
2022 学年第一学期期末调研测试卷
本试卷分第 I卷(选择题)和第 II 卷(非选择题)。第 I卷 1 至 8 页,第 II 卷 9 至
10页。满分 150分。考试时间 120分钟。
第 I 卷
1.答第 I卷时, 考生务必用 2B 铅笔按“正确涂写”要求涂写答题卡。
2.每小题选出答案后, 用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动, 用橡皮擦
干净后, 再选涂其他答案标号。不能答在试卷上。
3.考试结束, 考生将答题卡交回。
第一部分:听力(共两节, 满分 30 分)
第一节 (共 5小题;每小题 1.5分,满分 7.5分)
听下面 5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出
最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10秒钟的时间来回答有关
1. What will the man do this winter holiday
A. Travel abroad. B. Go over lessons. C. Stay with friends.
2. Why didn’t the woman read the e-mail from the man
A. She lost the e-mail. B. She wasn’t in the company. C. She forgot to check it.
3. How does the woman feel about the news
A. Disappointed. B. Surprised. C. Worried.
4. Who is the women talking with
A. A bus driver. B. A taxi driver. C. A salesman.
5.What’s the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Professor and student. B. Librarian and reader. C. Classmates.
第二节 (共 15小题;每小题 1.5分, 满分 22.5分)
听下面 5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题, 从题中所给的 A、B、C三
个选项中选出最佳选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前, 你将有时间阅读
各个小题, 每小题 5秒钟;听完后, 各小题将给出 5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读
高一英语试题卷 第 1页 共 10页
听第 6段材料,回答第 6、7题。
6. What size shoes does the man probably wear often
A. 42. B. 41.5. C. 40.
7. What is probably the man’s favorite type of exercise
A. Running. B. Tennis. C. Hiking.
听第 7段材料,回答第 8至 10题。
8. What does the man think of farming
A. Tiring. B. Funny. C. Exciting.
9. Where will the woman spend her summer holiday
A. Abroad. B. In the city. C. In the countryside.
10. What can we learn about the two speakers
A. The woman knows how to farm.
B. The man is studying in the countryside.
C. The man used to live in the countryside.
听第 8段材料,回答第 11至 13题。
11. What’s the main issue of the woman
A. She couldn’t fall asleep.
B. She couldn’t find Mr. Benson.
C. She can’t understand the math problem.
12. What does the man suggest the woman do
A. Ignore the problem. B. Ask the teacher. C. Work harder.
13. Where are the speakers
A. In the library. B. In the canteen. C. In the classroom.
听第 9段材料,回答第 14至 16题。
14. Why does the woman suggest taking down the tree
A. It covers a large area.
B. It stands there too long.
C. It makes the room messy.
15. How does the man feel about getting rid of the tree
A. It’s a pity. B. It’s a must. C. It’s a wise idea.
16. What did the speakers do this Christmas
A. They went to church.
B. They visited some relatives.
高一英语试题卷 第 2页 共 10页
C. They enjoyed a family gathering.
听第 10段材料,回答第 17至 20题。
17. What activity does the speaker believe is best for losing weight
A. Running. B. Cycling. C Rowing.
18. Which is more important for losing weight according to the speaker
A. Diet is more important.
B. Exercise is more important.
C. Diet and exercise are equally important.
19. What does the speaker recommend to drink before exercising
A. Coffee. B. Drinks with sugar. C. Water.
20. What type of music does the speaker suggest for exercising
A. Songs that are popular.
B. Songs with fast pattern.
C. Songs you can sing along to.
第二部分:阅读理解 (共两节,满分 40 分)
第一节(共 11小题;每小题 2.5分,满分 27.5分)
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C和 D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题
Tongai Matandirotya, who works at Brass Bell Restaurant near Cape Town, left behind his
own safety to dive into the cold Atlantic ocean to rescue a mother and daughter swept off the
pier(长堤) by a sudden wave.
It was a relatively calm day in the fishing village of Kalk Bay. Several people were
walking by the window of Brass Bell looking out to the water. Then the scene changed.
“I saw this wave come over the harbor and cover the people, dragging them into the ocean.
I immediately ran outside, undressed myself, and dived into the water because I saw a child go
in as well. ”Tongai said.
37-year-old Clair Gardiner and her 8-year-old daughter Arya were the people swept away
by the wave. Gardiner knew they were being pulled into the water as soon as the wave rushed
over them, and she managed to wrap her arms around little Arya.
By now Tongai had dropped the drink he was pouring, taken off his belt and jumped into
the water— followed by a tourist unnamed by the news reports. By then the ferocious waves,
even just a few meters from shore, had pulled Gardiner and Arya apart. Tongai used his belt to
rescue Arya who wasn’t able to stay afloat by herself.
“I recently went to the restaurant to thank him,” Gardiner told local news. “My daughter
recognized him immediately, and we all embraced each other. We are so thankful to Tongai and
高一英语试题卷 第 3页 共 10页
the tourist man who risked their lives to save ours; we’ll forever be grateful to them.”
Tongai noticed he had been badly scratched up by the concrete wall of the pier, but he
didn’t care about it. Brass Bell congratulated their man on Facebook, saying they were “so
proud” of him, with several comments adding reminders to “tip him well”.
21.What can we learn from the passage
A. Brass Bell Restaurant rewarded Tongai with some tips.
B. Tongai did the rescue perfectly without getting any scratch.
C. Gardiner succeeded in wrapping the belt around little Arya.
D. Gardiner went specially to the restaurant to express her appreciation.
22. What does the underlined word “ferocious” in paragraph 5 mean
A. Distant. B. Light. C. Wild. D. Peaceful.
23. Which of the following words can best describe Tongai
A. Warm-hearted and confident. B. Outgoing and optimistic.
C. Quick-thinking and courageous. D. Talkative and determined.
24. Which of the following would be the best title for the text
A. An Act of Kindness B. A Heroic Deed by the Sea
C. A Sudden Wave to Humans D. An adventure by the Sea
Research from a UK charity has found that girls are likely to become less interested in
sports as they move into their teenage years.
Women in Sport conducted a poll (调查) of more than 4,000 teenagers and found that 43
percent of girls felt they had been sporty as primary school students, but no longer saw
themselves this way.
“Worryingly, girls lose their love of sport and exercise during teenage years, and this
presents a significant psychological barrier throughout life,” the report said.
The majority of those who no longer considered themselves sporty said they had become
less interested in sports because they didn’t like other people watching them.
The girls also spoke about how anxiety over their appearance led them to be less likely to
participate in sports. The boys examined in this study didn’t show any change in their
willingness to take part in sports. This points to a relationship between the mental well-being of
girls and their willingness to engage in sports.
“It’s an absolute travesty (嘲讽) that teenage girls are being pushed out of sport at such a
scale,” said Stephanie Hilborne, the chief executive of Women in Sport. She added that losing
sports at this formative stage of their lives was equal to “a loss of joy as well as good lifelong
“It is well documented that taking part in physical activity can have a profound and
positive effect on mental well-being as well as provide many important life skills such as
高一英语试题卷 第 4页 共 10页
resilience (适应力), teamwork and communication,” she added.
The charity is calling on schools and sports clubs to increase the focus on keeping girls
interested in sports, which can help them gain confidence when facing pressure from social
media and their peers. Sports are crucial to keeping people active and social through puberty (青
春期), which can already hit a young person’s self-confidence.
25. What do we know from the survey conducted by the UK charity
A. Girls who are interested in sports don’t experience psychological barrier.
B. It is most commonly seen among teenagers that they lose passion in sports.
C. A large number of girls gradually become less interested in sports.
D. About half of the girls lose love in sports when in primary school.
26. What is the main reason for teenage girls’ loss of interest in sports
A. They don’t like to be the focus of others.
B. They worry about their looking when doing sports.
C. They are afraid of being compared with the boys.
D. They are mentally unwilling to do sports.
27. What benefit can sports bring for the girls according to the article
A. Equipping themselves with lots of meaningful life qualities.
B. Learning to understand their feelings when facing pressure.
C. Developing better relations with their friends.
D. Keeping a good shape of the body.
Robots used to be found only in science fiction. In the 1960s, the animated(动画的 )
space-age family the Jetsons had a robotic maid who could do household chores. In the 2014
movie Big Hero 6, the robot Baymax could diagnose and heal illnesses instantly. In real life
robots function in many manufacturing and household situations. In the field of medicine, robot
patients help train doctors and nurses by pretending they have a variety of health conditions.
Now robots are finding a home in the food service industry.
The global pandemic and resulting economic crisis have created a lack of restaurant
workers. Since restaurants don’t have enough workers, the remaining staff must work harder.
Regardless, customers face longer wait times, fewer menu choices and higher prices. Some
businessmen are lending a robotic hand in the form of server robots. These robots are not
exactly modeled after Rosey, the Jetsons’ robotic household servant, but they are pretty clever.
Server robots come in several different varieties. Many have a design that looks like a
rolling cart. One model named Bella even has a cute cat-like face. Many are fairly short and
shaped like R2D2 of Star Wars fame. They, designed to deliver dishes, are also just the right
height for customers to easily reach them. Restaurant owners are finding server robots ideal for
performing repetitive tasks, however many there are. They can not only deliver delicious food
高一英语试题卷 第 5页 共 10页
to hungry customers, but also fetch back dirty dishes at the end of the meal.
Perhaps you’re wondering about issues such as the cost and safety factors. Concerning the
price, a server robot costs from a few thousand to several thousand dollars. And in 2021, a
restaurant even rented one for as low as $15 per day. Regarding safety, special sensors on the
robots keep them from crashing into customers. Because there aren’t enough restaurant workers,
filling positions with these robotic servers is easy. Don’t be surprised if you see one rolling up
to your table soon.
28. What’s the purpose of the first paragraph
A. To give some examples. B. To make comparisons.
C. To state the development. D. To introduce the topic.
29. What’s the main reason for the lack of restaurant workers
A. The rise of labor costs. B. The hard work in the restaurant.
C. The influence of the pandemic. D. The drop of food service industry.
30. What can we infer about server robots from paragraph 3
A. Customers will be satisfied with the server robots’ service.
B. A server robot may look like a rolling cart with an ugly face.
C. Server robots are not qualified for doing many repetitive tasks.
D. Server robots will help clean dirty dishes at the end of the meal.
31. What’s the writer’s attitude towards the use of robotic servers
A. Doubtful. B. Positive. C. Worried. D. Objective.
第二节(共 5小题;每小题 2.5分,满分 12.5 分)
What do you do when you have a few minutes to spare If you’re like many people, you
seize the opportunity to do puzzles on your phone. 32 Usually, they can be divided into
certain types and here are four of the most common.
Word puzzles
One of the most popular word puzzles— the crossword—has been around for nearly 110
years. Crosswords can be done with paper and pencil or online. Sometimes word puzzles
involve finding new words within a large group of letters. This type of word puzzle is called a
word search. Word puzzles usually test your vocabulary. 33
Mechanical puzzles
Mechanical puzzles have pieces that must be arranged in some way. The world’s
best-selling puzzle, the Rubik’s Cube, is a mechanical puzzle. As of 2020, over 450 million
Rubik’s Cubes had been sold.
Jigsaw puzzles also fall into this type. 34 Jigsaw puzzles have from two to over
高一英语试题卷 第 6页 共 10页
550,000 pieces—the largest one on record.
Logic puzzles
35 Mine Finder is an example of logic puzzles. In Mine Finder players must think
clearly to determine where the mines are hidden in a grid(方格).
Math puzzles
Math puzzles involve numbers, words or objects and the use of math. Surprisingly, the
ever–popular Candy Crush is classified as a math puzzle. 36
There are many other kinds of puzzles. But no matter which you prefer, puzzles are a great
way to spend your time.
A. People have been interested in puzzles for many reasons.
B. They typically involve putting pieces in the right place to form a picture.
C. Additionally, they have something in common: they test your skills or knowledge.
D. Knowing the language that the game is designed in is required for success, however.
E. Figuring out the solution to such a puzzle requires careful thought rather than guessing.
F. Calculation skills are required for players to successfully move and match colored candies.
G. There are thousands of puzzles to choose from that can be worked on at your convenience.
第三部分: 语言运用(共三节,满分 40分)
第一节 完形填空(共 15小题;每小题 1分,满分 15分)
阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白
处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。
When I was 13, I climbed my first mountain near my home. I was overweight then and
37 when I reached the top. But I loved the 38 .
Two years ago, my friend Mel Olsen and I drove to Oregon to climb 11,240-foot Mount
As we went higher, the trail(山路) grew 39 and steeper. At around 9 a.m., we reached
an ice step. Confident I was safe, I put my full 40 on it. Suddenly, I heard a 41 , and the
ice broke off the step, right under my foot.
In a second, I fell backward. Soon, I came to a stop on a flat slope. I 42 my whole
body, feeling 43 that I was fine, except that I was suffering from a sharp pain in my left 44
and couldn’t move.
I 45 for help, and immediately Mel and other climbers came to assist me and called
Mountain Rescue. Then I was loaded into a(n) 46 and taken to a hospital, 47 I stayed for
four days. The doctors told me it would be a year before I could 48 again, but I was back on
the trails within six months.
The fall has made me more 49 . One slip(滑倒) on a mountain can change everything.
But the experience also made me 50 as a person. Since the accident, I’ve climbed another 60
mountains. I’m not going to let one fall 51 me from doing my favorite thing.
高一英语试题卷 第 7页 共 10页
37. A. out of danger B. out of trouble C. out of balance D. out of breath
38. A. opportunity B. memory C. challenge D. mountain
39. A. wider B. flatter C. narrower D. nearer
40. A. body B. strength C. foot D. weight
41. A. cry B. crack C. crash D. call
42. A. calmed B. looked C. tested D. checked
43. A. fortunate B. satisfied C. grateful D. confident
44. A. arm B. shoulder C. leg D. eye
45. A. yelled B. asked C. begged D. arranged
46. A. car B. ambulance C. truck D. shelter
47. A. which B. that C. where D. when
48. A. jump B. move C. drive D. climb
49. A. positive B. cautious C. frightened D. anxious
50. A. grow B. develop C. feel D. act
51. A. protect B. ban C. addict D. keep
高一英语试题卷 第 8页 共 10页
2022 学年第一学期期末调研测试卷
第 II 卷
第 II卷共 2页,用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔将答案写在答题纸上,答在试题卷上无效。
第三部分:语言运用(共三节,满分 40分)
第二节:单词拼写 (共 10小题;每小题 1分,满分 10分)
根据下列句子所给英语首字母或汉语注释, 写出空缺处各单词的正确形式(每空只写一词)。
52.The flood had serious effects on the local farmers and caused huge ______(损害) to the land.
53.The applicants are (竞争) for a chance to take part in the exchange program.
54.We all know that everyone’s fingerprints are _______ (独特的).
55.His clear and vivid (描述) of the adventure reminded me of my childhood.
56.He explained in (细节) how they made such a great discovery.
57.Every winter, tourists abroad come here to see the a________ art made by nature.
58.Peking opera, one of the s________ of Chinese culture, has gained worldwide popularity.
59.To a________ more people to the show, the organizers have prepared various gifts for them.
60.What i me most in our communication was his positive and outgoing personality.
61.Chinese customers are becoming more a of the importance of healthy lifestyles.
第三节 (共 10小题;每小题 1.5分, 满分 15分)
The Abu Simbel Temples in Egypt, 62 (carve) out of the mountain rock, once sat on
the west bank of the Nile River. In the 1960s, the Egyptian government started its plan to build
the Aswan High Dam, 63 created what is known as Lake Nasser today. As the water from
Lake Nasser 64 (rise), the Abu Simbel Temples were threatened. So a committee was
quickly established then 65 (investigate) the issue and make preparations for the
relocation(搬迁 ) of the temples. However, it was never 66 easy job, one that included
cutting the temples into pieces between 3 to 20 tons in weight and putting them together in a
place where they were safe 67 the water.
68 took 20 years in total to finish the whole project. The 69 (success)
relocation of the Abu Simbel temples set a good example for future rescue work of cultural
relics. And it directly 70 (contribute) to the creation of the “World Heritage Trust” in 1965,
and afterwards, the UNESCO’s World Heritage Sites List. Such creations would in turn help
prevent cultural heritage sites around the world from 71 (destroy).
高一英语试题卷 第 9页 共 10页
第四部分:写作(共两节,满分 40分)
第一节:话题微写作(满分 15分)
将下面 5个句子按括号内要求翻译并连成一篇微作文。
72. 现代生活给人们带来压力,这会对人们的健康产生不良影响。(stress; have an effect on)
73. 做运动被认为是保持身心健康的好方法。(regard)
74. 无论他们的兴趣是什么,人们总能找到适合他们的运动。(No matter what...; suitable)
75. 事实上,每天 15分钟的运动就能对我们身体产生很大影响。(actually; make a difference)
76. 人们相信,运动不仅可以帮助人们相互了解,还可以促进友谊。(believe; promote)
第二节:应用文写作(满分 25分)
假定你是李华,你校的英国交换生 Jason准备参加为外国人举办的“讲中国成语故事
比赛” (Chinese Idiom Story Competition),他发邮件向你求助。请你回复邮件,内容包括:
1. 答应帮助;
2. 提供建议;
3. 表达祝愿。
1. 词数 80 左右;
2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
高一英语试题卷 第10页 共 10页2022 学年第一学期期末调研卷
高 一 英 语 (参考答案及评分标准)
第一部分:听力(每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)
1. B 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. C 6. C 7. B 8. A 9. C 10. C
11. C 12. B 13. A 14. C 15. A 16. C 17. C 18. A 19.A 20. B
第二部分:阅读理解(满分 40 分)
21. D 22. C 23. C 24. B 25. C 26. A 27. A 28. D 29. C 30. A
31. B 32. G 33. D 34. B 35. E 36. F
第三部分:语言运用(满分 40 分)
37. D 38. C 39. C 40. D 41. B 42. D 43. A 44. C 45.A 46. B
47. C 48. D 49. B 50. A 51. D
52.damage peting 54.unique 55.description 56.detail
57.amazing 58.symbols 59.attract 60.impressed 61.aware
62. carved 63. which 64. rose 65. to investigate 66. an
67. from 68. It 69. successful 70. contributed 71. being destroyed
第一节:话题微写作(满分 15 分)
①Modern life brings stress to people and it can have a bad effect on people’s health. ②
Doing sports is regarded as a good way to keep healthy both in mind and body. ③No matter what
their interests are, people can always find sports suitable for them. ④Actually, just 15 minuets of
exercise a day can make a big difference to our body. ⑤It is believed that sports can not only help
people know each other but also promote friendship between people.
1. 结构正确,信息完整,给满分(3 分);
2. 结构正确,信息基本完整,但有一个或两个拼写错误(或时态错误),给 2 分;
3. 结构正确,信息有遗漏,给 2 分;
4. 结构不正确,但写出部分重要信息(词汇),给 1 分;
第二节:应用文写作(满分 25 分)
One possible version:
Dear Jason,
Knowing that you are participating in the Chinese Idiom Story Competition for foreigners, I
am more than glad to help.
Here are some suggestions for you. Firstly, you may choose the most commonly used idioms
from interesting stories. Besides, I advise fully digging into their meanings and origins to explore
their cultural history, which will help make your storytelling highly interesting and impressive.
I hope the suggestions can be practical to you. May you enjoy this competition and get a
good result.
Yours truly,
Li Hua
1. 本题总分为 25 分,按五个档次给分。
2. 评分时,先根据文章的内容和语言初步确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求来衡量,
3. 词数少于 60和多于 100的,从总分中减去 2分。
4. 评分时,应注意的主要内容为:内容要点、应用词汇和语法结构的数量和准确性、上下
5. 拼写标点符号是语言准确性的一个方面,评分时,应视其对交际的影响程序予以考虑。
6. 如书写较差,以至影响交际,将分数降低一个档次。
1. 答应帮助;
2. 提供建议;
3. 表达祝愿。
第五档:(21~25 分)能写明全部要点;语言基本无误;行文连贯,表达清楚。
第四档:(16~20 分)能写明全部或绝大部分要点;语言有少量错误;行文不够连贯,表达
第三档:(11~15 分)能写明基本要点;语言虽有较多错误,尚能达意。
第二档:(6~10 分)能写出部分要点;语言错误多,影响表达意思。
第一档:(1~5 分)只能写出一两个要点;语言错误很多,只有个别句子可懂。
1. 内容要点可用不同方式表达。
2. 对紧扣主题的适当发挥不予扣分。



