
Sewing is an art.It is one that takes patience,time,and true talent.Julia,a woman from Chicago,is the
definition of a talented tailor.
Julia's inspiration for her designs comes from her grandma's sketches (from the 1940s.Julia's
grandma went to fashion school in her late teens and dropped out but she kept many of her sketches
Grandma showed Julia the designs she made back in fashion school,and Julia's mind was blown.
When Grandma expressed her regret for not having the opportunity to see her sketches come to life,
Julia decided not to have Grandma wait to witness it.
Since 2017,ARTogether has presented over 200 workshops,camps,events,and gathering spaces for
immigrants to meet,connect,and build lasting connections in the community.Below are some of
After sewing her grandma's designs,Julia has been posting the final products on social media one by
ARTogether's past and present community workshops and events.
one,which has made popular.One of the most excellent designs she made was a beautiful gold cocktail
dress,which took Julia about two months to finish.
Water-coloring Workshop
Organized in cooperation with Story Center,Water-coloring Workshop isa free online channol
Julia taught herself how to sew and has no professional training.Every month or so Julia continues to
accessible to immigrants These Zoom workshops are a creative space for participants to paint,chat,listen to
make her grandma's designs a reality.Julia says,"She was very happy.I think she loves getting to connect
music,and share stories.
with me and have something to do because she's at a stage in life where,you know,many people don't have
Y(our)Legacy:A Printmaking Workshop
many things to do.I think she is really proud and excited that I have completed it"
This is designed to give high school participants a creative practice towards their personal journey of
From the social media,Julia has even gotten offers from people willing to buy her dresses,Julia is very
self-acceptance and healing Led by artist Sen Mendez participants gather at Oakland International High
pleased,but she claims since she isn't an expert,she doesn't feel comfortable selling them However,seein
Scbool and are given ten small blocks to createa visual story about themselves.
Julia teach herself how to sew with social media videos and design these dresses is giving her viewers the
Women's Craft Circle
confidence to attempt something of their own!
ARTogether's longest-running workshop series,the Women's Craft Circle seeks to bring women
together through the healing power of craf-making In the Oakland Asian Cultural Center,participants are
4.How did Julia like Grandma's sketches
A.She was excited about them
able to relax in a welcoming space,connecting through a love for art and shared experiences.
B.She thought they were out of fashion.
Expressive Art Class for Kids
At West Oakland Branch Library,kids aged 6-11 from immigrant backgrounds explore fun interactive
C.She felt regretful for their poor preservation
activities such as freedrawing.painting and freedance that will let youth appreciate art without pressure or
D.She thought they were inspirational to other designers.
strict rules.In each class,activity leaders follow the principle of guiding.not telling.which createsa
5.Why did Julia do sewing
stress-free environment that encourages creativity
1.Which workshop is available for people living outside Oakland
A.To prove her talent.
A.Water-coloring Workshop
B.To test her patience.
C.To attract people's attention.
B.Y(our)Legacy:A Printmaking Workshop
C.Women's Craft Circle.
D.To help realize Grandma's wish
D.Expressive Art Class for Kids.
2.Who can sign up for Y(our)Legacy:A Printmaking Workshop
6.How did Julia learn sewing
A.She consulted professionals.
A.Visiting teacher interested in painting
B.She attended a fashion school.
B.A female artist specializing in craft-making
C.She leamed from social media videos.
C.An exchange student in the international high school.
D.She followed Grandma's instructions
D.An experienced librarian from immigrant backgrounds.
3.What do the last two workshops have in common
7.What is the viewers'attitude towards Julia's posts on social media
A.They take place at local libraries
C.Indifferent D.Grateful.
B.They require basic drawing skills.
C.They offer instructions with strict rules.
D.They encourage innovation or imagination.



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