a __________________woman(已婚的)
in a _________________(混乱)
a ______________of people(许多)
_____________to do(打算)
_____________doing (意味着)
by this ____________(手段)
_____________ health (精神的)
award a _____________ to sb(勋章)
a piece of _____________(金属)
in ____________society (现代)
______________ citizen (模范)
month/ mouth
twice a ___________(月)
keep one’s____________ shut (嘴巴)
a large _____________ of(大量)
______________ to (总计达)
explore _____________ ways (新颖的)
a _____________ cause (崇高的)
_______________ to doing sth (反对)
be ______________ to sth (易遭受)
as _______________ to (而不是)
______________ doing sth(反对)
increase _____________(产量)
a successful ____________(结果)
_____________ success to hard work (归功于)
do sth on one’s _________________(自己)
panic/ picnic
get into a ______________(恐慌)
go on a ______________(野餐)
parent/ patent
apply for a _____________(专利)
live with his _____________(父母)
forty _____________ on board (乘客)
a narrow _______________(通道)
_____________ a change (察觉到)
_____________warm welcome (收到)
a memorable _______________(习语)
in the initial ________________(阶段)
her _________________ of life (生活信条)
education _________________(心理学)
physicist/ physician
call in a _________________(内科医生)
a nuclear ________________(物理学家)
_____________ a career (规划)
a ____________project (试点的)
a _____________ leader (政治)
Honesty is the best____________(政策)
population/ popularity
gain __________________(受欢迎)
have a large _________________(人口)
________________ the impact (评估)
________________ patience (拥有)
a _______________ location (确切的)
______________experience (先前的)
preference/ reference
have (a) __________________ for (偏爱)
for future _________________(参考)
present/ represent
Arrows ______________ directions. (代表)
_______________ the prize (颁发)
preserve/ reserve
a perfectly ________________ house (保存)
_____________ the seats for guests (预留)
be _____________ of(骄傲)
take ____________ in (骄傲)
prize/ price
win the first ______________(奖)
pay the _____________ for sth (代价)
process/ progress
make _________________(进步)
the aging ______________(过程)
________________ sb from doing sth (禁止)
________________ their new designs(展览)
protest/ protect
_______________ workers against/from attack (保护)
_______________ against the decision (抗议)
a book _____________ by Longman (出版)
be severely ________________(惩罚)
increase _______________ awareness(公众)
quality/ quantity
large ________________ of(数量)
be of high _______________(质量)
keep _______________(安静)
___________as manager (辞职)
___________ to one’s feet (站起)
____________ a ban (解除)
_____________from sth(产生)
___________ from… to…(变化)
___________an appointment(安排)
receipt/ reception
the __________________desk(接待处)
Can I have a _____________, please (收据)
recreation/ creation
the joy of ________________(创作)
facilities for ________________(娱乐)
_____________ to the letter (回复)
______________ on his parents (依赖)
______________ the message(传达)
________________ patience of sb(需要)
approve his _______________(请求)
_____________ about train times (查询)
_______________ a reputation (获得)
make a _______________ to do (决心)
find a ______________ to the problem (解决办法)
the _______________ of information (来源)
natural _____________________(资源)
retire/ resign
a ____________ worker (退休)
____________his position(辞去)
deserve a ______________ for (奖励)
_____________ sb a title (授予)
change his daily _________________(常规)
the ________________ to success (路线)
royal/ loyal
a _______________ welcome (盛大的)
a _______________ servant (忠诚的)
sale/ sell
for ____________ (待售,出售中)
_____________ her car for £700 (以700英镑卖掉她的汽车)
scared/ sacred/ scarce
_____________ resources (稀缺资源)
be _____________ of heights (恐高)
a _____________ cow (神圣不可侵犯的习俗;不容质疑的信仰)
section/ session
the sports _______________ of the newspaper (报纸的体育版)
a question-and-answer _______________ (一段问答时间)
sew/ sow
you reap what you ____________ (种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆)
the ____________ machine (缝纫机)
shameful/ ashamed
____________ behaviour (可耻的行为)
feel ____________ of oneself (感到羞愧的)
sigh/ sign
at the first ____________ of sth (一有某事物的迹象)
breathe a ____________ of relief (松了一口气)
snack/ snake
___________ foods like crisps and peanuts (炸薯片和花生之类的小吃)
a poisonous ___________ (一条毒蛇)
sour/ soul
go/ turn ___________ (变酸)
heart and ___________ (全心全意)
source/ resource
pool our ____________(把我们的资源集中起来)
a useful ____________ of information (有用的信息来源)
medical ____________ (全体医务人员)
sticky ____________ (黏乎乎的东西)
statue/ status
put up a ____________ (竖立一尊雕像)
have a high social ____________ (拥有很高的社会地位)
stare/ glare
____________ at sb. (怒视某人)
____________ into the distance (凝视着远方)
steam/ stream
a mug of ____________ hot coffee (一大杯热气腾腾的咖啡)
a steady ____________ of visitors (络绎不绝的参观者)
strike/ stick
be ____________ at home (被困在家里)
be ____________ by her kindness (被她的善良打动)
sufficient/ efficient
____________ evidence (充足的证据)
a very ____________ secretary (效率高的秘书)
suspect/ suspend
____________ him to be a thief (怀疑他是小偷)
be ____________ from school (被勒令停学)
sustain/ attain
____________ happiness (获得幸福)
____________ the children's interest (维持孩子们的兴趣)
swallow/ shallow
____________ hard(因为紧张、害怕或要开始说话而用力吞口水)
in ____________ waters around the coast (在海边浅水水域)
sweet/ sweat/ sweater
____________ with fear (吓得直冒汗)
have a ____________ tooth (爱吃甜食)
sympathy/ symphony
feel ____________ for sb (对某人感到同情)
____________ orchestra (交响乐团)
tail/ tale
wag one’s ___________ (摇尾巴)
a fairy ___________ (童话故事)
technology/ technique
marketing ____________(营销技巧)
science and ____________(科学技术)
temporary/ contemporary
a _____________ measure (临时的措施)
_____________ fiction (当代小说)
tension/ intention
have no _____________ of doing sth. (无意做某事)
ease/relieve _____________ (减压)
tense/ intense
____________ interest/ desire/ anger (浓厚的兴趣;强烈的欲望;极端愤怒)
break the ____________ silence (打破令人紧张的沉默)
test/ text
stand the ____________ of time (经得起时间的考验)
printed ____________ (打印的文本)
through/ thorough/ though/ throughout
get wet ____________ (浑身湿透)
____________ the year (一年到头)
a ____________ check-up (一次全面的体检)
thread/ threat
a needle and ____________ (针线)
pose a major ____________ to our society (对社会构成重大威胁)
a ____________ decision (一个艰难的决定)
a ____________ idea (一个粗略的/大致的想法)
towel/ tower
a bath ____________ (一条浴巾)
____________ above/over sb./sth. (比...高;远超过...)
trial/ trail
tourists who leave a ____________ of litter everywhere they go (一路乱丢垃圾的游客)
by/through ____________ and error (反复试验,反复摸索)
tune/ tone
out of ____________ (走调)
in a friendly _____________ (以友好的语气)
valueless/ invaluable
____________ opinions (没有价值的观点)
____________ experience (宝贵的经验)
vocation/ vacation
on _____________ (在度假)
find my true _____________(找到真正适合自己的职业)
venue/ avenue
an ideal _____________ for conferences (举行会议的理想场所)
explore every _____________ (探索一切途径)
violate/ violent
____________ scenes in the film (电影中暴力的镜头)
____________ one's privacy (侵犯某人的隐私)
vision/ version
a leader with ____________ (一位有远见的领导)
the English ____________ of the novel (这本小说的英文版)
visual/ visible
be ____________ to the naked eye (肉眼可见的)
a ____________ feast (一场视觉盛宴)
waist/ wrist
a bit tight around the ____________ (腰部有点紧)
grab one’s ____________ (抓住某人的手腕)
wonder/ wander
work ____________ (创造奇迹;产生良好的效果)
____________ aimlessly around the streets (在大街上漫无目的地到处游荡)
1.married; Merry
2. mess; mass
3. mean; mean; means
4. mental; medal; metal
5. modern; model
6. month; mouth
7. amount; mount
8. novel; noble
9. object; subject
10. opposed; propose
11. output; outcome
12. owe; own
13. panic; picnic
14. patent; parents
15. passengers; passage
16. perceive; receive
17. phrase; phase
18. philosophy; psychology
19. physician; physicist
20. plot; pilot
21. political; policy
22. popularity; population
23. assess; possess
24. precise; precious; previous
25. preference; reference
26. represent; present
27. preserved; reserve
28. proud; pride
29. prize; price
30. progress; process
31. prohibit; exhibit
32. protect; protest
33. publish; punished; public
34. quantities; quality
35. quiet; quite; quit
36. rise; raise; arise
37. range; arrange
38. reception; receipt
39. creation; recreation
40. reply; rely; relay
41. require; request; inquire; acquire
42. resolution; solution
43. source; resources
44. retired; resign
45. reward; award
46. routine; route
47. royal; loyal
sale; sell
scarce; scared; sacred
section; session
sow; sewing
shameful; ashamed
sign; sigh
snack; snake
sour; soul
resources; source
staff; stuff
statue; status
glare; stare
steaming; stream
stuck; struck
sufficient; efficient
suspect; suspended
attain; sustain
swallow; shallow
sweat; sweet
sympathy; symphony
tail; tale
techniques; technology
temporary; contemporary
intention; tension
intense; tense
test; text
through; throughout; thorough
thread; threat
tough; rough
towel; tower
trail; trial
tune; tone
valueless; invaluable
vacation; vocation
venue; avenue
violent; violate
vision; version
visible; visual
waist; wrist
wonders; wander