
It was the day after Christmas 33 years ago. I was newly married and still in college. Only 10 days 1 , my wife had given birth to our first child.
The day before, we had been on the road showing off our 2 to all of the grandparents and great-grandparents. It had been a busy Christmas on my wife, who was still recovering from giving 3 . Then we were back in our house, trying to get some extra (额外的) sleep before starting the day.
Just then I heard JJ (our little boy) 4 . I went over and picked him up before he started to cry and then carefully walked out into the living room 5 my wife could keep sleeping. I picked up a bottle of milk and sat in a chair with JJ in my arms. I carried him in the dark room while he looked up at me with his loving eyes. I spoke 6 to him, but also felt a little fear as I watched him. How was I going to take care of him I was still in school and had no idea what the future held in store for us. I rocked back and forth in the chair as it concerned me.
After a few minutes, I saw the sun slowly 7 in the sky outside my window. The bright light shining down from the sky made the 8 outside shine with a beauty that touched my soul. As I watched the snow falling, my fear 9 and I felt a feeling of peace, harmony, love, and joy. The Christmas spirit appeared in my heart and I 10 . I knew then that whatever the future held, it would be okay as long as I kept love in my heart.
1. A. later B. earlier C. easier D. faster
2. A. job B. life C. baby D. car
3. A. birthday B. hope C. life D. birth
4. A. putting up B. making up C. waking up D. moving up
5. A. but B. so C. and D. that
6. A. softly B. loudly C. angrily D. directly
7 A. moving B. falling C. going D. rising
8. A. snow B. rain C. river D. air
9. A. came B. appeared C. left D. stayed
10. A. smiled B. scared C. missed D. succeeded
( A )
Maybe you have seen scenes in movies where a pilot has a problem during the flight and you hear them shout “Mayday, mayday, mayday”.
But what does “mayday” mean “Mayday” is an internationally known distress call (求救信号), mostly used by pilots and boat captains (船长). The signal can be sent out on any channel by radio communication.
This emergency call first came about in the 1920s. At that time, the standard (标准的) call for help was “SOS” and was typically used by navy captains. The message was sent in Morse code by telegraph. In Morse code, “SOS” is three dots (点), three dashes (线) and three dots. The signal was very clear. However, aircraft pilots use radio calls, so saying the letters “SOS” could be misheard as other letters, such as “F”.
Frederick Stanley Mockford, a radio officer at Croydon Airport in London, was asked to think of a word that would mean you need help. Because of the number of flights that flew between Croydon and Paris, he chose mayday, as it sounds similar to the French word “m’aider”, which means “help me”.
In a bad situation, pilots are required to repeat the signal three times to make sure that it is heard clearly by the other person. If the pilots don’t get a reply in two minutes, they should repeat it. Once they receive a reply, more information, including the flight name, their situation and the number of people on the flight, should be reported. Sometimes pilots are told to go to a nearby airport or location where they can make an emergency landing. While mayday signals mean a very serious situation, they do not always end in fatalities (死亡).
Although there are dangers, air travel is still the safest means of getting around.
11. In what part of a newspaper would you probably read this passage
A. School B. Food C. Science D. Sports
12. “Mayday” is used for _____.
A. calling other pilots or boat captains
B. asking for help in a dangerous situation
C. communicating with passengers
D. exchanging information secretly
13. The best title of the passage could be _____.
A. Mayday is a special day to remember
B. An emergency landing in an airport
C. Sending a signal while in danger
D. An exciting example of air travel in history
( B )
Imagine this: you and your friend are on a video call. He or she picks up a book, and you feel like you’re holding the book as well. You can shake hands or give your friend a high five, even though you’re not in the same place.
A pair of special gloves might make this possible. Researchers at the University of New South Wales, Australia, have made gloves that can recreate the sense of touch. They call this haptic device (触觉装置) a “soft skin (皮肤) stretch device” (SSD).
The SSD works like this: One person’s gloves create 3D force signals when they touch something. The signals are sent to the other person’s gloves, which vibrate (震动) to create the same force that the first person is experiencing. This allows the second person to experience the same sense of touch.
The SSD allows you to feel force, vibration and motion (移动). “It is like wearing a second skin,” said Thanh Nho Do, one of the researchers who created the gloves.
Haptic technology is already being widely used. For example, the trackpads (触控板) in laptops use vibration to make it feel like you’re using a real mouse. However, it is difficult to recreate the sense of touch in virtual (虚拟的) environments or remotely (远程地), according to Mai Thanh Thai, lead researcher of the SSD project. The SSD is special because it is highly sensitive even when it is used continuously. This makes it feel more real.
The SSD could be used in medical practice. Two doctors in separate places could work together during an operation – one touches the patient’s organs (器官) with the SSD while the other doctor feels the same feelings and completes the actual operation.
14. What does “SSD” refer to
A. A video chat app. B. A pair of special gloves.
C. 3D force signals. D. Trackpads in laptops.
15. What is Paragraph 3 mainly about
A. What the SSD allows people to feel.
B. How the SSD creates signals.
C. What the SSD is used for.
D. How the SSD works.
16. What makes the SSD feel more real
A. That it can create vibrations.
B. That it isn’t used remotely.
C. That it is highly sensitive.
D. That it can become a part of people’s skin.
17. What do we know from the story
A. The SSD has improved video calls in people’s daily life.
B. Haptic devices are hard to use.
C. The SSD makes remote operations possible.
D. Haptic technology is widely used in medical practice.
( C )
Recently, scientists have developed a new artificial intelligence technology that can detect (识别) whether someone is lying by analyzing the muscles in their face.
Patches (贴片) placed on a person’s face detect muscle activity and then machine learning technology is used. 18._____Invented by Yael Hanein at Tel Aviv University in Israel, the machine showed a success rate of 73 percent, implying it can catch liars with ease.
According to researchers from the University of British Columbia, Canada, some of the muscles on our faces change “behavior” when we are lying. 19._____They also blink a lot and hold their eyes closed for longer. Closing the eyes is a way to buy time for the liar so that they can better perfect their story.
20._____Blood flows into the cheeks as they become nervous about the truth possibly being revealed (揭露).
Liars also have fake smiles.21._____ This is because more muscles are used when we are happy. A fake smile is often accompanied by “dead” eyes instead.
A: This technology is very useful.
B: Liars often blush (脸红).
C: The machine can calculate (计算) whether or not the person has been telling lies.
D: A real smile often causes the eyes to light up or become smaller.
E: Liars usually raise their eyebrows.
( D)
( ) 22. Jimmy is a lazy boy and he does poorly in most of his subjects. He doesn’t know which middle school he can get into after graduation.
( ) 23. Mary is a careless student. She usually makes mistakes in exams. Although she regrets what she has done, she gets mad when her parents talk to her about the problem.
( ) 24. Ellen isn’t the smartest girl but she still wants to get into a good middle school. So she always works hard.
( ) 25. Frank is a short and heavy boy. He has small eyes and a big mouth. But he always volunteers to help everyone in life. He looks ordinary but he is not ordinary.
( ) 26. Jenny is a top student and she loves planning to make sure everything is ready. She enjoys having a good start.
A. Hard work makes a top student. Life is beautiful while chasing a goal. Nothing is impossible with a willing heart.
B. As the saying goes, make your whole year’s plans in spring, and your day’s plan early in the morning. Well begun is half done.
C. Don’t always waste time in your youth because laziness makes a dull boy. Start a new plan for the future. Tide and time wait for no man.
D. You can’t choose what you look like but you can choose what you can be. Don’t judge a man by his looks.
E. People learn and grow from their mistakes. What makes things worse isn’t the mistakes but that you never listen for advice. Good medicine tastes bitter.
salary , through ,realized, another, festival, plastic ,creative ,other, field, perhaps, inspired, almost
In 10th grade, I wanted to go for a major that seemed popular and would give me a high1.________, such as computer science or economics; however, this idea didn’t last long. I soon 2.__________that I had to follow my true passion.(热情)
At a mini film 3.__________in 11th grade, I became interested in film production majors(专业). I realized that I best express myself 4.__________words and images. This urged(敦促) me to examine my passions: I started to think about doing art instead of just some 5.__________hobbies.
For as long as I can remember, I have been making 6.__________works. The reasons behind this are complex (复杂的)– it might be that written stories are so interesting and that abstract(抽象的) images can have thousands of different meanings. It also might be that I have many ideas and wish to learn from others in the art and literature7._________.
A friend of mine mentioned an anecdote (轶事) in her peer recommendation: While she found an art installation (装置) made of piles of 8.__________boxes and wires meaningless, I found it really interesting. I think the openness of art gives people the freedom to build their own ideas and thoughts. I simply love to think and art is all about opening up your mind. So 9.________that’s where my passion for art comes from.
After working out why I love art, I had an easier time writing my personal statement(个人陈述). I felt more 10._________by having something to be passionate(有热情的) about.
The Melbourne Star, which is based in Melbourne, Australia, is 1. __________ (big)Ferris wheel (摩天轮) in the southern hemisphere (南半球). It has seven spokes (辐条) and looks like a star.
Four years ago, I went on the Melbourne Star after I had just arrived 2._________Australia. I saw Melbourne by viewing it from the sky. From that moment, I fell in love with the city.
Recently, I went there with my mom at dusk, 3.__________is the best time to go on the Melbourne Star. There was a long line and we waited for more than half an hour to get on. But once we took off, the whole view of Melbourne 4.__________our feet 5. __________ (surprise) us.
On one side, we could see Westgate Bridge, which is often jammed (堵塞的) with traffic, and we could see the 6.__________(west)suburbs (郊区) further behind it. In the dazzling light, the bridge looks like a ribbon (丝带) across the Yarra River. We were 7. __________(luck) to watch the sun set from a unique angle. The sun 8.__________(gradual) dropped and the skyline was dyed (染色) orange. It almost felt like we were in one of Monet’s famous 8. __________ (paint).
On the other hand, there was a typical city view – the many buildings, which were so cold and still during the daytime, were now all lit up. I felt so small in comparison to them all.
The ride 9. ___________(耗时) 30 minutes. It was over so quickly. But the view and the feeling I had will stay in my heart 10._________ a long time.
If you want to understand the soul (灵魂) of Russia, read Fyodor Dostoevsky as he is “the archetype (典型) of the Russian nation”. Last year marked the 200th anniversary of the birth of the famous Russian writer.
Dostoevsky was introduced to literature (文学) at an early age through fairy tales, legends (传奇) and books by Russian and foreign authors. In 1846 when he was 25 years old, Dostoevsky published his first novel, Poor Folk (《穷人》).
But four years later he was put in prison for being in a literary club. Dostoevsky spent the next four years in a prison camp and another six years doing military service.
After experiencing these hardships, Dostoevsky created profound (深刻的) works by exploring the human psyche (心理). He is seen as the first 19th-century writer who reached down into the deepest corners of the troubled Russian soul, said Russian Beyond. Most of his characters experience a lot of pain. Some suffer from anxiety (焦虑) and low self-esteem (自尊), while some are not loved. Yet, they are ready to go through these troubles, looking for freedom and justice (公平). “If you want to conquer (征服) the whole world, conquer yourself,” Dostoevsky wrote in Demons (《群魔》).
Dostoevsky’s works have inspired many writers. US author William Faulkner once said the Russian writer was one of his main literary inspirations, alongside the Bible and Shakespeare. The US author often reread Dostoevsky’s The Brothers Karamazov. Another US author, Ernest Hemingway, loved The Idiot. “In Dostoevsky, there were things unbelievable and not to be believed, but some so true they changed you as you read them,” Hemingway said.
When was Dostoevsky born
What make him interested in literature
Why was he put in prison
Which novel of Dostoevsky’s did William Faulkner read most
What are Dostoevsky’ works like
假如你是李华,你校"英语之声"栏目正在举办"My Favorite Saying"征文活动。请你根据内容提示,写一篇英语短文参赛。
要求:1)字数:100词左右; 2)可以适当增加内容, 以使行文连贯。
温馨提示:你可从下列格言中任选一句, 也可选择你喜欢的其他格言。 (1)Where there is a will, there is a way. (有志者事竟成) (2)My life is a reading list. (我的人生就是一张阅读清单) (3)A good friend is like a mirror. (好朋友像一面镜子)
1-5:ACDCB 6-10:ADACA
11-13:CBC 14-17: BDCC 18-21: CEBD 22-26: CEADB
salary 2. realized 3. festival 4. through 5. other
6. creative 7. field 8. plastic 9.perhaps 10.inspired
1.the biggest 2.in 3.which 4.below 5.surprised 6.western 7.lucky
8.paintings 9.took 10. For
1. In 1821.
2. Fairy tales, legends and books by Russian an foreign authors.
3. For being in a literary club.
4. The Brothers Karamazov.
5. Profound and inspiring.(其它合适的答案也可以)



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