
A. Then we went to the Blue Lagoon. B. Then did you go to the concert at the high school C. They just make me want to leave! D. Was she on time as usual E. Was Amy late as usual F. She said that loud music made her nervous.
Did you and Amy have fun last night, Kitty
Well, John … yes and no.
Yes, she was. And waiting for her made me angry.
Where did you go
First we went to the Rockin' Restaurant, but Amy didn't want to stay there.  2.  
That's funny. Loud music always makes me want to dance.
Me, too.  3.   It was quiet and the food was great. We had a good time.
No. We went to the movies. We saw a sad movie. It was a really good movie, but
sad movies usually make me cry.
Sad movies don't make me cry.  5.  
Really Sounds fun!
Silent and calm, 25-year-old Linda looks out of the window. She 6. be smiling now,
but it's been a long, hard road to happiness. Today, she is an author of a
best-seller and also 7. well-known
artist. Her story is about overcoming difficulties and encouraging others to do
the same.
Linda did
not begin talking 8. she was
two and a half years old. Unluckily, it was found that she had autism(自闭症) and had difficulty in social communication.
Linda's mother taught her the meaning of independence by example and encouraged
her to learn 9. to do
things on her own.
up, she was seriously bullied(欺凌). She was called an alien and some kids would even steal her
snacks. She tried changing schools, but the bullying was even 10. . She also
had trouble with tests. But she didn't let them 11. her. With
the help of her parents, Linda received speech and communication treatment.
After a
long period of treating, doctors said that Linda would not succeed or finish 12. studies. But she proved(证明) them wrong. Linda worked hard to build up her confidence and found
her ability—creating beautiful paintings. And at 18,
Linda went to art college to study painting and 13. by the local volunteers to join them on community visits to share
her story. By sharing her experience, Linda 14. others and changing their lives.
Now Linda has gone 15. the dark times. And she has come to realized that she is
not useless.
6.A.can B.may C.can't
7.A.the B./ C.a
8.A.when B.after C.until
9.A.why B.what
10.A.serious B.more serious C.more seriously
11.A.stop B.stopping stop
12.A.her B.herself C.hers
13.A.invited invited C.was invited
14.A.influences influencing C.influenced
15.A.through B.over C.away
Several years ago,
when I was teaching at a middle school, a girl sent me a message. She found
someone write a very bad message on her locker (储物柜).
She took a picture and then sent it to me 16. help.
A few hours later, I
noticed that she had posted that picture on her Instagram (照片墙) and asked if anyone 17. who did that.
The following day,
that girl came to me with a boy. She showed me a 18. she
had received. It was a heartfelt apology. I asked her if she knew who had done
it, and the boy replied embarrassedly, "It was me. I don't know why I did
it, but I know it was 19. .
So I wrote her this note. I 20. wanted
to do something to try to make up for my action."
My heart felt so full
of pride for this boy. I told him how 21. he was to come forward
and how amazing it was that he did something kind to correct his mistake. I 22. the
girl and asked her if she could forgive him. Without thinking, she said, "Yes."
Middle school students
are not little children any more, but not grown-ups yet. It is normal that they
make mistakes because of their 23. . However, when the girl was in 24. ,
she bravely came forward, and the boy came forward to correct his mistake in
time. They both 25. bravery and kindness. Although I was a
teacher, my students really taught me a lot. ask for pay for wait for care for
17.A.understood B.forgot C.knew D.realized
18.A.picture B.letter D.note
19.A.necessary B.wrong C.helpful D.polite
20.A.just B.never C.ever D.hardly
21.A.humorous B.creative C.brave D.stupid
22.A.believed in B.looked up C.agreed with D.turned to
23.A.looks B.hobbies C.ages D.names
24.A.public B.danger C.trouble D.choice
25.A.showed B.gave C.built D.treated
Team game has become one of the most popular ways to
have fun with your friends. It not only brings sweet memories to you, but
also makes you relaxed after busy work and studying. Here is a fun team game
called Who is the SPY (卧底). ●Game Players: 7 persons, including a "spy". ●Items: 7 cards with 2 similar words, such as "girl"
and "woman". 6 cards have the same word on it while the other one
has a different word. ●Game Steps: 1. Each person gets a card. None of them knows who the "spy"
is at the beginning. 2. Each person takes turns to say something about the
word. While talking, no one is allowed to say out the word he has. People
guess who the "spy" is during the talk. 3. After one round (回合),
people vote(投票) for the "spy". The man with
the most votes will be out of the game. If the spy stays, the game will
continue to the next round. 4. When the "spy" is out, the game ends and
the team wins. If the "spy" stays with three other people, the "spy"will
win. ●Tips: 1. Listening carefully for more information during the
talk helps you to find out the "spy". 2. Saying something similar to the others makes you be a
smart "spy". Do you have other fun team games Write and send an
e-mail to us. Your ideas may be on tomorrow's FUNNY DAY. The e-mail address
is gamestoday@.
26.There are_____ reasons for playing team games that the writer mentions in Paragraph 1.
A.three B.four C.five D.six
27.What items are needed for the game
A.7 cards.
B.2 similar words.
C.7 cards with the same word.
D.6 cards with the same word and 1 card with a different one.
28.The team will lose the game unless __________.
A.the "spy" stays with three other people
B.three of the team members are out of the game
C.the "spy" is voted out of the game
D.the "spy" doesn't get the most votes at the end of the game
29.The way to be a clever "spy" is __________. listen carelessly during the talk say out the word he or she has say something about the word he or she has say something similar to the others
30.This passage is most probably from __________.
A.a storybook B.a game website
C.a science magazine English-Chinese dictionary
Yuan Longping (1930—2021) is known as a great scientist who was
the first person to develop hybrid rice (杂交水稻). His research greatly solved the problem of the food shortage in
the world.
Yuan Longping started the research in 1964. He put forward the
idea of hybrid rice, did experiments (实验) on the farm, and succeeded in 1973. The new technology was tested
in many areas of South China in 1974, and then he continued to test it in other
areas. China has become the first country that can produce hybrid rice and Yuan
is called "Father of Hybrid Rice".
Besides being a respected scientist, he was also a romantic
husband and a caring grandfather.
Yuan's granddaughters remembered that when he traveled to Hong
Kong, he wanted to buy his wife a new watch, but it was too expensive, so he
bought a candy instead. When he was 90 years old, his family held a birthday
party. Hundreds of people came to the party. There was a moving moment: Yuan
cut the first piece of cake and immediately gave it to his wife. They also said
that their grandfather paid much attention to their English and math studies.
No matter how tired he was after work, he would still ask about their studies.
Yuan Longping loved playing the violin, swimming and driving. What's
more, he had a special habit—playing mahjong (麻将) with friends for an hour every evening to train his brain. Just
like common people, the scientist laughed when he won and didn't hide his
disappointment when he lost. He is just like any of us in his daily life.
This is Yuan Longping: an ordinary
person who made great achievements.
31.Yuan Longping developed hybrid rice in order to ________.
A.test his ideas in all areas a research center
C.make himself famous in China
D.solve the problem of the food shortage
32.Yuan Longping brought ________ for his wife in Hong Kong at last.
A.a watch B.a candy C.a cake D.a violin
33.What does the underlined word "ordinary" mean in paragraph 6
A.common B.helpful C.successful D.careful
34.From the passage, we can learn that _________.
A.Yuan Longping tested the new technology in other areas in 1964
B.on Yuan Longping's 90th birthday, he cut the first piece of cake for himself
C.Yuan Longping paid much attention to his granddaughters' English and math studies
D.Yuan Longping was good at hiding his feelings when he played mahjong
35.What is the main idea of this passage
A.Yuan Longping's different hobbies.
B.A great but ordinary scientist—Yuan Longping.
C.The scientific process to produce hybrid rice.
D.The close relationship of Yuan Longping's family.
配对阅读: 左栏是五个人的情况简介,右栏是七种发明,请将这五个人与他们所使用的发明配对。
⑴Rocky keeps a dog that has long hair. He loves it very
much and washes its hair twice a week. After washing it, he will use a kind
of equipment to dry its hair. 36.   ⑵Tina
watches TV every night, so do her parents. But there is only one television
in her home and she and her parents watch different programs. Most of the
time, she watches TV shows online. 37.   ⑶John
is a shop worker. He is always busy, and he hardly has time to cook. Usually,
he buys some instant (即食的) food
after work and heats it at home. 38.   ⑷Edward
is a little overweight. He hates hot summer days. On these days, he will use
a kind of equipment to keep himself cool. What's more, he can also use it on
cold winter days. 39.   ⑸Judy
has a big family, and she has to cook a lot of food for her husband and
children every day. However, on summer days, food easily goes bad, so she
uses a kind of equipment to keep it fresh. 40.   A. Fridge It is a kind of cooling equipment and a modern invention
used in kitchens. It's used to keep food fresh for a longer time. B. Television The television shows moving pictures with sounds. It is
common in people's homes because it is an interesting way to learn about the
world and look for pleasure. C. Personal Computer In some rich countries, almost everyone has a personal
computer. You can enjoy a lot on a computer connected to the Internet, such
as sending and receiving e-mails, talking with friends and watching TV
programs. D. Air-conditioner It is designed to change the air temperature inside the
building, usually used for cooling. But during cold days, people also use it
for heating. E.
Microwave Oven (微波炉) It looks like a box and people usually use it in the
kitchen. Today people's life becomes much busier and a microwave oven helps a
lot. It can cook a meal very soon. F. Hair Dryer It is designed to blow cool or hot wind over wet hair in
order to dry it in a short time. It also allows people to make different
shapes and styles of hair. G. Electric Fan People often use it on hot summer days. It produces wind
to make people feel cool.
knows it is hard to do well  41.  a second language. How about using it to debate(辩论) An English debate competition  42.  held in our school.
Mr. Kwak, our teacher, told us to prepare for a debate. I was a little nervous.
We found that our opponent(对手的) group were all English speaking students,  43.  in our group there was only one American boy.
I took a deep breath and made  44.  effort to get ready for it. I asked for  45.   from an experienced debater. He taught me  46.   to express ideas, search for information and
list the points(观点).
A week later, I stood on the stage with a well thought (考虑周详的) plan in my mind. To my  47.  , the hope of our
group, the American boy, was ill that day. He was  48.  from the debate competition so I had to take  49.   place and make a new plan. Before the
debate, I kept asking myself what if I couldn't understand what they were
I was scared, but I tried to keep cool. I fluently expressed our ideas and
asked questions. When our opponents had their speech, I wrote down some points  50.   could be retorted(反驳) later.
Although Mr. Kwak didn't tell me the result, I've already learned a lot
through this debate. Never lose confidence and you will win.
A set of photos of a boy carrying his tennis rackets in a bamboo basket has gone viral(走红).
The boy, Wang Fa, 14, is a member of the Va ethnic group(佤族) from Yunnan. After winning the under-14 title(冠军) at the ASICS Tennis Junior Tour in Guangzhou, an audience(观众) member from Yunnan gave him the bamboo basket as a gift and the photos were taken.
"We always carry bamboo baskets when we work in the field. This is a typical farming tool of the Va ethnic group. I carried my rackets in this basket to honor my hometown," Wang said after the match.
Before tennis, Wang was just an ordinary boy from a village. But in 2016, he was chosen by a local club as one of the first 10 local children to learn to play professional tennis. "I was nervous at the beginning because the outside world was so different from my home," he said, adding that tennis has helped him make more friends and get a better education.
Over the past six years, Wang, along with other players at the Yunnan Wild Elephants Tennis Club, has trained hard to improve his skills and physical strength(体力). The children would get up at 6:30 am and practice for more than six hours a day. Every day, they needed to swing a racket more than 7,000 times and run 9 kilometers.
"If it were not for tennis, I would still be helping out my family with farmwork back home," Wang said.
For Wang, winning the ASICS Tennis Junior Tour title was the beginning of a hopeful future. "I will aim for the top spots(位置) on the professional stage," he said.
51.How old is Wang Fa
52.Is Wang Fa from Guangzhou or Yunnan
53.What is a typical farming tool of the Va
ethnic group
54.Why was Wang Fa nervous at the beginning
when he was chosen by a local club to learn to play professional tennis
55.How did Wang Fa improve his skills and
physical strength in the past
【答案】51.(He is) 14.
52.(He is from) Yunnan.
53.Bamboo baskets/The bamboo basket.
54.Because the outside world was so different from his home.
55.By training hard.
I believe that it is
good for us to try new things.
【答案】I believe that it is good for us to try new things.
In the past, I was afraid of standing in the high position. I hated to climb the mountain. Something has changed since three years ago. Once on our school trip, my teacher advised me to overcome fear. With my classmates' help, I finally stood at the top of the mountain and felt excited.
After that, I realize that I should try more new things to challenge myself. Nothing is impossible if I try my best. Besides, don't give up easily when I meet difficulties.
So let's try new things as much as possible from now on!
A. Then we went to the Blue Lagoon. B. Then did you go to the concert at the high school C. They just make me want to leave! D. Was she on time as usual E. Was Amy late as usual F. She said that loud music made her nervous.
Did you and Amy have fun last night, Kitty
Well, John … yes and no.
Yes, she was. And waiting for her made me angry.
Where did you go
First we went to the Rockin' Restaurant, but Amy didn't want to stay there.  2.  
That's funny. Loud music always makes me want to dance.
Me, too.  3.   It was quiet and the food was great. We had a good time.
No. We went to the movies. We saw a sad movie. It was a really good movie, but
sad movies usually make me cry.
Sad movies don't make me cry.  5.  
Really Sounds fun!
Silent and calm, 25-year-old Linda looks out of the window. She 6. be smiling now,
but it's been a long, hard road to happiness. Today, she is an author of a
best-seller and also 7. well-known
artist. Her story is about overcoming difficulties and encouraging others to do
the same.
Linda did
not begin talking 8. she was
two and a half years old. Unluckily, it was found that she had autism(自闭症) and had difficulty in social communication.
Linda's mother taught her the meaning of independence by example and encouraged
her to learn 9. to do
things on her own.
up, she was seriously bullied(欺凌). She was called an alien and some kids would even steal her
snacks. She tried changing schools, but the bullying was even 10. . She also
had trouble with tests. But she didn't let them 11. her. With
the help of her parents, Linda received speech and communication treatment.
After a
long period of treating, doctors said that Linda would not succeed or finish 12. studies. But she proved(证明) them wrong. Linda worked hard to build up her confidence and found
her ability—creating beautiful paintings. And at 18,
Linda went to art college to study painting and 13. by the local volunteers to join them on community visits to share
her story. By sharing her experience, Linda 14. others and changing their lives.
Now Linda has gone 15. the dark times. And she has come to realized that she is
not useless.
6.A.can B.may C.can't
7.A.the B./ C.a
8.A.when B.after C.until
9.A.why B.what
10.A.serious B.more serious C.more seriously
11.A.stop B.stopping stop
12.A.her B.herself C.hers
13.A.invited invited C.was invited
14.A.influences influencing C.influenced
15.A.through B.over C.away
Several years ago,
when I was teaching at a middle school, a girl sent me a message. She found
someone write a very bad message on her locker (储物柜).
She took a picture and then sent it to me 16. help.
A few hours later, I
noticed that she had posted that picture on her Instagram (照片墙) and asked if anyone 17. who did that.
The following day,
that girl came to me with a boy. She showed me a 18. she
had received. It was a heartfelt apology. I asked her if she knew who had done
it, and the boy replied embarrassedly, "It was me. I don't know why I did
it, but I know it was 19. .
So I wrote her this note. I 20. wanted
to do something to try to make up for my action."
My heart felt so full
of pride for this boy. I told him how 21. he was to come forward
and how amazing it was that he did something kind to correct his mistake. I 22. the
girl and asked her if she could forgive him. Without thinking, she said, "Yes."
Middle school students
are not little children any more, but not grown-ups yet. It is normal that they
make mistakes because of their 23. . However, when the girl was in 24. ,
she bravely came forward, and the boy came forward to correct his mistake in
time. They both 25. bravery and kindness. Although I was a
teacher, my students really taught me a lot. ask for pay for wait for care for
17.A.understood B.forgot C.knew D.realized
18.A.picture B.letter D.note
19.A.necessary B.wrong C.helpful D.polite
20.A.just B.never C.ever D.hardly
21.A.humorous B.creative C.brave D.stupid
22.A.believed in B.looked up C.agreed with D.turned to
23.A.looks B.hobbies C.ages D.names
24.A.public B.danger C.trouble D.choice
25.A.showed B.gave C.built D.treated
Team game has become one of the most popular ways to
have fun with your friends. It not only brings sweet memories to you, but
also makes you relaxed after busy work and studying. Here is a fun team game
called Who is the SPY (卧底). ●Game Players: 7 persons, including a "spy". ●Items: 7 cards with 2 similar words, such as "girl"
and "woman". 6 cards have the same word on it while the other one
has a different word. ●Game Steps: 1. Each person gets a card. None of them knows who the "spy"
is at the beginning. 2. Each person takes turns to say something about the
word. While talking, no one is allowed to say out the word he has. People
guess who the "spy" is during the talk. 3. After one round (回合),
people vote(投票) for the "spy". The man with
the most votes will be out of the game. If the spy stays, the game will
continue to the next round. 4. When the "spy" is out, the game ends and
the team wins. If the "spy" stays with three other people, the "spy"will
win. ●Tips: 1. Listening carefully for more information during the
talk helps you to find out the "spy". 2. Saying something similar to the others makes you be a
smart "spy". Do you have other fun team games Write and send an
e-mail to us. Your ideas may be on tomorrow's FUNNY DAY. The e-mail address
is gamestoday@.
26.There are_____ reasons for playing team games that the writer mentions in Paragraph 1.
A.three B.four C.five D.six
27.What items are needed for the game
A.7 cards.
B.2 similar words.
C.7 cards with the same word.
D.6 cards with the same word and 1 card with a different one.
28.The team will lose the game unless __________.
A.the "spy" stays with three other people
B.three of the team members are out of the game
C.the "spy" is voted out of the game
D.the "spy" doesn't get the most votes at the end of the game
29.The way to be a clever "spy" is __________. listen carelessly during the talk say out the word he or she has say something about the word he or she has say something similar to the others
30.This passage is most probably from __________.
A.a storybook B.a game website
C.a science magazine English-Chinese dictionary
Yuan Longping (1930—2021) is known as a great scientist who was
the first person to develop hybrid rice (杂交水稻). His research greatly solved the problem of the food shortage in
the world.
Yuan Longping started the research in 1964. He put forward the
idea of hybrid rice, did experiments (实验) on the farm, and succeeded in 1973. The new technology was tested
in many areas of South China in 1974, and then he continued to test it in other
areas. China has become the first country that can produce hybrid rice and Yuan
is called "Father of Hybrid Rice".
Besides being a respected scientist, he was also a romantic
husband and a caring grandfather.
Yuan's granddaughters remembered that when he traveled to Hong
Kong, he wanted to buy his wife a new watch, but it was too expensive, so he
bought a candy instead. When he was 90 years old, his family held a birthday
party. Hundreds of people came to the party. There was a moving moment: Yuan
cut the first piece of cake and immediately gave it to his wife. They also said
that their grandfather paid much attention to their English and math studies.
No matter how tired he was after work, he would still ask about their studies.
Yuan Longping loved playing the violin, swimming and driving. What's
more, he had a special habit—playing mahjong (麻将) with friends for an hour every evening to train his brain. Just
like common people, the scientist laughed when he won and didn't hide his
disappointment when he lost. He is just like any of us in his daily life.
This is Yuan Longping: an ordinary
person who made great achievements.
31.Yuan Longping developed hybrid rice in order to ________.
A.test his ideas in all areas a research center
C.make himself famous in China
D.solve the problem of the food shortage
32.Yuan Longping brought ________ for his wife in Hong Kong at last.
A.a watch B.a candy C.a cake D.a violin
33.What does the underlined word "ordinary" mean in paragraph 6
A.common B.helpful C.successful D.careful
34.From the passage, we can learn that _________.
A.Yuan Longping tested the new technology in other areas in 1964
B.on Yuan Longping's 90th birthday, he cut the first piece of cake for himself
C.Yuan Longping paid much attention to his granddaughters' English and math studies
D.Yuan Longping was good at hiding his feelings when he played mahjong
35.What is the main idea of this passage
A.Yuan Longping's different hobbies.
B.A great but ordinary scientist—Yuan Longping.
C.The scientific process to produce hybrid rice.
D.The close relationship of Yuan Longping's family.
配对阅读: 左栏是五个人的情况简介,右栏是七种发明,请将这五个人与他们所使用的发明配对。
⑴Rocky keeps a dog that has long hair. He loves it very
much and washes its hair twice a week. After washing it, he will use a kind
of equipment to dry its hair. 36.   ⑵Tina
watches TV every night, so do her parents. But there is only one television
in her home and she and her parents watch different programs. Most of the
time, she watches TV shows online. 37.   ⑶John
is a shop worker. He is always busy, and he hardly has time to cook. Usually,
he buys some instant (即食的) food
after work and heats it at home. 38.   ⑷Edward
is a little overweight. He hates hot summer days. On these days, he will use
a kind of equipment to keep himself cool. What's more, he can also use it on
cold winter days. 39.   ⑸Judy
has a big family, and she has to cook a lot of food for her husband and
children every day. However, on summer days, food easily goes bad, so she
uses a kind of equipment to keep it fresh. 40.   A. Fridge It is a kind of cooling equipment and a modern invention
used in kitchens. It's used to keep food fresh for a longer time. B. Television The television shows moving pictures with sounds. It is
common in people's homes because it is an interesting way to learn about the
world and look for pleasure. C. Personal Computer In some rich countries, almost everyone has a personal
computer. You can enjoy a lot on a computer connected to the Internet, such
as sending and receiving e-mails, talking with friends and watching TV
programs. D. Air-conditioner It is designed to change the air temperature inside the
building, usually used for cooling. But during cold days, people also use it
for heating. E.
Microwave Oven (微波炉) It looks like a box and people usually use it in the
kitchen. Today people's life becomes much busier and a microwave oven helps a
lot. It can cook a meal very soon. F. Hair Dryer It is designed to blow cool or hot wind over wet hair in
order to dry it in a short time. It also allows people to make different
shapes and styles of hair. G. Electric Fan People often use it on hot summer days. It produces wind
to make people feel cool.
knows it is hard to do well  41.  a second language. How about using it to debate(辩论) An English debate competition  42.  held in our school.
Mr. Kwak, our teacher, told us to prepare for a debate. I was a little nervous.
We found that our opponent(对手的) group were all English speaking students,  43.  in our group there was only one American boy.
I took a deep breath and made  44.  effort to get ready for it. I asked for  45.   from an experienced debater. He taught me  46.   to express ideas, search for information and
list the points(观点).
A week later, I stood on the stage with a well thought (考虑周详的) plan in my mind. To my  47.  , the hope of our
group, the American boy, was ill that day. He was  48.  from the debate competition so I had to take  49.   place and make a new plan. Before the
debate, I kept asking myself what if I couldn't understand what they were
I was scared, but I tried to keep cool. I fluently expressed our ideas and
asked questions. When our opponents had their speech, I wrote down some points  50.   could be retorted(反驳) later.
Although Mr. Kwak didn't tell me the result, I've already learned a lot
through this debate. Never lose confidence and you will win.
A set of photos of a boy carrying his tennis rackets in a bamboo basket has gone viral(走红).
The boy, Wang Fa, 14, is a member of the Va ethnic group(佤族) from Yunnan. After winning the under-14 title(冠军) at the ASICS Tennis Junior Tour in Guangzhou, an audience(观众) member from Yunnan gave him the bamboo basket as a gift and the photos were taken.
"We always carry bamboo baskets when we work in the field. This is a typical farming tool of the Va ethnic group. I carried my rackets in this basket to honor my hometown," Wang said after the match.
Before tennis, Wang was just an ordinary boy from a village. But in 2016, he was chosen by a local club as one of the first 10 local children to learn to play professional tennis. "I was nervous at the beginning because the outside world was so different from my home," he said, adding that tennis has helped him make more friends and get a better education.
Over the past six years, Wang, along with other players at the Yunnan Wild Elephants Tennis Club, has trained hard to improve his skills and physical strength(体力). The children would get up at 6:30 am and practice for more than six hours a day. Every day, they needed to swing a racket more than 7,000 times and run 9 kilometers.
"If it were not for tennis, I would still be helping out my family with farmwork back home," Wang said.
For Wang, winning the ASICS Tennis Junior Tour title was the beginning of a hopeful future. "I will aim for the top spots(位置) on the professional stage," he said.
51.How old is Wang Fa
52.Is Wang Fa from Guangzhou or Yunnan
53.What is a typical farming tool of the Va
ethnic group
54.Why was Wang Fa nervous at the beginning
when he was chosen by a local club to learn to play professional tennis
55.How did Wang Fa improve his skills and
physical strength in the past
I believe that it is
good for us to try new things.
【答案】51.(He is) 14.
52.(He is from) Yunnan.
53.Bamboo baskets/The bamboo basket.
54.Because the outside world was so different from his home.
55.By training hard.
56.【答案】I believe that it is good for us to try new things.
In the past, I was afraid of standing in the high position. I hated to climb the mountain. Something has changed since three years ago. Once on our school trip, my teacher advised me to overcome fear. With my classmates' help, I finally stood at the top of the mountain and felt excited.
After that, I realize that I should try more new things to challenge myself. Nothing is impossible if I try my best. Besides, don't give up easily when I meet difficulties.
So let's try new things as much as possible from now on!



