15.How did the man probably feel when he was performing first aid
16.What did the man do yesterday
A.He trained some first aid volunteers.
B.He received some training at the Red Cross.
1.How many instruments does the man's brother play
C.He signed up as Red Cross first aid volunteer,
2.What kind of fruit did the woman use to love most
17.Where did the speaker learn about the test
A.On the Internet.
B.In a newspaper.
C.In a schaol poster.
3.Where are the two speakers probably
18.How did the speaker probably feel when she was singing
A.In a store.
B.In a supermarket.
C.In a post office
4.What do we know from the conversation
19.What do we know about the speaker's performance in the test
A.Andy will come to visit the two speakers'tomorrow.
A.It was terrible.
B.It was impressive.
C.It was unique.
B.The two speakers are looking forward to Andy's coming.
20.What is the speaker's dream now
C.Andy is not popular with other people
A.To.be a Korean'pop star..
B.To go to Columbia University.
5.What is the woman looking for
C.To go to the best college in Korea.
A.A book for her kid.B.A book for herself.
C.A book for her sister
6.What are the two speakers talking about
Do you want to attend the-taping (of The Steve Harvey Show All you
A.Plans for the coming summer vacation
have to do is ask and wait.Tickets to The Steve Harvey Show are free because
B.A trip to California during the summer vacation.
they like to have fans attend-the taping.Theyoften give.away more tickets.than
C.Some good ways 1o find jobs.
seats because it's possible that some people won't show up.
7.What do we know about the man
Request Your Tickets-to The Steve Haryey Show
A.He has been making money for years.
It is easy to request,tickets-to.The Steve Harvey Show.You'll simply give the
B.He needs to find a babysitter in the summer.
show your information and the date when you'd like to attend.
C..He wants.to learn:some good work skills,
1.Visit the official website of The Steve Harvey Show and find the "Get
8.What is the man
2.You'll find a calendar (with marked dates.Those.are available taping
A.A hote!clerk.
B.A shop assistant.
C.A bank clerk
dates.Select one that works best for you.
9.How much will the woman pay for the bankbook()
3.Fill out the online form -your name,email,phone number.address,
A.50 dollars.
B.15 dollars
C.5 dollars.
requested date,etc.
Attend The Steve Harvey Show
10.What do we know about the woman
Remember that your requested date is not guaranteed ()The show will
A.She is learning German after work.
do its best to meet your request,but it is possible you may receive tickets for a
B.She knows several languages.
different date.
C.She is very good at German.
11.What does the man usually do in his spare time
.In order to get into the studio,you will need to bring your ID,state ID,
A.He studies.
B.He works
C.He watches movies.
passport,or student ID.
12.Why will the man call Henry
You might be on TV,so you need to dress neatly.Avoid sportswear,clothes
A.To ask him to teach him French.B.To borrow some books.
with the printed symbol of a company,and hats.
C.To ask for advice.
.Check torsee if any video recording machines are allowed.Cell.phones
with camcras might be allowed,but may have to be'tumned off before you enter
13.Where was the man when he got the phone call
the studio and stay off during taping.
A.In a bus.
B.In his.office
C.At a bus stop
21.What can we learn aboyt The StevesHarvey Show
14.What do we know about the old woman
A.It welcomes its fans to its studio.B.It has more seats than needed:
A.Her hands were bleeding.().B.She got hurt on a bus.
C.It offers few seats to its fans.
D..It provides few-free tickets.
C.Herright leg was hurt.
22.Which of the following might ehange