasant relationship with the favela's residents' association is no easy task(他欣然承认,与贫民窟的居民协会保持愉快的关系绝非易事),可知对这个项目来说,与贫民窟的居民协会保持愉悦的关系是有挑战性的。故选D。
(4)态度判断题。根据最后一段的Despite his pride,dos Santos isn't blind to the project's shortcomings.He readily admits that juggling a pleasant relationship with the favela's residents' association is no easy task(尽管很自豪,但Santos 并没有对这个项目的缺点视而不见),可知Santos对这个项目的态度应该是客观的。故选C。
3.【解答】(1)词义猜测题。根据第二段第一句划线词所在句子Researchers at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) want to use this adhesive bacteria character and capture microplastics in polluted water to form an easily disposable and recyclable blob(团).(香港理工大学(PolyU)的研究人员希望利用这种粘附细菌的特性,捕捉污染水中的微塑料,形成一个易于丢弃和回收的水滴。)可以得知,细菌会黏在表面上形成一种叫做生物膜的黏性物质,并且科学家们想利用这种细菌特性。因此可推断出,adhesive就是"有黏性的"。A.Floating漂浮的;B.Sticky有黏性的;C.Diverse多种多样的;D.Visual视觉的。故选B。
(2)细节理解题。根据第四段最后一句Microplastics are visually tiny,making it challenging to develop effective solutions to trap,collect,and recycle them.(微塑料在视觉上很小,因此很难开发有效的解决方案来捕获、收集和回收它们。)可知,微塑料很难收集回收是因为他们看起来很微小。故选A。
(3)细节理解题。根据最后一段最后一句Liu and co﹣workers have demonstrated an elegant solution to this problem,which holds great potential to be further developed into a real﹣world wastewater treatment technology.(刘和他的同事已经展示了这个问题的优雅解决方案,它具有进一步发展成为现实世界废水处理技术的巨大潜力。)可知,生物学家们已经演示了一个处理微塑料的方法,这个方法很有潜力被研发成一项废水处理科技。所以生物膜工程在废水处理方面很有前景。故选D。
(4)主旨大意题。根据本文第一段第一句Microbiologists have designed a sustainable way to remove polluting microplastics from the environment by using bacteria.(微生物学家设计了一种可持续的方法,通过使用细菌从环境中去除污染的微塑料。)可知,本文主要介绍了微生物学家设计出了一种方法移除环境中有污染性的微塑料。因此本文主旨就是微塑料的移除。故选A。
4.【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据第一段中One recent report found that adults in the US check their phones,on average,344 times a day—once every four minutes—and spend almost three hours a day on their devices in total. (最近的一份报告发现,美国成年人平均每天查看手机344次﹣﹣﹣每4分钟一次﹣﹣﹣每天总共花在手机上的时间接近3个小时。)可知,美国成年人平均每天查看手机344次﹣﹣﹣每4分钟一次﹣﹣﹣每天总共花在手机上的时间接近3个小时,即该研究报告指出人们对手机上瘾的现象。故选C。
(2)推理判断题。根据第三段中In one recent study,for example,researchers asked participants to either put their phones next to them so they were visible (like on a desk),nearby and out of sight (like in a bag or pocket),or in another room.Participants then completed a series of tasks to test their abilities to process and remember information,their problem﹣solving,and their focus.(例如,在最近的一项研究中,研究人员要求参与者要么把手机放在身边,这样就能看到手机(比如在桌子上),要么放在附近,但看不见手机(比如在包里或口袋里),要么放在另一个房间。然后,参与者完成了一系列任务,以测试他们处理和记忆信息的能力、解决问题的能力和注意力。)可知,文章通过分析手机上瘾的消极影响的原因并进行列举具体事例来展开论述的。故选D。
(3)推理判断题。根据倒数第二段They were found to perform far better when their phones were in another room instead of nearby—whether visible,powered on or not.( 研究发现,当他们的手机放在另一个房间而不是附近时,他们的表现要好得多﹣﹣﹣无论是否可见,是否通电。)可知,通过研究我们可以完全把手机与自己隔离开来即放在别的房间可以阻止人们看手机的欲望。故选D。
(4)标题判断题。通读全文可知,文章第一段中引出"人们手机上瘾的现象";第二段中讨论了手机使用的负面影响。文章引用了研究,显示即使是通知的干扰也会导致任务表现不佳。文章第三段中还强调了一项研究发现,参与者在手机在另一个房间时表现更好,即使他们声称没有有意识地想到他们的设备。文章第四段和第五段建议解决这个问题方法。A选项"How do We Avoid the Distraction of Phones?(我们如何避免手机的干扰?)"是最合适的标题。故选A。
5.【解答】(1)联系上文题。根据上文Be a good listener.(做一个好的倾听者。)可知,本段主要讲述的是要做一个好的倾听者,这样能够建立强大的友谊。F选项"当别人说话的时候,你要全神贯注。"承接上文,符合语境。故选F。
(2)联系上文题。根据上文Try to be understanding and tolerant,even if you disagree with someone.(试着理解和宽容,即使你不同意别人的观点。)可知,此处指出试着理解和宽容,不同于自己的观点,下文应该阐述该做法的结果。G选项"这创造了一个更和谐的氛围,鼓励人们做自己。"中this指代上文的尝试理解和宽容不同于自己的他人观点,这种做法会创造了一个更和谐的氛围,从而鼓励人们做自己。故选G。
(3)联系下文题。根据下文Celebrate your friends' successes and be there for them during challenging times.(庆祝你朋友的成功,在他们面临挑战的时候陪在他们身边。)可知,本段主要强调的是在朋友成功和面临挑战的时候都要给予他们支持。B选项"支持"概括本段主要内容,同时与上文的段旨构成并列结构即都为be动词开头的祈使句。故选B。
(4)联系上文题。根据上文Everyone has their personal space and limits.It's important to recognize and honor them.(每个人都有自己的个人空间和极限。认识并尊重他们是很重要的。)可知,此处指出尊重他人的界限和空间是非常重要的。D选项"尊重他人的意见、选择和隐私。"承接上文,与段旨呼应,强调尊重他人的意见、选择和隐私。故选D。
(5)联系下文题。根据下文Discover shared hobbies,activities,or passions with your friends.Engaging in activities together creates a sense of friendship and strengthens your connection.(和你的朋友发现共同的爱好、活动或激情。一起参加活动可以建立友谊,加强你们之间的联系。)可知,本段强调的是与朋友之间发现并建立共同的爱好、活动或激情,这样有助于加强你们之间的联系。C选项"找到共同兴趣。"概括本段内容。故选C。
6.【解答】(1)考查名词及语境理解。A.sail航行;B.flight飞行;C.goal目标;D.journey旅程。根据后文a winding (蜿蜒的) ride around the Catskills and Finger Lake districts of New York state.可知,作者和女儿的第一次骑车之旅是绕着纽约州的卡茨基尔和芬格湖区蜿蜒而行。故选D。
(2)考查动词及语境理解。A.avoided避免;B.chose选择;C.built建造;D.promoted促进。根据前文a winding (蜿蜒的) ride和后文"spent the week on __(3)__ scenic back roads.可知,作者和女儿避开了高速公路,而是在在弯弯曲曲的风景优美的小路上骑行。故选A。
(3)考查形容词及语境理解。A.straight直的;B.twisty弯曲的;C.main主要的;D.broad宽阔的。根据前文的a winding (蜿蜒的) ride以及后文scenic back roads可知,作者和女儿整个星期都在弯弯曲曲的风景优美的小路上度过。故选B。
(4)考查动词及语境理解。A.walking步行;B.running奔跑;C.riding骑行;D.laughing笑。根据前文a winding (蜿蜒的) ride可知,作者和女儿是骑行在距离伍德斯托克不远的卡茨基尔斯草地上。故选C。
(5)考查动词及语境理解。A.settled安定下来;B.stopped停止;C.landed着陆;D.moved移动。根据后文in a small town for ice cream可知,作者和女儿停下来吃冰淇淋。故选B。
(7)考查动词及语境理解。A.occurred发生;B.happened发生;C.mattered重要;D.referred提到。根据后文that I'd always wanted to do this no﹣schedule kind of trip可知,这是作者突然想到的内容即一直想要进行这种没有时间表的旅行,只是为了骑行而骑行,It occurred to sb.that...(某人突然想到)。故选A。
(9)考查名词及语境理解。A.destination目的地;B.reaction反应;C.exploration探索;D.explanation解释。根据后文travelling with no plan可知,现在,和Ewa一起旅行没有计划成为了作者的骑行特色,没有计划就意味着没有目的地。故选A。
(10)考查名词及语境理解。A.course课程;B.benefit好处;C.feature特征;D.present礼物。根据上文travelling with no plan可知,和Ewa一起旅行没有计划成为了作者的骑行特色。故选C。
(11)考查副词及语境理解。A.never从不;B.always总是;C.completely完全地;D.absolutely绝对地。根据前文Now,travelling with no plan became a ___(10)__ of my rides with Ewa.可知,和Ewa一起旅行没有计划成为了作者的骑行特色,所以作者几乎不知道自己要去哪里。故选A。
(12)考查形容词及语境理解。A.satisfied满意的;B.disappointed失望的;C.surprised惊讶的;D.frightened害怕的。根据后文at the end of each day with satisfaction可知,每天结束时,作者和女儿都很满意,由此可知作者到达的时候是没有失望过的。故选B。
(13)考查副词及语境理解。A.out出去;B.in在里面;C.off关闭;D.down向下。根据后文the road at the end of each day with satisfaction可知,作者和女儿是骑摩托车旅行,可得出二人满意地停留在路边。pull off the road为固定短语,意为"停在路边"。故选C。
(14)考查动词及语境理解。A.grew成长;B.failed失败;C.waited等待;D.survived幸存。根据后文The truth is that life on a motorbike is one close call (死里逃生) after another.可知,事实上,摩托车上的生活就是一次又一次的死里逃生,所以值得作者和女儿庆祝的是他们活了下来,克服了骑行中的各种困难。故选D。
(15)考查形容词及语境理解。A.silent安静的;B.smooth平稳的;C.careful小心的;D.energetic精力充沛的。根据前文The truth is that life on a motorbike is one close call (死里逃生) after another.以及后文的A tiny stone can be deadly.可知,摩托车上的生活就是一次又一次的死里逃生,一颗小小的石头都有可能致命,所以骑手必须要百分百地保持小心。故选C。
(2)考查动词不定式。句意:狮子山不仅是香港最著名的景点之一,更是象征着普通香港人为追求美好生活而不懈努力的精神象征。此处为动词不定式作后置定语修饰efforts,故填to live。
(5)考查动词时态和主谓一致。句意:这座山像巨人一样屹立不倒,象征着香港人在过去数十年的艰难岁月中齐心协力、自强不息的精神。根据时间状语over the past decades,可知用现在完成时态,主语which指代先行词spirit,为不可数名词,故填has pulled。
(8)考查介词。句意:这幅画创作于今年早些时候,目前正在纪念香港特别行政区成立25周年的"艺术家眼中的大湾区"展览上展出。on show"在展览",为固定搭配,故填on。
8.【解答】Dear Jack,
I would like to tell you about a recent study tour organized by our school.The activity took place at a local museum last week.(活动时间、地点)
During the study tour,we had the opportunity to explore various exhibits and learn about different aspects of history and culture.We also participated in interactive workshops and discussions led by experts in their respective fields.【高分句型一】(活动内容)
The study tour was not only educational but also enjoyable.We gained a deeper understanding of the subjects we studied in class and developed critical thinking skills.【高分句型二】It was a great experience that broadened our horizons and enhanced our learning.(你的收获)
I hope this gives you a good idea of the study tour.(希望)
Best regards!(祝福)
Li Hua
9.【解答】Just then,a voice spoke over the radio: "Jack,can you hear me?" It was Gerry.David and the doctor stared at each other in shock.How was it possible that the same night they set out to prove the old man was mad,the call he'd been waiting for would finally happen?In the next room,they heard Gerry apologized for not contacting Jack. "Well,it seems like he wasn't waiting in vain after all." the doctor said.Even though they kept in contact in the following days,Gerry refused to meet Jack.【高分句型一】(Gerry与Jack之间的取得了联系并保持了通话,同时交代医生对Jack行为的反应)
One day,when Jack entered the boy's bedroom to surprise Phillip,Jack got a surprise.A radio stood on Phillip's desk.Beside it was a notebook.The notebook was full of details about Gerry!Phillip had written down everything Jack told him.Jack turned to Phillip,who stood in the doorway. "What is all this?" Jack asked. "It was me on the radio," Phillip said. "I used a voice﹣changing app to pretend to be Gerry".Seeing what Phillip did,Jack realized he would be in an excellent mood for the rest of his life.【高分句型二】(Jack发现了事实的真相,是自己的孙子Phillip通过模仿Gerry的声音,让老人感到非常开心)




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