
73. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Once, my uncle brought home a cute little baby parrot. At first, I and my cousins were a little scared, because we didn’t know how to handle that little tender baby. My aunt eventually helped us out. She took it and kept it just as her baby. She fed it, she gave it occasional showers and eventually we became quite comfortable with it. Now there was another dilemma (困境) that we had — as we were not really aware of its gender (性别) we were unable to decide a name for the parrot. So finally my mom called it Mitthu. We agreed.
As it was growing, its wings started growing long, but my family was too possessive (占有欲强的) and caring towards Mitthu that they trimmed (修剪) its wings. They said if it flew, it wouldn’t be able to survive outside.
As time went by we grew, so did Mitthu...It had by now started talking quite a lot...I was amazed by the way my aunt cared for it. She fed it anything and everything they had before eating. Mitthu was never kept in a cage from the beginning...it is still not kept in a eage... at first its wings were trimmed to protect it...but now as it has grown quite a lot, even its wings are not trimmed...
I sometimes wonder, it has the whole sky to fly, it is neither in a cage nor its wings are trimmed, then why isn’t it flying at all Maybe it is now quite attached to us and doesn’t want to leave us, or maybe it doesn’t want to leave this comfortable life and go away and face the hard reality of life. The answer may be anything, depending on how we view the situation.
But as I grew older, I realized that the life of Mitthu is not really very different from that of mine. I was cared too and thus was protected from really getting along with outside world. I made my house my world, just as it was taught to me. I guess so did Mitthu. The comfort of my hope became, and I guess Mitthu’s as well, the invisible chain that never actually will let us fly.
I guess not just I, but most of the girls feel the same.
The parrot flew today.
第二节 (满分25分)
47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
“Bye, Mom! Don’t forget to make my pie!” shouted 12-year-old Jake after kissing his mother, Susan, goodbye.
He was anxiously waiting for the bus. Moments later, the bus pulled over, and Jake hopped in, assuming it was just going to be an ordinary ride to school. “Luckily, Mom gave me $6. Otherwise I’d have to walk all the way to school,” he thought.
The bus came to a stop, picking up Christel, a 56-year-old woman from the next stop. She was smelly and looked dirty. Some passengers frowned at her, but she was least bothered about them. Moments later, she trembled through the crowd toward an empty seat next to Jake.
“Ticket, please !” the conductor said loudly, staring at her. Christel’s face slowly started to go red. “One second, I’m looking for my purse,” she replied. “I...uh...I don’t have money. I forgot to bring my purse,” Christel stammered (结结巴巴地说), embarrassed.
“Lady, this is not a charity ride that picks up beggars for free. I’m stopping the bus right now. Get out!” yelled the conductor as the crowd of passengers turned toward Christel all at once.
Jake witnessed everything and was disappointed at how the conductor treated the poor woman. Then he remembered he still had some change. “Here is your $3...Give her a ticket,” he said to the conductor, throwing the money into his hand.
“Thank you, sweetheart. I am forever grateful to you! What is your name, dear ” said Christel.
“I’m Jake. That’s okay. I just did what I should do,” replied Jake, taking Christel’s words of gratitude casually.
They talked about Jake’s school life. “I want to become a baseball player, but my school does not have such facilities. I don’t want to trouble my mom. She’s already working hard in the restaurant. My father passed away in an accident two years ago,” revealed Jake.
“Alright, Grandma! We’ve arrived at my school. I’ll leave now. Bye-bye!”
Christel was touched by Jake’s warm heart. She stared a second time at his school, watching him disappear inside the gate.
注意:1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
The next day Christel paid a surprising visit to the school in her expensive car.
Jake didn’t realize a bigger surprise was waiting for him outside the principal’s office.
第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
47. 阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一个完整的故事。
Holding a lot of magazines in hand, Jordan stopped in front of a house where people seldom went. The house was very old and shabby and the owner hardly ever came out. When he did come out, he would not say hello to his neighbors or passers-by but simply just glare at them.
Jordan knocked on the door and waited, sweating from fear of the old man. His parents told him to stay away from the house, and a lot of other neighborhood children were told the same thing from their parents.
Dust found the boy standing in front of the door and hesitating about what to do. As he was ready to walk away, the door slowly opened. “What do you want ” the old man said impatiently. Jordan was very afraid but he had a quota(份额) to meet for school with selling the magazines. So he gathered up his courage and said “Uh, sir, I am selling these magazines and uh, I was wondering if you would like to buy one from me.”
The old man just stared at the boy without a word.
Jordan could see inside the old man’s house and saw that he had dog figurines(小雕像) on the fireplace mantle(壁炉的外枢). “Do you collect dogs ” Jordan asked. “Yes, I have many collections in my house. They are my family here and they are all I have.” Jordan then felt sorry for the man, as it seemed that he was a very lonely soul.
“Well, I do have a magazine here for collectors. It is perfect for you. I also have one about dogs since you like dogs so much.” The old man was ready to close the door on the boy and said, “No, boy. I don’t need any magazines of any kind, now goodbye.”
Jordan was sad that he was not going to make his quota with the sale. He was also sad for the old man being so alone in the house that he owned. The boy went home and then had an idea. He had a little dog figurine that he got some years ago from an aunt. The figurine did not mean nearly as much to him since he had a real live dog and a large family.
1. 所续写短文的词数应为150词左右:
2. 续写部分分为两段, 每段的开头语已为你写好。
Jordan headed back down to the old man’s house with the figurine.
From that day on something changed inside the old man.
阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。
When the last customer left KFC, it was already 10:30 pm. Adam, an 18-year-old college student, dragged himself home. He had been working at KFC for over a month that summer vacation.
Entering his room, Adam found his younger brother Bill sitting on the edge of his bed with an uneasy expression on his face.
“Sorry, Adam. I . . I did something wrong, ”Bill jumped up and said nervously.
“What is it ”
“This afternoon I sneaked(溜) out for a ride on your motorcycle and accidentally hit our neighbor Osman Brook's car. I was so scared and I. . I hurried home in panic. ”
“Is the car seriously damaged ”
“The left headlight got broken. ”
“It's truly your fault and it's really dangerous to ride a motorcycle at your age. Besides, it's illegal, "Adam raised his voice, obviously annoyed. Hearing this, Bill lowered his head and bit his lips hard.
“Anyway, it's no use crying over spilt milk. I will deal with it tomorrow. Now you go to bed and have a good sleep. ”
The next morning when Adam got up, Bill was still sleeping soundly. Adam was more determined about what he ought to do as an elder brother.
After breakfast, Adam took out all the money he had earned and went out of the house with it. In the yard he saw his motorcycle, on whose side the scratches(划痕)were clearly visible. Adam shook his head and sighed slightly. Then he quickened his pace to Osman's house.
When he arrived, he was welcomed by Osman's wife Mary, who told him that Osman had gone to the garage to have his car repaired.
“I have something important to tell him. Can I wait until he comes back ” Adam requested eagerly.
“Of course. He should be home soon, ”Mary invited Adam in, served him a cup of coffee and began chatting with him.
After half an hour, the door opened and in came Osman. Having said hello to each other, Osman and Adam both sat down on the sofa.
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Adam cleared his throat and began to speak.
Just then, there came a knock at the door.
第二节 (满分25分)
阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。
I filled my whole childhood with two things. My love for red meat and football. Back then, my room walls were full of posters of my favourite player, Webster Slaughter.
One cold winter, I went with my dad to the nearby mall so he could buy a new coat. We didn't have a lot of money, but my mum convinced my dad to replace his old coat, which had some pretty sizable holes. I was only eleven, but my memory of that day remains vivid. As we approached the mall, a huge figure caught my eyes. The man was wearing a black jacket and sunglasses, but I immediately recognized him. It was Webster Slaughter.
My heart pounding, I could barely contain my excitement. I looked up at my hero, and in a shaky voice said, “You're Webster Slaughter, right ” I excitedly told him that I was his big fan and he was my favourite player. He smiled but began to walk away saying being in a big hurry. Desperately, I yelled to his back for an autograph(亲笔签名), but he kept going. As fast as he had emerged, he was gone.
“Nothing really. He was in a hurry, ”Dad comforted me gently. He dug into his pocket, pulled out a bunch of crumpled(皱巴巴的)bills and handed me a few dollars. He told me to go play at the arcade(拱廊)while he picked out a coat. I grabbed the money and wandered off. About half an hour later, my dad came for me and we headed home. Once there he opened the shopping bag in his hand.
He told me he had a surprise and reached into it. “After you left, guess who I ran into ” he said with a smile on his face. I just stared blankly. “Webster Slaughter came into the store and said he saw me with you. He asked where you were and I said you were at the arcade. He
said he went back to his car to get this for you, but you were gone. ”
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
He pulled his hand out of the bag and in it was a Webster Slaughter's signed photo.
My first emotion was anger that I had been cheated by my father.
【答案】One possible version:
I guess not just I, but most of the girls feel the same. We are afraid of flying. We are afraid we might hurt our parents’ feelings. We are afraid we might end up hurting them if we take our own decisions. How similar our lives are! I and Mitthu might be two different beings but trapped in a similar situation. The baggage of feelings, emotions and attachment will never really allow us to fly independently!
The parrot flew today. It finally freed itself in true sense. Everyone at home is sad. My cousins have stopped eating and they are continuously crying. Maybe they are not old enough to understand the true meaning of freedom so they are unable to understand Mitthu and are sad at losing it. But I am happy for Mitthu. I wish to get the equal courage soon. Dear parents, it’s good to love and protect your child. But sometimes overprotectiveness might harm their future, and it might influence their decisions in future. So now the parrot is really free!
The next day Christel paid a surprising visit to the school in her expensive car. Jake was shocked to see her outside his classroom. “I came here to see you. Please follow me to your principal’s office,” said Christel, confusing Jake, who had no idea how his life would change. Christel greeted the principal and told him about her encounter with Jake, expressing gratitude for Jake’s help. Christel turned out to be a wealthy and successful woman. “You must be really proud of your student!” she told the principal.
Jake didn’t realize a bigger surprise was waiting for him outside the principal’s office. “Jake, honey, do you mind visiting your field ” asked Christel. Jake did as she told, hurrying to the school playground. Christel had hired top-class designers to change the ground into a big ballpark. Jake couldn’t believe his own eyes, staring at the latest equipment for the new ballpark. Christel helped to hire an experienced baseball coach for the school. Christel smiled happily, watching Jake and his friends running in the field.
Jordan headed back down to the old man ‘ house with the figurine. Though the thought of knocking at the old man’s door filled Jordan with fear, he still knocked on the door, waiting breathlessly. Finally, it opened, and out came the old man. Seeing Jordan holding a well-wrapped dog figurine, he looked very astonished but still glared at him without a word. Determined to break the ice, Jordan gave the old man a gift with a precious card attached, expressing his care. A warm glow spreading inside the old man, he could say nothing but to hug the boy tightly, tears of appreciation welling up. Out of gratitude, he bought a magazine from the boy and saw him off.
From that day on something changed inside the old man. In the morning, rays of the sun were shining through the open window, bringing warmth to the old man’s newly-painted house dotted with flowers in bloom. The neighbors also found him hanging out and greeting others with a bright smile, which everyone didn’t expect. More surprisingly, showing his precious collections to Jordan and other children became a great pleasure of his daily life. Every time he saw the twinkle in those lively children’s eyes, he felt the precious satisfaction from within. It was because of Jordan’s kindness that he realized the true spirit of life and wasn’t drowned in sorrow and loneliness anymore.
Adam cleared his throat and began to speak. “Mr. Brook, I’m here to make an apology. Yesterday afternoon my brother Bill damaged your car and ran away in panic. We are awfully sorry for that.” “Oh, I see. But it’s no big deal,” Osman smiled. Then Adam drew out the money from his pocket and said to Osman with sincerity, “This is all the money I have. I wonder if it can pay for your loss.” However, Osman insisted that it was only minor damage and refuseded to take it.
Just then, there came a knock at the door. Osman went to answer it, only to find Bill standing outside. “Morning, Mr. Brook. I … I’ve come to say sorry for …” Bill stammered(磕巴,结巴). But Osman laughed and let him in. The two brothers were both surprised and glad to see each other. Osman gave them a thumbs-up and praised them happily, “Good boys, I truly appreciate your honesty. Just forget about my car.” Whatever the boys said, Osman wouldn’t take the money. Finally, he accepted their suggestion that they make it up to him by doing some work in his garden.
He pulled his hand out of the bag and in it was a Webster Slaughter's signed photo. Glancing at the words "To my greatest fan. " on it, I was so overjoyed that I almost cried. I grabbed the picture and flew up the stairs to my room. Proudly, I placed the signed photo on my dresser. I just sat on my bed almost in tears and stared. It was hard to describe what I was feeling. Then I noticed something on the side. I looked closely at it and saw it was a small tag labeled $ 30.
My first emotion was anger that I had been cheated by my father. I stormed out of my room towards downstairs and yelled to my dad. There was no answer. Then I heard the metal sound of coming from outside and went to the window. I stared out of the frosted window at my dad, clearing the walkway with great efforts. He was wearing the same old coat with holes in the sleeves and back. I thank my dad for the unacknowledged sacrifices he made for me. I still have the picture of Webster Slaughter, but now on my dresser sits a picture of my dad and me.



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