
When it comes to Brazil, you will recall the exciting football game and the Samba.  1.   It is considered the state banquet (国宴). It has a unique flavor for it has absorbed the essence of Portuguese, African and Indian food, and has all the traditions and elements of an American Barbecue.
Originally the formula for Brazilian style barbecue was to roast the whole cattle or sheep strung on the branch. And the meat is cut into pieces to eat with a knife when cooked. Later the style has changed since the coming of the European civilization.  2.  
A salt-water baste is used to keep meats properly wet during the cooking. Beef is typically never seasoned. Lamb, however, is spiced with a rich sauce the night before cooking. And they are cooked on long sword-like skewers (烤肉叉) over the fire with fattier items placed on top so that the juices will drip down and flavor the other cuts. Waiters will go around table to table carving off pieces onto your plate. Without moving from your table you can experience virtually unlimited dishes until your stomach fails you.  3.  
 4.  The difference lies in ingredients and eating habits. Korean barbecue is mainly made of pork, beef and mutton. When served, the meat is dipped in some onions, sesame oil and Korean sauce and wrapped with lettuce, so that meat with vegetables is eaten together.  5.   It's typical thumb-sized meat is smoked on a grill with charcoal (木炭).
A. And a modern version comes out. B. This is truly a great dining experience. C. Barbecue, though, is what Brazilians are proud of. D. Xinjiang barbecue in China earns a good reputation. E. They make a great impression on people in the world. F. In contrast, Xinjiang barbecue features smaller skewers. G. Brazilian barbecue differs from Korean's and Chinese Xinjiang's.
1.根据空后“It is considered the state banquet (国宴). It has a unique flavor for it has absorbed the essence of Portuguese, African and Indian food, and has all the traditions and elements of an American Barbecue.”它被认为是国宴。它具有独特的风味,因为它吸收了葡萄牙、非洲和印度食物的精华,并具有美国烧烤的所有传统和元素。可知,这里在讲巴西的食物,C. Barbecue, though, is what Brazilians are proud of.“然而,烤肉是巴西人引以为豪的。”符合语境,有启下作用,其中Barbecue与下文 elements of an American Barbecue对应。故选C。
2.根据空前“Originally the formula for Brazilian style barbecue was to roast the whole cattle or sheep strung on the branch. And the meat is cut into pieces to eat with a knife when cooked. Later the style has changed since the coming of the European civilization.”最初,巴西式烧烤的配方是烤挂在树枝上的整只牛或羊。肉煮熟后用刀切成块吃。后来,随着欧洲文明的到来,风格发生了变化。可知,这里主要讲巴西最初烧烤方式以及后来的改变, A. And a modern version comes out. “一个现代版本问世了。”符合语境,由承上作用,其中a modern version 与上文the style has changed对应。故选A。
3.根据空前“A salt-water baste is used to keep meats properly wet during the cooking. Beef is typically never seasoned. Lamb, however, is spiced with a rich sauce the night before cooking. And they are cooked on long sword-like skewers (烤肉叉) over the fire with fattier items placed on top so that the juices will drip down and flavor the other cuts. Waiters will go around table to table carving off pieces onto your plate. Without moving from your table you can experience virtually unlimited dishes until your stomach fails you. ”在烹饪过程中,用盐水浇汁使肉保持适当的湿润。牛肉通常不加调味。然而,羊肉在烹饪前一晚会加入浓郁的酱料。把它们串在剑状的长串上,放在火上烤,上面放些肥肉,这样汁液就会滴下来,给其他部位调味。侍者们会围着桌子一桌一桌地在你们的盘子上切菜。不必离开餐桌,你就可以体验到几乎无限的菜肴,直到你的胃不舒服为止。以及前文可知,这里主要描述就餐情况, B. This is truly a great dining experience. “这真是一次很棒的用餐体验。”符合语境,承接上文并对上文总结。故选B。
4.根据空后“The difference lies in ingredients and eating habits. Korean barbecue is mainly made of pork, beef and mutton.”区别在于配料和饮食习惯。韩国烤肉主要由猪肉、牛肉和羊肉制成。可知,这里主要讲与韩国烤肉的区别, G. Brazilian barbecue differs from Korean's and Chinese Xinjiang's. “巴西烤肉不同于韩国和中国新疆的烤肉。”符合语境,其中differs 与下文 difference对应, Korean也与下文对应。故选G。
5.根据空前“Brazilian barbecue differs from Korean's and Chinese Xinjiang's.”巴西烤肉不同于韩国和中国新疆的烤肉。可知,后文主要讲巴西烤肉和韩国以及中国不同之处,空前已经讲了与韩国的不同,所以此空处应讲可中国新疆的不同,F. In contrast, Xinjiang barbecue features smaller skewers.“相比之下,新疆烤肉的特点是烤肉串较小。”符合语境,其中Xinjiang barbecue与前文Chinese Xinjiang's对应。故选F。
got mail…and it's a postcard
Paulo Magalhaes, a 34-year-old Portuguese computer engineer,
loves to open his mailbox and find a brightly colored picture of Rome's
Colosseum. Or Africa's Victoria Falls. Or China's Great Wall.  6.  
"I often send postcards to family and friends, "he
says to China Daily, "but you can imagine that after a while, you never
receive as many as you send, and you realize that not everyone is into it.  7.  "Seeking other like-minded souls, however, Paulo
started looking in a somewhat unlikely place: online. Many would say the
Internet is a place for people who have given up on the traditional postal
service, but Paulo's hunch(直觉) paid off.
Today his hobby has developed into the website post crossing.
com, a social network that has grown to 575, 217 registered users in 214
countries and regions since he started it 10 years ago.  8.   Running the website has almost turned into a full-time
Language is certainly a barrier for many people. For post crossing
to work worldwide, a common communication language is needed so that everyone
can understand each other. As cool as it may be to receive a postcard written
in Chinese, the concept doesn't work if one doesn't understand it.  9.  So a common language is required and in post crossing
that's English since it's widely spoken.
"Many people in China have limited exposure to
English.  10.  That said, we know of many
post crossing members, including Chinese, who have actually improved their
English skills through their use of post crossing, "Paulo says.
A. And that's totally fine.
B. That makes it extra hard
to learn and practice it.
C. He likes to think of
sending postcards as a family-friendly hobby.
D. Many love to make a
connection with someone from across the world.
E. On August 5, the number
of postcards exchanged by members topped 3 1 million.
F. Similarly, if you speak
only Chinese, receiving a card in Swedish takes part of the fun away. G. In
short, he loves postcards, and the excitement of getting a hand written note
from someone far away.
【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了Paulo Magalhaes创建的过程及其现状。Paulo Magalhaes非常喜欢明信片但是苦于身边没有与他志趣相投的人,于是他开始从网上寻求志同道合的人,因而创立了。随着公司在全球不断壮大,语言成为沟通的主要障碍,后来英语被选为共同语言方便大家交流。
6.根据空前“Paulo Magalhaes, a 34-year-old Portuguese computer engineer, loves to open his mailbox and find a brightly colored image of Rome's Colosseum. Or Africa's Victoria Falls. Or China’s Great Wall.” 34岁的葡萄牙电脑工程师Paulo Magalhaes喜欢打开他的邮箱,然后发现一个色彩鲜艳的罗马斗牛场图像。或者非洲的维多利亚瀑布。或者是中国的长城。介绍了Paulo喜欢明信片的个人爱好;以及空后“... and you realize that not everyone is into it.”说明他身边缺少与他志趣相投的人。G. In short, he loves postcards, and the excitement of getting a scribbled note from someone far away.“简而言之,他喜欢明信片,也喜欢收到远方某人潦草的便条时的那种兴奋”起到承上启下的作用,总结了上文Paulo喜欢明信片,也引出下文关于他的喜好得不到回应的问题。故选G。
7.根据空前“‘I often send postcards to family and friends.’ he says to China Daily, ‘but you can imagine that after a while, you never receive as many as you send, and you realize that not everyone is into it”“我经常给家人和朋友寄明信片, ”他说,“但你可以想象,过一段时间,你收到的明信片不会像你寄的那么多,而且你意识到并不是每个人都喜欢这样。”说明Paulo意识到身边的亲人和朋友不是都和他有相同的爱好,因此他也很坦然接受这个事实,A. And that's totally fine.“那完全没问题”符合语境。故选A。
8.根据空前“Today his hobby has evolved into the website , a social network that has grown to 575,217 registered users in 214 countries and regions since he launched it 10 years ago.”如今,他的这个爱好已经发展成了这个社交网站。自从10年前他创建这个网站以来,已经有来自214个国家和地区的575217名注册用户。是在介绍目前网站的发展状况,E. On August 5, the number of postcards exchanged by members topped 3 1 million.“8月5日,会员互赠的明信片数量达到3100万张”是在介绍该网站相关的数据。故选E。
9.根据空前“As cool as it may be to receive a postcard written in Chinese, the concept doesn't work if one doesn't understand it.”收到一张用中文写的明信片可能很酷,但如果你不理解它,这个概念就行不通。举例说明他国人收到中文明信片时的问题。F. Similarly, if you speak only Chinese, receiving a card written in Swedish takes part of the fun away.“同样地,如果你只会说中文,收到瑞典语的卡片也会夺走一部分乐趣”是举例说明中国人收到他国语言明信片时也会遇到相同的问题。两句相结合,符合结论句的语义要求,故选F。
10.根据空前“Many people in China have limited exposure to English.”许多中国人很少能接触到英语。说明对某些人来说学习英语的门槛较高;以及空后“... who actually improved their English skills through their use of postcrossing.”他们实际上通过使用明信片来提高他们的英语技能。可知,写明信片成为一种练习英语的渠道。B. That makes it extra hard to learn and practice it. “这使得学习和练习它变得格外困难 ”符合语境要求,说明对一些人来说学习和练习英语的难度较高,因为渠道较少。故选B。
You've got mail…and it's a postcard
Paulo Maglhaea, a 34-yearold Portuguese computer engineer, loves to open his mailbox and find a brightly colored picture of Rome's Colosseum. Or Africa's Victoria Falls. Or China's Great Wall.  11.  
“ I often send postcards to family and finds." he says to China Daily, "but you can imagine that after a while, you never receive as many as you send, and you realize that not everyone is into it. 12.  ” Seeking other like-minded souls, however, Paulo started looking in a somewhat unlikely place: online. Mary would say the Internet is a place for people who have given up on the traditional postal service, but Paulo's hunch(直觉) paid off.
Today his hobby has developed int the website , a social network that has grown to 575,217 registered users in 214 countries and regions since he started it 10 years ago. 13.  Running the website has almost turned into a full-time job.
Language is certainly a harrier for many people. For postcrossing to work worldwide, a common communication language is needed so that everyone can understand each other. As cool as it may be to receive a postcard written in Chinese, the concept doesn't work if one doesn't understand it. 14.  So a common language is required and in postcrossing that's English since it's widely spoken.
"Many people in China have limited exposure to English. 15.   That said, we know of many postcrossing members, including Chinese, who have actually improved their English skills through their use of postcrossing," Paulo says.
A. And that's totally fine.
B. That makes it extra hard to learn and practice it.
C. He likes to think of sending postcards as a family-friendly hobby.
D. Many love to make a connection with someone from across the world.
E. On August 5, the number of postcards exchanged by members topped 31 million.
F. Similarly, if you speak only Chinese, receiving a card in Swedish takes part of the fun away.
G. In short, he loves postcards, and the excitement of getting a hand-written note from someone far away.
【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了Paulo Magalhaes创建的过程及其现状。Paulo Magalhaes非常喜欢明信片但是苦于身边没有与他志趣相投的人,于是他开始从网上寻求志同道合的人,因而创立了。随着公司在全球不断壮大,语言成为沟通的主要障碍,后来英语被选为共同语言方便大家交流。
【点评】考查七选五,本文是一篇故事类阅读, 要求在理解细节信息的基础上,着重考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。
11.根据空前“Paulo Magalhaes, a 34-year-old Portuguese computer engineer, loves to open his mailbox and find a brightly colored image of Rome's Colosseum. Or Africa's Victoria Falls. Or China's Great Wall.”34岁的葡萄牙电脑工程师Paulo Magalhaes喜欢打开他的邮箱,然后发现一个色彩鲜艳的罗马斗牛场图像。或者非洲的维多利亚瀑布。或者是中国的长城,介绍了Paulo喜欢明信片的个人爱好;以及空后“... and you realize that not everyone is into it.”说明他身边缺少与他志趣相投的人。G. In short, he loves postcards, and the excitement of getting a scribbled note from someone far away.“简而言之,他喜欢明信片,也喜欢收到远方某人潦草的便条时的那种兴奋”起到承上启下的作用,总结了上文Paulo喜欢明信片,也引出下文关于他的喜好得不到回应的问题。故选G。
12.根据空前“‘I often send postcards to family and friends.’ he says to China Daily, ‘but you can imagine that after a while, you never receive as many as you send, and you realize that not everyone is into it“我经常给家人和朋友寄明信片, ”他说,“但你可以想象,过一段时间,你收到的明信片不会像你寄的那么多,而且你意识到并不是每个人都喜欢这样。”说明Paulo意识到身边的亲人和朋友不是都和他有相同的爱好,因此他也很坦然接受这个事实,A. And that's totally fine.“那完全没问题”符合语境。故选A。
13.根据空前“Today his hobby has evolved into the website , a social network that has grown to 575,217 registered users in 214 countries and regions since he launched it 10 years ago.”如今,他的这个爱好已经发展成了这个社交网站。自从10年前他创建这个网站以来,已经有来自214个国家和地区的575217名注册用户,是在介绍目前网站的发展状况,E. On August 5, the number of postcards exchanged by members topped 31 million.“8月5日,会员互赠的明信片数量达到3100万张”是在介绍该网站相关的数据。故选E。
14.根据空前“As cool as it may be to receive a postcard written in Chinese, the concept doesn't work if one doesn't understand it.”收到一张用中文写的 明信片可能很酷,但如果你不理解它,这个概念就行不通,是举例说明他国人收到中文明信片时的问题。F. Similarly, if you speak only Chinese, receiving a card written in Swedish takes part of the fun away.“同样地,如果你只会说中文,收到瑞典语的卡片也会夺走一部分乐趣”是举例说明中国人收到他国语言明信片时也会遇到相同的问题。两句相结合,符合结论句的语义要求,故选F。
15.根据空前“Many people in China have limited exposure to English.”许多中国人很少能接触到英语)”说明对某些人来说学习英语的门槛较高;以及空后“... who actually improved their English skills through their use of postcrossing.”他们实际上通过使用明信片来提高他们的英语技能,可知,写明信片成为一种练习英语的渠道。B. That makes it extra hard to learn and practice it. “这使得学习和练习它变得格外困难 ”符合语境,说明对一些人来说学习和练习英语的难度较高,因为渠道较少。故选B。
If you travel to nearly any Chinese city in the summertime, you will see people, mostly men
wearing T-shirts, sitting out on the sidewalks on low chairs in the shade,playing a game with large round disks of wood. 16.   Xiangqi dates back as early as the Warring States period. While experts have different opinions as to who created Xiangqi and how it is linked to Western chess, there is no doubt that by the Tang Dynasty Xiangqi was a popular game in China. 17.  And in the 20th century both Sun Yat-sen and Zhou Enlai were big fans of the game.
And, though it may look quite a bit different than Western chess, Xiangqi is actually quite similar in what the pieces can do and how the game is played. Like Western chess, the object of the game is to capture the other player's "king". 18.  
Unlike Western chess, instead of placing the pieces in squares, the pieces are placed on the intersections of lines. Another big difference between Western chess and Xiangqi is that there is a large empty space in the middle of the board, which the elephants cannot cross. 19.  This space refers to an area in China where Liu Bang and Xiang Yu had a life-or-death war. The war was so influential that "the Chu River and the Han Boundary" has become a metaphor (隐喻) referring to any boundary between two opposing armies. When the Chinese people today see this name on the board, the battle scenes come to their mind, as though they are surrounded by thick smoke, able to hear the beating of war drums. 20.  
A. Actually, in Xiangqi he is just a general.
B. During the Qing Dynasty its popularity grew.
C. It is called "the Chu River and the Han Boundary".
D. The game is called Xiangqi, a game of ordinary people.
E. There are many differences between Xiangqi and Western chess.
F. An intense battle is about to take place on this small chessboard.
G. Several sayings related to Xiangqi are in common use in China today.
16.根据空前“If you travel to nearly any Chinese city in the summertime, you will see people, mostly men wearing T-shirts, sitting out on the sidewalks on low chairs in the shade,playing a game with large round disks of wood.”如果你在夏天去几乎任何一个中国城市旅行,你都会看到人们,大多是穿着 T 恤的男人,坐在树荫下的矮椅子上,在人行道上玩着大圆盘木头游戏。描述了play a game的景象;以及空后“ Xiangqi dates back as early as the Warring States period. ”象棋可以追溯到战国时代。此空应该指出the game是象棋,D. The game is called Xiangqi, a game of ordinary people.“游戏叫象棋,是普通人的游戏。承上启下,符合语境,故选D。
17.根据空前”While experts have different opinions as to who created Xiangqi and how it is linked to Western chess, there is no doubt that by the Tang Dynasty Xiangqi was a popular game in China.“虽然专家们对于象棋是谁创造的以及它与西洋象棋的联系有不同的看法,但毫无疑问,到了唐代,象棋在中国是一种流行的游戏。介绍象棋在中国历史悠久,很受欢迎,按时间顺序:战国时期一唐朝一清朝一民国, B. During the Qing Dynasty its popularity grew. “在清朝,它的知名度越来越高。”符合时间逻辑关系。故选B。
18.根据空前“Like Western chess, the object of the game is to capture the other player's ‘king’.”跟西方象棋一样,中国象棋的目的也是擒“王”,A. Actually, in Xiangqi he is just a general.“其实,在象棋,他只是个将军。”符合语境,故选A。
19.根据空前“Another big difference between Western chess and Xiangqi is that there is a large empty space in the middle of the board, which the elephants cannot cross.”西方象棋和中国象棋的另一大区别是中国象棋中有个空间是象不能越过的;以及空后“ This space refers to an area in China where Liu Bang and Xiang Yu had a life-or-death war. ”这个空间就是刘邦和项羽打生死
战的地方。 C. It is called "the Chu River and the Han Boundary". “被称为‘楚河汉界’”,对这个空间进行定义,符合逻辑。故选C。
20.根据空前“The war was so influential that "the Chu River and the Han Boundary" has become a metaphor (隐喻) referring to any boundary between two opposing armies. When the Chinese people today see this name on the board, the battle scenes come to their mind, as though they are surrounded by thick smoke, able to hear the beating of war drums.”楚河汉界是一种隐喻,下象棋时棋盘也是个战场,人们看到这个名字就好像沉浸在硝烟四起、战鼓喧天的战争场面。 F. An intense battle is about to take place on this small chessboard. “一场激烈的战斗即将在这个小小的棋盘上展开。”承接上文,符合语境。故选F。
Advantages of Solar Power
As the name suggests, solar power makes the most of the sunlight and is put to good use for its users. Despite some disadvantages, the advantages of it are so great that they cannot be ignored. In short, solar electricity system is an excellent addition to other conventional sources of energy.  21.  
A solar panel system, when coupled to your electric function, can sufficiently reduce or even cancel your electric bill, yet providing you with the option of using traditional power whenever needed.  22.   It is simple to operate as well and this is another advantage. Just ensure that you have the right technology in terms of space use and performance.
But perhaps the most widely well- known advantage of solar power is that this is green energy.  23.   This is a great advantage in today's world where we need to be concerned about the high levels of pollution and global warming. Let us all take some responsibility and do something that can clean up our atmosphere to some extent at least. So while on the one hand solar power is clean, on the other hand, it can also greatly reduce the electricity bill of the users.
 24.   So if you are thinking in terms of installing a solar electric system in your home or commercial property, you should go ahead and do it by all means.
And the best news is that the solar power system can be built in your house itself. _ 25.   That is why you need a brochure that can tell you all about these issues.
A. So it is time to take action.
B. You can not ignore the advantages mentioned above.
C. When referred to, solar energy is perhaps the best power in the world.
D. Also, the flexible system allows you to use it on a wide range of applications.
E. But you need to know how and where to make it, where to get the parts affordably etc.
F. This power does not cause any pollution, which is why it is such an attraction to many.
G. Here are some of the advantages of equipping a solar power system in your home or office.
21.根据空后“A solar panel system, when coupled to your electric function, can sufficiently reduce or even cancel your electric bill.”太阳能电池板系统,当与您的电力功能相结合时,可以充分减少甚至取消您的电费账单。可知,此空后是要介绍太阳能的优点,G. Here are some of the advantages of equipping a solar power system in your home or office.“以下是在你的家里或办公室配备太阳能系统的一些优点。”引出了下文对太阳能的优点的介绍,因此引起下文,符合语境,故选G。
22.根据空前“A solar panel system, when coupled to your electric function, can sufficiently reduce or even cancel your electric bill, yet providing you with the option of using traditional power whenever needed.”太阳能电池板系统,当与您的电力功能相结合时,可以充分减少甚至取消您的电费账单,同时为您提供在任何需要时使用传统电力的选择。可知,这种太阳能电池板系统是很灵活的,D. Also, the flexible system allows you to use it on a wide range of applications.“此外,灵活的系统允许您在广泛的应用中使用它。”说明了这种系统的另外一个优点,且“flexible”和空前说既能减少电的使用,在需要时也可以用传统电力的这种灵活性相互呼应,符合语境,故选D。
23.根据空前“But perhaps the most widely well-known advantage of solar power is that this is green energy.”但也许太阳能最广为人知的优点是它是一种绿色能源。F. This power does not cause any pollution, which is why it is such an attraction to many.“这种能源不会造成任何污染,这就是为什么它如此吸引许多人的原因。”说明了太阳能环保这一个优点,和空前说它是绿色能源相呼应,承接上文,符合语境,故选F。
24.根据空后“So if you are thinking in terms of installing a solar electric system in your home or commercial property, you should go ahead and do it by all means.” 因此,如果你正在考虑在你的家庭或商业物业安装太阳能电力系统,你应该去做,无论如何都要这么做。因此空格处应该说明要安装这种太阳能电力系统的原因,结合前面讲的太阳能电力系统的好处优点可知,B. You can not ignore the advantages mentioned above.“你不能忽视上面提到的优点。”很好地解释了为什么一定无论如何要安装这种系统,引起下文,符合语境,故选B。
25.根据空后“That is why you need a brochure that can tell you all about these issues.”这就是为什么你需要一本能告诉你所有这些问题的小册子。空格处应提到某些问题,E. But you need to know how and where to make it, where to get the parts affordably etc.“但你需要知道如何以及在哪里制造,哪里才能买到便宜的零件等等。)提到了一些问题,和后文需要一个能告诉这些问题的答案的小册子相呼应,因此E选项承上启下,符合语境,故选E。
24 Solar Terms: 4 things
you should know about Grain Buds
The traditional Chinese
lunar calendar divides the year into 24 solar terms. Grain Buds(小满), the 8th solar term of a year, begins on May 20 this year, and ends
on June 4. In China, the 24 solar terms were created thousands of years ago to
guide agricultural production.  26.  .
Let's see what we can do during the “Grain Buds” period.
A good season for eating fish
During the Grain Buds
period, the summer harvest is about to begin. A saying about rain during this
time mentions. “A heavy rainfall makes the river full.” Because of the great
increase in rainfall, rivers are full of water, which gives rise to great
tasting fish and shrimp. This is a good time to enjoy them.  27.  .
Eating the herb of common sow thistle
Grain Buds is a season
for eating the herb of the common sow thistle, which tastes a little bitter and
sour, but also sweet. It has the function of cooling the blood and detoxifying
the body. It can be made into different types of dishes.  28.  . Some people boil the herb with
water and then squeeze out the juice, which can be used to make soup.
Tips on health preserving in Grain Buds
 29.  .
The increase in temperature over this season may also give rise to all sorts of
skin diseases. It is also important to exercise to keep healthy during the hot
summer days. Walking, jogging and practicing tai chi are popular.
This time is a good
period of the quick growth of flowers. It is also a season when plant diseases
and pests are at an all-time high, which makes caring for your garden even more
critical. Flower trimming and clipping is important. And a systematic
fertilized water system should be carried out.
A. Key period for flower
B. It is also a harvest
season for fishermen
C. A lot of water and
extra care for wild flowers
D. But the solar term
culture is still useful today to guide people's lives
E. It means that the
seeds from the grain are becoming full but are not ripe
F. People in Ningxia
like to eat it blended with salt, vinegar, peppers or garlic
G. High temperatures and
humidity are common during the Grain Buds period
26.根据空前“ In China, the 24 solar terms were created thousands of years ago to guide agricultural production. ”在中国,几千年前创造24节气是用来指导农业生产的, D. But the solar term culture is still useful today to guide people's lives “但节气文化仍然指导人们的生活方面起作用。” 其中“the solar term culture”和空前“the 24 solar terms”词汇重复,“guide people's lives”与空前一句中“guide agricultural production”相对。故选D。
27.根据空前“ This is a good time to enjoy them. ”这是享受鱼虾的好时节”, B. It is also a harvest season for fishermen “也是渔民的收获季节。”其中 also 表示递进关系。故选B。
28.根据空前“ It can be made into different types of dishes. ”苦苣菜可以做成不同的菜肴, F. People in Ningxia like to eat it blended with salt, vinegar, peppers or garlic “宁夏人喜欢把它和盐、醋、辣椒或大蒜拌在一起食用。”顺承前一句的话题,符合语境,故选F。
29.根据空后“ The increase in temperature over this season may also give rise to all sorts of skin diseases. ”这个季节气温的升高也可能引发各种皮肤病。 G. High temperatures and humidity are common during the Grain Buds period “高温和潮湿在小满时节很常见。”其中“High temperatures”与空后“ The increase in temperature”语义相同,空后是顺承选项G的话题,说明高温对身体不好的影响。故选G。
30.根据空后“the quick growth of flowers”“plant diseases and pests”以及“Flower trimming and clipping”可知,该段是关于小满季节花卉管理方面的内容。 A. Key period for flower management “花卉管理的关键时期“”,可以作为该段的主题句。故选A。
Traditional TV Ever Be Replaced by Streaming
a long time, people had to listen to the radio to get news, drama, and music at
home. This all changed with the development of the television in the early 20th
century.   Since then, British
TV viewers have enjoyed the launch of commercial TV, the addition of Channel 4,
and then Channel 5, and finally the birth of paid services through satellite
and cable.
Slow Decline
the uptake of TV ownership exploded, the decline of television's dominance has
been slow and has been going on for the past decade.    Streaming services have given us
access to more content than was ever possible, including back catalogues of
classic shows and blockbuster movies.
Viewing Habits
the UK, adults are spending more time watching content on YouTube and streaming
services than ever before. In 2018, these figures were 30 minutes and 26
minutes per day respectively.    
the King
example, in 2018 UK adults continued to watch BBC One for an average of 41
minutes per day, more than any streaming service.
viewing time for all traditional TV channels continues to decline though,
despite much larger quantities of original content being produced by these
the traditional TV networks have seen a decline, the television set itself
doesn't look like it's going anywhere any time soon.
A. This has been the trend
for the last couple of decades.
B. The original content has
included massively popular shows.
C. Suddenly, we were able to
see what was going on, not just listen along.
D. The traditional TV
channels are taking away audiences from streaming services.
E. Most major TV channels
have their own catch up streaming service.
F. While demand for streaming
services is up, TV continues to be the most watched overall.
G. Today, we have the power
to watch whatever, whenever, wherever we want.
(1)根据空前“For a long time, people had to listen to the radio to get news, drama, and music at home. This all changed with the development of the television in the early 20th century.”有很长一段时间,人们不得不听收音机在家里收听新闻、戏剧和音乐。这一切都随着20世纪初电视的发展而改变;以及空后“Since then, British TV viewers have enjoyed the launch of commercial TV, the addition of Channel 4, and then Channel 5, and finally the birth of paid services through satellite and cable.”从那时起,英国电视观众开始享受商业电视的推出,第四频道和第五频道的加入,最后通过卫星和有线电视的付费服务的诞生。说明电视的发展改变了之前只能听不能看的状态, C. Suddenly, we were able to see what was going on, not just listen along.“突然间,我们能够看到正在发生的事情,而不仅仅是听着”承接上文并引出下文,说明自从有了电视后,不仅能听还能看。选项和上下文语义相关,符合语境。故选C。
(2)根据空后“Streaming services have given us access to more content than was ever possible, including back catalogues of classic shows and blockbuster movies.”流媒体服务让我们可以访问比以往任何时候都多的内容,包括经典节目和大片电影的过期目录。说明我们可以看的内容更多了。 G. Today, we have the power to watch whatever, whenever, wherever we want.“今天,我们可以随时随地看任何我们想看的节目”引出下文,选项中we have the power to watch whatever, whenever, wherever we want和下文中access to more content than was ever possible语义一致,符合题意。故选G。
(3)根据空前“In the UK, adults are spending more time watching content on YouTube and streaming services than ever before. In 2018, these figures were 30 minutes and 26 minutes per day respectively.”在英国,成年人花费在 YouTube 和流媒体服务上的时间比以往任何时候都多。2018年,这两个数字分别为每天30分钟和26分钟。说明成年人花费在流媒体上的时间一直在增涨。 A. This has been the trend for the last couple of decades.“这是过去几十年来的趋势”是上文的概括总结,符合题意。故选A。
(4)根据空前“Still the King. ”仍然是王者;以及空后“For example, in 2018 UK adults continued to watch BBC One for an average of 41 minutes per day, more than any streaming service.”例如,在2018年,英国成年人平均每天看 BBC 一台41分钟,超过任何流媒体服务。说明电视的观看率还是很高。F. While demand for streaming services is up, TV continues to be the most watched overall.“虽然对流媒体服务的需求在上升,但电视仍然是整体收视率最高的”承接上文,引出下文,和上下文语义逻辑一致,符合语境,选项中the most和上文the King及下文more than any streaming service描述一致。故选F。
(5)根据空前“Average viewing time for all traditional TV channels continues to decline though, despite much larger quantities of original content being produced by these organizations.”不过,尽管这些机构制作了大量原创内容,但所有传统电视频道的平均收视时间仍在继续下降。说明虽然制作了原创内容,传统电视频道收视时间在减少。B. The original content has included massively popular shows.“原创内容包括大量受欢迎的节目”承接上文,对上文中的“原创作品”进行补充说明。选项中original content和上文中original content描述对象一致。故选B。
I came to Russia to study in the winter of 2021. My university is located in Moscow, the capital of Russia, which is a city with a long history.
The second I stepped out of the airport, I immediately felt how cold it was outside.  32.   When I saw the main building of Moscow State University, I was deeply shocked by its beautiful architecture with its 270-year-long history. Sensing how utterly small I was in front of this majestic building, I felt the crystallization (结晶) of human wisdom resonate within me.
 33.   The snow and ice won't melt until April of the following year. Just like the melting snow, I gradually overcame the difficulties of studying abroad and came to adjust to my new environment.
The first challenge was the language barrier After leaning Russian in China, I realized that my skills were nowhere near enough. I was not fluent in Russian, sometimes causing misunderstandings.  34.   In Russia, everyone intentionally stands on the right side when taking the escalator, which takes time to get used to.
The artistic atmosphere in Russia is very strong, however.  35.  Tickets for concerts and cultural events here are relatively cheap, making it easy to enrich my life on weekends.
In a nutshell, living abroad means overcoming all kinds of difficulties. The experience will always leave a colorful shade in our lives. Just as the old saying in Chinese goes, "it is better to travel ten thousand miles than to read ten thousand books."  36.  
A. Take a look at the outside world while you are young!
B. Obviously, the freezing climate does not agree with me.
C. The cultural differences were also hard to deal with at first.
D. I can visit many of the attractions that I used to see in my textbooks.
E. And the buildings surrounding me looked so different from the ones in China.
F. Staring from early November each year, the snow season in Moscow is very long.
G. Thanks to the abundant activities I get to explore what I've learned in practical contexts.
32.根据空后“When I saw the main building of Moscow State University, I was deeply shocked by its beautiful architecture with its 270-year-long history.”当我看到莫斯科国立大学的主楼时,我被它有着270年历史的美丽建筑深深震撼了。可知,此处强调的是教学楼建筑物深深地震撼了作者,故前文应该与之呼应。E. And the buildings surrounding me looked so different from the ones in China.“我周围的建筑看起来和中国的很不一样”与下文呼应,符合语境,故选E。
33.根据空后“The snow and ice won't melt until April of the following year.”冰雪要到第二年四月才会融化。可知,前文应该强调的是莫斯科的下雪季。F. Staring from early November each year, the snow season in Moscow is very long.“从每年11月初开始,莫斯科的雪季很长”引起下文,解释了莫斯科雪季的时间。故选F。
34.根据空后“In Russia, everyone intentionally stands on the right side when taking the escalator, which takes time to get used to.”在俄罗斯,乘坐自动扶梯时,每个人都故意站在右侧,这需要时间来适应。可知,此处强调的是中俄文化上的差异需要作者花费时间来适应。C. The cultural differences were also hard to deal with at first.“一开始,文化差异也很难处理”,引起下文,强调了文化差异给作者带来了影响。故选C。
35.根据空后“Tickets for concerts and cultural events here are relatively cheap, making it easy to enrich my life on weekends.”这里的音乐会和文化活动的门票相对便宜,很容易在周末丰富我的生活。可知,前文应该强调作者去参观景点,由此与此处的音乐会和文化活动的门票相承接。D. I can visit many of the attractions that I used to see in my textbooks.“我可以参观许多我过去在课本上看到的景点”与下文景点的门票相对应,符合语境。故选D。
36.根据空前“Just as the old saying in Chinese goes, ‘it is better to travel ten thousand miles than to read ten thousand books.’”正如中国有句古话所说:“读万卷书不如行万里路。”可知,此处强调的是多出去看世界的好处和意义,A. Take a look at the outside world while you are young!“趁着年轻,多看看外面的世界!”与前文呼应,指出年轻的时候要去外面的世界多看看。故选A。
Food is a deeply rooted expression of identity, values and ways of life.  37.   That is, eating is an element of common ground in terms of human existence and an experience that brings people together. Food is family treasure in the way recipes are passed on from one generation to another, maintaining family connection and cultural and geographical ancestral links.
Food is an expression. What we cook is an expression of who we are and where we come from.  38.   The traditional meals of a place touch on identity and ancestry. Every destination has a dish or cuisine associated with it, which is fixed on culture and identity.
You may not know it, but that is why experiencing the local dishes of a new place usually tops one's to do list in a foreign land.  39.   It is one of the interactions and processes of connecting with the people.
Food is symbolic. Home is where the heart is and in sensory response to food, familiar flavor arouses homesickness.  40.   The ordinary smell of food takes one back to particular times in the past. The beautiful and merry essence of eating with family and friends from home adds to the pleasant tastes of meals.
 41.   Food and food habits serve as a culture channel of display of affection and emotional association and the sharing of delicious, nutritional food signals a bridge of closeness and acceptance.
A. Accepting food is hard.
B. Eating food is a universal experience.
C. Food is largely cultural as well as nutritional.
D. Food is therefore a reminder of fond memories of home.
E. Eating a local dish is a way to connect with the local people.
F. Food, however, sometimes gives us bad emotional experiences.
G. This is obvious in how seafood is popular with the coastal people.
37.根据空后"That is, eating is an element of common ground in terms of human existence and an experience that brings people together."也就是说,吃是人类存在的共同基础,是一种让人们走到一起的体验。可知,下文是对选项的解释,a universal experience呼应 common ground,an experience that brings people together。B. Eating food is a universal experience."吃东西是一种普遍的体验"符合语境,故选B。
38.根据空前"What we cook is an expression of who we are and where we come from."我们烹饪的食物显示了我们的身份和出处。此处承接上文具体说明和解释,G. This is obvious in how seafood is popular with the coastal people."这从海鲜受沿海人们的喜爱就可以看出",符合语境,故选G。
39.根据空前"You may not know it, but that is why experiencing the local dishes of a new place usually tops one's to do list in a foreign land."你可能不知道,但这就是为什么在异国他乡体验当地美食通常是最重要的事情;以及空后"It is one of the interactions and processes of connecting with the people."它是一种与人联系的互动和过程。可知,此处在说当地美食的重要意义是什么。下文的it指代的是选项中a local dish。E. Eating a local dish is a way to connect with the local people."品尝当地菜肴是与当地人交流的一种方式"符合语境,故选E。
40.根据空前"Home is where the heart is and in sensory response to food, familiar flavor arouses homesickness."家是心所在的地方,在对食物的感官反应中,熟悉的味道会引起思乡之情。此处承接上文,说明食物和家乡的关系。familiar flavor arouses homesickness 呼应Food is therefore a reminder of fond memories of home 。D. Food is therefore a reminder of fond memories of home."因此,食物能唤起人们对家乡的美好回忆"符合语境,故选D。
41.根据空后"Food and food habits serve as a culture channel of display of affection and emotional association and the sharing of delicious, nutritional food signals a bridge of closeness and acceptance."食物和饮食习惯是表达情感和情感联系的文化渠道,而分享美味、营养的食物则是亲密和接受的桥梁。可知,该段主要呈现了食物在很大程度上既是具有文化性的,也是营养的。C. Food is largely cultural as well as nutritional."食物在很大程度上既是具有文化性的,也是营养的"符合语境,可为本段的标题,故选C。
Most of us in China are used to paying for
everything with our phones.     At least, this was the
case for Lim Swee Say from Singapore, who found his first experience with
Chinese payment methods quite impressive. Lim was waiting in line to buy nuts
at a street stall (货摊) in Shanghai and saw other
customers show their phones and take the nuts without giving cash.     It seems that Singapore falls behind in mobile
payments. Some Chinese tourists find it inconvenient when they have to use cash
in Singapore.
    According to Xinhua News
Agency, many countries now accept mobile payment services for Chinese tourists,
with WeChat Pay covered in 13 overseas countries and regions and Alipay over
200. It's now common to see the familiar green or blue logos in tourist
destinations around the world, from a tiny shop in the Scottish Highlands to a
huge department store in New York.
Mobile payments are now a normal part of life
in China, and the trend is sweeping other nations. According to Forrester
Research, in America, mobile payments rose by 37 per cent in 2016.    
This may be partly because western mobile
payment services require businesses to install expensive equipment before
customers can use them.    
A. He was trying to figure out how they got paid.
B. Foreign tourists don't like to pay with their mobile phones.
C. But in China, all it takes is a QR code (二维码) and a phone.
D. Soon after, he realized that the customers were using WeChat
E. Still, Chinese mobile payments were nearly 50 times greater
than those in the US.
F. But for foreign visitors who aren't familiar with this method,
it may seem strange.
G. The popularity of Chinese mobile payments has pushed some
foreign companies to accept them.
(1)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空前“Most of us in China are used to paying for everything with our phones. ”我们大多数中国人习惯用手机支付一切费用。F. But for foreign visitors who aren't familiar with this method, it may seem strange.“但对于不熟悉这种方法的外国游客来说,这似乎有些奇怪。”从相反的方面阐述移动支付,与前文相互呼应。故选F。
(2)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空前“Lim was waiting in line to buy nuts at a street stall (货摊) in Shanghai and saw other customers show their phones and take the nuts without giving cash. ”Lim在上海一个街头摊位排队买坚果,看到其他顾客拿着手机,拿着坚果却不给现金。D. Soon after, he realized that the customers were using WeChat Pay.“不久之后,他意识到顾客们正在使用微信支付。”承接上文,解释原因。故选D。
(3)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空后“According to Xinhua News Agency, many countries now accept mobile payment services for Chinese tourists, with WeChat Pay covered in 13 overseas countries and regions and Alipay over 200. ”据新华社报道,目前许多国家接受中国游客的移动支付服务,微信支付覆盖13个海外国家和地区,支付宝覆盖200多个国家和地区。G. The popularity of Chinese mobile payments has pushed some foreign companies to accept them.“中国移动支付的普及推动了一些外国公司接受它们”为后文的总结,故选G。
(4)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空前“According to Forrester Research, in America, mobile payments rose by 37 per cent in 2016. ”根据Forrester Research的数据,在美国,移动支付在2016年增长了37%。E. Still, Chinese mobile payments were nearly 50 times greater than those in the US.“尽管如此,中国的移动支付比美国高出近50倍。”前文提及美国的移动支付,后文接着对比阐述中国的移动支付。故选E。
(5)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空前“This may be partly because western mobile payment services require businesses to install expensive equipment before customers can use them. ”这可能部分是因为西方移动支付服务要求企业在客户使用之前安装昂贵的设备。C. But in China, all it takes is a QR code (二维码) and a phone.“但在中国,只要一个二维码和一部手机。”与前文转折对比,解释中国移动支付普及的原因。故选C。
When it comes to Brazil, you will recall the exciting football game and the Samba.  1.   It is considered the state banquet (国宴). It has a unique flavor for it has absorbed the essence of Portuguese, African and Indian food, and has all the traditions and elements of an American Barbecue.
Originally the formula for Brazilian style barbecue was to roast the whole cattle or sheep strung on the branch. And the meat is cut into pieces to eat with a knife when cooked. Later the style has changed since the coming of the European civilization.  2.  
A salt-water baste is used to keep meats properly wet during the cooking. Beef is typically never seasoned. Lamb, however, is spiced with a rich sauce the night before cooking. And they are cooked on long sword-like skewers (烤肉叉) over the fire with fattier items placed on top so that the juices will drip down and flavor the other cuts. Waiters will go around table to table carving off pieces onto your plate. Without moving from your table you can experience virtually unlimited dishes until your stomach fails you.  3.  
 4.  The difference lies in ingredients and eating habits. Korean barbecue is mainly made of pork, beef and mutton. When served, the meat is dipped in some onions, sesame oil and Korean sauce and wrapped with lettuce, so that meat with vegetables is eaten together.  5.   It's typical thumb-sized meat is smoked on a grill with charcoal (木炭).
A. And a modern version comes out. B. This is truly a great dining experience. C. Barbecue, though, is what Brazilians are proud of. D. Xinjiang barbecue in China earns a good reputation. E. They make a great impression on people in the world. F. In contrast, Xinjiang barbecue features smaller skewers. G. Brazilian barbecue differs from Korean's and Chinese Xinjiang's.
got mail…and it's a postcard
Paulo Magalhaes, a 34-year-old Portuguese computer engineer,
loves to open his mailbox and find a brightly colored picture of Rome's
Colosseum. Or Africa's Victoria Falls. Or China's Great Wall.  6.  
"I often send postcards to family and friends, "he
says to China Daily, "but you can imagine that after a while, you never
receive as many as you send, and you realize that not everyone is into it.  7.  "Seeking other like-minded souls, however, Paulo
started looking in a somewhat unlikely place: online. Many would say the
Internet is a place for people who have given up on the traditional postal
service, but Paulo's hunch(直觉) paid off.
Today his hobby has developed into the website post crossing.
com, a social network that has grown to 575, 217 registered users in 214
countries and regions since he started it 10 years ago.  8.   Running the website has almost turned into a full-time
Language is certainly a barrier for many people. For post crossing
to work worldwide, a common communication language is needed so that everyone
can understand each other. As cool as it may be to receive a postcard written
in Chinese, the concept doesn't work if one doesn't understand it.  9.  So a common language is required and in post crossing
that's English since it's widely spoken.
"Many people in China have limited exposure to
English.  10.  That said, we know of many
post crossing members, including Chinese, who have actually improved their
English skills through their use of post crossing, "Paulo says.
A. And that's totally fine.
B. That makes it extra hard
to learn and practice it.
C. He likes to think of
sending postcards as a family-friendly hobby.
D. Many love to make a
connection with someone from across the world.
E. On August 5, the number
of postcards exchanged by members topped 3 1 million.
F. Similarly, if you speak
only Chinese, receiving a card in Swedish takes part of the fun away. G. In
short, he loves postcards, and the excitement of getting a hand written note
from someone far away.
You've got mail…and it's a postcard
Paulo Maglhaea, a 34-yearold Portuguese computer engineer, loves to open his mailbox and find a brightly colored picture of Rome's Colosseum. Or Africa's Victoria Falls. Or China's Great Wall.  11.  
“ I often send postcards to family and finds." he says to China Daily, "but you can imagine that after a while, you never receive as many as you send, and you realize that not everyone is into it. 12.  ” Seeking other like-minded souls, however, Paulo started looking in a somewhat unlikely place: online. Mary would say the Internet is a place for people who have given up on the traditional postal service, but Paulo's hunch(直觉) paid off.
Today his hobby has developed int the website , a social network that has grown to 575,217 registered users in 214 countries and regions since he started it 10 years ago. 13.  Running the website has almost turned into a full-time job.
Language is certainly a harrier for many people. For postcrossing to work worldwide, a common communication language is needed so that everyone can understand each other. As cool as it may be to receive a postcard written in Chinese, the concept doesn't work if one doesn't understand it. 14.  So a common language is required and in postcrossing that's English since it's widely spoken.
"Many people in China have limited exposure to English. 15.   That said, we know of many postcrossing members, including Chinese, who have actually improved their English skills through their use of postcrossing," Paulo says.
A. And that's totally fine.
B. That makes it extra hard to learn and practice it.
C. He likes to think of sending postcards as a family-friendly hobby.
D. Many love to make a connection with someone from across the world.
E. On August 5, the number of postcards exchanged by members topped 31 million.
F. Similarly, if you speak only Chinese, receiving a card in Swedish takes part of the fun away.
G. In short, he loves postcards, and the excitement of getting a hand-written note from someone far away.
If you travel to nearly any Chinese city in the summertime, you will see people, mostly men
wearing T-shirts, sitting out on the sidewalks on low chairs in the shade,playing a game with large round disks of wood. 16.   Xiangqi dates back as early as the Warring States period. While experts have different opinions as to who created Xiangqi and how it is linked to Western chess, there is no doubt that by the Tang Dynasty Xiangqi was a popular game in China. 17.  And in the 20th century both Sun Yat-sen and Zhou Enlai were big fans of the game.
And, though it may look quite a bit different than Western chess, Xiangqi is actually quite similar in what the pieces can do and how the game is played. Like Western chess, the object of the game is to capture the other player's "king". 18.  
Unlike Western chess, instead of placing the pieces in squares, the pieces are placed on the intersections of lines. Another big difference between Western chess and Xiangqi is that there is a large empty space in the middle of the board, which the elephants cannot cross. 19.  This space refers to an area in China where Liu Bang and Xiang Yu had a life-or-death war. The war was so influential that "the Chu River and the Han Boundary" has become a metaphor (隐喻) referring to any boundary between two opposing armies. When the Chinese people today see this name on the board, the battle scenes come to their mind, as though they are surrounded by thick smoke, able to hear the beating of war drums. 20.  
A. Actually, in Xiangqi he is just a general.
B. During the Qing Dynasty its popularity grew.
C. It is called "the Chu River and the Han Boundary".
D. The game is called Xiangqi, a game of ordinary people.
E. There are many differences between Xiangqi and Western chess.
F. An intense battle is about to take place on this small chessboard.
G. Several sayings related to Xiangqi are in common use in China today.
Advantages of Solar Power
As the name suggests, solar power makes the most of the sunlight and is put to good use for its users. Despite some disadvantages, the advantages of it are so great that they cannot be ignored. In short, solar electricity system is an excellent addition to other conventional sources of energy.  21.  
A solar panel system, when coupled to your electric function, can sufficiently reduce or even cancel your electric bill, yet providing you with the option of using traditional power whenever needed.  22.   It is simple to operate as well and this is another advantage. Just ensure that you have the right technology in terms of space use and performance.
But perhaps the most widely well- known advantage of solar power is that this is green energy.  23.   This is a great advantage in today's world where we need to be concerned about the high levels of pollution and global warming. Let us all take some responsibility and do something that can clean up our atmosphere to some extent at least. So while on the one hand solar power is clean, on the other hand, it can also greatly reduce the electricity bill of the users.
 24.   So if you are thinking in terms of installing a solar electric system in your home or commercial property, you should go ahead and do it by all means.
And the best news is that the solar power system can be built in your house itself. _ 25.   That is why you need a brochure that can tell you all about these issues.
A. So it is time to take action.
B. You can not ignore the advantages mentioned above.
C. When referred to, solar energy is perhaps the best power in the world.
D. Also, the flexible system allows you to use it on a wide range of applications.
E. But you need to know how and where to make it, where to get the parts affordably etc.
F. This power does not cause any pollution, which is why it is such an attraction to many.
G. Here are some of the advantages of equipping a solar power system in your home or office.
24 Solar Terms: 4 things
you should know about Grain Buds
The traditional Chinese
lunar calendar divides the year into 24 solar terms. Grain Buds(小满), the 8th solar term of a year, begins on May 20 this year, and ends
on June 4. In China, the 24 solar terms were created thousands of years ago to
guide agricultural production.  26.  .
Let's see what we can do during the “Grain Buds” period.
A good season for eating fish
During the Grain Buds
period, the summer harvest is about to begin. A saying about rain during this
time mentions. “A heavy rainfall makes the river full.” Because of the great
increase in rainfall, rivers are full of water, which gives rise to great
tasting fish and shrimp. This is a good time to enjoy them.  27.  .
Eating the herb of common sow thistle
Grain Buds is a season
for eating the herb of the common sow thistle, which tastes a little bitter and
sour, but also sweet. It has the function of cooling the blood and detoxifying
the body. It can be made into different types of dishes.  28.  . Some people boil the herb with
water and then squeeze out the juice, which can be used to make soup.
Tips on health preserving in Grain Buds
 29.  .
The increase in temperature over this season may also give rise to all sorts of
skin diseases. It is also important to exercise to keep healthy during the hot
summer days. Walking, jogging and practicing tai chi are popular.
This time is a good
period of the quick growth of flowers. It is also a season when plant diseases
and pests are at an all-time high, which makes caring for your garden even more
critical. Flower trimming and clipping is important. And a systematic
fertilized water system should be carried out.
A. Key period for flower
B. It is also a harvest
season for fishermen
C. A lot of water and
extra care for wild flowers
D. But the solar term
culture is still useful today to guide people's lives
E. It means that the
seeds from the grain are becoming full but are not ripe
F. People in Ningxia
like to eat it blended with salt, vinegar, peppers or garlic
G. High temperatures and
humidity are common during the Grain Buds period
Traditional TV Ever Be Replaced by Streaming
a long time, people had to listen to the radio to get news, drama, and music at
home. This all changed with the development of the television in the early 20th
century.   Since then, British
TV viewers have enjoyed the launch of commercial TV, the addition of Channel 4,
and then Channel 5, and finally the birth of paid services through satellite
and cable.
Slow Decline
the uptake of TV ownership exploded, the decline of television's dominance has
been slow and has been going on for the past decade.    Streaming services have given us
access to more content than was ever possible, including back catalogues of
classic shows and blockbuster movies.
Viewing Habits
the UK, adults are spending more time watching content on YouTube and streaming
services than ever before. In 2018, these figures were 30 minutes and 26
minutes per day respectively.    
the King
example, in 2018 UK adults continued to watch BBC One for an average of 41
minutes per day, more than any streaming service.
viewing time for all traditional TV channels continues to decline though,
despite much larger quantities of original content being produced by these
the traditional TV networks have seen a decline, the television set itself
doesn't look like it's going anywhere any time soon.
A. This has been the trend
for the last couple of decades.
B. The original content has
included massively popular shows.
C. Suddenly, we were able to
see what was going on, not just listen along.
D. The traditional TV
channels are taking away audiences from streaming services.
E. Most major TV channels
have their own catch up streaming service.
F. While demand for streaming
services is up, TV continues to be the most watched overall.
G. Today, we have the power
to watch whatever, whenever, wherever we want.
I came to Russia to study in the winter of 2021. My university is located in Moscow, the capital of Russia, which is a city with a long history.
The second I stepped out of the airport, I immediately felt how cold it was outside.  32.   When I saw the main building of Moscow State University, I was deeply shocked by its beautiful architecture with its 270-year-long history. Sensing how utterly small I was in front of this majestic building, I felt the crystallization (结晶) of human wisdom resonate within me.
 33.   The snow and ice won't melt until April of the following year. Just like the melting snow, I gradually overcame the difficulties of studying abroad and came to adjust to my new environment.
The first challenge was the language barrier After leaning Russian in China, I realized that my skills were nowhere near enough. I was not fluent in Russian, sometimes causing misunderstandings.  34.   In Russia, everyone intentionally stands on the right side when taking the escalator, which takes time to get used to.
The artistic atmosphere in Russia is very strong, however.  35.  Tickets for concerts and cultural events here are relatively cheap, making it easy to enrich my life on weekends.
In a nutshell, living abroad means overcoming all kinds of difficulties. The experience will always leave a colorful shade in our lives. Just as the old saying in Chinese goes, "it is better to travel ten thousand miles than to read ten thousand books."  36.  
A. Take a look at the outside world while you are young!
B. Obviously, the freezing climate does not agree with me.
C. The cultural differences were also hard to deal with at first.
D. I can visit many of the attractions that I used to see in my textbooks.
E. And the buildings surrounding me looked so different from the ones in China.
F. Staring from early November each year, the snow season in Moscow is very long.
G. Thanks to the abundant activities I get to explore what I've learned in practical contexts.
Food is a deeply rooted expression of identity, values and ways of life.  37.   That is, eating is an element of common ground in terms of human existence and an experience that brings people together. Food is family treasure in the way recipes are passed on from one generation to another, maintaining family connection and cultural and geographical ancestral links.
Food is an expression. What we cook is an expression of who we are and where we come from.  38.   The traditional meals of a place touch on identity and ancestry. Every destination has a dish or cuisine associated with it, which is fixed on culture and identity.
You may not know it, but that is why experiencing the local dishes of a new place usually tops one's to do list in a foreign land.  39.   It is one of the interactions and processes of connecting with the people.
Food is symbolic. Home is where the heart is and in sensory response to food, familiar flavor arouses homesickness.  40.   The ordinary smell of food takes one back to particular times in the past. The beautiful and merry essence of eating with family and friends from home adds to the pleasant tastes of meals.
 41.   Food and food habits serve as a culture channel of display of affection and emotional association and the sharing of delicious, nutritional food signals a bridge of closeness and acceptance.
A. Accepting food is hard.
B. Eating food is a universal experience.
C. Food is largely cultural as well as nutritional.
D. Food is therefore a reminder of fond memories of home.
E. Eating a local dish is a way to connect with the local people.
F. Food, however, sometimes gives us bad emotional experiences.
G. This is obvious in how seafood is popular with the coastal people.
Most of us in China are used to paying for
everything with our phones.     At least, this was the
case for Lim Swee Say from Singapore, who found his first experience with
Chinese payment methods quite impressive. Lim was waiting in line to buy nuts
at a street stall (货摊) in Shanghai and saw other
customers show their phones and take the nuts without giving cash.     It seems that Singapore falls behind in mobile
payments. Some Chinese tourists find it inconvenient when they have to use cash
in Singapore.
    According to Xinhua News
Agency, many countries now accept mobile payment services for Chinese tourists,
with WeChat Pay covered in 13 overseas countries and regions and Alipay over
200. It's now common to see the familiar green or blue logos in tourist
destinations around the world, from a tiny shop in the Scottish Highlands to a
huge department store in New York.
Mobile payments are now a normal part of life
in China, and the trend is sweeping other nations. According to Forrester
Research, in America, mobile payments rose by 37 per cent in 2016.    
This may be partly because western mobile
payment services require businesses to install expensive equipment before
customers can use them.    
A. He was trying to figure out how they got paid.
B. Foreign tourists don't like to pay with their mobile phones.
C. But in China, all it takes is a QR code (二维码) and a phone.
D. Soon after, he realized that the customers were using WeChat
E. Still, Chinese mobile payments were nearly 50 times greater
than those in the US.
F. But for foreign visitors who aren't familiar with this method,
it may seem strange.
G. The popularity of Chinese mobile payments has pushed some
foreign companies to accept them.
1.根据空后“It is considered the state banquet (国宴). It has a unique flavor for it has absorbed the essence of Portuguese, African and Indian food, and has all the traditions and elements of an American Barbecue.”它被认为是国宴。它具有独特的风味,因为它吸收了葡萄牙、非洲和印度食物的精华,并具有美国烧烤的所有传统和元素。可知,这里在讲巴西的食物,C. Barbecue, though, is what Brazilians are proud of.“然而,烤肉是巴西人引以为豪的。”符合语境,有启下作用,其中Barbecue与下文 elements of an American Barbecue对应。故选C。
2.根据空前“Originally the formula for Brazilian style barbecue was to roast the whole cattle or sheep strung on the branch. And the meat is cut into pieces to eat with a knife when cooked. Later the style has changed since the coming of the European civilization.”最初,巴西式烧烤的配方是烤挂在树枝上的整只牛或羊。肉煮熟后用刀切成块吃。后来,随着欧洲文明的到来,风格发生了变化。可知,这里主要讲巴西最初烧烤方式以及后来的改变, A. And a modern version comes out. “一个现代版本问世了。”符合语境,由承上作用,其中a modern version 与上文the style has changed对应。故选A。
3.根据空前“A salt-water baste is used to keep meats properly wet during the cooking. Beef is typically never seasoned. Lamb, however, is spiced with a rich sauce the night before cooking. And they are cooked on long sword-like skewers (烤肉叉) over the fire with fattier items placed on top so that the juices will drip down and flavor the other cuts. Waiters will go around table to table carving off pieces onto your plate. Without moving from your table you can experience virtually unlimited dishes until your stomach fails you. ”在烹饪过程中,用盐水浇汁使肉保持适当的湿润。牛肉通常不加调味。然而,羊肉在烹饪前一晚会加入浓郁的酱料。把它们串在剑状的长串上,放在火上烤,上面放些肥肉,这样汁液就会滴下来,给其他部位调味。侍者们会围着桌子一桌一桌地在你们的盘子上切菜。不必离开餐桌,你就可以体验到几乎无限的菜肴,直到你的胃不舒服为止。以及前文可知,这里主要描述就餐情况, B. This is truly a great dining experience. “这真是一次很棒的用餐体验。”符合语境,承接上文并对上文总结。故选B。
4.根据空后“The difference lies in ingredients and eating habits. Korean barbecue is mainly made of pork, beef and mutton.”区别在于配料和饮食习惯。韩国烤肉主要由猪肉、牛肉和羊肉制成。可知,这里主要讲与韩国烤肉的区别, G. Brazilian barbecue differs from Korean's and Chinese Xinjiang's. “巴西烤肉不同于韩国和中国新疆的烤肉。”符合语境,其中differs 与下文 difference对应, Korean也与下文对应。故选G。
5.根据空前“Brazilian barbecue differs from Korean's and Chinese Xinjiang's.”巴西烤肉不同于韩国和中国新疆的烤肉。可知,后文主要讲巴西烤肉和韩国以及中国不同之处,空前已经讲了与韩国的不同,所以此空处应讲可中国新疆的不同,F. In contrast, Xinjiang barbecue features smaller skewers.“相比之下,新疆烤肉的特点是烤肉串较小。”符合语境,其中Xinjiang barbecue与前文Chinese Xinjiang's对应。故选F。
【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了Paulo Magalhaes创建的过程及其现状。Paulo Magalhaes非常喜欢明信片但是苦于身边没有与他志趣相投的人,于是他开始从网上寻求志同道合的人,因而创立了。随着公司在全球不断壮大,语言成为沟通的主要障碍,后来英语被选为共同语言方便大家交流。
6.根据空前“Paulo Magalhaes, a 34-year-old Portuguese computer engineer, loves to open his mailbox and find a brightly colored image of Rome's Colosseum. Or Africa's Victoria Falls. Or China’s Great Wall.” 34岁的葡萄牙电脑工程师Paulo Magalhaes喜欢打开他的邮箱,然后发现一个色彩鲜艳的罗马斗牛场图像。或者非洲的维多利亚瀑布。或者是中国的长城。介绍了Paulo喜欢明信片的个人爱好;以及空后“... and you realize that not everyone is into it.”说明他身边缺少与他志趣相投的人。G. In short, he loves postcards, and the excitement of getting a scribbled note from someone far away.“简而言之,他喜欢明信片,也喜欢收到远方某人潦草的便条时的那种兴奋”起到承上启下的作用,总结了上文Paulo喜欢明信片,也引出下文关于他的喜好得不到回应的问题。故选G。
7.根据空前“‘I often send postcards to family and friends.’ he says to China Daily, ‘but you can imagine that after a while, you never receive as many as you send, and you realize that not everyone is into it”“我经常给家人和朋友寄明信片, ”他说,“但你可以想象,过一段时间,你收到的明信片不会像你寄的那么多,而且你意识到并不是每个人都喜欢这样。”说明Paulo意识到身边的亲人和朋友不是都和他有相同的爱好,因此他也很坦然接受这个事实,A. And that's totally fine.“那完全没问题”符合语境。故选A。
8.根据空前“Today his hobby has evolved into the website , a social network that has grown to 575,217 registered users in 214 countries and regions since he launched it 10 years ago.”如今,他的这个爱好已经发展成了这个社交网站。自从10年前他创建这个网站以来,已经有来自214个国家和地区的575217名注册用户。是在介绍目前网站的发展状况,E. On August 5, the number of postcards exchanged by members topped 3 1 million.“8月5日,会员互赠的明信片数量达到3100万张”是在介绍该网站相关的数据。故选E。
9.根据空前“As cool as it may be to receive a postcard written in Chinese, the concept doesn't work if one doesn't understand it.”收到一张用中文写的明信片可能很酷,但如果你不理解它,这个概念就行不通。举例说明他国人收到中文明信片时的问题。F. Similarly, if you speak only Chinese, receiving a card written in Swedish takes part of the fun away.“同样地,如果你只会说中文,收到瑞典语的卡片也会夺走一部分乐趣”是举例说明中国人收到他国语言明信片时也会遇到相同的问题。两句相结合,符合结论句的语义要求,故选F。
10.根据空前“Many people in China have limited exposure to English.”许多中国人很少能接触到英语。说明对某些人来说学习英语的门槛较高;以及空后“... who actually improved their English skills through their use of postcrossing.”他们实际上通过使用明信片来提高他们的英语技能。可知,写明信片成为一种练习英语的渠道。B. That makes it extra hard to learn and practice it. “这使得学习和练习它变得格外困难 ”符合语境要求,说明对一些人来说学习和练习英语的难度较高,因为渠道较少。故选B。
【解析】【分析】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了Paulo Magalhaes创建的过程及其现状。Paulo Magalhaes非常喜欢明信片但是苦于身边没有与他志趣相投的人,于是他开始从网上寻求志同道合的人,因而创立了。随着公司在全球不断壮大,语言成为沟通的主要障碍,后来英语被选为共同语言方便大家交流。
【点评】考查七选五,本文是一篇故事类阅读, 要求在理解细节信息的基础上,着重考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。
11.根据空前“Paulo Magalhaes, a 34-year-old Portuguese computer engineer, loves to open his mailbox and find a brightly colored image of Rome's Colosseum. Or Africa's Victoria Falls. Or China's Great Wall.”34岁的葡萄牙电脑工程师Paulo Magalhaes喜欢打开他的邮箱,然后发现一个色彩鲜艳的罗马斗牛场图像。或者非洲的维多利亚瀑布。或者是中国的长城,介绍了Paulo喜欢明信片的个人爱好;以及空后“... and you realize that not everyone is into it.”说明他身边缺少与他志趣相投的人。G. In short, he loves postcards, and the excitement of getting a scribbled note from someone far away.“简而言之,他喜欢明信片,也喜欢收到远方某人潦草的便条时的那种兴奋”起到承上启下的作用,总结了上文Paulo喜欢明信片,也引出下文关于他的喜好得不到回应的问题。故选G。
12.根据空前“‘I often send postcards to family and friends.’ he says to China Daily, ‘but you can imagine that after a while, you never receive as many as you send, and you realize that not everyone is into it“我经常给家人和朋友寄明信片, ”他说,“但你可以想象,过一段时间,你收到的明信片不会像你寄的那么多,而且你意识到并不是每个人都喜欢这样。”说明Paulo意识到身边的亲人和朋友不是都和他有相同的爱好,因此他也很坦然接受这个事实,A. And that's totally fine.“那完全没问题”符合语境。故选A。
13.根据空前“Today his hobby has evolved into the website , a social network that has grown to 575,217 registered users in 214 countries and regions since he launched it 10 years ago.”如今,他的这个爱好已经发展成了这个社交网站。自从10年前他创建这个网站以来,已经有来自214个国家和地区的575217名注册用户,是在介绍目前网站的发展状况,E. On August 5, the number of postcards exchanged by members topped 31 million.“8月5日,会员互赠的明信片数量达到3100万张”是在介绍该网站相关的数据。故选E。
14.根据空前“As cool as it may be to receive a postcard written in Chinese, the concept doesn't work if one doesn't understand it.”收到一张用中文写的 明信片可能很酷,但如果你不理解它,这个概念就行不通,是举例说明他国人收到中文明信片时的问题。F. Similarly, if you speak only Chinese, receiving a card written in Swedish takes part of the fun away.“同样地,如果你只会说中文,收到瑞典语的卡片也会夺走一部分乐趣”是举例说明中国人收到他国语言明信片时也会遇到相同的问题。两句相结合,符合结论句的语义要求,故选F。
15.根据空前“Many people in China have limited exposure to English.”许多中国人很少能接触到英语)”说明对某些人来说学习英语的门槛较高;以及空后“... who actually improved their English skills through their use of postcrossing.”他们实际上通过使用明信片来提高他们的英语技能,可知,写明信片成为一种练习英语的渠道。B. That makes it extra hard to learn and practice it. “这使得学习和练习它变得格外困难 ”符合语境,说明对一些人来说学习和练习英语的难度较高,因为渠道较少。故选B。
16.根据空前“If you travel to nearly any Chinese city in the summertime, you will see people, mostly men wearing T-shirts, sitting out on the sidewalks on low chairs in the shade,playing a game with large round disks of wood.”如果你在夏天去几乎任何一个中国城市旅行,你都会看到人们,大多是穿着 T 恤的男人,坐在树荫下的矮椅子上,在人行道上玩着大圆盘木头游戏。描述了play a game的景象;以及空后“ Xiangqi dates back as early as the Warring States period. ”象棋可以追溯到战国时代。此空应该指出the game是象棋,D. The game is called Xiangqi, a game of ordinary people.“游戏叫象棋,是普通人的游戏。承上启下,符合语境,故选D。
17.根据空前”While experts have different opinions as to who created Xiangqi and how it is linked to Western chess, there is no doubt that by the Tang Dynasty Xiangqi was a popular game in China.“虽然专家们对于象棋是谁创造的以及它与西洋象棋的联系有不同的看法,但毫无疑问,到了唐代,象棋在中国是一种流行的游戏。介绍象棋在中国历史悠久,很受欢迎,按时间顺序:战国时期一唐朝一清朝一民国, B. During the Qing Dynasty its popularity grew. “在清朝,它的知名度越来越高。”符合时间逻辑关系。故选B。
18.根据空前“Like Western chess, the object of the game is to capture the other player's ‘king’.”跟西方象棋一样,中国象棋的目的也是擒“王”,A. Actually, in Xiangqi he is just a general.“其实,在象棋,他只是个将军。”符合语境,故选A。
19.根据空前“Another big difference between Western chess and Xiangqi is that there is a large empty space in the middle of the board, which the elephants cannot cross.”西方象棋和中国象棋的另一大区别是中国象棋中有个空间是象不能越过的;以及空后“ This space refers to an area in China where Liu Bang and Xiang Yu had a life-or-death war. ”这个空间就是刘邦和项羽打生死
战的地方。 C. It is called "the Chu River and the Han Boundary". “被称为‘楚河汉界’”,对这个空间进行定义,符合逻辑。故选C。
20.根据空前“The war was so influential that "the Chu River and the Han Boundary" has become a metaphor (隐喻) referring to any boundary between two opposing armies. When the Chinese people today see this name on the board, the battle scenes come to their mind, as though they are surrounded by thick smoke, able to hear the beating of war drums.”楚河汉界是一种隐喻,下象棋时棋盘也是个战场,人们看到这个名字就好像沉浸在硝烟四起、战鼓喧天的战争场面。 F. An intense battle is about to take place on this small chessboard. “一场激烈的战斗即将在这个小小的棋盘上展开。”承接上文,符合语境。故选F。
21.根据空后“A solar panel system, when coupled to your electric function, can sufficiently reduce or even cancel your electric bill.”太阳能电池板系统,当与您的电力功能相结合时,可以充分减少甚至取消您的电费账单。可知,此空后是要介绍太阳能的优点,G. Here are some of the advantages of equipping a solar power system in your home or office.“以下是在你的家里或办公室配备太阳能系统的一些优点。”引出了下文对太阳能的优点的介绍,因此引起下文,符合语境,故选G。
22.根据空前“A solar panel system, when coupled to your electric function, can sufficiently reduce or even cancel your electric bill, yet providing you with the option of using traditional power whenever needed.”太阳能电池板系统,当与您的电力功能相结合时,可以充分减少甚至取消您的电费账单,同时为您提供在任何需要时使用传统电力的选择。可知,这种太阳能电池板系统是很灵活的,D. Also, the flexible system allows you to use it on a wide range of applications.“此外,灵活的系统允许您在广泛的应用中使用它。”说明了这种系统的另外一个优点,且“flexible”和空前说既能减少电的使用,在需要时也可以用传统电力的这种灵活性相互呼应,符合语境,故选D。
23.根据空前“But perhaps the most widely well-known advantage of solar power is that this is green energy.”但也许太阳能最广为人知的优点是它是一种绿色能源。F. This power does not cause any pollution, which is why it is such an attraction to many.“这种能源不会造成任何污染,这就是为什么它如此吸引许多人的原因。”说明了太阳能环保这一个优点,和空前说它是绿色能源相呼应,承接上文,符合语境,故选F。
24.根据空后“So if you are thinking in terms of installing a solar electric system in your home or commercial property, you should go ahead and do it by all means.” 因此,如果你正在考虑在你的家庭或商业物业安装太阳能电力系统,你应该去做,无论如何都要这么做。因此空格处应该说明要安装这种太阳能电力系统的原因,结合前面讲的太阳能电力系统的好处优点可知,B. You can not ignore the advantages mentioned above.“你不能忽视上面提到的优点。”很好地解释了为什么一定无论如何要安装这种系统,引起下文,符合语境,故选B。
25.根据空后“That is why you need a brochure that can tell you all about these issues.”这就是为什么你需要一本能告诉你所有这些问题的小册子。空格处应提到某些问题,E. But you need to know how and where to make it, where to get the parts affordably etc.“但你需要知道如何以及在哪里制造,哪里才能买到便宜的零件等等。)提到了一些问题,和后文需要一个能告诉这些问题的答案的小册子相呼应,因此E选项承上启下,符合语境,故选E。
26.根据空前“ In China, the 24 solar terms were created thousands of years ago to guide agricultural production. ”在中国,几千年前创造24节气是用来指导农业生产的, D. But the solar term culture is still useful today to guide people's lives “但节气文化仍然指导人们的生活方面起作用。” 其中“the solar term culture”和空前“the 24 solar terms”词汇重复,“guide people's lives”与空前一句中“guide agricultural production”相对。故选D。
27.根据空前“ This is a good time to enjoy them. ”这是享受鱼虾的好时节”, B. It is also a harvest season for fishermen “也是渔民的收获季节。”其中 also 表示递进关系。故选B。
28.根据空前“ It can be made into different types of dishes. ”苦苣菜可以做成不同的菜肴, F. People in Ningxia like to eat it blended with salt, vinegar, peppers or garlic “宁夏人喜欢把它和盐、醋、辣椒或大蒜拌在一起食用。”顺承前一句的话题,符合语境,故选F。
29.根据空后“ The increase in temperature over this season may also give rise to all sorts of skin diseases. ”这个季节气温的升高也可能引发各种皮肤病。 G. High temperatures and humidity are common during the Grain Buds period “高温和潮湿在小满时节很常见。”其中“High temperatures”与空后“ The increase in temperature”语义相同,空后是顺承选项G的话题,说明高温对身体不好的影响。故选G。
30.根据空后“the quick growth of flowers”“plant diseases and pests”以及“Flower trimming and clipping”可知,该段是关于小满季节花卉管理方面的内容。 A. Key period for flower management “花卉管理的关键时期“”,可以作为该段的主题句。故选A。
(1)根据空前“For a long time, people had to listen to the radio to get news, drama, and music at home. This all changed with the development of the television in the early 20th century.”有很长一段时间,人们不得不听收音机在家里收听新闻、戏剧和音乐。这一切都随着20世纪初电视的发展而改变;以及空后“Since then, British TV viewers have enjoyed the launch of commercial TV, the addition of Channel 4, and then Channel 5, and finally the birth of paid services through satellite and cable.”从那时起,英国电视观众开始享受商业电视的推出,第四频道和第五频道的加入,最后通过卫星和有线电视的付费服务的诞生。说明电视的发展改变了之前只能听不能看的状态, C. Suddenly, we were able to see what was going on, not just listen along.“突然间,我们能够看到正在发生的事情,而不仅仅是听着”承接上文并引出下文,说明自从有了电视后,不仅能听还能看。选项和上下文语义相关,符合语境。故选C。
(2)根据空后“Streaming services have given us access to more content than was ever possible, including back catalogues of classic shows and blockbuster movies.”流媒体服务让我们可以访问比以往任何时候都多的内容,包括经典节目和大片电影的过期目录。说明我们可以看的内容更多了。 G. Today, we have the power to watch whatever, whenever, wherever we want.“今天,我们可以随时随地看任何我们想看的节目”引出下文,选项中we have the power to watch whatever, whenever, wherever we want和下文中access to more content than was ever possible语义一致,符合题意。故选G。
(3)根据空前“In the UK, adults are spending more time watching content on YouTube and streaming services than ever before. In 2018, these figures were 30 minutes and 26 minutes per day respectively.”在英国,成年人花费在 YouTube 和流媒体服务上的时间比以往任何时候都多。2018年,这两个数字分别为每天30分钟和26分钟。说明成年人花费在流媒体上的时间一直在增涨。 A. This has been the trend for the last couple of decades.“这是过去几十年来的趋势”是上文的概括总结,符合题意。故选A。
(4)根据空前“Still the King. ”仍然是王者;以及空后“For example, in 2018 UK adults continued to watch BBC One for an average of 41 minutes per day, more than any streaming service.”例如,在2018年,英国成年人平均每天看 BBC 一台41分钟,超过任何流媒体服务。说明电视的观看率还是很高。F. While demand for streaming services is up, TV continues to be the most watched overall.“虽然对流媒体服务的需求在上升,但电视仍然是整体收视率最高的”承接上文,引出下文,和上下文语义逻辑一致,符合语境,选项中the most和上文the King及下文more than any streaming service描述一致。故选F。
(5)根据空前“Average viewing time for all traditional TV channels continues to decline though, despite much larger quantities of original content being produced by these organizations.”不过,尽管这些机构制作了大量原创内容,但所有传统电视频道的平均收视时间仍在继续下降。说明虽然制作了原创内容,传统电视频道收视时间在减少。B. The original content has included massively popular shows.“原创内容包括大量受欢迎的节目”承接上文,对上文中的“原创作品”进行补充说明。选项中original content和上文中original content描述对象一致。故选B。
32.根据空后“When I saw the main building of Moscow State University, I was deeply shocked by its beautiful architecture with its 270-year-long history.”当我看到莫斯科国立大学的主楼时,我被它有着270年历史的美丽建筑深深震撼了。可知,此处强调的是教学楼建筑物深深地震撼了作者,故前文应该与之呼应。E. And the buildings surrounding me looked so different from the ones in China.“我周围的建筑看起来和中国的很不一样”与下文呼应,符合语境,故选E。
33.根据空后“The snow and ice won't melt until April of the following year.”冰雪要到第二年四月才会融化。可知,前文应该强调的是莫斯科的下雪季。F. Staring from early November each year, the snow season in Moscow is very long.“从每年11月初开始,莫斯科的雪季很长”引起下文,解释了莫斯科雪季的时间。故选F。
34.根据空后“In Russia, everyone intentionally stands on the right side when taking the escalator, which takes time to get used to.”在俄罗斯,乘坐自动扶梯时,每个人都故意站在右侧,这需要时间来适应。可知,此处强调的是中俄文化上的差异需要作者花费时间来适应。C. The cultural differences were also hard to deal with at first.“一开始,文化差异也很难处理”,引起下文,强调了文化差异给作者带来了影响。故选C。
35.根据空后“Tickets for concerts and cultural events here are relatively cheap, making it easy to enrich my life on weekends.”这里的音乐会和文化活动的门票相对便宜,很容易在周末丰富我的生活。可知,前文应该强调作者去参观景点,由此与此处的音乐会和文化活动的门票相承接。D. I can visit many of the attractions that I used to see in my textbooks.“我可以参观许多我过去在课本上看到的景点”与下文景点的门票相对应,符合语境。故选D。
36.根据空前“Just as the old saying in Chinese goes, ‘it is better to travel ten thousand miles than to read ten thousand books.’”正如中国有句古话所说:“读万卷书不如行万里路。”可知,此处强调的是多出去看世界的好处和意义,A. Take a look at the outside world while you are young!“趁着年轻,多看看外面的世界!”与前文呼应,指出年轻的时候要去外面的世界多看看。故选A。
37.根据空后"That is, eating is an element of common ground in terms of human existence and an experience that brings people together."也就是说,吃是人类存在的共同基础,是一种让人们走到一起的体验。可知,下文是对选项的解释,a universal experience呼应 common ground,an experience that brings people together。B. Eating food is a universal experience."吃东西是一种普遍的体验"符合语境,故选B。
38.根据空前"What we cook is an expression of who we are and where we come from."我们烹饪的食物显示了我们的身份和出处。此处承接上文具体说明和解释,G. This is obvious in how seafood is popular with the coastal people."这从海鲜受沿海人们的喜爱就可以看出",符合语境,故选G。
39.根据空前"You may not know it, but that is why experiencing the local dishes of a new place usually tops one's to do list in a foreign land."你可能不知道,但这就是为什么在异国他乡体验当地美食通常是最重要的事情;以及空后"It is one of the interactions and processes of connecting with the people."它是一种与人联系的互动和过程。可知,此处在说当地美食的重要意义是什么。下文的it指代的是选项中a local dish。E. Eating a local dish is a way to connect with the local people."品尝当地菜肴是与当地人交流的一种方式"符合语境,故选E。
40.根据空前"Home is where the heart is and in sensory response to food, familiar flavor arouses homesickness."家是心所在的地方,在对食物的感官反应中,熟悉的味道会引起思乡之情。此处承接上文,说明食物和家乡的关系。familiar flavor arouses homesickness 呼应Food is therefore a reminder of fond memories of home 。D. Food is therefore a reminder of fond memories of home."因此,食物能唤起人们对家乡的美好回忆"符合语境,故选D。
41.根据空后"Food and food habits serve as a culture channel of display of affection and emotional association and the sharing of delicious, nutritional food signals a bridge of closeness and acceptance."食物和饮食习惯是表达情感和情感联系的文化渠道,而分享美味、营养的食物则是亲密和接受的桥梁。可知,该段主要呈现了食物在很大程度上既是具有文化性的,也是营养的。C. Food is largely cultural as well as nutritional."食物在很大程度上既是具有文化性的,也是营养的"符合语境,可为本段的标题,故选C。
(1)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空前“Most of us in China are used to paying for everything with our phones. ”我们大多数中国人习惯用手机支付一切费用。F. But for foreign visitors who aren't familiar with this method, it may seem strange.“但对于不熟悉这种方法的外国游客来说,这似乎有些奇怪。”从相反的方面阐述移动支付,与前文相互呼应。故选F。
(2)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空前“Lim was waiting in line to buy nuts at a street stall (货摊) in Shanghai and saw other customers show their phones and take the nuts without giving cash. ”Lim在上海一个街头摊位排队买坚果,看到其他顾客拿着手机,拿着坚果却不给现金。D. Soon after, he realized that the customers were using WeChat Pay.“不久之后,他意识到顾客们正在使用微信支付。”承接上文,解释原因。故选D。
(3)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空后“According to Xinhua News Agency, many countries now accept mobile payment services for Chinese tourists, with WeChat Pay covered in 13 overseas countries and regions and Alipay over 200. ”据新华社报道,目前许多国家接受中国游客的移动支付服务,微信支付覆盖13个海外国家和地区,支付宝覆盖200多个国家和地区。G. The popularity of Chinese mobile payments has pushed some foreign companies to accept them.“中国移动支付的普及推动了一些外国公司接受它们”为后文的总结,故选G。
(4)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空前“According to Forrester Research, in America, mobile payments rose by 37 per cent in 2016. ”根据Forrester Research的数据,在美国,移动支付在2016年增长了37%。E. Still, Chinese mobile payments were nearly 50 times greater than those in the US.“尽管如此,中国的移动支付比美国高出近50倍。”前文提及美国的移动支付,后文接着对比阐述中国的移动支付。故选E。
(5)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空前“This may be partly because western mobile payment services require businesses to install expensive equipment before customers can use them. ”这可能部分是因为西方移动支付服务要求企业在客户使用之前安装昂贵的设备。C. But in China, all it takes is a QR code (二维码) and a phone.“但在中国,只要一个二维码和一部手机。”与前文转折对比,解释中国移动支付普及的原因。故选C。




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