
高三二轮复习 七选五(石室安魂卷11-15)专项训练3
You’ll probably be familiar with the North American spelling of the word “airplane”. However, if you’ve ever been on an international flight leaving the United States and going to another English-speaking country like the United Kingdom, you’ve probably noticed that there are a few differences between the American and British spellings of words with the same meaning. 16 . The American English spelling is “airplane” while the British English spelling is “aeroplane”. So, why does this happen
Let’s look at the root of the phenomenon. 17 . “British English has a general tendency to favor spellings and words that remind people of French, but American English, when it has deviated(背离) from what British English does, often changes into the direction of seeming less French,” says Lynne Murphy, author of The Prodigal Tongue: The Love-Hate Relationship Between British & American English.
18 . “Aeroplane” is no exception. “We’re comfortable with ‘aero’ in scientific terms, but as planes became more common things to talk about, the ‘aero’ seemed too fancy,” explains Murphy. “In Scientific American in 1906, there was already a claim that ‘ 19 ‘. Ten years later, ‘airplane’ was adopted by the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics as their term. It was considered in the United Kingdom, but that suggestion didn’t go anywhere.”
There’s a good reason why words that mean the same thing are spelled differently, and why that will continue to happen. “ 20 , and people are generally proud of it, so they continue to spell differently,” says Murphy.
A. Every country has different culture
B. Your spelling tells people where you’re from
C. The word “airplane” happens to be an example
D. Airplane is a much better word than aeroplane
E. American English and British English have similar historical origins
F. There’s a lot of history that goes beyond words and dives deep into politics, government, and science
G. A lot of words in the English language are borrowed from other languages, like Latin, Greek, and French
Some people love a great thunderstorm; others are frightened by the first flash of lightning or sound of thunder.
16 But there are easy steps you can take to protect your home and your life from lightning.
Protect Electronics from Severe Weather
17 It can follow the wires or phone lines into your room — ruining computers, TVs and other electronics. One protection against electronics being “fried” by lightning is simply to unplug them whenever a rain or a storm is coming. Disconnect Internet and satellite dish connections no matter where they are.
Reduce the Risk of Fire
Lightning rods(避雷针) can protect a building from catching fire. 18 They just provide a path for the electricity to reach the ground more safely. The rods at the top of the building are only the first part of a good system. When lightning strikes, the electricity needs to move to the ground. Wires conduct electricity from the lightning rods to metal rods buried in the ground. 19
Understand Lightning
When lightning hits the ground, a tree, a tower or even a building, it may also spread along the ground, so being near something that’s struck by lightning is almost as dangerous as being hit directly by lightning. 20 The Empire State Building gets struck by lightning around 20 times every year. Its lightning rod protects the structure, as well as the people inside.
A. It can even strike the same spot more than once.
B. You might want to consider protecting an entire building.
C. When this happens, anything in its path could be in danger.
D. But the chance of lightning striking your house doesn’t change.
E. Each connection must be secure so lightning doesn’t jump to the building.
F. Lightning hitting your roof or nearby power lines is terrible but not worst.
G. Whether you love or hate them, thunderstorms produce dangerous lightning.
Coffee cups, clothes all over the floor and uninvited guests — and they’re not even yours! These are the joys of flatsharing. For many, buying a house or flat is just too expensive. In fact, the total amount of rent paid by tenants(租户) in Britain in 2017 rose to more than 50 billion — more than double the level of ten years ago. 16 You rent a room and share the kitchen, living room and bathroom, for example. But apart from the financial saving, what are the advantages and disadvantages of flatsharing
Living with others means that you can pool your resources. 17 Living with people means meeting their friends, who may then become your friends. And don’t forget the networking opportunity. Lastly, there’s the emotional support.
18 But don’t forget to return a favor when they need it.
But flatsharing means there’s limited storage space. Some people may not respect the boundaries. You might well come home to find your things in a mess. 19 Despite the list showing turns of duty, some people don’t like to pull their weight. And then there are unexpected events. If a flatmate forgets to inform you about a party they’re throwing and what you want is a quiet night, it can be challenging.
20 Some people prefer their own space, while others enjoy a social environment. For many who lack the means to buy their own property, a flat share is, and will continue to be, a necessity regardless.
A. You can gain access to their social networks.
B. There’ll always be a shoulder to cry on when you need one.
C. The most obvious disadvantage is that you may not get much privacy.
D. Besides, cleanliness may be one of the biggest disadvantages of a shared flat.
E. Despite the disadvantages, there are many advantages involved in flatsharing.
F. Those with a tight budget may choose to share the place with others to save money.
G. Whether the advantages outweigh the disadvantages is something decided by yourself.
Defensiveness is a natural reaction when you feel attacked. 16 And it’s one way you escape responsibility for your actions when facing a difficult or unpleasant person or situation. In conversations, though, defensiveness can quickly destroy any hopes of understanding and moving forward. So how can you respond to defensiveness
Meeting defensiveness with defensiveness is likely to increase the tension rather than remove it. Saying “don’t take it personally” probably won’t help either. 17 So arguing with a defensive person, becoming defensive yourself, or being judgmental will confirm their anxiety. You should avoid getting defensive in return.
When a person is defensive, they’re acting on emotion. Trying to reason with someone in the face of strong emotions is unlikely to be productive. If emotions are running high, you may want to walk away for a while, collect your thoughts, and come back to the conversation later until you feel in control. 18
One way to manage defensiveness and the dysregulation(调节异常) that comes with it is to follow some communication ground rules. For example, you might agree that each person gets the chance to speak without interruption while the other person listens. 19 Then switch roles. In this way, you can add structure to your conversation.
20 Doing that may help you take things less personally and avoid getting them to think that you’re judging them. Ask questions with a genuine interest, and try to understand why they feel defensive. If it’s a response to something you said or did or your tone, apologize for that and try a different approach next time.
A. Getting defensive protects you and your feelings.
B. You should get curious about the other person’s opinion.
C. If this is the case, tell the other person that you need space.
D. Defensiveness is usually born out of fear of refusal or judgment.
E. It makes sense that you want to pick up helpful tips on coping with it.
F. There’re also situations where defensiveness creates an unhealthy state.
G. The listener can reflect the information received and confirm the speaker’s feelings.
The oral exam is a long-held tradition in many schools and subjects. 16 Students must then answer appropriately, using materials they have studied in preparation for the exam. Showing sufficient knowledge of the subject results in passing the exam or an excellent grade.
17 As part of the completion of a program at the undergraduate or graduate levels, students might need to prove their knowledge and understanding of a subject area. Many science majors finish Bachelor’s studies with oral exams, or a particular program may require oral and written exams that show how a student has taken in all the materials studied in a four-year period. Usually study guides are available for these exams. 18
One valuable tip for students to succeed is to practice before the exam. 19 But by answering questions classmates or family ask them and by doing so sitting up or standing up straight, students can do as many practices as possible. On the day of the exam, students should dress plainly but respectfully, and in keeping with any dress requirements.
Students taking these exams should remember how much they have studied, which is hopefully quite a lot. 20
When waiting outside the test room, taking a deep breath and reminding themselves that the oral exam is a nice way to show off how much knowledge has been learned from teachers can help overcome stressful moments. Also, any other relaxation techniques that help can be used.
A. It raises questions to students in spoken form.
B. Behaving properly can earn students some favor.
C. They may not be able to predict all the questions.
D. Usually, students performing well are experienced.
E. Nerves can even make the smartest student get stuck.
F. There are many instances in college where oral exams are used.
G. Therefore, prepared students tend not to be surprised by what they’re asked.
高三二轮复习 七选五(石室安魂卷11-15)专项训练3
You’ll probably be familiar with the North American spelling of the word “airplane”. However, if you’ve ever been on an international flight leaving the United States and going to another English-speaking country like the United Kingdom, you’ve probably noticed that there are a few differences between the American and British spellings of words with the same meaning. 16 . The American English spelling is “airplane” while the British English spelling is “aeroplane”. So, why does this happen
Let’s look at the root of the phenomenon. 17 . “British English has a general tendency to favor spellings and words that remind people of French, but American English, when it has deviated(背离) from what British English does, often changes into the direction of seeming less French,” says Lynne Murphy, author of The Prodigal Tongue: The Love-Hate Relationship Between British & American English.
18 . “Aeroplane” is no exception. “We’re comfortable with ‘aero’ in scientific terms, but as planes became more common things to talk about, the ‘aero’ seemed too fancy,” explains Murphy. “In Scientific American in 1906, there was already a claim that ‘ 19 ‘. Ten years later, ‘airplane’ was adopted by the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics as their term. It was considered in the United Kingdom, but that suggestion didn’t go anywhere.”
There’s a good reason why words that mean the same thing are spelled differently, and why that will continue to happen. “ 20 , and people are generally proud of it, so they continue to spell differently,” says Murphy.
A. Every country has different culture
B. Your spelling tells people where you’re from
C. The word “airplane” happens to be an example
D. Airplane is a much better word than aeroplane
E. American English and British English have similar historical origins
F. There’s a lot of history that goes beyond words and dives deep into politics, government, and science
G. A lot of words in the English language are borrowed from other languages, like Latin, Greek, and French
16. C【解析】解题步骤如下:
【分析语境寻线索】根据空前的“there are a few differences between the American and British spellings of words with the same meaning”可知,英美语言中有一些词意思相同,但是拼写方式却不同。再结合空后的“The American English spelling is ‘airplane’ while the British English spelling is ‘aeroplane’”可知,空处内容与单词airplane有关。
17. G【解析】本段主要讲的是airplane和aeroplane拼写方式不同的原因。结合空后的“British English… often changes into the direction of seeming less French”可知,空处内容应涉及英式英语与美式英语和其他语言之间的关系。G项“英语中的很多单词是从其他语言引入的,比如拉丁语、希腊语和法语”解释了英语和其他语言之间的关系,符合语境。
18. F【解析】解题步骤如下:
19. D【解析】解题步骤如下:
20. B【解析】解题步骤如下:
【分析语境寻线索】根据空前的“There’s a good reason why words… continue to happen”及空后的“people are generally proud of it”可知,空处应是在介绍表示同一含义的单词的英式拼写和美式拼写不同这种现象持续发生的原因。
【对比选项定答案】B项“你的拼写告诉了人们你来自哪里”符合语境。空后的it指代B项中的“where you’re from”。
Some people love a great thunderstorm; others are frightened by the first flash of lightning or sound of thunder.
16 But there are easy steps you can take to protect your home and your life from lightning.
Protect Electronics from Severe Weather
17 It can follow the wires or phone lines into your room — ruining computers, TVs and other electronics. One protection against electronics being “fried” by lightning is simply to unplug them whenever a rain or a storm is coming. Disconnect Internet and satellite dish connections no matter where they are.
Reduce the Risk of Fire
Lightning rods(避雷针) can protect a building from catching fire. 18 They just provide a path for the electricity to reach the ground more safely. The rods at the top of the building are only the first part of a good system. When lightning strikes, the electricity needs to move to the ground. Wires conduct electricity from the lightning rods to metal rods buried in the ground. 19
Understand Lightning
When lightning hits the ground, a tree, a tower or even a building, it may also spread along the ground, so being near something that’s struck by lightning is almost as dangerous as being hit directly by lightning. 20 The Empire State Building gets struck by lightning around 20 times every year. Its lightning rod protects the structure, as well as the people inside.
A. It can even strike the same spot more than once.
B. You might want to consider protecting an entire building.
C. When this happens, anything in its path could be in danger.
D. But the chance of lightning striking your house doesn’t change.
E. Each connection must be secure so lightning doesn’t jump to the building.
F. Lightning hitting your roof or nearby power lines is terrible but not worst.
G. Whether you love or hate them, thunderstorms produce dangerous lightning.
16. G【解析】解题步骤如下:
【对比选项定答案】G项中的“Whether you love or hate them”与前文相呼应,“thunderstorms produce dangerous lightning”说明了人们为什么需要采取措施以防受到伤害,与后文呼应。故G项符合语境。
17. F【解析】空后提到它会顺着电线或电话线进入你的家,毁坏电脑、电视和其他电子设备。由此可推断,空处应介绍闪电发生时的一种情况。F项提到“闪电击中了你家的屋顶或附近的输电线,这很糟糕但不是最坏的”,与空后一句描述的更糟糕的情况衔接。
18. D【解析】解题步骤如下:
19. E【解析】解题步骤如下:
【分析语境寻线索】空前提到避雷针只是一个良好的安全系统的首要环节;电缆将电从避雷针导入埋在地下的金属棒。由此可知,空处应能呼应段落主题“Reduce the Risk of Fire”且与用电缆导电可能会带来的危险及应对措施有关。
20. A【解析】解题步骤如下:
【对比选项定答案】A项是对下文现象的概括描述,选项中的“more than once”与下文的“around 20 times”相照应,故A项符合语境。
Coffee cups, clothes all over the floor and uninvited guests — and they’re not even yours! These are the joys of flatsharing. For many, buying a house or flat is just too expensive. In fact, the total amount of rent paid by tenants(租户) in Britain in 2017 rose to more than 50 billion — more than double the level of ten years ago. 16 You rent a room and share the kitchen, living room and bathroom, for example. But apart from the financial saving, what are the advantages and disadvantages of flatsharing
Living with others means that you can pool your resources. 17 Living with people means meeting their friends, who may then become your friends. And don’t forget the networking opportunity. Lastly, there’s the emotional support.
18 But don’t forget to return a favor when they need it.
But flatsharing means there’s limited storage space. Some people may not respect the boundaries. You might well come home to find your things in a mess. 19 Despite the list showing turns of duty, some people don’t like to pull their weight. And then there are unexpected events. If a flatmate forgets to inform you about a party they’re throwing and what you want is a quiet night, it can be challenging.
20 Some people prefer their own space, while others enjoy a social environment. For many who lack the means to buy their own property, a flat share is, and will continue to be, a necessity regardless.
A. You can gain access to their social networks.
B. There’ll always be a shoulder to cry on when you need one.
C. The most obvious disadvantage is that you may not get much privacy.
D. Besides, cleanliness may be one of the biggest disadvantages of a shared flat.
E. Despite the disadvantages, there are many advantages involved in flatsharing.
F. Those with a tight budget may choose to share the place with others to save money.
G. Whether the advantages outweigh the disadvantages is something decided by yourself.
【熟词新义】pool常用义:n. 游泳池;水塘,池塘 文章义:v. 集中使用,共用
例句:The students worked together, pooling their knowledge. 学生们集思广益。
【习语积累】pull one’s weight 尽本分,尽职责
例句:You have to pull your own weight around here. 在这儿你得做好本职工作。
16. F【解析】根据上文中的“For many, buying a house or flat is just too expensive”可知,对许多人来说,买房子或者公寓是很昂贵的。再根据下文中的“You rent a room”可知,应选F项“那些预算紧张的人可能选择与他人合住以节省开支”。
17. A【解析】本段主要介绍合租的优点。根据空后的“Living with people means meeting their friends, who may then become your friends”可知,合租会带来社交上的好处,故选A项。A项中的“access to their social networks”与空后的“meeting their friends”呼应。
18. B【解析】根据空前的“Lastly, there’s the emotional support”可知,此处介绍合租带来的情感上的好处,故选B项。B项中的“a shoulder to cry on”与空前的“emotional support”呼应。
19. D【解析】本段主要介绍的是合租的缺点。根据空后的“Despite the list showing turns of duty, some people don’t like to pull their weight”可知,尽管有值日表,有些人也不愿意做分内的事。因此空处应与房子的清洁有关,故选D项。
20. G【解析】上文分别介绍了合租的优点和缺点。根据空后的内容可知,有些人喜欢有自己的空间,而有些人喜欢社交环境。因此合租是否利大于弊是由自己决定的,故选G项。
Defensiveness is a natural reaction when you feel attacked. 16 And it’s one way you escape responsibility for your actions when facing a difficult or unpleasant person or situation. In conversations, though, defensiveness can quickly destroy any hopes of understanding and moving forward. So how can you respond to defensiveness
Meeting defensiveness with defensiveness is likely to increase the tension rather than remove it. Saying “don’t take it personally” probably won’t help either. 17 So arguing with a defensive person, becoming defensive yourself, or being judgmental will confirm their anxiety. You should avoid getting defensive in return.
When a person is defensive, they’re acting on emotion. Trying to reason with someone in the face of strong emotions is unlikely to be productive. If emotions are running high, you may want to walk away for a while, collect your thoughts, and come back to the conversation later until you feel in control. 18
One way to manage defensiveness and the dysregulation(调节异常) that comes with it is to follow some communication ground rules. For example, you might agree that each person gets the chance to speak without interruption while the other person listens. 19 Then switch roles. In this way, you can add structure to your conversation.
20 Doing that may help you take things less personally and avoid getting them to think that you’re judging them. Ask questions with a genuine interest, and try to understand why they feel defensive. If it’s a response to something you said or did or your tone, apologize for that and try a different approach next time.
A. Getting defensive protects you and your feelings.
B. You should get curious about the other person’s opinion.
C. If this is the case, tell the other person that you need space.
D. Defensiveness is usually born out of fear of refusal or judgment.
E. It makes sense that you want to pick up helpful tips on coping with it.
F. There’re also situations where defensiveness creates an unhealthy state.
G. The listener can reflect the information received and confirm the speaker’s feelings.
16. A【解析】空后提到“而且这是你在面对棘手或讨厌的人或情况时逃避责任的一种方式”。故选A项“有防卫心理会保护你和你的感情”。
17. D【解析】D项“防卫心理通常源于对拒绝或评判的恐惧”与下文衔接紧密,D项中的“fear”和“judgment”对应空后的“anxiety”和“judgmental”。
18. C【解析】空前提到“你可能想要先走开一会儿,整理一下思绪,直到你能冷静下来再回到谈话中”,C项“如果是这种情况,跟对方说你需要空间”承接上文。C项的“the case”与上文呼应。
19. G【解析】空前提到“每个人都有机会不受干扰地说话,而另一个人在听”,空后提到“然后交换角色”,G项“倾听者可以思考他们所听到的,并确认说话者的感受”承上启下,符合语境。
20. B【解析】空后提到“那样做可以帮助你不那么个人化地看待事情,避免别人认为你在评判他们”,故空处应是具体做法。再结合下文的“Ask questions with a genuine interest, and try to understand”可知,选B项“你应该对对方的观点感兴趣”。
The oral exam is a long-held tradition in many schools and subjects. 16 Students must then answer appropriately, using materials they have studied in preparation for the exam. Showing sufficient knowledge of the subject results in passing the exam or an excellent grade.
17 As part of the completion of a program at the undergraduate or graduate levels, students might need to prove their knowledge and understanding of a subject area. Many science majors finish Bachelor’s studies with oral exams, or a particular program may require oral and written exams that show how a student has taken in all the materials studied in a four-year period. Usually study guides are available for these exams. 18
One valuable tip for students to succeed is to practice before the exam. 19 But by answering questions classmates or family ask them and by doing so sitting up or standing up straight, students can do as many practices as possible. On the day of the exam, students should dress plainly but respectfully, and in keeping with any dress requirements.
Students taking these exams should remember how much they have studied, which is hopefully quite a lot. 20
When waiting outside the test room, taking a deep breath and reminding themselves that the oral exam is a nice way to show off how much knowledge has been learned from teachers can help overcome stressful moments. Also, any other relaxation techniques that help can be used.
A. It raises questions to students in spoken form.
B. Behaving properly can earn students some favor.
C. They may not be able to predict all the questions.
D. Usually, students performing well are experienced.
E. Nerves can even make the smartest student get stuck.
F. There are many instances in college where oral exams are used.
G. Therefore, prepared students tend not to be surprised by what they’re asked.
16. A【解析】上文提到口试是许多学校和学科长期以来的传统,下文说学生必须根据所学内容作出恰当的回答,故空处应仍与对口试的介绍有关,且涉及口试中的问题,故A项“它以口语的形式向学生提出问题”符合语境,选项中的“It”指代“The oral exam”。
17. F【解析】空后提到了作为本科生或研究生完成课程学习的一部分,学生可能需要证明他们对某个学科领域的知识的理解和掌握。许多理科生通过口试完成学士学位学习,或者某个特定的课程可能需要通过口试和笔试来证明学生领会了四年来所学的知识。由此可知,F项能总结这些内容。
18. G【解析】上文提到通常会有一些可用的备考指南,故空处应与备考指南的作用或影响有关,G项“因此,有准备的学生往往不会被所问的问题震惊到”能够承接上文。
19. C【解析】空前提到给学生的一条有用的建议就是练习,再根据空后的But可知,空处内容应与空后内容形成转折关系,且与练习有关。故选C项“他们可能不能够预测到所有的问题”。
20. E【解析】本段主要讲的是参加口试的学生要保持好的心态。根据空后的克服紧张情绪的做法可知,空处也应与考试时的心态有关,故E项“紧张甚至会使最聪明的学生卡住”符合语境。




下一篇:1.2 运动的描述 同步练习 (答案)人教版物理八年级上册