Module 4 Seeing the doctor词汇运用+单词默写+默写思维导图

adv. 可能,也许=maybe p erhaps cough n./v. 咳嗽 have a cough(咳嗽)
all over the country(遍及全国) 浑身,到处 catch/have a fever(发烧)
【 扩】all year round(一年到头) f ever n. 发烧,发热
all day long(一整天) a ll over
a high/low fever(高/低烧)
all one’s life(某人一生 ) headache n. 头痛
all alone(独自一人)
all in all(总的来说) s tomach n. 腹部,肚子—【复】stomachs
not at all(不用谢,不客气)
感到不舒服 f eel awful ache n. 痛,疼痛
adj. 极讨厌的,极坏的 awful s tomach ache 胃痛,腹痛
take/do morning/eye exercises(做 t oothache n. 牙痛
早 操/眼保健操) v./n. 运动,锻炼(不可数);
练习,习题,体操(可数) exercise b ecome/fall/get ill(生病)e xercise book(练习册) adj. (-worse-worst)不健康的,有病的
ill seriously ill=serious illness(病重)
f ight against illness(与病魔抗争) n. 病,疾病-【同】disease illness n . illness(疾病)
b e weak in=be poor at(不善于…) a dj. 弱的,虚弱的 t his p ron. 这,这个—【复】these(这些)
w eak
n. weakness(虚弱,软弱,缺点)
since then(从那时以来)
since prep./conj. 自…以来;因为,既然
daily life=everyday life(日常生活) a dj. 每天的,天天的 daily ever since(自从… ,从那时起)
now and then(偶尔) ① n. 感冒,伤风 i n the cold(在寒冷中)
adv. 当时,那时 t hen
from then on(从那时起) ② adj. 冷的 cold c old-hearted(冷漠的,无情的)
adj. 困的,想睡的 a dv. coldly(冷漠地)
M odule 4
b e asleep(睡着的) 感冒
fall asleep a dj. asleep(睡着的)(入睡) s leepy catch a cold h ave a heavy/bad cold(重感冒)
v. sleep(睡觉)
t ake after(外貌,行为等)相像
健 康状况很好 take away(拿走,带走)
in excellent condition
out of condition(健康状况不佳) take off(脱下,起飞) take over(接管)
living/weather conditions(生活条件/天气状 t ake down(拆除,记录) v.(-took-taken)(用机
况 ) take care of(照顾)
n. 状况,身体状况;条件,环境 condition take 器 )测定,量取,拍摄,(尤
improve one’s body/physical condition(改 指 有规律地)吃,喝;拿 t ake a rest(休息下)
善某人的身体状况) t ake a walk(散步)
take a look(看一下)
take an active part in(积极参加) 参加,参与(某事) take part(in sth.) take a seat(坐下)
take a bath(洗澡)
a member of(…的一员) take a trip(旅行)
n . 成员,会员 member
f amily/team member(家庭成员/队员) t ake sb.’s temperature 量某人的体温
keep a pet(养宠物) n . 宠物,宠畜 pet f ast food 快 餐食品
b ecome/be active in(doing)/to(do) a dj. (-more active)积极的,活跃的 h ealth care(医疗保健) sth.(对做某事很积极) n. 健康(状况)
in good/bad health(身体健康/不健康)
a dv. actively(积极地 ,活跃地) a ctive
h ealthy living(健康的生活)
n . activity(活动) h ealth adj. healthy(健康的)-healthier-healthiest
k eep/stay healthy(保持健康)
warm-hearted(热心肠的) a dv. healthily(健康地)
heart attack(心脏病) g et well(康复)
w ell ① (better-best)adj. 健康的
lose heart(灰心) n. 心,心脏 h eart ② adv. 顺利地,好地 g et on well with...(和...相处融洽
break one’s heart(伤某人心)
b y heart(用心地)
咳嗽n. 咳嗽v.____________→咳嗽(短语)__________________
发烧;发热n. ____________→发烧(短语)__________________
头痛n. ____________
腹部;肚子n. ____________→复数____________
痛;疼痛n. ____________
牙痛n. ____________
不健康的;有病的adj. ____________→比较级____________→最高级____________→生病__________________→疾病 n.____________
自……以来prep. /conj.____________→从那时以来__________________
感冒;伤风n. ____________
(用机器) 测量,量取,拍摄 (尤指有规律地)吃,喝v.____________→过去式____________→过去分词____________
健康(状况)n. ____________→身体健康/不健康___________________________→健康的adj.____________→健康地adv.____________
健康的adj. 好地adv._____________→比较级____________→最高级____________
心;心脏n. ____________→用心地__________________
积极的;活跃的adj. ____________→比较级____________→最高级____________→积极地adv.____________
宠物;宠畜n. ____________→养宠物__________________
成员;会员n. ____________→......的一员_____________________
状况;身体状况n. ____________→生活条件_____________________
困的;想睡的adj. ____________→睡着的adj.____________
当时;那时adv. ____________→偶尔_____________________
每天的;天天的adj. ____________→日常生活__________________
弱的;虚弱的adj. ____________→不擅长__________________→虚弱,缺点n.____________
病;疾病n. ____________→同义词____________
可能;也许adv. ____________→同义词____________
cough; have a cough 2. fever; have/catch a fever 3. headache 4. stomach; stomachs 5. ache 6. stomach ache 7. toothache 8. ill; worse; worst; get/fall ill; illness 9. this; these 10. since; since then 11. cold 12. catch a cold 13. take; took; taken 14. take sb’s temperature 15. fast food 16. health;in good/bad health; healthy; healthily 17. well; better; best 18. heart; by heart 19. active; more active; the most active; actively 20. pet; keep a pet 21. member; a member of 22. take part(in sth.) 23. condition; living condition 24. in excellent condition 25. sleepy; asleep 26. then; now and then 27. daily; daily life 28. weak; be weak in; weakness 29. illness; disease 30. exercise; do morning exercises 31. awful 32. feel awful 33. all over; all over the country 34. perhaps; maybe
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)
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外研版八下M4 词汇专项练习
take sleep good day take part in weak since active ill heart
Baseball is my favourite sport, and I do___________in it.
We have been good friends___________we joined the same tennis team.
I stayed up late last night, so I feel very___________and tired today.
I feel___________than yesterday. I think I should see a doctor.
It's important to know your own strengths and ___________ .
If you want to make progress. You should put your___________into studies.
Many changes___________place since the invention of computers.
To keep fit, you should take more outdoor___________.
Tom is Mr Wang’s son but he know little about his___________life.
I advise you___________sports to keep fit.
1. Mike didn’t throw away the old car because it was still in good___________(状况).
2. Thanks for all the___________(成员)hard work!
3.If you have an___________(疾病), you are a person in bad health.
4. I took my___________(体温)and knew I had a high___________(发烧).
5. Amy had a___________(头疼). I advised her to lie down and rest.
6. The girl wants to lose weight, but she doesn’t know what to do. I advise her to take more___________(锻炼).
7. I didn’t eat anything because I had a___________(牙疼).
8. If you want to be in good___________(健康), you should eat___________(健康)food.
9. I can’t eat any more. My___________(胃)is full.
10. I didn't feel well last week and___________(咳嗽)all day and all night.
11. I had an___________(可怕的,极坏的)dream last night.
12. The research shows that the left side of the brain is ___________(积极的) during deep sleep.
13.___________(也许)he has grown wiser with age.
一、1. well 2. since 3. sleepy 4. worse 5. weaknesses 6. heart 7. have taken 8. activities 9. daily 10. to take part in
二、1. condition 2. members’ 3. illness 4. temperature; fever 5. headache 6. exercise 7. toothache 8. health; healthy 9. stomach 10. coughed 11. awful 12. more active 13. Perhaps
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