

W:So what happened?Did someone find you later or did you finally manage to get out on yourown?M:Someone found us,but we were all in very bad shape.I couldn't move my legs because ofthe cold.I spent two months in the hospital.The doctors finally had to remove my legs.W:So you lost your legs,but you still wanted to stay active.M:That's right.In fact,I decided to make some new legs for myself.I'm now certain that noone has to be physically disabled.We can use modern technology to help us.W:And you built these great new legs.Can you go mountain climbing again?M:Yes,I can.In fact,these are better than climbing shoes.Their spring design makes themmuch more powerful.(Text 10)W:Kavan,the elephant has been described as the world's loneliest elephant.He was theonly Asian elephant in Pakistan.He was given to Pakistan as a gift in 1985.He had been liv-ing in Islamabad's Marghazar Zoo.Life was hard for Kavan.The conditions at the zoo weren'tgood.During the days,he was trained to use his trunk to beg for money from zoo visitors.In1990,a female elephant named Saheli was brought to the zoo.The two became close,and re-mained together for over twenty years.But in 2012,Saheli died,leaving Kavan alone again.Kavan felt the loss deeply.He became sad and unhealthy.Because of the poor conditions,hesometimes became violent,and was kept in chains much of the time.He weighed far toomuch,and his health and his mood got worse and worse.In 2015,a student from Pakistanstarted an online request to free Kavan.In 2016,reporters wrote about Kavan's conditions.But it wasn't until four years later that a court in Pakistan ordered the zoo to close.In thatsame year,Kavan was taken to his new home.Kavan is now in a protected wildlife area inOddar Meanchey,Cambodia,where there are 600 other elephants.He's no longer alone.意·11·【23·ZCYK·英语·参考答案一R一英语6一QG】



