2023-2024浙江省杭州市四校联考高二(上)月考英语试卷(10月份)(含解析 无听力音频 无听力原文)

1.(1.5分) When will the new play probably be on show?
A.In January.
B.In February.
C.In March.
2.(1.5分) What might be the relationship between the speakers?
A.Brother and sister.
B.Father and daughter.
C.Librarian and reader.
3.(1.5分) What are the speakers doing?
A.Driving a car.
B.Seeing the sunset.
C.Climbing the mountains.
4.(1.5分) Where does the conversation probably take place?
A.At a store.
B.At a bank.
C.At an office.
5.(1.5分) Why is the woman anxious?
A.She doesn't have any projects.
B.She can't finish her work on time.
C.Her boss pushed the deadlines forward.
6.(3分)(1)What does the man want to do at first?
A.Change a camera.
B.Repair a camera.
C.Return a camera.
(2)Why did the woman say no to the man?
A.He lost the receipt.
B.He bought a protection plan.
C.He broke the camera on purpose.
7.(4.5分)(1)Why will Steve go to Boston?
A.For vacation.
B.For work.
C.For study.
(2)What does Jenny suggest Jack do?
A.Find a new job.
B.Live in Boston.
C.Think positively.
(3)How does Jack sound in the end?
8.(4.5分)(1)How much will the man pay for the membership?
A. $95
B. $110
(2)Where can the man buy the kit?
A.From a shop.
B.From a website.
C.From the club.
(3)What is the woman probably?
A.A manager.
B.A fitness trainer.
C.A club receptionist.
9.(6分)(1)What is the woman doing?
A.Hosting a program.
B.Having a job interview.
C.Doing an environmental test.
(2)What happened to the animals in the disaster a short time ago?
A.The fish were coated in oil.
B.The birds died of a rare disease.
C.The whales were washed up on the shore.
(3)How does the woman find Kevin's job?
(4)Why did Kevin choose the job?
A.He liked outdoor activities.
B.He enjoyed staying at the coast.
C.He was interested in the ocean system.
10.(4.5分)(1)What made the white T﹣shirts popular?
A.A fashion show.
B.Hollywood movies.
C.The American soldiers.
(2)When did the fashion for T﹣shirts for women start?
A.In 1948.
B.In 1959.
C.In 1970.
(3)Why did people wear T﹣shirts with "Free Angela"?
A.For a black leader.
B.For a fashion designer.
C.For an American actress.
11.(7.5分) Escaping the crowds is all the more important this summer.We pick some of our favourite beaches for a day on the coast with the kids.
Earnse Bay,Cumbria
Few people come to Cumbria for its beaches,but west﹣facing,empty Earnse Bay on Walney Island (you'll reach it across a bridge from Barrow﹣in﹣Furness) is perfect for a picnic.Views of the largest wind farm in Europe,the mountains of the Isle of Man and,on a clear day,Snowdonia,can be spectacular.
Blackgang Beach,Isle of Wight
Blackgang Beach is surely one of the least visited of all the island's beaches and getting there's as much fun as being there:you have to slide down a steep,sometimes slippery (but generally safe) path from Niton.The payoff is a glorious beach,overlooked by a magnificent sandstone cliff that looks like a vast slab(厚板)of honeycomb.
Chapman's Pool,Dorset
Tucked away on Dorset's Isle of Purbeck,Chapman's Pool is far quieter than its better﹣known neighbour,Lulworth Cove.Its beauty is more than worth the modest effort needed to guide the footpath to the sand and storm.And as this is the Jurassic Coast,the kids will have every chance of finding shell fossils and small bits of Paleolithic reptiles.
Embleton Bay,Northumberland
Embleton Bay hides in plain sight behind the commanding Dunstanburgh Castle.Even on the sunniest day you can wander,fly a kite or watch seabirds with few concerns about social distancing.The castle looks like something a six﹣year﹣old might draw,perched on a cliff,with crumbling ramparts and a huge portcullis.
(1)What do these beaches have in common?    
A.They are all perfect for picnics.
B.They all have cliffs and castles.
C.They are all suitable for camping.
D.They all can provide a noise﹣free day.
(2)Which beach best suits bird﹣lovers?    
A.Earnse Bay.
B.Embleton Bay.
C.Chapman's Pool.
D.Blackgang Beach.
(3)In which section of a newspaper does this text probably appear?    
12.(10分) Zhu Zhiwen,in his 30s,has been on the road,on his most recent bicycle trip since March.
Zhu started this adventure,an "Olympic trip",from Beijing and had spent several months going across the country's vast land,including Shijiazhuang of Hebei province and Urumqi of the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region.
"My destination is Paris,France,before the Summer Olympics on July 26,2024," says Zhu,who was originally from a small village in East China's Jiangxi province. "It's my way of celebrating the Games."
Over the past 11 years,Zhu has traveled through 45 countries and regions across four continents,covering a distance of over 90,000 kilometers.From Asia to Africa,from South America to North America,he has encountered many wonderful people and experiences,and witnessed various unique customs.
People's good will has been a highlight of his trips. "I met a small hotel owner when I was cycling in Ecuador,South America,in 2016.After I knew the owner had been to China multiple times and was a fan of the Chinese culture and food,I took the initiative to cook him a Chinese dinner.He was very happy and,in return,offered me a night of accommodation for free," Zhu says.
Yet,it hasn't all been smooth riding.Zhu came across severe weather on his way to the Arctic in 2020.Moreover,he suffered robberies during his stay in South Africa and escaped attacks from bears and other wild animals in Canada.
After the Olympic tour,Zhu says he will continue to explore the world on his bicycle and fulfill his childhood dream of touring the whole world with his feet.Being an experienced traveler,Zhu has often been asked about his understanding of travel. "I think it is to accept what is possible during travel and get pleasure from it,no matter if it is good or bad," Zhu says.
(1)Why did Zhu Zhiwen start his recent bicycle trip?    
A.To bicycle across China's vast land.
B.To visit his birthplace in Jiangxi province.
C.To reach his destination before July 26,2024.
D.To celebrate the Summer Olympics in Paris,France.
(2)What's Zhu Zhiwen's purpose in mentioning his trip in Ecuador?    
A.To express his gratitude to a hotel owner.
B.To present his skill in cooking Chinese dinner.
C.To show people's kindness he experienced in his trips.
D.To introduce a devoted fan of Chinese culture and food.
(3)What do we know about Zhu Zhiwen's bicycle journey?    
A.It is a bitter﹣sweet riding for Zhu Zhiwen.
B.People's good will fails to impress Zhu Zhiwen.
C.Zhu Zhiwen has traveled through all the countries in Asia.
D.Zhu Zhiwen gave up his trip in Canada for the attacks from wild animals.
(4)What does travel mean to Zhu Zhiwen?    
A.Fulfilling his lifelong dream.
B.Exploring the entire world by bicycle.
C.Becoming an experienced adventurer.
D.Embracing all the experiences travel offers.
13.(10分) Detecting drugs used to be a special job for dogs,but now a drug detection team is welcoming some new colleagues﹣squirrels.Six Eurasian red squirrels were trained and approved for work responsibilities by police in Chongqing in February.
Squirrels have a sharp sense of smell as they can smell food under a foot (about 30 centimeters) of snow.Being so small and quick,the "newcomers" are able to search for drugs in places where dogs may not be able to reach,such as in narrow spaces or on top of packages stacked (堆) high in warehouses.The squirrels have been trained to use their claws to scratch at boxes in order to catch their handlers' attention if they detect drugs,according to local Chongqing police authorities.
"Our self﹣developed training system can be applied to the training of various animals," Yin Jin,a police dog handler in Chongqing,told Global Times,adding that the training has really good results as the squirrels can quickly identify drugs.Although the system is designed for dogs,it can show some information on how squirrels are trained as well.
According to a research article published in the journal China Working Dog which details the program,conditioning the animals' reflexes (反射) is the key factor.First,the animals are familiarized with the target's smell and do special gestures when they smell their target.For example,for explosive detection dogs,the handlers place pieces of cloth with the smell of the explosives next to the dogs' food.
Next,the animals learn to search for the target under various conditions.From a large number of luggage bags to people walking in crowds,the handlers create different situations to test the animals.If the animals successfully identify the location of the target,the animals are then rewarded with snacks and other treats.The animals are soon able to search for targets spontaneously (自动地),showing that the conditioned reflex has been built in them.Their training ends with practice sessions in real﹣life scenarios.
(1)What would the squirrels do once they identify drugs?    
A.Use their claws to take the drugs.
B.Enjoy treats from the handlers.
C.Scratch at the surface of packages.
D.Search for drugs with the same smell.
(2)What is one advantage of using squirrels for drug detection mentioned in the article?    
A.Squirrels can detect drugs hidden under the earth.
B.Squirrels are better at identifying explosives than dogs.
C.Squirrels can access narrow spaces or high packages in warehouses.
D.Squirrels requires less training compared to police dogs for drug detection.
(3)What is of vital importance for the animals' successful detection?    
A.Developing the immediate reactions of animals.
B.Familiarizing the animals with the target's smell.
C.Doing special gestures when they smell their target.
D.Involving practice sessions under different conditions.
(4)Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?    
A.The Role of Animals in Drug Detection.
B.A New Member in the Drug Detection Force.
C.The Challenges of Training Squirrels for Drug Detection.
D.Chongqing Police's Training Program for Sniffer Animals.
14.(10分) A decade ago,I attended a banquet in Guangzhou where the food was exceptional.The bird's nest soup,made from chicken and possibly ham with dried scallops (干贝),was gentle and slippery.The sea cucumber was rich and sticky,and the fish was sparklingly fresh and steamed to perfection.However,what stood out was the plain white soup of broth (肉汁),served at the end.It was simple,plain,and perfect.
Ending a banquet with soup may seem odd to Westerners,who are used to sweets at the end of meals.But as an English food writer named Fuchsia Dunlop explains in her book Invitation to a Banquet,soup is a unique expression of a chef's art,much like a singer's voice.The transparent,almost invisible soup is an ideal conclusion to a banquet,with its luxury and strong flavors.
Invitation to a Banquet is Dunlop's seventh book.Unlike her other books on Chinese cuisine such as The Food of Sichuan and Revolutionary Kitchen,this one is not a cookbook.Instead,she has chosen 30 dishes from different regions of China to illustrate different aspects of Chinese cuisine and history.
What makes Dunlop's writing unique is her perspective.She argues that Chinese cuisine is superior (更胜一筹的) not only in taste but also in its ability to incorporate foreign influences while still maintaining its own identity.Furthermore,Dunlop makes an equally compelling case that what Westerners think of as "Chinese food" is neither false nor wrong.It is merely a diasporic (离散的) branch that reflects local tastes and is representative of the cuisine's diversity.Immigration and adventurousness have made authentic Chinese food more accessible outside China than ever before.
In conclusion,Invitation to a Banquet by Fuchsia Dunlop provides a fascinating glimpse into the world of Chinese cuisine.Through her well﹣researched book and insightful discussions,she encourages readers to appreciate the complexity and richness of Chinese food.
(1)To the author,what is the most memorable dish about the banquet in Guangzhou?    
A.A sweet dessert.
B.A bowl of plain white soup.
C.A dish made from expensive ingredients.
D.A fish that was rich and strong﹣flavoured.
(2)What does the underlined word "incorporate" mean in Paragraph 4?    
(3)What is the unique perspective of Chinese cuisine in her book Invitation to a Banquet?    
A.Chinese desserts are the highlight of Chinese cuisine.
B.Immigration makes little difference to Chinese dishes.
C.Chinese food is limited to traditional ingredients and flavors.
D.Chinese food is influenced by foreign elements while preserving its own identity.
(4)What's purpose of writing the passage?    
A.To introduce a dish.
B.To recommend a book.
C.To share an experience.
D.To compare different cultures.
15.(12.5分) Friends are the family you choose.They may even be in a similar life stage as you are.(1)   Here are some ways you can thank friends for their unconditional support.
Music can get people through some very challenging times in their lives.Make a playlist featuring songs about gratitude for your friends.Let your friends know those songs represent the way you feel about their presence in your life.Music is a great way to develop a good sense of emotional connection.
2:Send a thank you
It's always nice to take time to reflect on the people you know and think of how they've changed your life.Take a moment to write down all the things you appreciate about your friend.You can send it to your friend in an email or go the old﹣fashioned route and put pen to paper.(3)   
3:Listen to the response
Part of what we love about our friends is how much they're there for us in times of need.Friends are often sounding boards and unpaid therapists(治疗师).(4)   .Your friends may be facing the same kinds of uncertainty and anxiety that you are right now.As much as you may need to express,you need to listen and empathize,too.
No one knows us as well as our friends know us.It can be easy to forget to thank your friends for the ways that they support us.(5)   Be sure to express your gratitude to them.
A.Make them a playlist
B.Create a gratitude playlist
C.Don't take your friends for granted
D.Give your friends support and care by spending time together
E.Even a quick text is a simple but effective way of expressing your gratitude
F.This means they may understand you even better than some of your family members
G.Make sure you're holding up your end of the relationship by doing the same thing for them
16.(15分) Long ago there lived a poor man named Naoko.He had a large wart(疣)in his(1)   Wherever Naoko went,people(2)   his wart.He became so shy that he would take walks only at night.
One night Naoko put on his only robe and went for a walk in the woods(3)   he was lost.At midnight Naoko(4)   a group of elves(精灵)gathering in a nearby clearing.Although Naoko was (5)   ,he tiptoed to see what the strange beings would do.
The chief elf clapped his hands,and the elves began to(6)   ,but there never seemed to be any less on the table.As quickly as the food was eaten,(7)   appeared in its place.
Naoko crept closer and closer to the enchanted party.(8)   he lost his fear and stepped into the clearing.The elves welcomed him joyfully and treated him as a(n)(9)   guest.
When morning came,the chief said, "My friend,you must come again.I will take this as a pledge (抵押)to(10)   your return." With that,the chief elf picked the wart from Naoko's forehead.
Naoko returned home and told his neighbors about his wonderful night with the elves.They all congratulated him on the(11)   of his wart.However,one neighbor,Yukio,was jealous.He wanted to visit the elves and(12)   in their food and fun.While Naoko was out,Yukio(13)   into Naoko's house,put on Naoko's robe and slipped into the woods.
(14)   happened the way Naoko had described.The chief elf(15)   him and said, "We are so glad you returned.We will give you back your pledge." With that,he put wart onto Yukio's forehead.
(1)A.foot B.forehead C.finger D.face
(2)A.put up with B.made up for C.made fun of D.took pride in
(3)A.but B.though C.so D.or
(4)A.arrested B.sent C.inspected D.spotted
(5)A.frightened B.curious C.surprised D.confused
(6)A.cheer B.toast C.dance D.feast
(7)A.less B.larger C.more D.fewer
(8)A.Suddenly B.Frequently C.Eventually D.Occasionally
(9)A.strange B.regular C.friendly D.honored
(10)A.ensure B.celebrate C.demand D.memorize
(11)A.recovery B.removal C.appearance D.benefit
(12)A.participate B.share C.take D.cut
(13)A.stole B.rushed C.leaped D.fled
(14)A.Nothing B.Anything C.Everything D.Something
(15)A.thanked B.welcomed C.praised D.showed
The first Chinese film to expose the inner workings of overseas online fraud (诈骗),No More Bets,has become(1)   major hit,taking the lead in terms of screen share and box office.
(2)   (base) on tens of thousands of actual fraud cases in China,No More Bets was produced by famed director Ning Hao and his studio and directed by Shen Ao.The movie(3)   (follow) characters like programmer Pan Sheng and model Anna who are tricked overseas by high﹣paid job offers,only(4)   (find) themselves falling into the trap of an overseas fraud factory.
Shen shared the(5)   (origin) intention behind making the film at the premiere ceremony (首映式) in Shanghai on August 2,stating that(6)   smartphones have made our lives more convenient,they have "also(7)   (accidental) opened the door to online fraud." He hopes the film will raise the awareness of online safety(8)   moviegoers.
The film's release matched with a recent official announcement,(9)   government plans were revealed to crack down on (严厉打击) overseas telecom fraud according to the law,in a move to safeguard the(10)   (interest) of the public.
Dear Tom,
Li Hua
A Lesson from My Sister
My parents worked very hard at ensuring that everything seemed pleasant for me and I mostly ignored the fact that my elder sister was different.The child psychologist had termed it as "Asperger Syndrome"(阿斯伯格综合症,一种自闭障碍).This diagnosis turned my parents world upside down﹣but they never let it affect me.
It was only at the age of ten that I started to notice the differences,and become conscious of my social life and self﹣image that I had carefully cultivated.My sister was socially awkward.She could not look at people in the eye.She would mumble(嘟哝)to herself and repeat the words she had just said under her breath.She,however,was academically capable,and hence we attended the same primary school.Despite this,I never,ever acknowledged in public that she was my sister.There was one incident,however,just two years ago,that remains imprinted in my consciousness.It was the incident that changed how I viewed my sister.It was the incident that changed me.
Being in primary six,about to graduate,my sister and her classmates had to put up a performance,whether in a group,or individually.Due to her inability to integrate(融入),my sister was the only one left without a group.The school had made it a rule for everyone to put up an item,so my sister had to perform individually. "I'll sing." my sister told my parents,confidently.Hearing that,I was taken aback and completely shocked.I knew she would embarrass me,one way or another. "No!" I protested.My parents shot me a look and that was when I knew my sister was going to perform,no matter what.Silently,I prayed that something would happen and I would not have to watch my sister shame herself.
That day came.I sat in the hall,waiting for the performances to start.The lights dimmed(变昏暗) a minute or two later and the curtains parted to reveal the only solo﹣my sister.She blinked(眨眼)a couple of times,as if the lights shining on her were hurting her eyes.
Paragraph 1:
It took about a whole minute for her to stammer(口吃,结巴地说)her name and class.___________
Paragraph 2:
How did I not know that my sister could sing so sweetly?___________
11.【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据文章第一段Escaping the crowds is all the more important this summer.We pick some of our favourite beaches for a day on the coast with the kids (今年夏天,避开人群显得尤为重要。我们挑选了一些我们最喜欢的海滩,和孩子们在海边度过一天)可知,这四个海滩都远离人群。即孩子们可以享受安静的一天。A.They are all perfect for picnics.它们都是野餐的好去处;B.They all have cliffs and castles.它们都有悬崖和城堡;C.They are all suitable for camping.它们都适合露营;D.They all can provide a noise﹣free day.它们都能让你度过没有噪音的一天。故选D。
(2)细节理解题。根据文章Embleton Bay,Northumberland这一部分中Embleton Bay hides in plain sight behind the commanding Dunstanburgh Castle.Even on the sunniest day you can wander,fly a kite or watch seabirds with few concerns about social distancing(Embleton Bay(隐藏在雄伟的邓斯坦堡城堡后面。即使在阳光最明媚的日子里,你也可以漫步、放风筝或看海鸟,而不用担心社交距离)可知,如果你喜欢鸟类,可以前往Embleton Bay。故选B。
(3)文章出处题。根据文章第一段Escaping the crowds is all the more important this summer.We pick some of our favourite beaches for a day on the coast with the kids (今年夏天,避开人群显得尤为重要。我们挑选了一些我们最喜欢的海滩,和孩子们在海边度过一天)可推知,本文选自旅游版块。故选A。
12.【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据第二段Zhu started this adventure,an "Olympic trip".(朱开始了这次"奥林匹克之旅"。)和第三段My destination is Paris,France,before the Summer Olympics on July 26,2024.(我的目的地是法国巴黎,在2024年7月26日夏季奥运会之前完成骑行。)可知,朱最近开始的自行车之旅是为了庆祝法国巴黎的夏季奥运会。故选D。
(2)推理判断题。根据第五段People's good will has been a highlight of his trips. "I met a small hotel owner when I was cycling in Ecuador,South America,in 2016.After I knew the owner had been to China multiple times and was a fan of the Chinese culture and food,I took the initiative to cook him a Chinese dinner.He was very happy and,in return,offered me a night of accommodation for free," Zhu says.( 人们的善意是他旅程的一大亮点。"2016年,我在南美洲的厄瓜多尔骑自行车时遇到了一位小酒店老板。当我知道店主去过中国很多次,喜欢中国文化和中国美食后,我主动为他做了一顿中餐。他很高兴,作为回报,他让我免费住了一晚。")可知,朱提到厄瓜多尔的经历是为了展示他在旅途中遇到的人的善良。C.To show people's kindness he experienced in his trips.(为了表达他在旅行中所感受到的人们的善意。)符合文意,故选C。
(3)细节理解题。根据第四段From Asia to Africa,from South America to North America,he has encountered many wonderful people and experiences,and witnessed various unique customs.( 从亚洲到非洲,从南美到北美,他遇到了许多精彩的人和经历,见证了各种独特的习俗。)和第五段People's good will has been a highlight of his trips.( 人们的善意是他旅程的一大亮点。)可知,朱的旅程是精彩的愉快的,第六段的Yet,it hasn't all been smooth riding.( 然而,这一切并非一帆风顺。)可知,朱的旅程也是艰难的。因此推断朱志文的自行车之旅是苦乐参半的。故选A。
(4)推理判断题。根据最后一段"I think it is to accept what is possible during travel and get pleasure from it,no matter if it is good or bad," Zhu says.( "我认为它是接受旅行中的可能性,并从中获得乐趣,无论它是好是坏,"朱说。)可推断,朱认为应该接受旅行带来的所有体验。D.Embracing all the experiences travel offers.(享受旅行提供的所有体验。)符合文意,故选D。
13.【解答】(1)推理判断题。根据第二段The squirrels have been trained to use their claws to scratch at boxes in order to catch their handlers' attention if they detect drugs,according to local Chongqing police authorities.(据重庆当地警方称,这些松鼠经过训练,一旦发现毒品,它们就会用爪子抓箱子,以引起饲养员的注意。)可知,松鼠在发现毒品后会用爪子抓箱子来提醒它们的饲养员。故选C。
(2)细节理解题。根据第二段Being so small and quick,the "newcomers" are able to search for drugs in places where dogs may not be able to reach,such as in narrow spaces or on top of packages stacked(堆) high in warehouses. (由于体积小、速度快,这些"新来者"能够在狗可能够不到的地方搜索毒品,比如狭窄的空间里,或者在仓库里堆叠得很高的包裹顶部。)可知,在毒品检测方面,松鼠相比于狗来说,松鼠可以进入仓库狭窄的空间或到达高处的包裹。故选C。
(3)推理判断题。根据最后一段The animals are soon able to search for targets spontaneously (自动地),showing that the conditioned reflex has been built in them.(动物很快就能自动地寻找目标,这表明条件反射已经在体内建立起来了。)可知,动物自动寻找目标时,就表明它们已经发展出条件反射,因此形成条件反射对于动物成功探测是最重要的。A.Developing the immediate reactions of animals.(培养动物的即时反应。)符合文意,故选A。
(4)标题归纳题。根据第一段Detecting drugs used to be a special job for dogs,but now a drug detection team is welcoming some new colleagues﹣squirrels.Six Eurasian red squirrels were trained and approved for work responsibilities by police in Chongqing in February.( 探测毒品曾经是狗的一项特殊工作,但现在一个毒品探测小组正在欢迎一些新同事﹣﹣松鼠。今年2月,重庆警方对6只欧亚红松鼠进行了培训,并批准了它们的工作职责。)可知,本文主要讲述了重庆警方训练松鼠进行毒品探测,迎来松鼠成为新同事,共同探测毒品,因此推断B.A New Member in the Drug Detection Force.(毒品侦缉队的新成员。)为最佳标题。故选B。
14.【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据第一段的However,what stood out was the plain white soup of broth,served at the end.It was simple,plain,and perfect(然而,最令人难忘的是最后端上来的一盅口味清淡、色泽浓白的汤。它简单、朴素、完美),可知对于作者来说,广州宴会上最令人难忘的一道菜是一碗口味清淡、色泽浓白的汤。故选B。
(2)词句猜测题。根据画线词的宾语foreign influences (外国的影响)和下文while still maintaining its own identity (同时仍然保持自己的身份),可推知 its ability to incorporate foreign influences while still maintaining its own identity表示"中餐应该是在吸收、融合外国餐饮的影响的同时,保留了其本身的独特性"。因此incorporate表示"吸收,包含",A.Include(包括)B.Reject(拒绝)C.Strengthen(增强)D.Reduce(减少)。故选A项。
(3)细节理解题。根据第四段的What makes Dunlop's writing unique is her perspective.She argues that Chinese cuisine is superior not only in taste but also in its ability to incorporate foreign influences while still maintaining its own identity.(邓洛普作品的独特之处在于她的视角。她认为,中餐不仅在口味上更胜一筹,而且在吸收外国影响的同时仍能保持自己的特色),可知《宴会之邀》这本书呈现了对中餐的独特视角,认为中国食物受到外国元素的影响,同时又保留了自己的特色。故选D。
15.【解答】(1)细节理解题。根据上文Friends are the family you choose.They may even be in a similar life stage as you are.( 朋友是你选择的家人。他们甚至可能和你处于相似的人生阶段。)说明朋友的重要,根据下文Here are some ways you can thank friends for their unconditional support.( 下面是一些你可以感谢朋友无条件支持的方法。)讲述感谢朋友的方式,因此推断空处承上启下,因为朋友很重要,就像你的家人,甚至和你处于相似的认识阶段,因此他们可能比家人还更了解你,因此你应该感谢他们,选项F.This means they may understand you even better than some of your family members"这意味着他们可能比你的一些家庭成员更了解你。"符合语境,this指代上文提到的内容。故选F。
(2)标题判断题。空处为段落小标题。根据下文Make a playlist featuring songs about gratitude for your friends.Let your friends know those songs represent the way you feel about their presence in your life.Music is a great way to develop a good sense of emotional connection.( 制作一个播放列表,收录那些表达对朋友感激之情的歌曲。让你的朋友知道,这些歌曲代表了你对他们在你生活中的存在的感受。音乐是培养良好情感联系的好方法。)可知,本段介绍通过制作播放列表感激朋友,选项A.Make them a playlist"让他们成为播放列表"总结本段主旨。故选A。
(3)推理判断题。根据前文Take a moment to write down all the things you appreciate about your friend.You can send it to your friend in an email or go the old﹣fashioned route and put pen to paper.(花点时间写下所有你感激你朋友的地方。你可以把它通过电子邮件发送给你的朋友,或者用传统的方式把它写在纸上。)说明把对朋友的感激写在纸上,通过邮件或者书信的形式发给朋友,E项中的"a quick text"呼应上文的"email"和"paper",选项E.Even a quick text is a simple but effective way of expressing your gratitude"即使是简短的短信也是表达感激之情的一种简单但有效的方式"符合语境,承接上文。故选E。
(4)细节理解题。根据前文Part of what we love about our friends is how much they're there for us in times of need.Friends are often sounding boards and unpaid therapists(治疗师).(我们爱朋友的部分原因是他们在我们需要的时候总是在我们身边。朋友往往是顾问和无报酬的治疗师。)说明朋友经常帮助我们。根据下文Your friends may be facing the same kinds of uncertainty and anxiety that you are right now.As much as you may need to express,you need to listen and empathize,too.( 你的朋友可能正面临着和你一样的不确定和焦虑。尽管你可能需要表达,但你也需要倾听和同情。)说明在朋友处于困境时,也要倾听朋友并给予同情,因此推断空处承上启下,选项G.Make sure you're holding up your end of the relationship by doing the same thing for them"确保你通过为他们做同样的事情来维持你的关系"符合语境,朋友帮助我们,我们也应该帮助朋友。故选G。
(5)推理判断题。根据前文It can be easy to forget to thank your friends for the ways that they support us.( 我们很容易忘记感谢朋友对我们的支持。)说明我们会忘记感谢我们的朋友的支持,根据下文Be sure to express your gratitude to them.( 一定要向他们表达你的感激之情。)说明我们应该感谢朋友,因此推断选项C.Don't take your friends for granted"不要把你的朋友视为想当然"符合语境,承上启下,说明不能把朋友的支持和帮助视为想当然,要记住感谢朋友。故选C。
16.【解答】(1)考查名词及语境理解。A.foot脚;B.forehead前额;C.finger手指;D.face脸。句意:他的前额上长了一个疣。根据最后一句"With that,he put wart onto Yukio's forehead."可知,他的前额上长了一个疣。故选B。
(2)考查动词短语及语境理解。A.put up with忍受;B.made up for弥补;C.made fun of取笑;D.took pride in以……自豪。句意:Naoko无论走到哪里,人们总取笑他的疣。根据下文"He became so shy"可知,人们总是取笑他的疣,他很害羞。故选C。
(3)考查连词及语境理解。A.but但是;B.though尽管;C.so因此;D.or否则。句意:一天晚上,Naoko穿上他唯一的一件长袍,在树林里散步,但他迷路了。根据上文的"went for a walk"和下文的"he was lost"可知,上下文是转折关系。故选A。
(4)考查动词及语境理解。A.arrested逮捕;B.sent派遣;C.inspected检查;D.spotted发现。句意:午夜时分,Naoko发现一群精灵聚集在附近的空地上。根据下文"a group of elves(精灵)gathering in a nearby clearing"可知,Naoko发现了这些精灵。故选D。
(5)考查形容词及语境理解。A.frightened害怕的;B.curious好奇的;C.surprised吃惊的;D.confused困惑的。句意:Naoko虽然很害怕,但他还是踮着脚尖,想看看这些奇怪的生物会做什么。根据下文"he lost his fear"可知,Naoko是害怕的。故选A。
(6)考查动词及语境理解。A.cheer欢呼;B.toast为……干杯;C.dance跳舞;D.feast尽情享用。句意:精灵首领拍了拍手,精灵们开始大吃大喝,但桌子上的食物似乎一点也没有减少。根据下文"but there never seemed to be any less on the table"可知,精灵们在享用桌子上的食物。故选D。
(7)考查形容词及语境理解。A.less更少的;B.larger更大的;C.more更多的;D.fewer更少的。句意:食物刚吃完,又有更多的出现在原来的地方。根据上文"but there never seemed to be any less on the table"可知,食物并没有减少,因此食物刚吃完,桌子就又有了更多的食物。故选C。
(8)考查副词及语境理解。A.Suddenly突然地;B.Frequently经常地;C.Eventually最终地;D.Occasionally偶尔地。句意:最终,他不再害怕,走到空地上。根据上文"Naoko crept closer and closer to the enchanted party."可知,Naoko越走越近,最终来到了空地上。故选C。
(9)考查形容词及语境理解。A.strange奇怪的;B.regular有规律的;C.friendly友好的;D.honored受尊敬的。句意:精灵们兴高采烈地欢迎他,把他当作贵宾。根据上文"The elves welcomed him joyfully"可知,精灵们热情地欢迎他,对待他像贵宾,Naoko受到尊敬。故选D。
(10)考查动词及语境理解。A.ensure确保;B.celebrate庆祝;C.demand要求;D.memorize记住。句意:我将以此作为抵押,保证你回来。根据上文"I will take this as a pledge"可知,精灵首领留下东西作抵押是为了确保Naoko再回来。故选A。
(11)考查名词及语境理解。A.recovery恢复;B.removal消除,移走;C.appearance出现;D.benefit益处。句意:他们都祝贺他把疣去掉了。根据上文"With that,the chief elf picked the wart from Naoko's forehead."可知,Naoko的疣去掉了。故选B。
(12)考查动词及语境理解。A.participate参加;B.share共享;C.take拿;D.cut切。句意:他想去拜访精灵们,分享他们的食物和乐趣。根据上文"He wanted to visit the elves"和下文的"food and fun"可知,他想拜访精灵,为了分享他们的美食和乐趣。故选B。
(13)考查动词及语境理解。A.stole偷窃;B.rushed冲;C.leaped跳跃;D.fled逃离。句意:趁Naoko不在家,Yukio偷偷溜进Naoko的家,穿上Naoko的袍子,溜进了树林。根据上文"While Naoko was out"可知,Yukio是偷偷溜进Naoko家的。故选A。
(14)考查代词及语境理解。A.Nothing没什么;B.Anything任何事物;C.Everything一切;D.Something某事。句意:一切都如Naoko描述的那样发生了。根据下文"The chief elf(15)him and said"可知,一切和Naoko遇到的一样,Yukio见到了精灵。故选C。
(15)考查动词及语境理解。A.thanked感谢;B.welcomed欢迎;C.praised表扬;D.showed表明。句意:精灵首领欢迎他说:"我们很高兴你回来了。我们会退还你的抵押。"根据下文"We are so glad you returned."可知,精灵首领欢迎Yukio。故选B。
(2)考查过去分词。句意:这部电影取材于中国数以万计的实际诈骗案例,由著名导演宁浩及其工作室制作,由导演申奥执导。base与逻辑主语No More Bets是被动关系,故用过去分词作状语,句首单词首字母大写。故填Based。
(4)考查动词不定式。句意:该电影随着程序员潘生和模特安娜等角色的故事展开,他们被高薪工作机会引诱到海外,却发现自己陷入了海外诈骗工厂的陷阱。表示意料之外的结果,用不定式形式作结果状语,故填to find。
(10)考查可数名词的复数。句意:该电影的发布恰逢中国政府宣布计划依法严厉打击海外电信诈骗以维护公众利益。冠词修饰名词,作动词safeguard的宾语,interest此处表示"利益",可数名词,结合句意和the public用名词复数,故填interests。
18.【解答】Dear Tom,
I am Li Hua,monitor of Class 1,Grade 11.I am writing to invite you to our upcoming Teachers' Day﹣themed class meeting,which will take place from 4:20 to 5 p.m.on September 10th in Room 201 of Teaching Building Three.【高分句型一】(班会时间和地点)
To express our heartfelt gratitude and admiration,we've organized engaging activities.The program will begin with sincere speeches reflecting on your invaluable instruction and guidance.Following that,entertaining games and performances will be put on to create a lively atmosphere.Towards the end,you'll be presented with carefully crafted gifts as tokens of our appreciation.(活动安排)
Please let me know if you are able to attend this meeting.【高分句型二】Looking forward to celebrating Teachers' Day with you and making it a memorable occasion!
Li Hua
19.【解答】It took about a whole minute for her to stammer(口吃,结巴地说)her name and class.By that time,murmurs were heard in the audience. "Why is she taking so long?" people around me asked.I shifted nervously in my seat,wishing I were somewhere else.【高分句型一】Finally,my sister started to sing.I braced myself for the worst.She opened her mouth,and I was transfixed﹣she sang effortlessly and melodiously.Her voice rang unselfconsciously through the hall,beautiful in its power.I exhaled and watched in wonder.(姐姐在台上的表现以及观众的反应)
How did I not know that my sister could sing so sweetly?How could I have doubted my sister's abilities?I listened ever so carefully to the lyrics she had composed all by herself and my heart gave way.I had been so wrong.Guilt and shame filled my heart as I listened to my sibling.【高分句型二】Although she knew that I was embarrassed by her and was reluctant to attend her concert,she had forgiven me;she had never taken anything that I had done to her to heart.It was then that I resolved to love her unconditionally.It was as if a veil had been lifted from my eyes,and my heart was full.(姐姐的精彩表演以及作者的感受)




下一篇:新人教版八年级上册《6.1 质量-6.2 密度》2023年同步练习卷(答案)