

知,作者和丈夫在2016年二月开始房车生活。26.C。推断。根据第三段中的At first it did seem strange to live on the road,but once weofficially made the decision,,in February2016,we never looked back及第四段中作者描述房车生活的种种优点可知,作者非常满足于自己现在的生活方式。27.C。理解具体信息。根据最后一段中的As a full-time traveler,you are often planning,moving,and trying new things.So once you arrive somewhere,it's nice to stay a while and just sitstill.That's why I suggest that RVers park their RV every once in a while,or move a little slower知,作者建议选择房车生活的人在路上的节奏可以慢一些。C篇主题语境:人与社会一一社会服务本文是记叙文。医生Paul Farmer在海地贫困地区建立诊所,致力于为当地人提供医疗服务。28.D。理解具体信息。根据第一段中的When he was seven,.his father moved the family toBirmingham,Alabama,and five years later,to Brooksville,Florida ..they moved from one trailerpark to another.Years later he moved his family to a houseboat in the Gulf of Mexico,PaulFarmer从小跟随家人多次搬迁。trailer park拖车式活动房屋停车场。29.C。理解具体信息。根据第二段中的Through Julianna he came to know many Haitianmigrants.He was attracted by their stories and began to learn everything he could about Haiti知,通过Julianna De Wolf,,Paul Farmer接触到了海地人及他们的文化。30.D。理解具体信息。根据第三段中的From the capital of Port au Prince,he visited manyvillage communities.The number of doctors,nurses and public health workers was far frommeeting locals'needs and very few organizations provided basic medical training及第四段中的Then Farmer visited the village of Cange ..Diseases were spreading...He decided to build a clinicthere可知,Paul Farmer在海地农村发现村民们很难得到基本的医疗服务。31.C。推断。根据第四段中的In Cange,among the poorest and sickest of the poor,,Farmerfound his calling.He decided to build a clinic there,one that would treat all comers,and that wouldtrain local health care workers及最后一段中的Farmer set up a community-based healthproject,known as Zanmi Lasante.Today,it has become Haiti's largest health care provider outsideof the government可知,Paul Farmer致力于为海地贫困地区的人们提供医疗服务。【补充说明】serious literature:严肃文学,讲究作品思想内容的严肃性和表现形式的艺术性,在题材方面,以反映现实生活为主,作品的时代性和现实性比较强烈。D篇主题语境:人与社会一一社会本文是说明文。孟加拉国的“漂浮学校”让学生在雨季也能正常上学。32.A。理解具体信息。根据第一段中的Inside the boat are narrow benches which in turn arefilled with children.There are 29 kids in this third-grade class.The kids sit shoulder-to-shoulderfacing a blackboard at the back of the boat.When the teacher asks for a volunteer to read a poem,a girl holds up her hand可知,这艘船上有窄窄的长椅,船后部还有一块黑板,孩子们在这艘船上上课。33.D。理解具体信息。根据第四段中的He was lucky as he didn't miss school in the rainyseason thanks to his family's boat,,unlike many of his friends可知,不像他的许多朋友,Mohammed Rezwan很幸运,因为家里有艘船,所以他在雨季也能正常上学。34.C。理解词汇。根据最后一段中Rezwan所说的In rural areas,the parents are mostly



