
For educators, outdoor learning is yet another period of change. Last spring, it was distance learning远程学习. Then came hybrid, or mixed, learning methods. Now, educators are trying to keep their students warm enough to learn outside.
Cindy Soule is a teacher in Portland, Maine, an area known to have extremely cold and snowy winters. But cold weather is not stopping Soule and her students from continuing with outdoor learning during the coronavirus pandemic(大流行). Cindy Soule's students answer questions about snowflakes. They examine snowflakes with magnifying glasses放大镜.
Earlier in the school year, students in Soule's fourth-grade class had outdoor lessons on things like pollination and erosion(授粉和侵蚀). Then, the snow came. In face coverings and warm clothes, the students took their school supplies(学习用品) outside in buckets. Then, they turned the buckets over, put them down in the snow, took a seat and went to work. The lesson that day centered on snow and the formation(形成) of snowflakes.
Mohamednur Ali is one of Soule's students. The 9-year-old boy noted some of the differences between hands-on learning outdoors and sitting in a classroom.
"It's a good thing because you can see the real thing," Ali said. "We learn what is around us."
In the neighboring state of New Hampshire, fourth- and fifth- grade students are still learning outside at James Faulkner Elementary School in Stoddard. The school created an outdoor classroom by clearing some trees and building an area for warmth by fire. The students seem to like the outdoor classroom. "They're begging me to go out," teacher Amanda Bridges said.
In the western state of Colorado, elementary school students in the Lake County school district study in usual classrooms for half the week. For the other half, they learn outdoors.
Schools across the U.S. have pushed for outdoor learning to keep students and teachers safe and stop the spread of COVID-19. Infectious disease experts worldwide have noted that the virus spreads less easily outdoors. Now, with temperatures dropping in much of the country, some schools have made plans to continue outdoor learning during the winter.
Anne Stires is an outdoor learning expert in Maine. She said the outdoors is "the healthiest, safest place for us to be right now. Anything that we can do to get kids outdoors for longer periods of time is vital." Stires said. "This is where we need to be right now."
(397 Words)

1. Why do the students have the outdoor learning
A. Because it can help them study better.
B. Because it can protect them from the COVID-19.
C. Because some lessons centered on something outdoor.
D. Because the students like the lessons outside the door.
2. Which isn’t mentioned to keep the students warm during outdoor learning in the report
A. wearing face coverings B. wearing warm clothes
C. making afire D. cut the lesson period
3. Outdoor lessons are ________ than indoor lessons right now.
A. more popular B. easier C. safer D. more difficult
4. How many methods of learning arementioned in the report
A. two B. three C. four D. five
5. What does the underlined phrases pushed for mean
A. 强烈要求 B. 温馨提示 C. 严厉警告 D. 猛烈推动
The man first saw Marie Kamara as she ran with her friends past his house in a small village in Sierra Leone. Soon after, he asked the fifth-grade girl to marry him.
"No," she told him, adding "I'm going to school now".
But the financial pressures caused by the coronavirus crisis were greater than her wishes. Marie's family needed money. The man had a job and money. He paid Marie's family 500,000 leones (about $50) to marry Marie.
"The day they paid for me was on a Friday, and then I went to his house to stay," Marie said. She added that at least now she gets to eat something two times a day.
In recent years, many countries had made progress against marriages of underage girls. But COVID-19 has made much of that progress disappear.
The United Nations estimates that economic problems resulting from COVID-19 will drive 13 million more girls to marry before the age of 18.
India's government put in place a nationwide lockdown in late March to slow the spread of the coronavirus. The restrictions caused millions of poor migrants(移民) to lose their jobs in cities. Many returned to the villages they had left in search of work. With schools closed and financial pressures rising, marrying off young girls became a way for families to reduce costs.
The organization ChildLine India recorded 5,214 early marriages in just four months of lockdown between March and June of this year. The actual number is likely much higher, the organization notes.
In Bangladesh(孟加拉国), child protection officials said they received a phone call back in June warning that a child marriage was to take place within the hour. After arriving to stop the marriage, officials got the girl's family to agree to cancel the ceremony. The officials left, and the family held the wedding anyway.
In Sierra Leone,the rate of marriage under 18 had dropped from 56 percent in 2006 to 39 percent in 2017. Then COVID-19 hit. Schools closed in March. After that, child marriages rose as village girls going to school in nearby towns returned home to their parents.
1. Why did Marie marry the man
A. Because the man was infectious.
B. Because Marie didn’t want to go to school.
C. Because Marie was infected by the coronavirus.
D. Because Marie’s family was poor.
2. How old is a girl if she has a marriage of underage
A. Under 16 B. Under 18 C. from 18 to 20 D. above 20
3. Which is not the cause of many migrants returned to the villages
A. He city they worked had been locked down.
B. They had lost their jobs in cities.
C. They had to marry off their daughters.
D. The coronavirus pandemic happened in the city.
4. According to the report, we can infer that most of the underage girls _________.
A. worked in the cities before the marriage
B. studied in the schools before the marriage.
C. will come back to the city to work after the marriage.
D. will study in the school after the marriage.
5. The rate of underage marriages began to rise from _______.
A. March B. April C. May D. June
1. For educators, outdoor learning is yet another period of change.
educate ['edju:keit]vt. 教育,培养
education: 教育
educator: 教育工作者,教师
(人教版高中英语 必修 1, Unit 5)
1. The object is to educate people about road safety.
2. Educationdevelops potential abilities.
3. He is a teacher and a kind of educator as well.

2. Cindy Soule is a teacher in Portland, Maine, an area known to have extremely cold and snowy winters.
-- extremely [ik'stri:mli] adv. 极其,非常
(人教版高中英语 必修 3, Unit 5)
She found it extremely difficult to get a job.

3. The students seem to like the outdoor classroom. "They're begging me to go out," teacher Amanda Bridges said.
-- beg [beɡ] v.乞讨;恳求
(人教版高中英语 必修 1, Unit 5)
'Give me one more chance,' he begged.

4. Infectious disease experts worldwide have noted that the virus spreads less easily outdoors.
infection[in'fek n]n.感染,传染查看详细
Infectious [ n fek s] adj. 传染性的
(人教版高中英语 必修 5, Unit 1)
1. Measles isan infectious disease.
2. It is not possible to infect another person through kissing.
3. Peoplecatch all kinds of infections in the winter.

5. "Anything that we can do to get kids outdoors for longer periods of time is vital," Stires said.
-- vital ['vait l] a. 至关重要的
(人教版高中英语 必修 5, Unit 5)
The vitamins are vital for health
1. But the financial pressures caused by the coronavirus crisis were greater than her wishes.
finance['fai,n ns]n.财政,金融
financial [fa n n l] adj. 财政的;财务的;金融的;
(人教版高中英语 必修4, Unit 2)
-- crisis [ kra s s] n. 危机;危急关头;危难时刻;
The company is facing a financial crisis.

2. With schools closed and financial pressures rising, marrying off young girls became a way for families to reduce costs.
-- reduce [ri'dju:s] vt.减少,缩减
(人教版高中英语 必修4, Unit 2)
We'll need to reduce the weight by half.

3. The actual number is likely much higher, the organization notes.
-- organization [, :ɡ nai'zei n] n.组织
(人教版高中英语 必修4, Unit 1)
He's the president of a large international organization.

4. The officials left, and the family held the wedding anyway.
-- wedding ['wedi ] n. 婚礼
(人教版高中英语 必修5, Unit 2)
They haven't set a date for their wedding yet.



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