
1. The test is such an easy one _____________ most of the students will pass.
A.as B. that C.for D. because
I have not the faintest idea of _____________he attended his brother’s wedding to extend his congratulation yesterday
A.why B. what C. that D.whether
3.It was during the war_____________he was in Argentina_____________he met Betty.
A.when... where B.that...where C. when...that D. that...that
4.I would appreciate_____________ very much _____________you could help me with my English.
A.it...that B. it ... if C. that... that D.that..if
5.The whole family__________watching TV in the sitting room when the team_____________eliminated in the World Cup.
A. was... was B. was ... were C. were .. was D. were ….were
6. These kinds of rose_____________quite popular among young people last spring.
A.is B.are C. was D. were
7._____________smokes on campus should be fined 300 yuan according to the new regulation.
A.Who B.He who C.Anyone D. Those who
8.It was a long time_____________he realized that revision is the key to memorizing.
A.that B.before C.when D. since
9. The cherry blossoms at Gucun Park_____________into color in a beautiful display of floral fireworks.
A.force B.present C.burst D. spread
10. Some interviewers address candidates by their first names thinking it encourages a relaxed_____________.
A. mood B. atmosphere C.harmony D. sense
11.Though Winston Churchill is best___________as the British prime minster whose speeches rallied a nation. few people know that he won the Nobel Prize_____________Literature.
A.thought...in B.remembered...in C. treated...for D.regarded...for
12. It was until last year that he_____________.
A.left school for a new start
B.came to realize the importance of learning English
C.worked as an English teacher at a middle school
D. set out to build a new house of his own
13. Plastic trash chokes Bali’s sea._________is it_________has made Bali island-one of the most beautiful islands in the world___________it is today
A.What...that...that B.That...that….what
C.What... what..that D.What..that..what
14. Peter Rabbit,based on the stories of a fictional animal character, is a 2018 _________comedy filled with humor and_________animation.
A.computer-animated...amazing B.computer-animating..amazing
C.computer-animated….shocking D.computer-animating.….shocking
15._________Stephen Hawking’s death on Marth 14 coincides with Albert Einstein’s birthday, makes Pi day, a day to_______the most famous irrational number even more and related to science.
A.Whether...award..memorized B.What...reward...honorable
C. When...honor..honorary D. That...honor...memorable
16. Rafael Nadal is a tennis champion equipped with a big heart, ____________to win and resolution to defeat all his opponents.
A.persuasion B.determination C.fascination D.accumulation
17.The winners of China’s Got Talent are planning to_________a talent-show_________around the world next month.
A.carry on... voyage B. carry out...tour
C.complete...trip D. fulfill.…. jouney
18. The captain and________were accused of abandoning passengers in South Korea ferry disaster.
A.members B.crew C.partners D.team
19. Chichester covered_________anyone had previously sailed alone.
A.more than twice the distance B. more than twice longer
C.over twice longer the distance as D. as over twice long as
20.Steve Jobs was fired by the person he had hired and trusted________the fact________he was the one who co-established the company
A. despite... which B.regardless... that
C.in spite of...that D. against... in which
21. The parents attempted to__________marrying the boy,though motivated but without a handsome pay, a decent car or a respectable apartment.
A.encourage their daughter from B.discourage their daughter into
C.dissuade their daughter into D. persuade their daughter out of
22. So_________________that the boat almost________________.
A.tough the sea became...turned down B. rough did the sea become... turned over C.rough the sea became...turned over D. tough did the sea become...turned down
23.After__________around Cape Horn,Chichester sent the message of victory to London.
A.succeeding in sailing B. successfully sailed
C. succeeded in sailing D. being successfully sailed
24. Although the boss appears to wear a smile most of the time,his smile is by no means sincere or genuine, instead, it could be somewhat____________and hostile at times.
A.hospitable B.friendly C.tough D.sinister
25. With much work that remains to be completed,the manager found their project____________.
A.more than satisfying B. not at all satisfied
C. far from satisfactory D.with more satisfaction than not
26.My friends thought“I had lost my mind”, which means they thought____________.
A.I was very much depressed B.I had lost my heart
C. I was in severe lack of confidence D. I had been mad and crazy
27.When____________challenges and setbacks,he remains____________brave and firm.
A.faced with….hesitant B.facing...resolute
C.in face of...indecisive D.facing with... determined
28. The stormy and treacherous weather_____________difficulty and uncertainty in the search for the missing passengers.
A.added to B.added up to C.added up D. added
29. Marathon is intended to put the athletes to a challenging test of _____________and willpower.
A.insistence B.endurance C.preservation D. bravery
30. The devoted and determined single mother brought up her five children single-handed. Which of the following is Wrong
A.without others’ assistance B. independent of other’s help
C.completely of her own D. all by herself
31. Not until__________Unit One of College English on learning strategies__________the importance of distinguishing active vocabulary from passive ones in vocabulary accumulation.
A.did he learn... he realized B.he learned...did he realize
C.had he learned... did he realize D.he learned... didn’t he realize
32. Only when he conquered his inner fear... a newfound sense of accomplishment and self-confidence.
A. did he gain B. he had gained C. he gained D. has he gained
33.-I leaned that Francis Chichester was knighted by Queen Elizabeth ⅡI.
-Yes. so___________ and so____________.
he was...was Sir Francis Drake B.was he...Sir Francis Drake was
C.he did...the same with Sir Francis Drake D.he wasSir Francis Drake was the same
34.No sooner________a shelter________it began to pour.
A.we found...than B.had we found...when
C.had we found...than D.we found.. when
35.Out________to the finishing line…!And here____________________!
A.he dashes... comes our champion and hero
B.dashes he...our champion and hero come
C.he dashes... come our champion and hero
D. dashes he...comes our champion and hero
36.____________into so many frustrations and hardships through my career, I can easily________ to the leading character’s struggle to find financial success.
Running…. identify B. Running ... relate
C. Having run... identify D. Having run..relate
37.Though such international organizations as the United Nations are long____________, some still believe in the____________of jungle justice to relations between countries.
A.established….adjustment B.established...application
C. abandoned... adjustment D. abandoned.. application
38. After an Edwardian dinner party,the women would________to the drawing room while the men remained at the dining table to talk freely about the topics seen as too____________for women to worry themselves about.
A.migrate... challenging B. migrate ... appealing
C. retire…. challenging D. retire ... appealing
39. A sport with a broom on ice________requires bowling ____________makes curling one of the most unique sports out there.
A. that… precision B. that... diversity
C. /.…precision D. /...diversity
40. Today we gather to____________Pierre de Coubertin, who in 1894 resurrected a legendary ancient ritual that had been________to humanity for more than 15 centuries.
A. appreciate ... lost B.appreciate... extincted
C.celebrate...lost D. celebrate... extincted
41. Stranded ________a beach in Argentina and suffering from severe dehydration were six killer whales each ___________between 3 and 4 tons.
A.on... weighed B. on ... weighing
C. off ... weighed D. off ... weighing
42. Although Shanghai’s case numbers remain small by global______________, the city has emerged as a test bed for China’s“dynamic clearance” anti-Covid strategy,which_____________to test, trace and centrally quarantine all positive cases and their close contacts
A.connections...tends B. connections... seeks
C.standards...tends D. standards... seeks
43. Jiangsu cuisine, one of the eight culinary___________of China, is known for its___________ shaped dishes.
A.traditions…. elaborately B. traditions... humanely
C.recipes… elaborately D. recipes...humanely
44. In rugby,you can___________the ball from the hands or under the arm of the carrier_______ committing a foul if you’re standing on your feet in an onside position.
A.crush... without B. crush ... rather than
C. grab ... without D. grab ... rather than
45. As a respected zoological institution, SeaWorld not only________, rehabilitates and returns to nature hundreds of wild animals every year but also generously________conservation and scientific research.
A.rescues..focuses on B.rescues...funds
C. releases... focuses on D.releases..funds
46. The winning shot gave the Serbian team a two-sets-to-one________, but China didn’t falter before this_________competitor.
A.start.. intense B. start...tough
C. lead... intense D. lead ... tough
47. Now that all the restaurants in the city are closed, I wonder what______________of my roommate who________ out four days a week and feeds on takeaways in the rest.
A.has become... hangs B.has become... dines
C.is become.. hangs D. is become...dines
48. A pen is to a writer________a sword is to a warrior.
A.what B.while C.that D.which
49. ____________ had expected there to be a war________the country immediately.
A.Who ... was fled B.Who...fled
C.Whoever.. was fled D. Whoever..fled
50. ________as the culprits behind climate change is a fact that most city dwellers wouldn’t accept________.
A.Being regarded... it B. Being regarded.…./
C. Regarded... it D. Regarded.../
51. In the new TOFEL test, there are questions ________test takers__read, listen and then speak into a microphone.
A. which ... must B. which ... need
C. where ... must D. where ... need
52. Man is always pursuing profit, sometimes ________even unaware________he has done is harmful to the environment.
A. is ... that B./... that
C. is ... what D./ ... what
53. Never ask a child________he likes or dislikes a food and just take it for granted that he likes everything and he probably__________.
A. that... will B. that ... can
C. whether ... will D. whether ... can
54.Technology is supposed to make our lives easier,but it________also be frustrating at times.
A. must B.can C. will D. should
55. Many adults report that even when out in nature, they________not take the time to admire a spectacular mountain_________ pulling out their smartphone to take a picture.
A. may... before B. may ... after
C. should ... before D. should ... after
56. Because Lincoln had so little schooling,journalists thought he _________not have been very smart.
A. must B. shall C. could D. would
57. Her round figure,seen in the Tang Dynasty,_________________ the admirable image.
A. would have been considered B. would have considered
C. had considered D. must have been considered
58.The ancient system that Chinese people have used to keep track of the time of year _____________the UNESCO list of intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity on Nov 30.2016.
A. has been added to B.was added to
C.would be added to D.is added to
59. As many as 637 plans to kill Castro were carried out over the years_____________the US Government and terrorist groups saw Castro as a threat to their interests in Cuba.
A.because B.for C.if D.unless
60. Sweaty hands,stomach pains and confused looks are common in high school seniors _____________are going to study abroad_____________they have their first college interview.
A. which,after B. who,if C. that,when D.who, for
61.A recent survey showed that more than half ofthe people in the US need to be told at least once _____________they run an update and 10 percent update their computers _____________being asked 10 times or more.
A.after,before B.before,after C.before,while D.after,when
62. Anything is possible-it is a rule_____________works perfectly in the literary world of fantasy and Romance.
A.that B.why C.what D.where
63.Taking your body temperature usually _____________a thermometer in your armpits and _____________still for minutes.
A. meant to put, to stay B.is meaning putting, staying
C. has meant to put, to stay D. means putting ,staying
64.The data was recorded in the areas____________the Arctic sea ice breaks up in the spring and ____________in the fall.
A.that, froze B.which, freezing C.in which, has frozen D.where,freezes
65.China’s first unmanned probe____________to land on Mars around 2020.
A. will be expected B.would be expected C.is expected D.has been expected
66. According to the Ministry of Education,educational excursions____________be organized on a non-profit basis and come at a reduced cost for students from families with financial difficulties.
A.can B.ought C.must D.may
67. Even without the ability to understand local jokes,foreigners____________feel any less confident about themselves; it is not a problem of language ability but a matter of the known and unknown.
A.can’t B.shouldn’t C.oughtn’t D.shan’t
68. A growing prevalence of video games and cars has limited the time____________most people spend doing sports.
A.when B.at which C. on which D./
69. A cellphone is one of the few things____________we hold close to our faces, but it____________possibly explode-this is what the recent Samsung’s Galaxy Note 7 smart-phone accidents so shocking.
A.which, might B.that, could C.which, would D.that, must
70. More than 90% of the missing children____________details were shared on an innovative web platform____________over the past six months,the Ministry of Public Security announced on Wednesday.
A.of which, were located B.whose,were located
C.of which, have been located D. whose,have been located
71.Do not hope for such things______________ you can never achieve.They are only daydreams.
A. which B. that C. as D.when
72.It’s estimated that there are 40,000“daigous in Australia, ______________are young migrants or international students looking for ways to help cover their rent and university costs.
A.most of whom B.most of which C. most of who D.most of that
73.The old professor told us every part of the materials should be made use of______________the power station.
A.to build B.building C.build D.built
74. He intended_____________the work on Sunday, but it was delayed because of the unexpected coming of some guests.
A.to finish B. finishing C. having finished D. to have finished
75. With so many letters and newspapers_____________, the post office had to hire some volunteers to help to do the easy work.
A.delivering B. delivered C.to deliver D. having delivered
76.“How do you deal with the disagreement between the company and the customers ” “The key___________the problem is to meet the demand___________by the customers.”
A.to solving, making B.to solving, made C.to solve, making D. to solve, made
77._______________on time, this medicine will be quite effective.
A.Taking B.Being taken C.Taken D.Having taken
78.He had a clear vision of what’s coming ______________for humanity in his works like the Galactic Empire series.
A. around the corner B. at one corner
C. into the corner D. on every corner
79.______________on the paper are some eye-catching big words in bold reading: “take one at______________.”
A. Being printed...time B. Being printed.... one time
C.Printed... times D. Printed....a time
80. With everyone else all coughing, he_____________low in the raging flames to get_____________ available air he could.
A. sealed...what B. sealed..….how C. stooped... what D. stooped...how
81.Sleep problems tend to progress in a familiar_____________,doctors said.First comes a trigger: an argument with a spouse,an important speech or test that ruins_____________.
A.pattern...a night of sleep B. pattern....a night’s sleep
C. stage…. a night of sleep D. stage.. a night’s sleep
82.What you are supposed to do is not bemoan what a_____________of poor cards you’re got but to work out a strategy to get_____________out of your cards.
A. pang...the least B. pang...the most
C. bunch... the least D. bunch... the most
83.-Did anyone______________you to do so
--No. I volunteered for this work.
A. Permit B. prohibit C. force D. disturb
84. The plan Myra______________at the promotional meeting yesterday sounds ridiculous.
A. took down B.was put forward C.came up with D. made up
85.Some people suggest that watching violence on TV is one of the major causes of language and misbehavior.
A.childish B.artificial C.radical D.heroic
86. In the meantime, the question facing business is whether such research is__________the costs.
A.worth B. worthy C.worth of D.worthwhile
87.The twins had to be raised_____________after their parents died.They reunited when entering the same college.
A.partly B.partially C.apart D. part
88. The orchestra was still performing_____________the morning when the enemy attacked and broke into the castle.
A.in B. during C.at D.on
89.Under investigations,people found that the evidence which_____________the governor in the scandal was nothing but nonsense.
A.related B. connected C.involved D. covered
90. Jack agreed,but very_____________,to lend me his computer.
A.reluctantly B.reliably C. reasonably D.recently
91.I can hardly imagine how our manager can take care of her four little kids and _____________all the housework with her tight work schedule.
A.pick up B.run up C. put off D. fit in
92. Bestsellers may be popular over a year or two,but classics or great books are to be popular over decades or even hundreds of years.
A proved B. proving C.those that prove D.those prove
93.Faced with the prospect of needing a pen or pencil,many women dig and dig through their massive purses,___________to come up with a fairly good substitute:an eyeliner(眼线笔)
A. as if B.due C.whether D.only



