
1.What day is it today
A.Wednesday. B.Thursday. C.Friday
2.What will Mark's father probably do tomorrow
A.Fly to Singapore.
B.Perform in a concert.
C.Sing a song for the class
【解析】【听力原文】W: Class, whose parent is coming to speak this week for Family Fridays (6) Is it your father, Mark (7)
M: Yes, he's flying home tonight. He'll come with me to school tomorrow. (6)
W: Very good. Where is he flying from
M: Well, my father is a singer. He performs in different countries. This week, he had shows in Singapore. W: I've heard some of his songs. The words are very thoughtful. And his voice is beautiful.
M: Thank you. He's more popular with people his age than with my generation. He sings in a more traditional style. But my brothers and I have always liked his music.
W: Well, we look forward to meeting your father. Maybe he will sing something for us. (7)
M: Definitely!
1.问题:今天星期几?根据“Class, whose parent is coming to speak this week for Family Fridays ”同学们,本周谁的家长要来为家庭星期五发言?;以及“He'll come with me to school tomorrow. ”他明天会和我一起去学校。可推知今天星期四。故选B。
2.问题: Mark 的父亲明天可能会做什么?根据“Well, we look forward to meeting your father. Maybe he will sing something for us. ”好吧,我们期待见到你的父亲。 也许他会为我们唱点什么。故选C。
3.Who could the man probably be
A.A salesman. B.A secretary. C.A customer.
4.What does the woman decide to do in the end
A.Check the machines.
B.Buy a new type of oil.
C.Ask the technician for advice.
【解析】【听力原文】M: Ms. Harriman, it has been a while since you ordered oil for your machines.
W: I suppose you are right. Our technician suggested placing an order within the next month to keep the machines working smoothly.
M: Well, our newest product, called RT705, is on sale for the next two weeks. Would you be interested in trying it out
W: If it is on sale and it meets the specifications of the machines, I don't see why not send me two cases then.
4.问题:女士最终决定做什么?根据“ If it is on sale and it meets the specifications of the machines, I don't see why not send me two cases then.”如果它正在销售,并且符合机器的规格,我不明白为什么不给我寄两箱呢。故选B。
5.Why did the man continue to work as a foreign language teacher
A.His parents asked him to.
B.His school persuaded him to
C.He loves to experience different things.
6.Who will pay the man
A.Two schools.
B.Only one school.
C.Neither of the two schools
【解析】【听力原文】W: Todd, did you really agree to be a foreign language teacher for a second year (8)
M: Why not Don't you like trying different things (8) The school and the children will be different! And this year, I will be teaching near the beach. I might be able to go fishing every day! It won't take me long to get used to life there.
W: You're going to be paid by two schools, right (9)
M: That's right. (9) But I decided to be a foreign language teacher again without hesitation because I like trying new things. (8) I'm also pretty popular everywhere I apply.
W: I'll bet. But my opinion is different from yours. I miss my parents. You know the saying: "East or west, home is best." I feel most relaxed in my hometown.
M: I think most people's views are similar to yours.
5.问题:为什么男士继续做外语老师?根据“Todd, did you really agree to be a foreign language teacher for a second year ”Todd,,你真的同意做第二年的外语老师吗?;“ Why not Don't you like trying different things ”为什么不? 你不喜欢尝试不同的东西吗?;以及“But I decided to be a foreign language teacher again without hesitation because I like trying new things. ”但我毫不犹豫地决定再次成为一名外语老师,因为我喜欢尝试新事物。故选C。
6.问题:谁来给男士付钱?根据“You're going to be paid by two schools, right ”你会得到两所学校的报酬,对吧?;以及“That's right.”对,故选A。
7.What does the woman say about the apartment
A.It is a little expensive.
B.Its rent includes electricity.
C.It doesn't have an elevator.
8.What is the man going to do next
A.See the apartment. B.Go to the gym. C.Work overtime.
9.What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A.Husband and wife. B.Friends. C.Landlord and renter.
【解析】【听力原文】W: Hey, Rob. I just got a call from a friend. She wants to rent out her apartment.
M: Really How much is it
W: It's dirt cheap, only $100 a month, although that doesn't include electricity.
M: Fantastic. When can I take a look
W: Tonight if you want. However, there's one drawback.
M: What is it
W: It's on the sixth floor and the building doesn't have an elevator, just stairs.
M: Damn.
W: Look on the bright side. You'll get exercise running up and down all those steps.
M: I don't know. I hate climbing stairs. Tell you what, I'm off to the gym. I'll think about it while I'm doing my work out and get back to you tomorrow.
7.问题:关于公寓,女士说了什么?根据“It's on the sixth floor and the building doesn't have an elevator”它在六楼,大楼没有电梯,故选C。
8.问题:男士下一步要做什么?根据“Tell you what, I'm off to the gym.”告诉你,我要去健身房了。故选B。
10.Why did the woman leave Japan
A.She decided to start a company of her own.
B.She had to come back to look after her parents.
C.She couldn't find a suitable job after the earthquake.
11.What does the woman want to work as now
A.A secretary. B.A designer. C.A teacher.
12.What will the man do next
A.Call the manager. B.Read an application. C.Look for a job.
【解析】【听力原文】M: Take a seat, please. Well, could you tell me your name and a little about yourself
W: Crystal Bush. I am 23. I've been working abroad, and I'd like to work closer to home in the new year. M: I see…I have read your application. You've been working in Japan for three years
W: Well, I am a secretary in a big clothing company there. Previously, I was at a university. M: You mean you worked at a university
W: Right. I taught Japanese in a university, but I realized that job was pretty boring.
M: Do you have any special reasons for wanting to come back from Japan (10)
W: I thought it would be nice to be near my family. And you know, ever since the earthquake, it has been difficult for anyone to get a satisfactory job. (10)
M: I see. How do you see your career development at this company
W: Well, I'm ambitious. I hope that my career as a secretary will eventually lead me into management.(11)
M: Sounds great. I will give you a call as soon as I look over your application one more time. (12)
10.问题:女士为什么离开日本?根据“Do you have any special reasons for wanting to come back from Japan ”你有什么特别的理由想从日本回来吗?;以及“And you know, ever since the earthquake, it has been difficult for anyone to get a satisfactory job. ”而且你知道,自从地震以来,任何人都很难找到一份满意的工作。故选C。
11.问题:女士现在想做什么工作?根据“ I hope that my career as a secretary will eventually lead me into management.”我希望我作为秘书的职业最终能带领我进入管理层。故选A。
12.问题:男士接下来会做什么?根据“I will give you a call as soon as I look over your application one more time. ”我会在再次查看您的申请时给您打电话。故选B。
13.Why does the man call the woman
A.To make an appointment.
B.To put off an appointment.
C.To confirm an appointment.
14.What will the woman do tomorrow morning
A.Attend a meeting. B.Receive a visitor. C.Work on a report.
15.When will the woman see Dr. Parker
A.At 1:15 p.m. B.At 2:00 p.m. C.At 4:00 p.m.
【解析】【听力原文】M: Hi Doris, this is Mike calling from Parker's Dentistry. I'm calling to confirm your appointment for tomorrow morning at 9 a.m. with Dr. Parker.
W: Oh, I almost forgot. Thank you for calling to remind me. Actually I do need to change the time of my appointment. I have an unexpected visitor tomorrow morning, and then a lunch meeting. Do you have anything available before 2 o'clock
M: Sorry ma'am. The only opening we have after lunch is 1:15, but I might be able to put you in after 4. Would that be a better time
W: Sorry, I have to make a daily report to my boss then. I think I should be able to make it at 1:15. Can you put me down for that time slot (时间空档)
M: No problem.
W: Thanks very much.
13.问题:男士为什么给女士打电话?根据“ I'm calling to confirm your appointment for tomorrow morning at 9 a.m. with Dr. Parker.”我打电话是想确认你明天上午9点与帕克医生的预约。故选C。
14.问题:这位女士明天早上要做什么?根据“ I have an unexpected visitor tomorrow morning”明天早上我有个不速之客,故选B。
15.问题:女士什么时候去见帕克医生?根据“ I think I should be able to make it at 1:15. Can you put me down for that time slot (时间空档) ”我想我应该能在1点15分赶到。你能把我安排在那个时段吗?;以及“ No problem.”没问题,故选A。
16.Why does the woman say the man is impossible
A.He is seriously ill.
B.He didn't see the bills.
C.They can't afford to go out.
17.How much is the telephone bill
A.$90. B.$70. C.$80.
18.What will the woman do next
A.Turn up the heat.
B.Go to the movies.
C.Call the telephone office.
【解析】【听力原文】M: Hey, Deb, let's go to a movie. You've been working on these bills for hours now.
W: You're impossible!
M: Why
W: ⑩Haven't I been telling you that we can barely make ends meet
M: But I've been trying to cut down on our expenses lately.
W: Well, maybe, but you've been turning up the heat to 70 degrees Fahrenheit every day and that's been costing us an additional $70 to $80 a month.
M: Deb, you know I've had to do that. I get sick every single time the temperature goes below 68 degrees Fahrenheit.
W: Oh, oh. Look at this telephone bill! It's for $90! That's impossible! Have you been making calls to Edison, New York
M: Oh, yeah. I did make just one call there last month.
W: Well, they charged us for four calls. Mmm. I'll have to call them and figure it out.
16.问题:为什么女士说男士不可能?根据“Haven't I been telling you that we can barely make ends meet ”我不是告诉过你,我们几乎无法维持生计吗?故选C。
17.问题:电话费是多少?根据“Look at this telephone bill! It's for $90! ”看看这个电话费! 这是90美元!故选A。
18.问题:女士接下来会做什么?根据“I'll have to call them and figure it out.”我得打电话给他们弄清楚。故选C。
19.What is the woman's trouble
A.She failed in an exam.
B.She can't concentrate in class.
C.She is still confused about the task.
20.What is the man busy with at school
A.Preparing a play. B.Setting up a club. C.Going to parties.
21.What day is it today
A.Sunday. B.Friday. C.Saturday.
22.Why does the man decide to take part in the race
A.To support the woman.
B.To support people suffering from cancer.
C.To collect material for his cancer research.
【解析】【听力原文】M: Hey Susie! How've you been
W: Pretty good…Just trying to keep up with class work. I have to hand in an essay on Monday. That is killing me! I keep sitting down to work on it, but just end up with nothing. I paid attention in class, but I just don't think I understand the task quite right.
M: Yeah, be patient. I'm preparing a play. My group have already met many times, but we aren't quite ready yet. That wasn't exactly the hardest part of our study.
W: Oh, I'm really looking forward to Spring Break.
M: Me, too. Will you come to Jason's birthday party tonight
W: Well, actually I made plans with my mum to take part in a 10-kilometre run to benefit a cancer research. That's Saturday morning, so it isn't a great time to go out.
M: But if you want to stop by earlier this evening, feel free.
W: Uh…Maybe I'll see you tonight. Will you come to the race tomorrow
M: Alright. I actually know a brave kid fighting with cancer and I want to help people with cancer.
19.问题:女士的烦恼是什么?根据“I paid attention in class, but I just don't think I understand the task quite right.”我在课堂上专心听讲,但我只是觉得我不太理解这项任务。故选C。
20.问题:男士在学校忙什么?根据“I'm preparing a play. ”我正在准备一出戏。故选A。
21.问题:今天星期几?根据“That's Saturday morning”那是星期六早上,故选C。
22.问题:为什么男士决定参加比赛?根据“I want to help people with cancer.”我想帮助癌症患者。故选A。
23.Where is Kanda from
A.Thailand. B.England. C.Russia.
24.What is Mr. Sung mainly talking about
A.The present problems in China.
B.The history of Chinese business.
C.The good things happening in his company.
25.How does Mr. Sung sound
A.Optimistic. B.Anxious. C.Humorous.
26.What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A.Interviewer and interviewee.
B.Boss and worker.
【解析】【听力原文】M: So many impressive things are happening right now in our country. China is right at the top of so many brilliant ideas and talented designs. From smartphones to bridges, it's a great time for us. Our business is a part of this amazing growth. We're attracting talent from at home and abroad. We're getting some of the best people in here, and it shows. Good job, team!
W: But Mr. Sung, we're just a small company. In fact, we only have one foreign employee, and it's our front desk attendant Kanda from Thailand. (13)
M: You're right about that, Ms. Zhu. But I've just hired two more people to join our team — one from England, and one from Russia.
W: Is that a good idea, Mr. Sung
M: These are two very professional people, and they're very good at what they do. I've also hired a new security guard…
W: Just in time!
M: Now, now, Ms. Zhu. We all know you have a great sense of humor, but I'm trying to have a serious discussion with you about the great future of our company!
23.问题: Kanda 是哪里人?根据“In fact, we only have one foreign employee, and it's our front desk attendant Kanda from Thailand.”事实上,我们只有一名外籍员工,就是来自泰国的前台服务员Kanda 。故选A。
24.问题: Sung 先生主要在谈论什么?根据对话内容可知,他在谈论在他的公司发生的好事,故选C。
25.问题: Sung 先生听起来怎么样?根据“but I'm trying to have a serious discussion with you about the great future of our company!”但我正在努力与您就我们公司的美好未来进行认真的讨论!故选A。
27.How old is Katie now
A.10 years old. B.13 years old. C.23 years old.
28.What does Katie think of literature
A.Boring. B.Useless. C.Interesting.
29.What does Katie probably do
A.A student. B.A model. C.A magazine editor.
30.According to research, what can Katie do to help her read more literature
A.Read on longer flights.
B.Read at least ten pages.
C.Read before going to bed.
【解析】【听力原文】M: You've been reading that magazine for three hours now, Katie. Shouldn't you spend your time doing something a little more useful
W: I like reading magazines. I started reading them when I was thirteen. I think literature is for old people.
M: Hey! I'm a literature major!
W: Oh, yeah. I forgot. I know that in general reading more serious stuff can be good for me, but I have to keep up with the fashion world for my job, you know.
M: I'm sure you need that for your career, but you know you could always read literature, too. Aren't you in airports a lot You could have read all the classics just waiting for your next flight.
W: I guess you're right. But it's hard to break a ten-year habit. I don't know how you can read all those books from the 1880s. I've tried to read them, and I just fall asleep after a few sentences.
M: Studies have shown that you have to read ten pages to get interested in a book. You should stick with it for a bit longer and see if the book draws you in (吸引).
W: Hmm…I guess I should try, but I don't know much about anything but clothes, handbags, and shoes…oh, and how to look good in front of the camera!
27.问题: Katie 现在多大了?根据“ I started reading them when I was thirteen.”我十三岁时开始阅读它们;以及“But it's hard to break a ten-year habit. ”但很难打破一个十年的习惯。可推知她现在23岁了,故选C。
28.问题: Katie 认为文学怎么样?根据“ I think literature is for old people.”我觉得文学是给老人看的。可推知她认为文学无聊,故选A。
29.问题:Katie可能是干什么的?根据“but I have to keep up with the fashion world for my job,”但我的工作必须跟上时尚界的步伐,可推知她可能是模特,故选B。
30.问题:根据研究,Katie可以做些什么来帮助她阅读更多的文学作品?根据“Studies have shown that you have to read ten pages to get interested in a book. You should stick with it for a bit longer and see if the book draws you in (吸引).”研究表明,你必须阅读十页才能对一本书感兴趣。 你应该坚持一段时间,看看这本书是否吸引了你。故选B。
1.What day is it today
A.Wednesday. B.Thursday. C.Friday
2.What will Mark's father probably do tomorrow
A.Fly to Singapore.
B.Perform in a concert.
C.Sing a song for the class
3.Who could the man probably be
A.A salesman. B.A secretary. C.A customer.
4.What does the woman decide to do in the end
A.Check the machines.
B.Buy a new type of oil.
C.Ask the technician for advice.
5.Why did the man continue to work as a foreign language teacher
A.His parents asked him to.
B.His school persuaded him to
C.He loves to experience different things.
6.Who will pay the man
A.Two schools.
B.Only one school.
C.Neither of the two schools
7.What does the woman say about the apartment
A.It is a little expensive.
B.Its rent includes electricity.
C.It doesn't have an elevator.
8.What is the man going to do next
A.See the apartment. B.Go to the gym. C.Work overtime.
9.What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A.Husband and wife. B.Friends. C.Landlord and renter.
10.Why did the woman leave Japan
A.She decided to start a company of her own.
B.She had to come back to look after her parents.
C.She couldn't find a suitable job after the earthquake.
11.What does the woman want to work as now
A.A secretary. B.A designer. C.A teacher.
12.What will the man do next
A.Call the manager. B.Read an application. C.Look for a job.
13.Why does the man call the woman
A.To make an appointment.
B.To put off an appointment.
C.To confirm an appointment.
14.What will the woman do tomorrow morning
A.Attend a meeting. B.Receive a visitor. C.Work on a report.
15.When will the woman see Dr. Parker
A.At 1:15 p.m. B.At 2:00 p.m. C.At 4:00 p.m.
16.Why does the woman say the man is impossible
A.He is seriously ill.
B.He didn't see the bills.
C.They can't afford to go out.
17.How much is the telephone bill
A.$90. B.$70. C.$80.
18.What will the woman do next
A.Turn up the heat.
B.Go to the movies.
C.Call the telephone office.
19.What is the woman's trouble
A.She failed in an exam.
B.She can't concentrate in class.
C.She is still confused about the task.
20.What is the man busy with at school
A.Preparing a play. B.Setting up a club. C.Going to parties.
21.What day is it today
A.Sunday. B.Friday. C.Saturday.
22.Why does the man decide to take part in the race
A.To support the woman.
B.To support people suffering from cancer.
C.To collect material for his cancer research.
23.Where is Kanda from
A.Thailand. B.England. C.Russia.
24.What is Mr. Sung mainly talking about
A.The present problems in China.
B.The history of Chinese business.
C.The good things happening in his company.
25.How does Mr. Sung sound
A.Optimistic. B.Anxious. C.Humorous.
26.What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A.Interviewer and interviewee.
B.Boss and worker.
27.How old is Katie now
A.10 years old. B.13 years old. C.23 years old.
28.What does Katie think of literature
A.Boring. B.Useless. C.Interesting.
29.What does Katie probably do
A.A student. B.A model. C.A magazine editor.
30.According to research, what can Katie do to help her read more literature
A.Read on longer flights.
B.Read at least ten pages.
C.Read before going to bed.
【解析】【听力原文】W: Class, whose parent is coming to speak this week for Family Fridays (6) Is it your father, Mark (7)
M: Yes, he's flying home tonight. He'll come with me to school tomorrow. (6)
W: Very good. Where is he flying from
M: Well, my father is a singer. He performs in different countries. This week, he had shows in Singapore. W: I've heard some of his songs. The words are very thoughtful. And his voice is beautiful.
M: Thank you. He's more popular with people his age than with my generation. He sings in a more traditional style. But my brothers and I have always liked his music.
W: Well, we look forward to meeting your father. Maybe he will sing something for us. (7)
M: Definitely!
1.问题:今天星期几?根据“Class, whose parent is coming to speak this week for Family Fridays ”同学们,本周谁的家长要来为家庭星期五发言?;以及“He'll come with me to school tomorrow. ”他明天会和我一起去学校。可推知今天星期四。故选B。
2.问题: Mark 的父亲明天可能会做什么?根据“Well, we look forward to meeting your father. Maybe he will sing something for us. ”好吧,我们期待见到你的父亲。 也许他会为我们唱点什么。故选C。
【解析】【听力原文】M: Ms. Harriman, it has been a while since you ordered oil for your machines.
W: I suppose you are right. Our technician suggested placing an order within the next month to keep the machines working smoothly.
M: Well, our newest product, called RT705, is on sale for the next two weeks. Would you be interested in trying it out
W: If it is on sale and it meets the specifications of the machines, I don't see why not send me two cases then.
4.问题:女士最终决定做什么?根据“ If it is on sale and it meets the specifications of the machines, I don't see why not send me two cases then.”如果它正在销售,并且符合机器的规格,我不明白为什么不给我寄两箱呢。故选B。
【解析】【听力原文】W: Todd, did you really agree to be a foreign language teacher for a second year (8)
M: Why not Don't you like trying different things (8) The school and the children will be different! And this year, I will be teaching near the beach. I might be able to go fishing every day! It won't take me long to get used to life there.
W: You're going to be paid by two schools, right (9)
M: That's right. (9) But I decided to be a foreign language teacher again without hesitation because I like trying new things. (8) I'm also pretty popular everywhere I apply.
W: I'll bet. But my opinion is different from yours. I miss my parents. You know the saying: "East or west, home is best." I feel most relaxed in my hometown.
M: I think most people's views are similar to yours.
5.问题:为什么男士继续做外语老师?根据“Todd, did you really agree to be a foreign language teacher for a second year ”Todd,,你真的同意做第二年的外语老师吗?;“ Why not Don't you like trying different things ”为什么不? 你不喜欢尝试不同的东西吗?;以及“But I decided to be a foreign language teacher again without hesitation because I like trying new things. ”但我毫不犹豫地决定再次成为一名外语老师,因为我喜欢尝试新事物。故选C。
6.问题:谁来给男士付钱?根据“You're going to be paid by two schools, right ”你会得到两所学校的报酬,对吧?;以及“That's right.”对,故选A。
【解析】【听力原文】W: Hey, Rob. I just got a call from a friend. She wants to rent out her apartment.
M: Really How much is it
W: It's dirt cheap, only $100 a month, although that doesn't include electricity.
M: Fantastic. When can I take a look
W: Tonight if you want. However, there's one drawback.
M: What is it
W: It's on the sixth floor and the building doesn't have an elevator, just stairs.
M: Damn.
W: Look on the bright side. You'll get exercise running up and down all those steps.
M: I don't know. I hate climbing stairs. Tell you what, I'm off to the gym. I'll think about it while I'm doing my work out and get back to you tomorrow.
7.问题:关于公寓,女士说了什么?根据“It's on the sixth floor and the building doesn't have an elevator”它在六楼,大楼没有电梯,故选C。
8.问题:男士下一步要做什么?根据“Tell you what, I'm off to the gym.”告诉你,我要去健身房了。故选B。
【解析】【听力原文】M: Take a seat, please. Well, could you tell me your name and a little about yourself
W: Crystal Bush. I am 23. I've been working abroad, and I'd like to work closer to home in the new year. M: I see…I have read your application. You've been working in Japan for three years
W: Well, I am a secretary in a big clothing company there. Previously, I was at a university. M: You mean you worked at a university
W: Right. I taught Japanese in a university, but I realized that job was pretty boring.
M: Do you have any special reasons for wanting to come back from Japan (10)
W: I thought it would be nice to be near my family. And you know, ever since the earthquake, it has been difficult for anyone to get a satisfactory job. (10)
M: I see. How do you see your career development at this company
W: Well, I'm ambitious. I hope that my career as a secretary will eventually lead me into management.(11)
M: Sounds great. I will give you a call as soon as I look over your application one more time. (12)
10.问题:女士为什么离开日本?根据“Do you have any special reasons for wanting to come back from Japan ”你有什么特别的理由想从日本回来吗?;以及“And you know, ever since the earthquake, it has been difficult for anyone to get a satisfactory job. ”而且你知道,自从地震以来,任何人都很难找到一份满意的工作。故选C。
11.问题:女士现在想做什么工作?根据“ I hope that my career as a secretary will eventually lead me into management.”我希望我作为秘书的职业最终能带领我进入管理层。故选A。
12.问题:男士接下来会做什么?根据“I will give you a call as soon as I look over your application one more time. ”我会在再次查看您的申请时给您打电话。故选B。
【解析】【听力原文】M: Hi Doris, this is Mike calling from Parker's Dentistry. I'm calling to confirm your appointment for tomorrow morning at 9 a.m. with Dr. Parker.
W: Oh, I almost forgot. Thank you for calling to remind me. Actually I do need to change the time of my appointment. I have an unexpected visitor tomorrow morning, and then a lunch meeting. Do you have anything available before 2 o'clock
M: Sorry ma'am. The only opening we have after lunch is 1:15, but I might be able to put you in after 4. Would that be a better time
W: Sorry, I have to make a daily report to my boss then. I think I should be able to make it at 1:15. Can you put me down for that time slot (时间空档)
M: No problem.
W: Thanks very much.
13.问题:男士为什么给女士打电话?根据“ I'm calling to confirm your appointment for tomorrow morning at 9 a.m. with Dr. Parker.”我打电话是想确认你明天上午9点与帕克医生的预约。故选C。
14.问题:这位女士明天早上要做什么?根据“ I have an unexpected visitor tomorrow morning”明天早上我有个不速之客,故选B。
15.问题:女士什么时候去见帕克医生?根据“ I think I should be able to make it at 1:15. Can you put me down for that time slot (时间空档) ”我想我应该能在1点15分赶到。你能把我安排在那个时段吗?;以及“ No problem.”没问题,故选A。
【解析】【听力原文】M: Hey, Deb, let's go to a movie. You've been working on these bills for hours now.
W: You're impossible!
M: Why
W: ⑩Haven't I been telling you that we can barely make ends meet
M: But I've been trying to cut down on our expenses lately.
W: Well, maybe, but you've been turning up the heat to 70 degrees Fahrenheit every day and that's been costing us an additional $70 to $80 a month.
M: Deb, you know I've had to do that. I get sick every single time the temperature goes below 68 degrees Fahrenheit.
W: Oh, oh. Look at this telephone bill! It's for $90! That's impossible! Have you been making calls to Edison, New York
M: Oh, yeah. I did make just one call there last month.
W: Well, they charged us for four calls. Mmm. I'll have to call them and figure it out.
16.问题:为什么女士说男士不可能?根据“Haven't I been telling you that we can barely make ends meet ”我不是告诉过你,我们几乎无法维持生计吗?故选C。
17.问题:电话费是多少?根据“Look at this telephone bill! It's for $90! ”看看这个电话费! 这是90美元!故选A。
18.问题:女士接下来会做什么?根据“I'll have to call them and figure it out.”我得打电话给他们弄清楚。故选C。
【解析】【听力原文】M: Hey Susie! How've you been
W: Pretty good…Just trying to keep up with class work. I have to hand in an essay on Monday. That is killing me! I keep sitting down to work on it, but just end up with nothing. I paid attention in class, but I just don't think I understand the task quite right.
M: Yeah, be patient. I'm preparing a play. My group have already met many times, but we aren't quite ready yet. That wasn't exactly the hardest part of our study.
W: Oh, I'm really looking forward to Spring Break.
M: Me, too. Will you come to Jason's birthday party tonight
W: Well, actually I made plans with my mum to take part in a 10-kilometre run to benefit a cancer research. That's Saturday morning, so it isn't a great time to go out.
M: But if you want to stop by earlier this evening, feel free.
W: Uh…Maybe I'll see you tonight. Will you come to the race tomorrow
M: Alright. I actually know a brave kid fighting with cancer and I want to help people with cancer.
19.问题:女士的烦恼是什么?根据“I paid attention in class, but I just don't think I understand the task quite right.”我在课堂上专心听讲,但我只是觉得我不太理解这项任务。故选C。
20.问题:男士在学校忙什么?根据“I'm preparing a play. ”我正在准备一出戏。故选A。
21.问题:今天星期几?根据“That's Saturday morning”那是星期六早上,故选C。
22.问题:为什么男士决定参加比赛?根据“I want to help people with cancer.”我想帮助癌症患者。故选A。
【解析】【听力原文】M: So many impressive things are happening right now in our country. China is right at the top of so many brilliant ideas and talented designs. From smartphones to bridges, it's a great time for us. Our business is a part of this amazing growth. We're attracting talent from at home and abroad. We're getting some of the best people in here, and it shows. Good job, team!
W: But Mr. Sung, we're just a small company. In fact, we only have one foreign employee, and it's our front desk attendant Kanda from Thailand. (13)
M: You're right about that, Ms. Zhu. But I've just hired two more people to join our team — one from England, and one from Russia.
W: Is that a good idea, Mr. Sung
M: These are two very professional people, and they're very good at what they do. I've also hired a new security guard…
W: Just in time!
M: Now, now, Ms. Zhu. We all know you have a great sense of humor, but I'm trying to have a serious discussion with you about the great future of our company!
23.问题: Kanda 是哪里人?根据“In fact, we only have one foreign employee, and it's our front desk attendant Kanda from Thailand.”事实上,我们只有一名外籍员工,就是来自泰国的前台服务员Kanda 。故选A。
24.问题: Sung 先生主要在谈论什么?根据对话内容可知,他在谈论在他的公司发生的好事,故选C。
25.问题: Sung 先生听起来怎么样?根据“but I'm trying to have a serious discussion with you about the great future of our company!”但我正在努力与您就我们公司的美好未来进行认真的讨论!故选A。
【解析】【听力原文】M: You've been reading that magazine for three hours now, Katie. Shouldn't you spend your time doing something a little more useful
W: I like reading magazines. I started reading them when I was thirteen. I think literature is for old people.
M: Hey! I'm a literature major!
W: Oh, yeah. I forgot. I know that in general reading more serious stuff can be good for me, but I have to keep up with the fashion world for my job, you know.
M: I'm sure you need that for your career, but you know you could always read literature, too. Aren't you in airports a lot You could have read all the classics just waiting for your next flight.
W: I guess you're right. But it's hard to break a ten-year habit. I don't know how you can read all those books from the 1880s. I've tried to read them, and I just fall asleep after a few sentences.
M: Studies have shown that you have to read ten pages to get interested in a book. You should stick with it for a bit longer and see if the book draws you in (吸引).
W: Hmm…I guess I should try, but I don't know much about anything but clothes, handbags, and shoes…oh, and how to look good in front of the camera!
27.问题: Katie 现在多大了?根据“ I started reading them when I was thirteen.”我十三岁时开始阅读它们;以及“But it's hard to break a ten-year habit. ”但很难打破一个十年的习惯。可推知她现在23岁了,故选C。
28.问题: Katie 认为文学怎么样?根据“ I think literature is for old people.”我觉得文学是给老人看的。可推知她认为文学无聊,故选A。
29.问题:Katie可能是干什么的?根据“but I have to keep up with the fashion world for my job,”但我的工作必须跟上时尚界的步伐,可推知她可能是模特,故选B。
30.问题:根据研究,Katie可以做些什么来帮助她阅读更多的文学作品?根据“Studies have shown that you have to read ten pages to get interested in a book. You should stick with it for a bit longer and see if the book draws you in (吸引).”研究表明,你必须阅读十页才能对一本书感兴趣。 你应该坚持一段时间,看看这本书是否吸引了你。故选B。



