2023 年宜荆荆随高二 10 月联考
1-5 CABCB 6-10 ABCBA 11-15 CBBAC 16-20 CCAAB
21-23 BCA 24-27 CABA 28-31 DBAD 32-35 BADD 36-40 GCDFE
A 篇
本文是应用文。文章介绍了由 Gina Rae La Cerva教授的关于写食物回忆录的课程。
21. B。理解具体信息。根据 Course Description部分中的 we’ll use the subject of food as a starting
point to find deeper truths about ourselves.可知,该课程能够阐明关于我们自己的更深层次的真
相,与 B选项一致. Explore our inner worlds(探索我们内心世界).
22. C。理解具体信息。理解具体信息。根据题干中的关键信息 the pleasure可定位到 Four Total
Sessions 部分中的 Session 3 (Thursday, 10/5, 7–8:30 PM ET): Appetite & Pleasure:longing and
satisfaction .由此可知答案。
23. A。理解具体信息。根据What Else You Should Know部分中的 Sessions will be streamed live
over Zoom可知,这些课程将通过 Zoom进行现场直播。
B 篇
24. C。推断。根据第一段中的 to others they are more often than not simply a collection of boring,
badly composed, out-of-focus pictures可知,作者之前所拍的照片没有得到他人的认可。因此,
她应该对自己的摄影技巧感到不满,所以才为自己预订了罗马摄影之旅。注:more often than not
25. A。推断。根据第二段中的 Yet by myself I didn't have a clue how to go about getting some
good shots. Added to this was the fact that there were crowds of tourists everywhere, blocking all the
best views可知,作者第一次去罗马时,一方面不知道去哪里拍好照片,另一方面到处都是游
26. B。理解具体信息。根据第二段中的 Antonio told ... the secret to creating a good photographic
image rather than just a snapshot is to first take a long look at what you want to photograph 可知,
Antonio的建议是:首先要长时间观察你想要拍摄的东西。注:port of call意为“(航行途中的)
27. A。推断。根据倒数第二段中的 I was really able to appreciate the sights和 It felt like a whole
new world had opened up to me 可知,作者开始真正欣赏自己想拍的景物,也开始用新的眼光
C 篇
28. D。理解具体信息。根据第二段中的 This occurs ... creating a difference in temperature和 this
difference ... to create a lifting force on the object可知,温度的差异促使光泳现象的发生。
29. B。理解具体信息。根据第四段中的 To maximize the lifting forces on the device, the team
determined to cover the top disc with a coating that lets visible but not infrared light pass through it,
while a coating on the bottom disc did the opposite 可知,研究小组通过在顶部和底部圆盘上覆盖
30. A。理解词汇。根据第五段中的 Because they are small and light和 where they could collect
data about the Martian atmosphere可知,将这些传感器运输到火星是可行的。
宜荆荆随重点高中教科研协作体*英语答案(共 8页)第 1 页
31. D。推断。根据末段中的 the device's 300 - milligram mass allowance may challenge its
practicality 和Many instruments would have to be powered by solar cells and adding those, together
with other elements, could limit how many more instruments can be added可知,许多仪器本身必
Aplin认为该设备 300毫克质量的负载能力可能会使其应用受限。
D 篇
32. B。细节理解题。根据第二段中的...forest and woodland ecosystems are not the only crucial
environments ... consists of a huge range of different systems...可知,生态系统的修复涉及到大量
33. A。细节理解题。根据第三段中的最后两句可知,当自然无法自我修复时,主动干预就是
34. D。推理判断题。根据最后一段中的...environmental issues cannot be separated in our complex
modern world from socio-economic ones. We need to look at people and the planet... the natural
environment and human society as interconnected...可知,要形成可行的修复方案,我们需要综合
35. D。主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文旨在告诉读者如何更有效地修复受损的生态系统。
故选 D项。
体裁: 说明文 主题语境:人与自我 长度:文章 261词+选项 84词
【语篇导读】 本文主要阐探讨了如何处理与家人之间的争吵。作者提醒我们,在争吵中不要
36.选G. Here are the do's and don'ts when you are arguing with your family members - 这个选项是
37.选 C.此处为段中句, The point of an argument isn't to prove the others guilty or to win. 强调“争
38选 D. 此处为段中句, C选项 Rather than going in circles about what you think and how you feel
建议“我们不要一直围绕自己的想法和感受打转”和下文祈使句 try to stand in the shoes of your
family members.“要试着站在家人的角度上理解他们”符合上下文衔接。
39.选 F. 此处为段首句。根据下文提示,我们在争吵中不要简单陈述事实,而是表达自己的感
40.选 E. 此处为段中句,空前一句“你正在被隔绝,再次被攻击”,空后一句“你说得越多,
你的家人似乎越不理解,你离达成协议也就越远。” Each accusation strikes deeper and deeper
into your sense of justice意为“每一项指控都深深地刺痛了你的公正感”,承上启下。
完形填空 41-45 BDBCA 46-50 BACDA 51-55 DDACB
主题:人与自我——生活 语篇导读:记叙文。
宜荆荆随重点高中教科研协作体*英语答案(共 8页)第 2 页
41. B. varied 。在这篇文章中,作者谈到了纽约的天气在寒冷和下雨天气间不断变化。
42. D. dream of 。根据上下文,作者在谈论自己对科尼岛夏天的回忆,因此这里是说作者作
43. B. cleared up 。根据上文提到的天气经常变化,这里是说天气最终转晴了。
44. C. opportunity 。根据上文作者提到天气转晴了,他决定去散步,所以这里是说他抓住了这
个机会。固定搭配 jump at the opportunity to do sth 意为“抓住机会做某事”。
45. A. break。根据上文作者提到他在午餐时间外出散步,因此这里是说他不确定在这一时的午
46. B. within。根据上文提到南街海港离办公室很近,所以这里是说它在步行范围之内。选择。
固定搭配 within walking distance意为“在步行距离内”。
47. A. freezing 。根据下文提到天气,所以这里是说尽管天气很冷,但它似乎在呼唤作者出去。
48. C. made 。根据上文作者提到他要去海港,所以这里是说他成功到达了那里。
49. D. path 。根据上文提到作者看到了一条通向日光平台的路,所以这里是说他看到了一条路。
50. A. amazed。根据下文提到的壮丽的布鲁克林大桥,所以这里是说他被眼前的景色所惊艳到
51. D. chairs。据下文提到的“one of the chairs”,所以这里是指在平台上有放置好的供人们欣
52. D. appreciate。根据上文提到美景和椅子,所以这里是欣赏美丽的风景。
53. A. enjoying。根据上文作者提到他舒服地坐在椅子上,所以这里是说他正在享受阳光。上
文中的 enjoying the sun也是提示。
54. C. exactly。根据上文作者提到他意识到自己正在做他在海滩上做的事情,所以这里是说他
55. B. wonder。根据上文作者提到你永远不知道在风暴过后会有什么美好的事情等待着你,所
以这里是说你永远不知道什么奇迹等待着你。wonder呼应文中的 glory、postcard-like scene等。
56.similarities 57. its 58.to 59. chosen 60.boarded
61. which 62.an 63. to explore 64. undoubtedly 65. visiting
One possible version:
Dear Steve,
Hope this letter finds you well. Visiting the Smart Home Exhibition last Saturday at the City
Science and Technology Museum, I’m eagerly writing to introduce something relevant, hoping to
share with you the thrilling experience.
Aimed at making people’s daily life more convenient and efficient, the exhibition showcased
the latest advancements in home automation and technology, ranging from smart lighting, security
systems to voice-controlled devices. What it highlighted was the interactive displays, where visitors
could experience controlling appliances with just their voice or through smartphone apps. It was
breathtaking to witness how technology can easily integrate into our daily lives.
Meaningful and unforgettable, the exhibition is well worth visiting. It impresses on us that the
smart home will make our life easier and smart technology is not a fantasy. If you like further details,
I am always here.
Yours truly,
Li Hua
宜荆荆随重点高中教科研协作体*英语答案(共 8页)第 3 页
1.本题总分为 15 分,按 5 个档次给分。
3.词数少于 60 和多于 100 的,从总分中减去 2 分。
第五档( 13-15 ) :完全完成了试题规定的任务,完全达到了预期的写作目的。
第四档( 10-12):完全完成了试题规定的任务,达到了预期的写作目的。
宜荆荆随重点高中教科研协作体*英语答案(共 8页)第 4 页
Searching the road for stones, my eyes landed upon a brown object. It was the half-eaten
burger that I had dropped in panic. All of a sudden, a silver of an idea came to me in a flash of
inspiration—I could make good use of it to distract the dog. Dogs like beef! Every second counting,
I swiftly picked up the beef burger, gathered all my strength and threw it at the fierce dog.
Thankfully, giving way to the temptation of the delicious beef, the dog turned around and was
quickly immersed in delicacy, ignoring the frozen Ben. With a sigh of relief, Ben swiftly regained
his focus and climbed over the fence. Tightly hugged by Max and me, Ben gradually lifted his
Afterwards, the three of us made our way home again. Strangely enough, the lengthy journey
home didn’t seem that boring. In an instant, we began to amuse ourselves on Ben’s dare. Max
apologized to Ben for the dare which had led to the entire adventure. However, Ben patted him on
the back as if to show his forgiveness. Subsequently, squeezing my hands, Ben sincerely extended
his gratitude, saying that without my wisdom and bravery, he could have been severely injured. I
responded jokingly that he owed me a new beef burger. Waves of laughter permeating in the air, we
awakened to the realization that timely help among friends can break down any obstacle, changing a
venture into a fortunate escape.
放学路上Max, Ben和“我”三个人玩“真心话大冒险”,Ben被要求背Max的书包,结果Max
Para 1:根据段首句 Searching the road for stones, my eyes landed upon a brown object和前文第一
句 I bit into the brown beef burger可知,我发现了之前吃了一半的汉堡。所以本段应该写我捡
起汉堡丢向狗狗,吸引了它的注意,帮助 Ben摆脱了危机。
Para 2:根据第二段首句 Afterwards, the three of us made our way home again可知,本段可能涉及
Ben摆脱危机后对我的感谢,Max因为没有帮助 Ben而感到羞愧,以及我的感悟。
1.本题总分为 25分,按 5个档次给分。
3.词数少于 130的,从总分中减去 2分。
宜荆荆随重点高中教科研协作体*英语答案(共 8页)第 5 页
——语法结构单调, 词汇项目有限,有些语法结构和词汇方面的错误,影响了意义的表达。
(Text 1)
M: I’m sorry I’m late for class today, Mrs. Brown.
W: It’s OK. I heard your mother is sick these days. Have your seat. Open your book to page 56.
(Text 2)
M: Jenny, there’s an opening for a sales manager in our company. Do you want to give it a try
W: Thank you, George, but I’ve decided to go back to college.
(Text 3)
W: There is a blue forest south of Brussels which thousands of people visit every spring. The forest
looks like a blue carpet.
M: Oh, I saw it on a magazine. It said that people feel good in nature.
(Text 4)
M: So how are you getting on with the report, Amy You need to show it in the staff meeting.
W: I know. I’ve done most of it, but I still need to get some information from the sales team in
Brazil before I can finish it.
(Text 5)
M: Hello! Jack speaking.
W: Hello. It’s Zara from Fish Supplies. We’ve received your order, but we can’t get hold of that
particular fish at the moment. Would you like us to replace it with another kind of fish at a similar
宜荆荆随重点高中教科研协作体*英语答案(共 8页)第 6 页
(Text 6)
W: Hey Peter. I’m preparing for the presentation tomorrow. And I need the notes for last Tuesday
when I was gone. Have you got them
M: Yeah. I think so. By the way, have you enjoyed this Chinese course so far
W: Yes. The biggest challenge has been learning the sounds, but I knew that already. What about
M: Some stuff I thought would be hard has actually been quite straightforward. I mean, the grammar
is simpler than English.
W: Right. I couldn’t agree more.
(Text 7)
W: Listen, the paper says, “It is estimated that every year in Britain 200 million is wasted on gym
M: What 200 million How can it be wasted
W: People often apply for the membership but never go. You’re a gym-goer. So how can you keep
M: Good question! First, make a weekly fitness plan. Then exercise with someone else. If you have
someone waiting for you in the gym, you’ll be less likely to cancel.
W: Sounds useful.
(Text 8)
M: Pickett, congratulations on your team’s victory yesterday.
W: Thanks.
M: When did you begin to play soccer
W: I began to play soccer at the age of 5 under the guidance of my father. He’s a former college
soccer player.
M: Do you feel sad that you don’t have a left arm
W: No. In 2019, I took a photo with a two-year-old boy. Neither of us have a left arm. Then the
photo spread fast on the Internet. I just want to encourage those people like me. I think we’re good
enough because we’re able to do things no matter what.
M: Do you still have that photo
W: Sure. I have it in my phone. Let me show you.
(Text 9)
W: Today we have Leo Stone. He’s talking about his trip to the South Pole in the steps of his hero
Ernest Shackleton. First, tell us about your team.
M: OK. The really unusual thing about them was that we all had some kind of connection to
members of Shackleton’s team, whether directly or indirectly. I myself am a relative of a member of
that 1907 trip.
W: Did the trip take a long time to organize
M: Yes. It took us five years to prepare for it. First we had to find the money. Then there was the
physical training. We were all relatively fit. It was actually the mental challenge that we struggled
with the most, having to get our heads around the long journey.
W: And did you experience any of the same problems
M: We did. For example, we had to spend two days in our tent because of bad weather, which
Shackleton also suffered. But it was worse for Shackleton because they were also very low on food
at that point. One of Shackleton’s men fell seriously ill, which luckily our team was spared.
W: Do you think Shackleton deserves his reputation as a great hero
M: Yes. His decision to turn back to save his men took great courage, so he was a very determined
man. That’s why I respect him so much.
(Text 10)
Hello, I’m Harry. I’m here to talk about my work as a pilot for Emperor Airlines. Its headquarters
宜荆荆随重点高中教科研协作体*英语答案(共 8页)第 7 页
are here in Texas and I moved here from California to take up the role last year. My love of flying
started in childhood. My dad was a pilot so I traveled on planes from an early age. Later, I studied
aeronautics at college in Ohio. I also joined a flying club to get a feel of flying a plane, which
confirmed my flying career. After graduation, I got an opportunity with Emperor Airlines in
California. It was a lengthy process with lots of training for trainee pilots. We learnt to tell the flight
routes, work out the required fuel and so on. We were also trained to deal with emergencies. For
example, we needed to make an emergency landing because of the sudden breakdown of an engine.
That was the most difficult part of the training for me. Then I started at the bottom as a First
Officer. Now I rank as a Senior First Officer. I like the view — my office window changes every
day! And with the variety of passengers and crew I get to meet. Although I don’t come into as much
contact with passengers as the flight crew, there’s never a boring moment.
宜荆荆随重点高中教科研协作体*英语答案(共 8页)第 8 页
考试时间:2023年10月10 日上午09:45-11:45 试卷满分:150分
1. 答题前,先将自己的姓名、准考证号、考场号、座位号填写在试卷和答题卡上,并将准考证 号条形码粘贴在答题卡上的指定位置。
2. 选择题的作答:每小题选出答案后,用2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。写在试 卷、草稿纸和答题卡上的非答题区域均无效。
3. 非选择题的作答:用黑色签字笔直接答在答题卡上对应的答题区域内。写在试卷、草稿纸和答 题卡上的非答题区域均无效。
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。 每段对话仅读一遍。
1. Where does the conversation take place
A.At home. B.At the hospital. C.At the school.
2. What does the woman plan to do
A.Get further education. B.Start her own business. C.Work as a sales manager.
3. What are the speakers mainly talking about
A.A nice carpet. B.A blue forest. C.A new magazine
4. What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A.Strangers. B.Classmates. C. Workmates
5. Why does the woman call the man
A. To ask for help. B.To discuss an order C. To make an invitation.
听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选 出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒
6. Why does the woman come to the man
A. To borrow some notes. B.To explain her absence. C. To discuss the presentation.
7. What do the speakers both find easier than expected
A.Spelling. B.Grammar. C.Pronunciation.
8. How does the man feel about the news
A.Excited. B.Relaxed. C. Surprised
9. What is the man's second suggestion
A. Joining a sports club. B. Exercising with a friend. C. Doing a weekly fitness plan.
10.Who taught the woman to play soccer at first
A.Her father. B.Her mother. C.Her brother.
11.How does the woman sound
A.Stressed. B.Grateful. C.Inspiring.
12.What will the woman do next
A.Watch a game. B.Show a picture. C. Interview a boy.
13.Why were the man's team unusual
A. All were college students.
B. All had a link with the 1907 trip.
C.All reached the South Pole before.
14.What does the man say was the hardest thing for the team
A. Preparing mentally. B.Getting physically fit. C. Planning the financing.
15.What problem did the man's team mainly experience
A.Lack of food. B. Serious illness. C. Unpleasant weather.
16.Why does the man admire Shackleton
A. His ambition. B. His patience. C.His determination.
17.Where is the speaker working now
A.In California. B.In Ohio. C. In Texas.
18.When did the speaker decide to become a pilot
A.When he joined a flying club.
B.When he majored in astronomy.
C.When he visited his dad's workplace.
19.What did the man think hardest during the training
A.Dealing with emergencies. B.Working out the required fuel. C.Remembering the flight routes.
20.What does the speaker think of his job
A.Tiring. B.Interesting. C.Demanding.
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。
A Workshop With Gina Rae La Cerva
Course Description
Eating is a daily necessity, a pleasure, and an act of creativity. Food connects us to our ancestors, our
landscapes, and our bodies. In this generative memoir (回忆录)-writing workshop led by award-winning writer Gina Rae La Cerva, we'll use the subject of food as a starting point to find deeper truths about ourselves. We'll access deep memories, connect to our childhoods, examine our heritage, and reflect on our personal growth. Through short prompts(提示词), longer writing assignments, and readings, we'll examine the craft of writing about food, highlighting the tools needed to create incredible food writing.
Four Total Sessions
Session 1(Thursday, 9/21,7-8:30 PM ET): Origins: Exploring food heritage and how it plays a role in our connection with eating today.Session 2(Thursday, 9/28,7-8:30 PM ET): Landscapes: Places where food is grown, prepared, and enjoyed.
Session 3(Thursday, 10/5,7-8:30 PM ET): Appetite & Pleasure: Longing and satisfaction. Session 4(Thursday, 10/12,7-8:30 PM ET): Food Futures: Freedom, and community.
$225 per person
What Else You Should Know
Sessions will be streamed over Zoom. Within 72 hours after each session, students will receive access to
a recording, which they can watch for up to two weeks after the course ends. Instructors may use Google Classroom for communication outside of class.
Please reach out to us at experiences@ if you have any questions, requests, or accessibility needs.
21.What can you learn from the course
A.Making tools. B. Exploring our inner worlds.
C.Cooking good food. D.Connecting to the community.
22.When will you learn about the pleasure that food brings us
A.On Sept.21. B. On Sept.28 C.On Oct.5. D.On Oct.12
23.What should you know about the sessions
A.They can be accessed live through Zoom
B.They should be recorded by students when they air.
C. Their recordings should be watched within 72 hours.
D. Their recordings will be posted in Google Classroom.
Like most tourists, I enjoy taking photographs on holiday and can't wait to show them to my friends and family when I get back. But while for me they represent treasured memories, to others they are more often than not simply a collection of boring, badly composed, out-of-focus pictures. So this year I decided to do something about this by booking myself on a trip to Rome which included photography lessons.
The first time I went to Rome, I remember thinking that it was a fantastic place for photographers with a wonderful photo opportunity lying around every corner. Yet by myself I didn't have a clue how to go about getting some good shots. Added to this was the fact that there were crowds of tourists everywhere, blocking all the best views. But this second time things were different. Antonio, my photography tutor, was on hand to give expert advice every step of the way. The first thing Antonio told our group was that the secret to creating a good photographic image rather than just a snapshot (快照) is to first take a long look at what you want to photograph. Our first port of call was Piazza Navona, where Antonio gave us advice about how to photograph the Fountain of Neptune. For the next couple of hours, we wandered around the historic center visiting many of Rome's architectural highlights. I didn't get at all tired, even though I was on my feet for such a long time. And I felt that I was really able to appreciate the sights as I had to look at each one so carefully in order to get good pictures. It felt like a whole new world had opened up to me.
I learnt an incredible amount over the next two days, as well as having a thoroughly enjoyable time in one of the world's most beautiful cities. Maybe my friends and family will show a little more enthusiasm when I show them my holiday snaps from now on!
24.What motivated the author to book a photography trip to Rome
A. Her interest in trying out a new hobby. B.Her desire to explore the city of Rome.
C.Her dissatisfaction with her photography skills. D. Her hope of finding inspiration for her photography.
宜荆荆随重点高中教科研协作体*英语试卷(共8页)第3 页
25.Which words can best describe the author's first experience in Rome
A.Confusing and disappointing. B.Comfortable and uneventful.
C. Fantastic and adventurous. D.Relaxing and interesting.
26.What did Antonio suggest concerning photography in Rome
A.Taking multiple snapshots of each subject.
B.Observing the subject before taking a photo.
C. Avoiding crowded areas for better pictures.
D.Looking at surroundings to unlock their secrets.
27. How did the author benefit from her photography tour of Rome
A.She began to see things in a new light. B.She understood her friends and family better.
C. She was able to appreciate beautiful photos. D. She became more enthusiastic about snapshots.
Small sensors powered only by sunlight could float (漂浮) in the sky forever and make weather-related
Flat objects with two sides can be kept up in the air by what is called photophoresis (光泳现象).This occurs when one of the sides absorbs lots of light and the other very little, creating a difference in temperature. Just like how temperature differences in the atmosphere cause winds, this difference makes molecules(分子) move in such a way as to create a lifting force on the object.
Benjamin Schafer at Harvard University and his coworkers designed a device that could use photophoresis to lift small weather sensors into the air and wouldn't need motors or batteries to keep up the height.
Their device consists of two discs. Each disc is only 100 nanometers thick --- one-thousandth the thickness of a sheet of paper --- and very small holes cover nearly half of the surface, making it very lightweight and easy for heat to flow through it. To maximize the lifting forces on the device, the team decided to cover the top disc with a coating that lets visible but not infrared light (红外线) pass through it, while a coating on the bottom disc did the opposite. This would produce enough lift to keep the device in the stratosphere(平流层) and it would never fall to Earth. The researchers calculated that the device could carry a 300-milligram load of equipment, such as temperature and pressure sensors.
Schafer and his coworkers suggest a weather balloon could deliver hundreds of these devices to the stratosphere where they could measure stratospheric winds, which are useful for predicting weather. Because they are small and light, they could also be viable to transport to Mars, where they could collect data abour the Martian atmosphere.
Karen Aplin at the University of Bristol, UK, says that the device might be helpful for solar geoengineering."However, the device's 300-milligram mass allowance (限额) may challenge its practicality. Many instruments would have to be powered by solar cells and adding those, together with other elements,
could limit how many more instruments can be added,"she says.
28.What makes photophoresis happen
A.Wind force. B.Molecule difference. C. Object shapes. D.Temperature difference.
29. How did the designers give the device the strongest lifting force
A.By making holes all over it. B.By coating its discs in the opposite way.
C.By increasing its surface area. D.By sending it to the stratosphere.
30.What does the underlined word"viable"in paragraph 5 mean
A.Practical. B.Distant. C.Legal. D.Accurate.
31.What does Karen Aplin imply about the device
A. Its high costs challenge its practicality. B.It is better than battery-powered sensors.
C. It can hardly resist extreme temperatures. D. Its mass allowance may limit its application.
As an ecologist and consultant, I have been involved with a range of ecosystem restoration( 修 复 ) projects. It is clear to me, as it will no doubt be clear to readers, that ecosystem restoration is crucial. As we seek to ease and adapt to climate change, and work to reverse (逆转) biodiversity losses, restoration is an important part of the global solution. But while it is widely understood that ecosystem restoration is the right thing to do, there is far less understanding about what exactly it means, and how it is to be achieved.
One of the most obvious misunderstandings about ecosystem restoration is that it is all about action, especially planting trees. It is important to understand that forest and woodland ecosystems are not the only crucial environments to restore. Ecosystem restoration consists of a huge range of different systems from farmland soils and grassland systems to our seas and oceans.
Ecosystem restoration is not always about actively intervene (干预). In many instances, passive intervention can be just as effective, if not more so, than active. This involves simply letting nature take the reins(掌管). But there are situations in which humans have damaged the environment to such a degree that natural restoration is impossible. This is when carefully designed action is required.
Another key thing to remember is that we cannot succeed in ecosystem restoration without local people's involvement or, ideally, their leadership. When a community feels a sense of belonging and a deep connection with the land, this provides a firm foundation for future conservation and restoration work.
While I dislike taking an overly human-centered view, environmental issues cannot be separated in our complex modern world from socio-economic ones. We need to look at people and the planet as a whole and appreciate the complex web of human life and its interaction with the natural world in order to form practical restoration solutions. It is only when we consider the natural environment and human society as interconnected that we can really continue to make progress.
32.Which shows the proper understanding of ecosystem restoration
A. Community-led efforts should be reduced.
B. Ecosystem restoration involves a variety of systems.
C. Direct action on forest ecosystems should be avoided.
D.The more trees we plant, the better the ecosystems will be.
33.In what case is active intervention a must
A.Nature fails to restore itself to health.
B.The cost of passive intervention is high.
C. A large population relies on natural resources.
D. Active intervention can improve the local economy.
34. According to the last paragraph, what should be done to make practical restoration plans A. Focusing on the interests of humans.
B. Making nature conservation a top priority.
C. Conducting a survey of local natural resources.
D. Taking both social factors and nature into account.
35.What is mainly talked about in the text
A.How people can benefit from ecosystem restoration.
B.What challenge people face in ecosystem restoration.
C.Why ecosystem restoration becomes increasingly urgent.
D. How we can repair damaged ecosystems more effectively.
宜荆荆随重点高中教科研协作体*英语试卷(共8页)第5 页
How to Handle an Argument with Your Family Members
We've all been there. A relaxed evening with our family members. A lot of laughing. And then, as if someone had sat on the TV remote and changed the channel, the mood shifts. No more warmth. Suddenly there's shouting, a ping-pong of accusations(指责), deadly stares, and hostility(敌意) streaming from eyes like red laser pointers. Having a conflict with your family members is frustrating, and you may feel sad and depressed. 36
Do remember that as much as it might feel this way, you're not in a court of law with your family members. 37 .It is to restore kindness and connection. Think of it this way —if somebody wins, both parties lose.
Do try to be an advocate of others'feelings. 38 try to stand in the shoes of your family members. Try to understand their immature ways.
39 ,This might frighten your family members, making them feel accused and in turn, act defensively. Example:"I was on the phone with my sister and then suddenly you started acting like crazy out of the blue."Talk about the way you felt instead. Example:"I was on the phone with my sister and then I suddenly felt scared when I saw you looking at me like I was in trouble."
Don't try to explain yourself. You often want to explain yourself when having conflicts with your family members, but you don't have time. You're being cut off and attacked again. 40 .The more you talk, the less your family members seem to understand and the further away you get from an agreement.
A. If you are looking for a new relationship
B. Don't attempt to prove yourself in the face of your loved ones
C. The point of an argument isn't to prove the others guilty or to win
D. Rather than going in circles about what you think and how you feel
E. Each accusation strikes deeper and deeper into your sense of justice
F. Don't talk about what happened as though you're simply stating the facts
G. Here are the do's and don'ts when you are arguing with your family members
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
You never know when a cold winter day is going to turn into something warm and sunny.
My beach walk was inspired by the weather we'd been having in New York, which constantly 41 from don't-you-dare-leave-the-house cold to your-hair-will-never-forgive-you rain. Through it all, I couldn't help but 42 summers at Coney Island---weekends spent relaxing in a beach chair and enjoying the sun.
Those days were a long way off. But on Wednesday of last week, when the weather finally 43 I jumped at the 44 to walk outside umbrella-free.
I wasn't really sure where to walk during my hour-long lunch 45 until the South Street Seaport came into my mind. It's just 46 walking distance from the office and, although it was 47 outside,it seemed to call out to me.
The more I walked, the better the weather got. By the time I 48 it to the seaport, the sun was really shining. I spotted a(n) 49 by the water that appeared to lead to a sun deck (日光平台).I walked up to it and was 50 by the view that greeted me---the Brooklyn Bridge in all its glory. There were matching 51 carefully positioned all over the deck for people to 52 the postcard-like
I made myself comfortable in one of the chairs, 53 the sun. That's when I realized I was doing 54 what I would have done if I were at the beach. You never know what 55 awaits you after a storm,like a beach day in the middle of winter in the middle of a work day in the middle of New York city.
宜荆荆随重点高中教科研协作体*英语试卷(共8页)第6 页
41.A.benefited B.varied C.suffered D.stopped
42.A. complain about B.hear of C.learn about D.dream of
43.A.clouded over B.cleared up C.cooled down D.heated up
44.A.mission B.effort C.opportunity D.goal
45.A.break B.meeting C.party D.reading
46.A.through B. within C.from D.beyond
47.A.freezing B.normal C.warm D.burning
48.A.got B.failed C.made D.took
49.A. position B.stage C.direction D.path
50.A.amazed B.frightened C.annoyed D.confused
51.A.tables B.trees C.boats D.chairs
52.A.expect B.imagine C.decorate D.appreciate
53.A.enjoying B.following C.desiring D.studying
54.A. gradually B.regularly C.exactly D.certainly
55.A.risk B.wonder C.barrier D.promise
Mount Danxia National Geopark, located in the south of China, shares many . 56 (similarity) with Montument Valley and Canyonlands National Park in the USA. However, 57 (it) unique
landscape of red rock in the surroundings of the subtropical(亚热带的) forest creates a distinct environment.
Inside Mount Danxia, it is well-organized, and tourist buses transport visitors 58 every point of interest. My first 59 (choose) place to visit was one of the landmarks of the park, Yangyuanshi or Male Stone. Then, the bus took me to another landmark of the park, Zhanglaofeng or Elder Peak, where I 60 (board) a cable car(缆车) to the top of the peak. Afterward, I took a river tour on Jinjiang River,
61 offered breathtaking views that I highly recommend.
Based on my experience, Mount Danxia is 62 easily accessible and enjoyable destination. However, I only visited a small part of the park, and there are still many nice spots for me 63 (explore), along with numerous activities available for tourists, such as bamboo rafing(竹筏漂流) .In conclusion,Mount Danxia, a World Heritage Site in China, is a(n) 64 (undoubted) remarkable spot
that is well worth 65 (visit).
假如你是李华,上周六你参加了市科技馆举办的智能家居展览(the Smart Home Exhibition),请用
英语写一封书信向你的外国朋友 Steve介绍本次展览,内容包括:
Dear Steve,
Yours truly Li Hua
A Fortunate Escape
Max, Ben and I were walking home together while I bit into the brown beef burger I had grabbed from a shop nearby."Truth or dare,Ben " Max questioned. It was a game we usually played to amuse ourselves on the lengthy, boring journey home. Ben wanted a dare."Well, Ben, I dare you to carry my bag all the way home!"Max commanded.
As Ben pulled the heavy bag up his shoulder and adjusted the bag belts, he noticed that Max'bag was partly open. When he quickly turned it around, an object flew out of the bag, and over the fence of our neighbor's house.
"Oh,no,"Max shouted,"I think that was my English homework!" Stretching his hand out and trying to crawl(爬)under the fence to get the paper, Ben found that it was just out of reach.
"Well, I guess I'll have to climb over the fence to get it,"Ben complained. He was barely able to climb up, using small gaps in the wooden fence as handholds, as the fence was nearly as tall as him, and low enough for something to be thrown over it.
Sliding down the fence, Ben grabbed the valued piece of paper, complaining about injured self-respect. Just then, a loud and terrifying bark cut his words short.
"Woof, woof!"
Our neighbor,Mr. Mason, owned a German Shepherd (德国牧羊犬), known for its fierceness, which guarded the house. It was something we had overlooked, too focused on getting back Max's homework. Ben's legs trembled uncontrollably and his face turned a deathly white as the German Shepherd advanced slowly on him like a wolf approaching its target.
Max and I stared at it, frozen with fear. Ben backed up against the fence, attempting to climb up, but a loud bark stopped him in his tracks. I desperately searched my mind for a silver of an idea about how I could
assist Ben. Should I climb up the fence and help Ben Or could I do something to distract the dog 注意:
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Searching the road for stones, my eyes landed upon a brown object.
Afterwards, the three of us made our way home again.