
高三第二次联考英语(含听力)答案 M: My parents share your point of view. But I think she has a
附听力原文: gift for that. If you look at her album you ll know how she
(Text 1) will make it.
M: I m thinking about getting a motorcycle. (Text 8)
W: Are you crazy Motorcycles are dangerous. I would be wor ̄ M: Don t you have to write papers too
ried all the time. W: Yes those are hard. I m not really sure what to write about.
M: I ll be careful. M: I m glad I m not registering until the spring.
W: I really wish you would not get one. W: Yeah my applications are due pretty soon.
(Text 2) M: Are you applying for financial aid
M: So last week we looked at some of the causes of the First W: Yes but I don t have to do that until a few months from
World War. This week we re going to look at some of the now.
ways the war affected Europe. Now when did the war start M: What else do you have to do
Maria W: I have to get recommendations from two people.
W: In 1914. M: Oh really Who will you ask
M: Thank you Maria. Remember dates are really important. W: I think I ll ask my senior school teacher and my boss at
You have to memorize them OK work.
(Text 3) M: Awesome! Good luck!
W: May I speak with the store manager please One of your W: Thanks!
sales clerks was very rude to me. (Text 9)
M: I am very sorry to hear that. Could you please tell me which W: Hey do you like our classroom
clerk M: Yeah it s small clean and new. I also like our classmates
W: His name is Bob. He works in the mornings. and our teacher.
M: I will talk to Bob as soon as possible. W: I agree but I would like to have more than one teacher be ̄
(Text 4) cause I learn better that way.
W: What can I do for you sir M: So do I. I don t like having assigned seats either.
M: You see I bought this skirt here for my daughter. She likes W: I agree! I don t think the teacher should assign seats to
the colour and style but it s too large for her. Can I change students because I like to sit with my friends.
it for a smaller one M: Me too. I do like our classroom though.
W: Sure. Wait a moment please. I ll get one for you. W: Yeah it s small and pretty relaxing.
(Text 5) M: I like classrooms with fewer student because I feel like I can
W: I have never seen a more boring film than this. I wonder why learn better.
the hero died 15 minutes just after the film began. By the W: Me too. So what bothers you about the classroom
way what s the time by your watch M: Well sometimes it is too hot.
M: It s 9 ∶ 15. It s said that the film will be over in half an hour. (Text 10)
(Text 6) M: Two trendy restaurants in Paris give beautiful people
M: Let s take a break. better tables than ordinary people. Staff who used to work there
W: What Take a break You haven t even learned your lines talked to a Paris newspaper about the restaurants. They said
by heart yet. We should practice at least for another hour “The good ̄looking customers are led to the good places where
before we take a break. they can be easily seen the non ̄good ̄looking ones must be
M: Well then. Excuse me. I am sorry to say this but I can t seated in the corners of the room. ” The rule for celebrity diners
practice any longer. My father wants me to come home early. is different ̄ ̄whether they are pretty or ugly old or young they
W: You can t go. You ve got to stay. No excuses. Who can play get the good tables. The waiters and waitresses also have to look
your part It s too late to find another one to take your place. good. An ex ̄employee said “Anyone short without a model s
M: Okay. Let s get down to business. “ The story goes like slim figure or over 30 need not apply.” The owners want to make
this...” sure the restaurants have a good image so they put attractive
W: I can t even hear your voice. Speak louder and clearer. guests in easy ̄to ̄see places. One owner visits regularly to check
(Text 7) on his “beauty policy”. If he sees a “non ̄attractive” person at a
W: Come on Brain. It s time to go. good table he will tell the staff “There are good ̄looking peo ̄
M: Just a minute. I just have to close the shop. ple and you put them here there are bad ̄looking people and
W: OK. But we have to hurry. Rush hours begin early on Fri ̄ you put them there.” Furthermore staff can t give a table to
days you know. customers who make telephone bookings just in case they are
M: I know that. By the way Carol can we give my sister a ride not beautiful. Staff decide where to seat them after they come to
home tonight the restaurant according to their faces.
W: Sure. You mean she s going to the basketball game too 1—5:CCCBA      6—10:ABBAC      11—15:BABAC
M: Yeah. She wants to take some pictures. 16—20:BACAB 21—25:BDCDB 26—30:AADDC
W: I didn t know Barbara was interested in photography. 31—35:AABAD 36—40:CBGFD 41—45:DCBAC
M: Yeah. She d like to work for a newspaper someday. 46—50:DABCA 51—55:BDCAB
W: But I think it might be difficult for her to succeed. There are 21. B 细节理解题 根据 Hong Kong Science Museum 部分中
a lot of photographers out there. 的“ the Museum regularly brings in temporary and interac ̄
高三第二次联考 英语(含听力)1 高三第二次联考 英语(含听力)2
tive exhibitions related to science and modern technology.” 破 破洞” 故选 A
可知 香港科学博物馆提供与科学和现代技术有关的互 33. B 推理判断题 根据第一段中的“Constructed from deli ̄
动展览 故选 B cate flexible and lifelike materials soft robots ...”可知 软
22. D 细节理解题 根据 Fireboat Alexander Grantham Exhibi ̄ 体机器人更加灵活 又根据“Now a new generation of soft
tion Gallery 部分中的 “ Open:Mon Wed to Sun 10am  ̄ robots is growing and self ̄repairing its way...”以及第二段
6pm”可知 亚历山大 格兰瑟姆灭火轮展览馆的开放时 中的“Shepherd and his team designed a soft robot that not
间为:星期一、周三至星期日上午 10 时至下午 6 时 所以 only heals damage but doesn t need to be told when to do
周四的 12 点是开放的 故选 D so.”可知 软体机器人与传统机器人相比 更加灵活并且
23. C 推理判断题 根据 Fireboat Alexander Grantham Exhibi ̄ 能进行自我修复 第二段中也提及了软体机器人的自
tion Gallery 部分中的“Learn all about the history of Hong 我修复能力 故选 B
Kong s sea rescue services”和 Lei Cheng Uk Han Tomb Mu ̄ 34. A 观点态度题 根据第四段中的“Building soft robots that
seum 部分中的“...and learn more about the history behind can work heal and grow independently could change many
the monument”可知 这两个博物馆所展示的都是与历史 areas of human life. Swift robots could fit into factory set ̄
有关的 故选 C tings more easily if they had humanlike hands that could use
24. D 推理判断题 根据第一段中的“When Aly Stosz was in the same tools we do...”可知 Robert 认为制造能够独立
kindergarten she easily towered head ̄and ̄shoulders over 工作、治愈和成长的软体机器人可能会改变人类生活的
the rest of her class.”可知 当艾丽在学前班时 她比她的 许多领域 由此可知 Robert 对待软机器人的态度是拥
班级同学高出一头多 故选 D 护的 支持的 故选 A
25. B 细节理解题 根据第二段中的“Normal activities like 35. D 主旨大意题 根据第一段中的“Now a new generation
shopping for clothes and shoes can be stressful for Aly be ̄ of soft robots is growing and self ̄repairing its way to meeting
cause she struggles to find anything that fits properly on researchers high expectations.”可知 新一代的软体机器
her.”可知 艾丽感觉购买衣服有压力是因为她很难找到 人正在成长和自我修复 以满足研究人员的高期望值
适合她的衣服 故选 B 又根据最后一段中的“With heightened sensing and motion
26. A 推理判断题 根据第二段中的 “ But through all of skills strong compositions and newfound independence
these struggles Aly has learned to embrace the body she s these soft machines future looks solid.”可知 本文主要介
been given and to walk with confidence.”可知 她学会了接 绍的是软体机器人有更高的感知和运动技能、能自我修
受自己的身体 又根据第三段中的“Ultimately she real ̄ 复以及新发现的的独立性 所以 D 项正确
ized that most people were searching for ways to stand out 36. C 根据上文的“Good friends teach you about yourself and
and be different and here she was born with her own u ̄ challenge you to be better.”可知 此处谈论好朋友对你的
nique look!”可知 她接受了自己的样子 故选 A 帮助 C 项“它们对你的健康也有积极的影响” 其中的
27. A 推理判断题 根据最后一段中的“Many women strug ̄ also 与上文形成递进关系 该项与下文的 “ So how do
gle for years to own the body they ve been given and walk friendships contribute to your well ̄being ”衔接自然
with the confidence. Watching this interview of Aly is inspir ̄ 37. B 根据下文的 “ having a friend to help you through can
ing and encouraging.”可知 艾丽接受采访的可能目的是 make the transition(转变) easier.”和“Research also shows
传播自爱的有力信息 故选 A that happiness is contagious(有感染力的) among friends.”
28. D 细节理解题 根据第一段中的“But while vision and 可知 好朋友对于人们的情绪转变是有帮助的 因为
hearing interfaces are extremely advanced and touch is im ̄ happiness 是属于“情绪”范畴的 B 项“朋友给你情感上
proving one key sense has been missing from the virtual 的支持”符合语境
world: smell.”可知 在虚拟世界中嗅觉研发是最慢的 38. G 根据上文的“One study of high school students found that
故选 D those who were depressed were twice as likely to recover if
29. D 细节理解题 根据第三段中的“A key advantage is that they had happy friends.”可知 对高中生的研究发现快乐
it can control smell intensity.”可知 新设计的关键的优点 的朋友帮助抑郁的人康复的机率增大 G 项“同样 如
就是它能控制气味的浓度 故选 D 果他们的朋友有“健康的情绪” 孩子患抑郁症的可能性
30. C 主旨大意题 根据第四段中的 “ The study includes 会降低一半 ”与上文衔接 尤其是信息提示词 Likewise
demonstrations of possible applications beyond just increas ̄ 起到关键的提示作用
ing VR...”可知 这项研究包括演示可能的应用 又根据 39. F 根据本段的标题“Friends help build your confidence”可
该段中的“The researchers suggest the devices could even 知该段介绍的是朋友帮助你建立自信 又根据空后的
be used to lessen depressed mood or promote recall...” 可 “But supportive friends can help you feel more confident by
知 本段主要介绍的是技术的潜在用途 故选 C offering praise when you re feeling unsure.”可知 支持的朋
31. A 细节理解题 根据最后一段中的“The researchers have 友能帮你感觉更加自信 与上文形成转折关系 F 项
already started shrinking things down further....and they aim “每个人都会时不时地自我怀疑和缺乏安全感”符合要
to shrink it to something five to 10 times smaller in the fu ̄ 求
ture.”可知 研究者们接下来会进一步减小它的大小 40. D 根据“Friends push you to be your best”可知 本段主要
故选 A 介绍的是朋友们帮助你成为最好的自己 又根据空后
32. A 词义猜测题 根据下文的“Then it uses a hyperelastic 的“They encourage you and push you to do better and be
(超弹性的) material to quickly heal the wound. ... after the person you want to be—your “ ideal self” .”可知 朋友
damage. Later work could expand these repairs to bigger 们会鼓励你成为你想要成为的那个人 与 D 项“他们看
missing parts and holes.”可知 治疗伤口 受伤 扩大这些 到并爱着真实的你”与上下文构成衔接关系 而且 They
修复到更大的缺失部分和洞 由此推断出该词意为“刺 指代上文的“Good friends”
高三第二次联考 英语(含听力)3 高三第二次联考 英语(含听力)4
41. D 根据上文的“Arsh Pal 12 started painting when he was the town 与动词 hide 之间为被动关系 故用过去分词作
just 8 years old. ”可知 Arsh 在八岁时就开始绘画了 又 状语 因位于句首 首字母应大写 故选 Hidden
根据下文的“... in painting began with a gift of paints and 59. bears  考查动词时态 该句意为:隐藏于深山之中 这
canvas”可知 Arsh 绘画的兴趣开始于颜料和画布的礼 个城镇经受了 300 多年的历史 该句陈述的是客观事
物 故选 D 实 所以用一般现在时态 因主语为单数名词 the town
42. C 根据上文的“ a gift”以及下文的“ from his parents”可 所以谓语动词为第三人称单数形式 故填 bears
知 这份礼物是他从父母那里收到的 故选 C 60. which  考查关系代词 分析句子可知 is known for 为
43. B 根据上文的“Divya s work at a local nursing home helped 该主句的谓语动词 所以该句为非限制性定语从句
inspire Arsh...”可知 Arsh 的母亲在当地的养老院工作 dates back to 前缺少主语 指代上文的表事物的名词短
帮助激励 Arsh 回馈社区 短语 keep away from 远离 语 Tangmen Caizha 故用 which 引导该从句
give back to 回馈 make up for 弥补 try out for 竞争 参加 61. to teach  考查非谓语动词 动词 volunteer 后接不定式
选拔 下文 Arsh 帮助养老院的人 也表明该题答案为 作宾语 故填 to teach
B 62. has drawn  考查动词时态和主谓一致 根据该句的时
44. A 根据下文的“One day he had the idea to uplift their 间状语 over recent years 可知 该句应使用现在完成时
spirits...”可知 他提升养老院的居住者的精神状态 表 态 主语 the Tangmen Caizha 为单数名词短语并与动词
明他们是孤独的 故选 A draw 之间为主动关系 故填 has drawn
45. C 根据下文的“His lessons”以及“...began requesting Arsh 63. highly  考查副词 位于动词 speak 后应为副词修饰
as a teacher for their own residents”可知 Arsh 通过教他们 固定短语 speak highly of 意为“高度赞扬” 故填 highly
如何绘画来提升他们的精神状态 故选 C 64. but  考查连词 固定短语 not only... but ( also)...意为
46. D 根据下文的“word spread and other nursing homes began “不但 而且 ” 连接并列的表语 故填 but
requesting Arsh as a teacher for their own residents”可知 65. friendliness  考查词性转换 根据上文的“ the spirit of
消息传开了 其他养老院开始邀请 Arsh 为他们自己的居 selflessness and dedication of Tang and...”以及下文的“of
民当老师 故上文指的是 Arsh 的课是如此地受欢迎 all the people in the town”可知 该空应填名词形式 friend ̄
故选 D liness 意为“友好”
47. A 上文提及 Arsh 通过教他们如何绘画来提升他们的精神 第四部分 写作
状态 由此可知 Arsh 喜欢给其他人带来快乐 故选 A 第一节
48. B 根据下文的“He reached his initial goal of ... 1 000 One possible version:
for St. Jude s Children s Research Hospital in about nine Dear Miss Li
months.”可知 他在大约九个月里实现了他最初的目标 I am Li Hua an 18 ̄year ̄old girl. I m writing to apply to
为圣裘德儿童研究医院筹资了 1 000 又根据下一段 become a volunteer in International exchange activities to be
中的“He went on to sell...”可推知 他决定卖一些他的画 held at the Giant panda base.
来帮助患病的孩子们 故选 B I do believe I m an ideal candicate. With an outgoing and
49. C 根据上文的“...to help sick children”可知 帮助患病的 cheerful personality I can get along very well with people.
孩子是卖画集资 raise 意为“筹钱” 符合语境 故选 What s more with a good command of English I can communi ̄
C cate freely with foreigners. Most importantly I know a lot about
50. A 根据上文的“He decided to... some of his paintings to pandas because my father work as a zookeeper who looks after
help sick children.”以及“He went on to sell...”可知 此处 pandas. I m eager to appeal to all the people loving pandas.
指的是他继续卖画 故选 A I sincerely hope I will be given such a good chance. Loo ̄
51. B 上文提及 Arsh 卖自己的画帮助那些患病的儿童 并教 king forward to your reply.
养老院的人绘画 这些都是无私的任务 故选 B Best regards
52. D 根据下文的“from abstract paintings to landscapes to ani ̄ Li Hua
mal portraits.”可知 从抽象画、风景画至动物的画像 这 第二节
表明他喜欢画各种各样的主题 故选 D One possible version:
53. C 根据上文的“He said he receives inspiration from family William knows this too but doesn t think much about the
trips”以及下文的“by providing them with free art...”可 future when he s with John. He takes him to the basketball games
知 他从家庭旅游中获得灵感 并想通过提供孩子们免 to shoot photos for the yearbook. John makes sure the equipment
费的艺术课来传播绘画的快乐 故选 C is safe and he has no problem asking schoolmates to pause for
54. A 根据第二段中的“One day he had the idea to uplift photos.Everybody loves John but few take the time to actually
their spirits by ... them how to paint. His lessons...”可知 be his friend except William.You ll always see them walking to
此处指的是提供免费的艺术课 故选 A and from school together. It s their ritual(习惯) the one John
55. B 根据上文的“offer powerful healing”与下文的“with anx ̄ enjoys the most.
iety and emotional issues”可知 此处指的是他认为艺术 Having a friend can be the most important possession in life
为那些与焦虑和情绪问题斗争的孩子们提供强有力的 when you are in high school. It means a lot more good days than
治疗 故选 B bad. When the weather turns even colder and snow floats magi ̄
56. filmmakers  考查名词复数 one of 后接可数名词的复 cally out of the dark morning sky William says “no thanks” to
数形式位于形容词 foreign 后 其前的 dozens of 后也接可 people who offer him a ride to school. Walking with John cha ̄
数名词的复数 故填 filmmakers sing snowflakes and walking off smiley faces in front yards is
57. on  考查介词 固定短语 focus on 意为“集中于” 故填 on worth the cold. It s worth the time being with someone who is a
58. Hidden  考查非谓语动词 分析句子可知 该句主语为 little bit different in a good way.
高三第二次联考 英语(含听力)5 高三第二次联考 英语(含听力)6
11.When will the woman apply for financial aid
A.Pretty soon.
B.In a few months.
C.In spring.
12.Who will the woman get recommendations from
A.Her teacher and boss.
B.Her senior school teacher.C.Her boss at work.
13.What's the probable relationship between the speakers
A.Teacher and student.
B.Fellow students.
C.Mother and son.
14.How does the woman feel about the classroom
C.Too large
15.Why does the woman dislike the desks
A.They are large.
B.They are small
C.They are uncomfortable
16.What does the man dislike about the classroom
A.The desks.
B.The blackboard.
C.The chairs
17.Who can get better tables in the restaurants mentioned in the passage
1.What is the woman's wish
A.Beautiful people.
B.Ordinary people.
C.Ugly people
A.That the man drives carefully.
B.That the man isn't worried.
18.Where are the non-good-looking customers usually seated
C.That the man won't buy the motoreyele.
A.In good places.
B.Near the window.
C.In the corners.
2.What are the speakers doing
19.Why do the owners make such a policy
A.Having a meeting
B.Talking about wars.
C.Having a history class.
A.To make sure the restaurants have a good image.
3.What is the woman doing
B.To make the restaurants popular.
A.Talking to Bob.
B.Getting to the elerks.
C.Complaining to the man
C.To attract the regular customers.
4.Why does the man change the skirt
20.When can the customers be seated
A.Because of the colour.
B.Because of the size.
C.Because of the style.
A.After they book by telephone.
B.After they come to the restaurants
5.When will the film end
C.After they become regular customers.
Whatever your interests,Hong Kong has a museum to suit your lastes.
Hong Kong Biodiversity Museum
6.What are the speakers probably doing now
The Hong Kong Biodiversity Museum is the city's first museum only dedicated to biodi-
A.Training for a play.
B.Arguing about the lines.
C.Talking ahout the play.
versity.Aside from promoting environmental education and the appreciation of biodiversity,it
7.What do we know about the man
also supports scientific research on threatened species,providing a platform for the publie to
A.He enjoys the performance
B.He tries to avoid practising
learn more about the preservation and importance of biodiversity and ecosystems in our natu-
C.His father comes to pick him up
ral heritage.
Location:Pok Fu Lam Road
8.Where does the conversation take place
Open:Wed 2pm-8.45pm;Sat-Sun 10.30am-5.15pm
A.In a newspaper office.
B.In Brian's shop
C.In a basketball stadium.
Hong Kong Science Museum
9.What are the speakers going to do
C.Look at an album.
Occupying an exhbiion area of6500 square metres,the Museum houses over 500 exhib
A.Watch a game
B.Drive Barbara home.
its.suitable for visitors of all ages.On top of its permanent-exhibitions.the Museum regularly
10.What do the speakers think of writing papers
brings in temporary and interactive exhibitions related to science and modern technology.
Location:2 Science Muscum Road
A.Very easy
C.Very hard.
Open:Mon-Wed and Fri:10am-7pm,Sat-Sun and publie holidays:10am-9pm



上一篇:牛津深圳版七年级上册英语练习 七上Module 4 Unit 7 School clubs (含答案)
