
1.Lily is active girl and she likes playing chess.
A.an;a B.a;the
C.an; D.a;/
2.—Listen!It's raining outside.
—Wow,look!The yard is full of rainwater now!
A.strongly B.hardly
C.greatly D.heavily
3.—Jerry,have you ever been to the Great Wall
—Yes.I there with my parents last year.
C.will go
D.have been
4.High-speed railways have developed rapidly in our country.Today China has
high-speed rail network(铁路网) among the countries in the world.
A.long B.longer
C.the longer D.the longest
5.—This article is too hard to understand.I wonder .
—Maybe you can turn to Mr.Wu.He reads a lot and is ready to help.
A.who I can ask for help
B.whether I can ask for help
C.who can I ask for help
D.whether can I ask for help
How to look after your cat
The first step to becoming a good cat owner is to choose the right kind of cat.It is how a cat behaves that is the most important,not what she looks like or how old she is.She is going to be your best friend.You will spend a lot of time playing together.But remember,you need to look after her every day.Not just to start with,but for all her life.
Understanding your pet
By watching your cat closely,you will learn her special way of talking.
From the movement of her tailor ears,you will see if she is happy or sad.And you will soon understand what she is saying when she miaows.
Caring for your pet
You will only be your cat's best friend if you care for her properly.You will need to make sure that she eats the right foods,always has water,and can get plenty of exercise every day.You will also have to bathe(给……洗澡) her often and spend some time training her.
6.How long will you need to look after your cat
A.For some days after she's born.
B.For the whole of her life.
C.Until she has babies of her own.
D.Until she is badly ill.
7.To understand your cat,you need to .
A.watch her very carefully
B.bathe her often
C.talk to her every day
D.feed her proper food
8.The last part of the passage describes .
A.which food cats like best
B.how difficult it can be to train cats
C.the type of exercise cats enjoy most
D.the things cat owners need to do
Victor's Project
As part of my history project on transport,I did some short interviews with people in my neighborhood.My first interview was with my friend Susan's grandmother,Mrs.Sanderson.
Question 1
How did you get to school when you were young
I walked to school with my friends,except for Fridays when we had to carry all of our things for school sports.Then we caught the bus.I enjoyed walking because we could chat on the way.I didn't like it when it was raining though,but Mum always made sure I wore my raincoat and gumboots.On the other hand,I became a strong walker,and I believe that's why I've been healthy all my life.
Question 2
My parents drive me to school.Why didn't you go to school by car
You know,we were not rich enough at that time.We could not afford a car until after I had finished school.
Question 3
How did you get around when you weren't going to school
We often went on a family trip by train.Most weekends we went on picnics and I loved playing with my cousins in the park.The trip took much longer than it would take by car today of course.
Question 4
How do you get around now
I still love walking,but I need to drive my grandchildren around,so I mainly use my car.
9.Victor asks Question 4 to get some information about Mrs.Sanderson's .
A.present lifestyle
B.family life
C.lovely children
D.memories of school
10.In all of her answers,Mrs.Sanderson talks about .
A.her grandchildren
B.her favorite activities
C.types of transport
D.places she has visited
11.Which of the following is true about Mrs.Sanderson
A.She used to drive to school on wet days.
B.She couldn't answer all Victor's questions.
C.She didn't like walking to school when young.
D.She finds it quicker to get to places these days.
12.The best title of Victor's finished project is probably .
A.The Life of Mrs.Sanderson
B.How Travelling Has Changed
C.People in My Neighborhood
D.The Importance of Being Healthy
Many people may wonder what the three Chinese astronauts' life was like when working in space.In fact,they did many of the things as we do on Earth.
They brush their teeth,wash their hair and go to the bathroom.However,because of the microgravity(失重) environment,they take care of themselves in different ways.They wash their hair by using the no-rinse shampoo to get it clean because there are no real showers in the spaceship.
Astronauts eat three meals a day:breakfast,lunch and dinner.But how much they eat depends on the astronauts.A small woman astronaut often needs only about 1,900 calories(卡路里) a day, while a big man requires about 3,200 calories.So there are many kinds of foods ready,such as fruits,nuts,chicken,beef and seafood.They can also drink coffee,tea and orange juice.
Astronauts can have much fun,too.They look out of the window,enjoying the wonderful sunsets and sunrises which happen every 45 minutes.Very often,they play with their food or even jokes on their workmates.Believe it or not,astronauts can even spend weekends,when they can watch movies,play music,read books and talk to their families.
After a long day at work, ▲ .Just like on Earth,an astronaut goes to bed at a certain time,then wakes up and prepares for work again.But there are a few differences.Astronauts have to sleep in sleeping bags in special cabins(柜子).Generally,astronauts are planned to have eight hours of sleep.Like on Earth, they may wake up in the middle of their sleep to use the toilet.And astronauts also have dreams.
As for Wang Yaping,she had another experience—preparing for lessons for the Chinese students far down on Earth.
13.The passage mainly talks about .
A.how astronauts work in space
B.what it is like inside a spaceship
C.what kind of people can be astronauts
D.astronauts' daily life in the spaceship
14.From the passage we can learn that astronauts .
A.have to take showers every two days
B.are not allowed to play jokes in space
C.can have many kinds of foods for their meals
D.seldom have dreams when they sleep in space
15.Which of the following can be put in the ▲ in Paragraph 5
A.it is time to make a phone call
B.reading is what an astronaut needs
C.listening to music sounds like a good idea
D.nothing is better than a good night's sleep
16.What was Wang Yaping's special experience in space
A.Making different kinds of foods.
B.Taking care of the other astronauts.
C.Writing a report about space travel.
D.Giving a lesson to students on Earth.
①Have you ever shown your photos on your favorite social media(媒体)?Or have you expressed your feelings and emotions on your online page?If yes,do you know what you have posted on the social medias can cause problems you could not expect
②Cathy,who is going to be fifteen,posted online an invitation to her birthday party with her address in it.And guess what!500 people came to the party,and some even broke the windows and plants,making a total mess of the house.The girl's birthday party turned into a nightmare(噩梦).
③Many teenagers(青少年) think they know everything about social media, and that such a thing could never happen to them.Studies show that each year more than three million young people in the world get into trouble because of their online activities.
④So do remember these if you really want to share something online.
⑤Share with care!Not everyone will like what you write online.Think before you post anything.You never know who sees your texts,pictures or videos.Before clicking “post”,you should ask yourself, “How will I feel if my family or teachers see this?”and “How might this post be bad for me in five or ten years from now?”
⑥Be polite when you write!Imagine someone is unfriendly in real life.The same is true of online communication.No one likes it when you “shout” in your messages.If you feel angry or frustrated while you're writing a message,wait a bit.Read it again later and then send it.
⑦Protect and respect!Never share your passwords with anyone.It's not wise to post your home or email address online.Don't say bad things about people.If you get messages like that or see them online,talk to your parents or your teachers.
⑧I'd say none of these things promises 100% online safety,but each will help you to be safer.
17.The writer starts to introduce the topic by .
A.telling stories
B.giving examples
C.asking questions
D.sharing experiences
18.The party turned into a nightmare because Cathy .
A.made a total mess of the house
B.shared the photos of her house online
C.invited hundreds of people to her party
D.posted an invitation with her address online
19.The writer uses the mark“!”in the underlined sentences of Paragraphs 5—7 to .
A.draw the readers' attention
B.give orders that readers should follow
C.express the strong feelings of worry
D.give the decisions that have been made
20.What does the writer mean by saying the last sentence
A.You should spend much less time online.
B.It's necessary to think before you act online.
C.You have to make a promise before you go online.
D.If you want to be safer online,do as the writer suggests.
21.Humans have lived on the earth for only 35,000 years.(对画线部分提问)
______ ______ have humans lived on the earth
22.The concert began about 20 minutes ago.(改为同义句)
The concert has ______ ____ for about 20 minutes.
23.John went skating with his brother last Sunday morning.(改为否定句)
John _________ ____ skating with his brother last Sunday morning.
_______ _______ mountain climbers who have successfully reached the summit of Qomolangma!
Tommy's mom is _________ _______ her son's illness.
答案单选 CDBDA
完成句子 How long been to didn't go What brave worried about



