
1. 生物学地 adv 2. 独立 n. 3. base→ adv. 4. 有信心的 5. 吸引 v→n. 6. 有挑战的 adj
7. 贡献 n. 8. 积 极 乐 观 地 adv 9. 担心;关心, 涉 及 → adj.→prep. 关于 10. 平衡→adj. 11. option→adj 12. 幸运 , 财 富 n→adj. 幸运 的 → 不幸地是 adv
13. 怒火 n 14. 精神压力;强 调 →adj. 令 人 紧 张的 15. 细节→adj. 细 节的 16. 争吵 n. 17. improve→n. 18. advance→adj.
19. 思想的→adv 20. propose→n. 21. 摄影 , 射 杀 pt 22. 负责 n. → 复 数 23. 渴望,希望→ adj. 24. 关系破裂 n
25. 忧虑的;渴望 的→n. 26. target →pt. 27. v. 获 得 , 得 到;养成→n. 28.adj. 先进的; 高级的 29. amaze v. 使惊讶 →n. → adj. 令 人 大 为 惊奇的 30. adj. 相等的→ n.平等
1. China's leaders (强调) the need for increased co-operation between Third World countries in the past decades.
2. She was (担心) that she might miss the turning and get lost.
3. Choking back my anger, I tried to speak (冷静地) with my parents.
4. You may be physically and m tired after a long flight.
5. Some of my r customers turned up, saw what was going on and left without having a drink.
6. The campaign is clearly (目标) at the young.
7. The young woman waiting in the arrivals hall looks (忧虑的).
8. We laughed and that helped ease the (紧张).
9. F , the short delay gave him time to gather himself.
10. U , there is nothing we can do to improve matters.
11. Russia is still not an a place to do business.
12. Arts c to cultural development when people gather together.
13. The rainforests are disappearing at an (惊人的) rate.
14. Is that (选择) course as hard as everybody says
15. Tunisia achieved i from French colonial rule in 1956.
16. Phil was now much more i of his parents.
17. The girls were given a (全面的)education in science.
18. If you try to strengthen your body, you make e to make it stronger.
19. She wants to get (向前) in her career.
20. Mike found a (挑战) job as a computer programmer.
21. All children should be encouraged to realize their full p .
22. We aim to improve (机会) for the less advantaged in society.
23. The roots of this feeling may l in our childhood.
24. To his a , there was more laughter and more money throwing.
25. The new Germany must r to the challenge of its enhanced responsibilities.
26. He cut down on coffee and cigarettes, and ate a (均衡的) diet.
27. Instead, he made a generous c to help the community.
28. The reason why I s to writing was my passion for the Chinese language.
29. All cases c children are dealt with in a special children's court.
30. And any (争吵) between us would not cause me to lose heart.
31. Things can easily go wrong when people are under s .
1. The rate of growth will in the next couple of years.增长的速度在未来几年内将迅速提高。
2. , though, Watson's views gained in popularity.然而,随着时间的推移,沃森的观点越来越受到赞同。
3. When I arrived home, I and reminded myself why I chose this way. 我回到家时,冷静下来,提醒自 己为什么选择这条路。
4. Volunteering at the local shelter can to the homeless animals.在当地收容所做志愿工作可以对无家 可归动物有帮助。
5. , it is necessary to encourage people to care for others. 最后,有必要通过各种宣传鼓励人们关心他人。
6. He got scared at first, but then he tried to . 起初他很害怕,但后来他努力使自己平静下来。
7. She refused to on a point of principle. 她在一个原则问题上拒绝让步。
8. We don't each other on many things. 我们在很多事情上的观点不一致。
9. We having you as a member. 我们期待着您的加入。
10. It's my first trip abroad so I'm going to it. 这是我第一次出国,我要充分利用这个机会。
11. are good study habits, useful skills and a positive attitude.
12. you will find yourself growing into a well-rounded individual.
13. When you disagree with your parents, take a minute to calm down and try to understand the situation . ____________________
14. After you , explain your actions and feelings calmly, listen carefully, and address their their concerns.
15. Just remember to struggle with the stress that parent-child tensions create and...
单词 1. have stressed 2. concerned 3. calmly 4. mentally 5.regular 6.targeted 7.anxious 8.tension
9. Fortunately 10.Unfortunately 11. attractive 12.contribute 13. alarming 14.optional 15.independence
16. independent 17. well-rounded 18. efforts 19. ahead 20.challenging 21.potential 22.opportunities 23.lie 24.
amazement 25.rise 26. balanced 27.contribution 28. stuck 29. concerning 30. argument 31. stress
1. shoot up 2.Over time 3. calmed down 4. make a difference 5.Last but no least 6. calm down
7. back down 8. see eye to eye with 9. look forward to 10. make the most of
11 .Of equal importance 12. In time 13. from their point of view 14. have thought it through
15.it is completely normal



