新概念青少版1A unit 4 课后练习
Fill in the missing words.填空。
You: Hello, Paul. _____________ are you
Paul: . _____________fine, but Robert isn't _____________.
You: Oh,I'm ! What's with him
Paul: He isn't .
You: Is he ill
Paul: Yes, .
You: Hello, Lucy. are
Lucy:I'm not very .
You: Poor you!I am !What's with you
Lucy: sure.
二、Write the answers to these simple sums as words.把这些简单算术题的答案拼写出来。
1 10+10= ________________ 6 5+20= ________________
2 9×3= ________________ 7 11+11= ________________
3 20-1= ________________ 8 30-4= ________________
4 10×3= ________________ 9 21-3= ________________
5 30-2= ________________ 10 4×6= ________________
C Vocabulary Practice
三、Look at John and Pat, and answer the questions.看约翰和帕特的图片,并回答问题。
sad ill happy well
1 Is John cold No, he isn't.
Is he hot Yes, he is. He's very hot.
Who is cold Pat is. She's very cold.
Who is hot and who is cold John is hot and Pat is cold.
2 Is John happy ____________________________________
Is he sad ____________________________________
Who is happy ____________________________________
Who is happy and who is sad ____________________________________
3 Is John hungry ____________________________________
Is he thirsty ____________________________________
Who is hungry ____________________________________
Who is hungry and who is thirsty ____________________________________
4 Is John well ____________________________________
Is he ill ____________________________________
Who is well ____________________________________
Who is well and who is ill ____________________________________
D Is he ... Is she ... Is it ... No, he isn't. No, she isn't. No, it isn't.
Complete the questions and answers. 完成问题及其回答。
1 Robert / hungry / thirsty
A: Is Robert hungry
B: No, he isn’t. He is thirsty.
2 Lucy / happy / sad
3 William / stupid / very clever
4 Paul / well / very ill
5 your umbrella / white / black
6 Claire / old / young
7 Linda / Karen’s mother / Karen’s sister
Fill in the words. They all end in‘Y’填入词语,它们都以Y结尾。
1 Not hungry
2 Not thirsty
3 Not sad
4 The doctor ‘s very ___ ___ ___ ____
5 Robert is a ___ ___ ___, not a girl.
6 This is __ ___book, not your book or his book or her book.