Unit3 Weather单元测试(含答案及听力原文无音频)

二、听录音,判断图片正(T) 误(F)。(10 分 )
( )No,you can't.It's too hot.
( )It's warm and sunny.
( )Yes,it is.
( )Hello. This is Chen Jie speaking.
( )No,he can't. It's cold outside now.
( )1.What's the weather like in Beijing ---
A. B. C.
( )2.It is degrees in Sydney.
A.7 B. 30 C.15
( )3. Is the water cold in Sydney
A. Yes,it is. B.No,it isn't. C.We don't know.
( )4.What can Xiao Ming do in Beijing today
A. Fly kites. B. Play football. C. Go swimming.
( )5.Who is in New York
A. Mark's friend. B. Mark's mother. C.Mark's brother.
( )1.A.rainy B. windy C. weather
( )2.A.cold B. sun C.warm
( )3.A.Moscow B.Sydney C.China
( )4.A.hot B.hat C.shoes
( )5.A.degree B.twenty C. forty
( )1.It's cloudy in Beijing.
A.cloud B.weather C. snowy
( )2.Can I fly kites outside today
A.playground B.play football C. windy
( )3. Be careful! It's very hot
A.cold B.soup C.eat
( )4.It's hot in Hong Kong. How about Sydney
A. world B. Singapore C.sunny
( )5.It's cold outside. Put on your hat .
A.hot B.kite C.coat
1. 当妹妹喝汤时,汤很烫,可以这样提醒她:
A. Excuse me. B. Be careful. C. Let me help you.
2. 当你想描述今天天气有雨又寒冷时,可以说:
A. It's rainy and cold. B. It's cold. C. It's cloudy and cold.
3. 你想说今天有风但不冷,可以说:
A.It's windy and cool. B.It's windy, but it isn't cold.
C. It's not windy or cold.
4. 你想知道上海是怎么样的天气,可以问:
A.What's the time
B. What's the weather like in Beijing
C. What's the weather like in Shanghai
5. 当你想问妈妈你能不能出去时,可以说:
A.I can go outside. B.No,you can't.
C. Can I go outside
1.soup,can,I,have,some( )
2. is,it,warm,Kunming,in(.)
5.weather,the,what's,like,Guangzhou,in( )
九 、任务型阅读。(20分)
Dear Chen Jie,
How are you I'm in Hainan now.It's hot and sunny here today. The sea is great.I like swimming in the sea. Tomorrow I will go to Hangzhou.It's warm and windy in Hangzhou.I can fly kites. What's the weather like in Beijing Is it cold and snowy in Beijing Can you make a snowman I will go to Beijing to meet you soon.
1. 根据短文,选择正确的图片和选项,填到框中。注意区分大小写。(4分)
a. cool b. cold c.hot d. warm
(1)Hainan (2)Hangzhou
2. 根据短文内容填空。(10分)
(1)—Where is Sarah —Sarah is in
(2)—Where is Chen Jie —Chen Jie is
(3)Sarah can in Hainan.
(4)Sarah can in Hangzhou.
(5)Sarah can in the snowy days in Beijing
3. 看图,仿照短文中画线部分写句子。(6分)
一 、 1 5 4 2 3
二 、 1 .T 2.F 3.F 4.T 5.T
三 、 3 1 4 2 5
四 、 1 .C 2.B 3.B 4.B 5.A
五 、 1 .C 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.A
六 、 1 .C 2.B 3.A 4.B 5.C
七 、 1. B 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.C
八 、 1. Can I have some soup
2. It is warm in Kunming.
3.This is the weather report.
4. It's 15 degrees outside.
5.What's the weather like in Guangzhou
九、1.(1)Bc (2)Cd
2. (1)Hainan (2)Beijing (3)swim/go swimming
(4)fly kites/fly a kite (5)make a snowman
3. (1)Is it cloudy and rainy in New York
(2)Is it hot and sunny in London
一 、 1 .It's hot and sunny today.
2. It's windy today.
3. It's cloudy today.
4. It's snowy today.
5. It's rainy today.
二 、 1 . Look at the sky. It's rainy.
2. It's rainy. Please close the window.
3.—Can I fly kites outside
—Sorry,it's rainy now.
4. It's sunny. Let's play football.
5. It's snowy. Let's make a snowman.
三 、 1 .What's the weather like in London
2. Hello, Chen Jie. This is Sarah.
3.Can I have some soup,Mum
4.Is it warm in Beijing
5.Can Mike go outside now
四、Mark:Hi,Xiao Ming! This is Mark.
Xiao Ming:Hi,Mark!
Mark:What's the weather like in Beijing Is it cold
Xiao Ming:No,it isn't.It is cool and windy. It's 7℃.
Mark:Wow,it's 30℃in Sydney!The water is warm,so I can swim outside.
Xiao Ming:I can play football with my brother. What time is it in Sydney
Mark:It's 9 a.m.Oh,I need to call my friend John. He is in New York. And his birthday is coming.
Xiao Ming:OK.Call me later.



上一篇:7.3 燃烧的条件 同步练习(含解析) 2022-2023上学期广东省九年级化学期末试题选编
