
1. 这的人都喜欢汤姆写的那本小说。
原句:All the people here like the novel. It is written by Tom.
2. 这是一家工厂。 月产成千上万辆小汽车。
原句:This is a factory. It produces thousands of cars a month.
3. 我们应该多讲英语。我们认为这是很重要的。
原句:We should speak more English. We think it is very important.
4. 这家工厂厂每天释放出大量有毒气体,污染环境。
原句:The factory gave out a lot of poisonous gas every day. It polluted the environment.
5. 我的老师帮助我。我的英语提高很大。
原句:My teacher helps me. My English has greatly improved.
北京市有大量的出租车司机,他们每天全心全意地为乘客服务,对北京市的交通发挥着重要作用。他们起早贪黑,赚钱养家糊口。有一次, 我下车时不小心把手机忘在了车上,但当我和司机同志联系上之后,他立即开车把手机送到了我的家门口,让我感动不已。
一般表达:There are a large number of taxi drivers in Beijing. They serve passengers heart and soul. They play an important part in the traffic of Beijing. They make some money. They work from dawn till night. One day, I left my cell phone in the taxi I took. I got in touch with the driver and he knew what had happened to me. He drove to my home and gave it back to me. I was very excited.
There are a large number of taxi drivers in Beijing, ___________ passengers heart and soul and ___________ an important part in the traffic of Beijing. ________________ some money, they work from dawn till night. One day, I left my cell phone in the taxi I took. I got in touch with the driver.______________ what had happened tome, the driver drove to my home as fast as possible and gave it back to me. I was very excited.
大城市里高楼大厦林立,房价越来越高。 一方面,很多人无房居住,另一方面,大量房子却卖不出去。不少人即使买了一套住房,恐怕也要一辈子辛辛苦苦工作来还银行贷款。我们希望政府采取措施,关心这些收入不高的人群。
There are more and more tall buildings in big cities. Their prices are going up day by day. On one hand, there are still lots of people. They have no houses to live in. On the other hand, many apartments are hard to be sold out. Even if you buy an apartment, I'm afraid you have to pay off the money you borrow from the bank. You will work hard day and night all your life. I hope our government take strong measures to solve the housing problem and take care of the people. Their incomes are low.
There are more and more tall buildings in big cities, ________________________ up day by day. On one hand, there are still lots of people_____________ no houses to live in. On the other hand, many apartments are hard to be sold out. Even if you buy an apartment, I'm afraid you have to pay off the money ______________ from the bank,__________________ day and night all your life. I hope our government take strong measures ____________ the housing problem, __________ care of the people whose incomes are low.
原句:We were touched by the teacher’s words. We decided to work hard.
转换:_____________ by the teacher’s words, we decided to work hard.
原句: I didn’t receive her letter. I had to write again.
转换: _________ __________ __________ her letter, I had to write again.
原句:The boy came to school late again. This made the teacher very angry.
转换:The boy’s __________ to school late again __________ the teacher very angry.
原句:The boy were making the most of time. They wanted to finish the work earlier.
转换:The boy were making the most of time so as ___________ ____________the work earlier.
原句:The foreigners arrived at the farm at nine. They were given a warm welcome.
转换:____________ at the farm at nine, the foreigners were given a warm welcome.
原句:I saw an old granny. She lay on the ground. I went over to help her.
转换:______________ an old granny ___________ on the ground, I went over to help her.
二. 词不离句:
Li Hua was at the bus station, _____________ for Bus 601 to go to school.
I’m very easy _________ __________ along with and enjoy ___________ with others.
_____________ online, students can more freely express their feelings and opinions.
Sometimes, parents will prepare special dinner or cake __________ __________ ________ __________ their love for their children.
________________ the Tian’anmen Square, we started to leave.
6. 由于我指路,那个外国女孩非常感谢我。
With me ___________ the way for her, the foreign girl was very grateful.
三. 句不离篇:
I'm very pleased because I learn that you and your classmates are learning Chinese. I'd like to recommend the following two dictionaries. The English-Chinese Chinese-English Dictionary is really a good one for beginners. It has 18000 English words and 20000 Chinese words. Besides plenty of examples, it has many notes. They tell you how to use a word. Xinhua Dictionary is the most popular Chinese dictionary. It has a vocabulary of 10000 words. It may also be useful to some advanced learners of Chinese. Of the two, ECCED is the more expensive. It costs 52 yuan, and XD costs 11 yuan.
I'm very pleased ___________ that you and your classmates are learning Chinese. I'd like to recommend the following two dictionaries. The English-Chinese Chinese-English Dictionary is really a good one for beginners. It has 18000 English words and 20000 Chinese words. Besides plenty of examples, it has many notes, ___________ you how to use a word. Xinhua Dictionary is the most popular Chinese dictionary___________ a vocabulary of 10000 words. It may also be useful to some advanced learners of Chinese. Of the two, ECCED is the more expensive, ___________52 yuan, and XD costs 11 yuan.
1. People usually shake hands when they are introduced to each other.
2. Because the boy was greatly touched by his teacher’s words, he did a lot of things to help his classmates.
3. Even if I’m invited, I won’t take part in the party.
4. The teacher entered the classroom, and he was followed by a group of students.
5. Because I didn’t know how to get in touch with him, I turned to his brother.
6. Since I haven’t met him before, I don’t know what he is like.
7. His parents were very poor, and couldn’t afford to send him to school.
8. I have so much work to do, so I cannot spare a minute.
9. He hurried to the school, but he found nobody in.
10. People need more and more cars. It causes the car industry to develop more rapidly.
1. 要想掌握一门外语,我们必须刻苦努力。
2. 他们说着笑着走进了教室。
3. 他的叔叔去世了,留给了他很多钱。
4. 由于不知道他的名字,我发现很难找到他。
5. 过马路时一定要小心。
6. 听到这个消息,他高兴地跳了起来。
7. 昨天在会议上讨论的问题很重要。
8. 那正在建设的大楼是我们的新图书馆。
9. 我给他打电话,邀请他参加我的生日派对。
10. 时间允许的话,我们就去参观中山公园。写作专练5打造简单句二
1. 这的人都喜欢汤姆写的那本小说。
原句:All the people here like the novel. It is written by Tom.
转换:All the people here like the novel written by Tom.
2. 这是一家工厂。 月产成千上万辆小汽车。
原句:This is a factory. It produces thousands of cars a month.
转换:This is a factory, producing thousands of cars a month.
3. 我们应该多讲英语。我们认为这是很重要的。
原句:We should speak more English. We think it is very important.
转换:We think it very important to speak more English.
4. 这家工厂厂每天释放出大量有毒气体,污染环境。
原句:The factory gave out a lot of poisonous gas every day. It polluted the environment.
转换:The factory gave out a lot of poisonous gas every day, polluting the environment.
5. 我的老师帮助我。我的英语提高很大。
原句:My teacher helps me. My English has greatly improved.
转换:With my teacher helping me, my English has greatly improved.
北京市有大量的出租车司机,他们每天全心全意地为乘客服务,对北京市的交通发挥着重要作用。他们起早贪黑,赚钱养家糊口。有一次, 我下车时不小心把手机忘在了车上,但当我和司机同志联系上之后,他立即开车把手机送到了我的家门口,让我感动不已。
一般表达:There are a large number of taxi drivers in Beijing. They serve passengers heart and soul. They play an important part in the traffic of Beijing. They make some money. They work from dawn till night. One day, I left my cell phone in the taxi I took. I got in touch with the driver and he knew what had happened to me. He drove to my home and gave it back to me. I was very excited.
There are a large number of taxi drivers in Beijing, serving passengers heart and soul and playing an important part in the traffic of Beijing. In order to make some money, they work from dawn till night. One day, I left my cell phone in the taxi I took. I got in touch with the driver. On hearing what had happened to me, the driver drove to my home as fast as possible and gave it back to me. I was very excited.
大城市里高楼大厦林立,房价越来越高。 一方面,很多人无房居住,另一方面,大量房子却卖不出去。不少人即使买了一套住房,恐怕也要一辈子辛辛苦苦工作来还银行贷款。我们希望政府采取措施,关心这些收入不高的人群。
There are more and more tall buildings in big cities. Their prices are going up day by day. On one hand, there are still lots of people. They have no houses to live in. On the other hand, many apartments are hard to be sold out. Even if you buy an apartment, I'm afraid you have to pay off the money you borrow from the bank. You will work hard day and night all your life. I hope our government take strong measures to solve the housing problem and take care of the people. Their incomes are low.
There are more and more tall buildings in big cities, with their prices going up day by day. On one hand, there are still lots of people having no houses to live in. On the other hand, many apartments are hard to be sold out. Even if you buy an apartment, I'm afraid you have to pay off the money borrowed from the bank,working hard day and night all your life. I hope our government take strong measures to solve the housing problem, showing care of the people whose incomes are low.
原句:We were touched by the teacher’s words. We decided to work hard.
转换:Touched by the teacher’s words, we decided to work hard.
原句: I didn’t receive her letter. I had to write again.
转换:Not having received her letter, I had to write again.
原句:The boy came to school late again. This made the teacher very angry.
转换:The boy’s coming to school late again made the teacher very angry.
原句:The boy were making the most of time. They wanted to finish the work earlier.
转换:The boy were making the most of time so as to finish the work earlier.
原句:The foreigners arrived at the farm at nine. They were given a warm welcome.
转换:Arriving at the farm at nine, the foreigners were given a warm welcome.
原句:I saw an old granny. She lay on the ground. I went over to help her.
转换:Seeing an old granny lying on the ground, I went over to help her.
二. 词不离句:
Li Hua was at the bus station, waiting for Bus 601 to go to school.
I’m very easy to get along with and enjoy working with others.
Chatting online, students can more freely express their feelings and opinions.
Sometimes, parents will prepare special dinner or cake in order to show/ so as to show their love for their children.
Having visited the Tian’anmen Square, we started to leave.
6. 由于我指路,那个外国女孩非常感谢我。
With me leading the way for her, the foreign girl was very grateful.
三. 句不离篇:
I'm very pleased because I learn that you and your classmates are learning Chinese. I'd like to recommend the following two dictionaries. The English-Chinese Chinese-English Dictionary is really a good one for beginners. It has 18000 English words and 20000 Chinese words. Besides plenty of examples, it has many notes. They tell you how to use a word. Xinhua Dictionary is the most popular Chinese dictionary. It has a vocabulary of 10000 words. It may also be useful to some advanced learners of Chinese. Of the two, ECCED is the more expensive. It costs 52 yuan, and XD costs 11 yuan.
I'm very pleased to hear that you and your classmates are learning Chinese. I'd like to recommend the following two dictionaries. The English-Chinese Chinese-English Dictionary is really a good one for beginners. It has 18000 English words and 20000 Chinese words. Besides plenty of examples, it has many notes, telling you how to use a word. Xinhua Dictionary is the most popular Chinese dictionary, having a vocabulary of 10000 words. It may also be useful to some advanced learners of Chinese. Of the two, ECCED is the more expensive, costing 52 yuan, and XD costs 11 yuan.
1. People usually shake hands when they are introduced to each other.
People usually shake hands when introduced to each other.
2. Because the boy was greatly touched by his teacher’s words, he did a lot of things to help his classmates.
Greatly touched by his teacher’s words, the boy did a lot of things to help his classmates.
3. Even if I’m invited, I won’t take part in the party.
Even if invited, I won’t take part in the party.
4. The teacher entered the classroom, and he was followed by a group of students.
The teacher entered the classroom, followed by a group of students.
5. Because I didn’t know how to get in touch with him, I turned to his brother.
Not knowing how to get in touch with him, I turned to his brother.
6. Since I haven’t met him before, I don’t know what he is like.
Not having met him before, I don’t know what he is like.
7. His parents were very poor, and couldn’t afford to send him to school.
His parents were too poor to send him to school.
8. I have so much work to do, so I cannot spare a minute.
With so much work to do, I cannot spare a minute.
9. He hurried to the school, but he found nobody in.
He hurried to the school, only to find nobody in.
10. People need more and more cars. It causes the car industry to develop more rapidly.
People need more and more cars, causing the car industry to develop more rapidly.
1. 要想掌握一门外语,我们必须刻苦努力。
In order to master a foreign language, we must study hard.
2. 他们说着笑着走进了教室。
The entered the classroom, chatting and laughing.
3. 他的叔叔去世了,留给了他很多钱。
His uncle passed away, leaving him a large amount of money.
4. 由于不知道他的名字,我发现很难找到他。
Not knowing his name, I found it difficult to find him.
5. 过马路时一定要小心。
Be careful when crossing the street.
6. 听到这个消息,他高兴地跳了起来。
On hearing the news, he jumped with joy.
7. 昨天在会议上讨论的问题很重要。
The issue discussed at the meeting yesterday is very important
8. 那正在建设的大楼是我们的新图书馆。 The building being constructed is our new library.
9. 我给他打电话,邀请他参加我的生日派对。 I called him and invited him to my birthday party.
10. 时间允许的话,我们就去参观中山公园。 Time permitting, we will visit Zhongshan Park




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