必修一Unit 5【词汇巩固】-选词填空(提高版)答案
1 The scientific theory is [based] on years of empirical evidence and experimentation.
2 The festival has a rich history that [dates back to] medieval times.
3 He stood by her [no matter] the circumstances, offering unwavering support.
4 The film industry has produced many [classic] movies that are still cherished today.
5 The government invested in infrastructure as a [means] to boost economic growth.
6 The author's work is [regarded] as groundbreaking in the field of literature.
7 The team's success is built on a solid [base] of trust and collaboration.
8 He remained positive [despite] the ups and downs in his personal life.
9 The organization hosted a charity [affair] to raise funds for a noble cause.
10 He expressed how much he [appreciated] the support and encouragement from his friends.
1 In a debate, each participant argued from their own [point of view].
2 The movie star's sudden retirement was a [major] shock to her fans.
3 The play depicted the struggles of a community through their distinct [dialect].
4 The education [system] underwent major reforms to enhance access and quality.
5 The artist used [seashells] to create a stunning mosaic artwork.
6 He enrolled in a language course for the upcoming [semester] to improve his skills.
7 The siblings shared an [equal] portion of the inheritance as stated in the will.
8 The study aimed to address the gender [gap] in representation within the field of science.
9 The scientist cited previous studies as a [reference] to support her findings.
10 The region is known for its rich biodiversity, with a [variety] of plant and animal species.
1 The political landscape of the country changed with the fall of the ruling [dynasty].
2 The travel brochure provided enticing [descriptions] of exotic destinations.
3 The artist's signature style is characterized by intricate [calligraphy] and lettering.
4 The job description outlined the [specific] qualifications and skills required for the role.
5 Learning a new language involves acquiring a new set of words and [vocabulary].
6 The government implemented policies to reduce dependence on fossil fuels like [petrol].
7 The fashion designer showcased her latest collection of trendy [pants] on the runway.
8 The journey of life is filled with [ups and downs], teaching us valuable lessons along the way.
9 The coach emphasized the importance of having a winning [attitude] in sports.
10 The company struggled to meet the increasing [demand] for its products.
1 The company's core values reflect its commitment to integrity and strong moral [character].
2 The child's eyes filled with tears as he [begged] his teacher not to give him detention.
3 The article [referred] to recent scientific discoveries to explain the phenomenon.
4 The song's lyrics [relate to] the artist's personal journey and emotional struggles.
5 The study identified stress as a contributing [factor] to various health issues.
6 She learned the [native] language of the country before traveling there.
7 The artisan used a chisel to carefully [carve] intricate patterns on the metal surface.
8 The civil rights movement was a significant [struggle] for equality and justice.
9 Learning a new [tongue] can open doors to different cultures and experiences.
10 The conference brought together experts from around the world to discuss [global] challenges.
1 He collected seashells and animal [bones] during his beachcombing adventures.
2 The scientist conducted experiments to study the properties of various [gases].
3 The documentary aims to [relate] the historical events to the present-day context.
4 The artist captured the bustling atmosphere of the [subway] station in her painting.
5 The research study estimated that the project would cost several [billion] dollars to complete.
6 The real estate market is experiencing high demand for affordable [apartments] in urban areas.
7 The manager's comments during the meeting [referred to] the company's financial performance.
8 The bridge serves as a [symbol] of connection between the two communities.必修一Unit 5【词汇巩固】-选词填空(提高版)
date back to despite base based regard
affair no matter means classic appreciate
1 The scientific theory is _____________ on years of empirical evidence and experimentation.
2 The festival has a rich history that _____________ medieval times.
3 He stood by her _____________ the circumstances, offering unwavering support.
4 The film industry has produced many _____________ movies that are still cherished today.
5 The government invested in infrastructure as a _____________ to boost economic growth.
6 The author's work is _____________ as groundbreaking in the field of literature.
7 The team's success is built on a solid _____________ of trust and collaboration.
8 He remained positive _____________ the ups and downs in his personal life.
9 The organization hosted a charity _____________ to raise funds for a noble cause.
10 He expressed how much he _____________ the support and encouragement from his friends.
reference gap major dialect variety
equal semester system shell point of view
1 In a debate, each participant argued from their own _____________.
2 The movie star's sudden retirement was a _____________ shock to her fans.
3 The play depicted the struggles of a community through their distinct _____________.
4 The education _____________ underwent major reforms to enhance access and quality.
5 The artist used _____________ to create a stunning mosaic artwork.
6 He enrolled in a language course for the upcoming _____________ to improve his skills.
7 The siblings shared an _____________ portion of the inheritance as stated in the will.
8 The study aimed to address the gender _____________ in representation within the field of science.
9 The scientist cited previous studies as a _____________ to support her findings.
10 The region is known for its rich biodiversity, with a _____________ of plant and animal species.
demand dynasty specific attitude description
calligraphy vocabulary ups and downs petrol pants
1 The political landscape of the country changed with the fall of the ruling _____________.
2 The travel brochure provided enticing _____________ of exotic destinations.
3 The artist's signature style is characterized by intricate _____________ and lettering.
4 The job description outlined the _____________ qualifications and skills required for the role.
5 Learning a new language involves acquiring a new set of words and _____________.
6 The government implemented policies to reduce dependence on fossil fuels like _____________.
7 The fashion designer showcased her latest collection of trendy _____________ on the runway.
8 The journey of life is filled with _____________, teaching us valuable lessons along the way.
9 The coach emphasized the importance of having a winning _____________ in sports.
10 The company struggled to meet the increasing _____________ for its products.
refer factor carve beg character
tongue struggle native relate to global
1 The company's core values reflect its commitment to integrity and strong moral _____________.
2 The child's eyes filled with tears as he _____________ his teacher not to give him detention.
3 The article _____________ to recent scientific discoveries to explain the phenomenon.
4 The song's lyrics _____________ the artist's personal journey and emotional struggles.
5 The study identified stress as a contributing _____________ to various health issues.
6 She learned the _____________ language of the country before traveling there.
7 The artisan used a chisel to carefully _____________ intricate patterns on the metal surface.
8 The civil rights movement was a significant _____________ for equality and justice.
9 Learning a new _____________ can open doors to different cultures and experiences.
10 The conference brought together experts from around the world to discuss _____________ challenges.
bone relate billion apartment
gas subway refer to symbol
1 He collected seashells and animal _____________ during his beachcombing adventures.
2 The scientist conducted experiments to study the properties of various _____________.
3 The documentary aims to _____________ the historical events to the present-day context.
4 The artist captured the bustling atmosphere of the _____________ station in her painting.
5 The research study estimated that the project would cost several _____________ dollars to complete.
6 The real estate market is experiencing high demand for affordable _____________ in urban areas.
7 The manager's comments during the meeting _____________ the company's financial performance.
8 The bridge serves as a _____________ of connection between the two communities.