选择性必修一Unit 2【词汇巩固】-选词填空(提高版)
integrate forecast instant leak clone
rural artificial constant absence predict
1 Technology has made communication and information access nearly _____________, revolutionizing the way we connect and share.
2 It's important to fix plumbing _____________ promptly to avoid further damage and water wastage.
3 Advancements in _____________ intelligence have revolutionized various industries and transformed the way we live and work.
4 While _____________ can provide valuable insights, it's important to remember that they are based on assumptions and may not always be accurate.
5 _____________ technology raises ethical and moral questions regarding the replication of living organisms.
6 Accurate weather _____________ are crucial for planning outdoor activities and ensuring public safety.
7 In an ever-changing world, adaptation and learning have become _____________ for personal and professional growth.
8 The architect designed the building to _____________ seamlessly with its natural surroundings, blending modernity with the environment.
9 Appreciating someone's presence becomes even more important in their _____________, highlighting their impact and contribution.
10 Exploring and appreciating nature's beauty is often easier in _____________ areas with their untouched landscapes.
prospect distant air conditioner security relevant
potentially keep in touch with ... obey combine artificial intelligence
1 In our fast-paced lives, it's important to _____________ our core values and priorities to stay grounded and focused.
2 Innovation often arises when diverse perspectives and ideas are _____________ to solve complex problems.
3 Ethical considerations are important in the development and deployment of _____________ systems to ensure fairness and accountability.
4 She eagerly turned on the _____________ to escape the sweltering heat outside.
5 Keeping up with current trends and staying _____________ in a rapidly changing world is crucial for personal and professional development.
6 The economic _____________ of the region looks promising, attracting potential investors and businesses.
7 The willingness to _____________ ethical principles and moral values is essential for fostering trust and maintaining social order.
8 Embracing change and exploring _____________ possibilities can lead to growth and innovation.
9 The memories of their childhood seemed _____________ and hazy, as if from another lifetime.
10 National _____________ is a critical aspect of a country's defense and protection against external threats.
switch prediction nevertheless efficient electrical
hence advocate wiring essay integrated
1 Life is full of challenges; _____________, it's important to remain resilient and keep moving forward.
2 _____________ based on historical trends and statistical models can provide insights and assist in planning and decision-making processes.
3 Understanding cause-effect relationships helps us make informed decisions and take appropriate actions _____________ minimizing potential negative consequences.
4 Being an _____________ means using your voice and influence to bring about positive change and promote justice.
5 Proper installation and maintenance of _____________ are crucial for electrical safety and preventing hazards such as short circuits or electrical fires.
6 A well-written _____________ can have a profound impact on readers, challenging their perspectives and inspiring change.
7 The success of a project often depends on the seamless _____________ of various processes and disciplines.
8 Energy conservation and _____________ are important considerations in designing sustainable buildings.
9 Make sure to turn off the _____________ when you're not using the device to conserve energy.
10 Understanding basic _____________ principles can help individuals troubleshoot and safely interact with electrical systems.
command available signpost mode persuade
luxury oppose secure cease emphasis
1 It's important to respect differing viewpoints and engage in healthy debates even when we _____________ someone's ideas.
2 The power of a _____________ lies not only in its authority but also in the trust and respect it garners.
3 The homeowner installed a home security system to _____________ their property and protect against potential intruders.
4 In communication or writing, using effective _____________ helps organize ideas and guide the audience through the content.
5 The computer program had different operating _____________, allowing users to customize their experience.
6 Effective _____________ requires strong arguments, logical reasoning, and the ability to connect with the audience on an emotional level.
7 It's important to check the _____________ of resources and materials before starting a project to ensure smooth progress.
8 Placing _____________ on personal growth and self-improvement can lead to a fulfilling and purposeful life.
9 Recognizing and appreciating life's simple pleasures can bring a sense of _____________ and contentment.
10 Sometimes, it's necessary to _____________ certain activities or habits to create space for growth and positive change.
catch fire accurate knob deceased paragraph
remote control remote cancer detect phrase
1 Developing the ability to _____________ subtle cues and signals can enhance interpersonal communication and understanding.
2 A well-crafted _____________ can serve as a building block for a comprehensive and persuasive piece of writing.
3 Honoring the memories of the _____________ and supporting their loved ones are important aspects of the grieving process.
4 It's important to critically evaluate sources of information to ensure the _____________ and reliability of the information presented.
5 The speaker delivered a powerful speech, captivating the audience with their memorable _____________ and thought-provoking statements.
6 The position or movement of a _____________ can dictate the functioning or characteristics of a device or system.
7 The company allowed employees to work from _____________ locations, providing flexibility and work-life balance.
8 Fire safety precautions, such as smoke detectors and fire extinguishers, are crucial for preventing and minimizing damage when fires _____________.
9 The universal _____________ allowed her to operate multiple electronic devices with a single device.
10 Regular screenings and early detection play a crucial role in improving outcomes for _____________ patients.
preference nanobot abnormal librarian warning
sensor wire fantasy career resistance
1 Personal _____________ vary from person to person, and understanding them is crucial for providing a tailored user experience.
2 Seeking medical advice is important when experiencing _____________ symptoms or changes in health.
3 The advancements in _____________ technology have enabled the development of smart devices and automation systems that respond to their surroundings.
4 Paying attention to _____________ and following safety guidelines can help prevent accidents and minimize risks.
5 Understanding the basics of electrical _____________ is essential for safely handling electrical appliances and troubleshooting.
6 Imagination and creativity play a vital role in shaping our dreams and turning them into _____________ that inspire and motivate us.
7 The potential applications of _____________ range from medicine and healthcare to environmental monitoring and advanced manufacturing.
8 _____________ satisfaction often comes from finding a balance between personal fulfillment and professional growth.
9 The role of _____________ has evolved to adapt to the digital age, encompassing digital literacy and information management.
10 Building mental and emotional _____________ can help individuals navigate challenges and setbacks with resilience.
innovation potential routine structure critical
crime appliance resist occupation automatic
1 Effective communication and collaboration are _____________ skills for building strong relationships and achieving shared goals.
2 The criminal justice system plays a crucial role in maintaining law and order and ensuring justice for victims of _____________.
3 Organizational _____________ plays a crucial role in determining the flow of information and decision-making within a company.
4 Energy-efficient _____________ can help reduce electricity consumption and contribute to sustainability efforts.
5 Establishing a regular sleep _____________ can help improve overall sleep quality and promote better health.
6 Exploring and maximizing our full _____________ is a lifelong journey of self-discovery and growth.
7 The new smartphone had an _____________ brightness adjustment feature that adapted to different lighting conditions.
8 The labor market is constantly evolving, and individuals need to adapt and acquire new skills to stay relevant in their _____________.
9 The ability to _____________ external pressures or influences is a sign of strength and integrity.
10 Embracing a culture of _____________ fosters continuous improvement and drives progress in various fields.选择性必修一Unit 2【词汇巩固】-选词填空(提高版)答案
1 Technology has made communication and information access nearly [instant], revolutionizing the way we connect and share.
2 It's important to fix plumbing [leaks] promptly to avoid further damage and water wastage.
3 Advancements in [artificial] intelligence have revolutionized various industries and transformed the way we live and work.
4 While [predictions] can provide valuable insights, it's important to remember that they are based on assumptions and may not always be accurate.
5 [Cloning] technology raises ethical and moral questions regarding the replication of living organisms.
6 Accurate weather [forecasts] are crucial for planning outdoor activities and ensuring public safety.
7 In an ever-changing world, adaptation and learning have become [constants] for personal and professional growth.
8 The architect designed the building to [integrate] seamlessly with its natural surroundings, blending modernity with the environment.
9 Appreciating someone's presence becomes even more important in their [absence], highlighting their impact and contribution.
10 Exploring and appreciating nature's beauty is often easier in [rural] areas with their untouched landscapes.
1 In our fast-paced lives, it's important to [keep in touch with] our core values and priorities to stay grounded and focused.
2 Innovation often arises when diverse perspectives and ideas are [combined] to solve complex problems.
3 Ethical considerations are important in the development and deployment of [artificial intelligence] systems to ensure fairness and accountability.
4 She eagerly turned on the [air conditioner] to escape the sweltering heat outside.
5 Keeping up with current trends and staying [relevant] in a rapidly changing world is crucial for personal and professional development.
6 The economic [prospect] of the region looks promising, attracting potential investors and businesses.
7 The willingness to [obey] ethical principles and moral values is essential for fostering trust and maintaining social order.
8 Embracing change and exploring [potential] possibilities can lead to growth and innovation.
9 The memories of their childhood seemed [distant] and hazy, as if from another lifetime.
10 National [security] is a critical aspect of a country's defense and protection against external threats.
1 Life is full of challenges; [nevertheless], it's important to remain resilient and keep moving forward.
2 [Predictions] based on historical trends and statistical models can provide insights and assist in planning and decision-making processes.
3 Understanding cause-effect relationships helps us make informed decisions and take appropriate actions [hence] minimizing potential negative consequences.
4 Being an [advocate] means using your voice and influence to bring about positive change and promote justice.
5 Proper installation and maintenance of [wiring] are crucial for electrical safety and preventing hazards such as short circuits or electrical fires.
6 A well-written [essay] can have a profound impact on readers, challenging their perspectives and inspiring change.
7 The success of a project often depends on the seamless [integration] of various processes and disciplines.
8 Energy conservation and [efficiency] are important considerations in designing sustainable buildings.
9 Make sure to turn off the [switch] when you're not using the device to conserve energy.
10 Understanding basic [electrical] principles can help individuals troubleshoot and safely interact with electrical systems.
1 It's important to respect differing viewpoints and engage in healthy debates even when we [oppose] someone's ideas.
2 The power of a [command] lies not only in its authority but also in the trust and respect it garners.
3 The homeowner installed a home security system to [secure] their property and protect against potential intruders.
4 In communication or writing, using effective [signposts] helps organize ideas and guide the audience through the content.
5 The computer program had different operating [modes], allowing users to customize their experience.
6 Effective [persuasion] requires strong arguments, logical reasoning, and the ability to connect with the audience on an emotional level.
7 It's important to check the [availability] of resources and materials before starting a project to ensure smooth progress.
8 Placing [emphasis] on personal growth and self-improvement can lead to a fulfilling and purposeful life.
9 Recognizing and appreciating life's simple pleasures can bring a sense of [luxury] and contentment.
10 Sometimes, it's necessary to [cease] certain activities or habits to create space for growth and positive change.
1 Developing the ability to [detect] subtle cues and signals can enhance interpersonal communication and understanding.
2 A well-crafted [paragraph] can serve as a building block for a comprehensive and persuasive piece of writing.
3 Honoring the memories of the [deceased] and supporting their loved ones are important aspects of the grieving process.
4 It's important to critically evaluate sources of information to ensure the [accuracy] and reliability of the information presented.
5 The speaker delivered a powerful speech, captivating the audience with their memorable [phrases] and thought-provoking statements.
6 The position or movement of a [knob] can dictate the functioning or characteristics of a device or system.
7 The company allowed employees to work from [remote] locations, providing flexibility and work-life balance.
8 Fire safety precautions, such as smoke detectors and fire extinguishers, are crucial for preventing and minimizing damage when fires [break out].
9 The universal [remote control] allowed her to operate multiple electronic devices with a single device.
10 Regular screenings and early detection play a crucial role in improving outcomes for [cancer] patients.
1 Personal [preferences] vary from person to person, and understanding them is crucial for providing a tailored user experience.
2 Seeking medical advice is important when experiencing [abnormal] symptoms or changes in health.
3 The advancements in [sensor] technology have enabled the development of smart devices and automation systems that respond to their surroundings.
4 Paying attention to [warnings] and following safety guidelines can help prevent accidents and minimize risks.
5 Understanding the basics of electrical [wiring] is essential for safely handling electrical appliances and troubleshooting.
6 Imagination and creativity play a vital role in shaping our dreams and turning them into [fantasies] that inspire and motivate us.
7 The potential applications of [nanobots] range from medicine and healthcare to environmental monitoring and advanced manufacturing.
8 [Career] satisfaction often comes from finding a balance between personal fulfillment and professional growth.
9 The role of [librarians] has evolved to adapt to the digital age, encompassing digital literacy and information management.
10 Building mental and emotional [resistance] can help individuals navigate challenges and setbacks with resilience.
1 Effective communication and collaboration are [critical] skills for building strong relationships and achieving shared goals.
2 The criminal justice system plays a crucial role in maintaining law and order and ensuring justice for victims of [crime].
3 Organizational [structure] plays a crucial role in determining the flow of information and decision-making within a company.
4 Energy-efficient [appliances] can help reduce electricity consumption and contribute to sustainability efforts.
5 Establishing a regular sleep [routine] can help improve overall sleep quality and promote better health.
6 Exploring and maximizing our full [potential] is a lifelong journey of self-discovery and growth.
7 The new smartphone had an [automatic] brightness adjustment feature that adapted to different lighting conditions.
8 The labor market is constantly evolving, and individuals need to adapt and acquire new skills to stay relevant in their [occupations].
9 The ability to [resist] external pressures or influences is a sign of strength and integrity.
10 Embracing a culture of [innovation] fosters continuous improvement and drives progress in various fields.