2023年中考英语总复习课时分层训练09 Units 1—2(八下)(冀教版、含答案)

(九) Units 1—2(八下)
1.The     of the activity is to raise money for a new hospital.
A.silence B.purpose
C.culture D.language
2.—What would you like, milk or coffee
—    . I’d like some orange juice.
A.None B.Neither C.Each D.Either
3.[2022·温州]At the meeting, the managers kept arguing about the problem     they reached an agreement.
A.after B.when C.until D.since
4.The price of vegetables     so quickly these days.
A.affords B.rises C.improves D.raises
5.[2022·江西]Sue works     , so she never seems to make mistakes.
A.late B.alone
C.happily D.carefully
6.—Fangfang, shall we go to see a film on Saturday
—Sorry. I’ll have to     my younger brother because my mother is out.
A.look at B.look for
C.look up D.look after
7.[2022·吉林改编]—Is Larry as     as Oliver
—No, he isn’t. Larry is shorter.
A.tall B.taller
C.the tallest D.tallest
8.[2022·达州]—What happened to Tony
—     the morning of a rainy day, he     a bike and hurt his legs.
A.In; put off B.On; fell off
C.In; fell off D.On; put off
9.I saw Tom     his key in the lock, turn it and open the door.
A.put B.putting C.puts D.to put
10.[2022·盐城]—Hello! I’d like to speak to the Customer Service Department.
—Please     and I’ll put you through.
A.hold on B.carry on
C.come on D.go on
  Our school lies in the 1.    (east) part of America. Two 2.    (three) of the students are Americans. 3.     rest of them are foreign students, including Italians, Australians, Indians and so on. At the beginning of the first term, I felt lonely and didn’t know how to make friends. I 4.    (simple) couldn’t find right words to reach them.I kept myself away from them and avoided 5.    (greet) them. One night, when I was lying on the playground, Mike came up to me. He was wiser 6.     any other student in our class. He 7.    (shake) hands with me and shared a lot with me. I realized we had many similar 8.    (hobby). Thanks to Mike, I didn’t feel lonely any more. From then on, we always collected all kinds of stamps and played football in 9.    (we) free time. Mike had a great influence 10.     me.I consider him as my best friend.
1.wear, used, he, long, to, hair
2.machine, when, was, the, invented
3.well, it, important, is, to, English, learn
4.how, young, politely, the, behaves, man
5.don’t, losing, worry, about, mobile, your, phone
  A company in the United States once decided that it would offer lots of money to anyone who could find a white marigold(金盏花). Most marigolds are either golden or brown. It is very hard to find a  1  one.
  Twenty years later, the company received a  2  from an old woman. She sent 100 white marigold seeds(种子) along with the letter.
  The woman was a fan of  3 . When she first heard the company’s notice 10 years ago, she got very  4 . She thought she could grow her own white marigolds. But her children didn’t believe her. She knew  5  about seed genetics(遗传学) after all. Her dream of growing white marigolds might be just a dream.
  Still, she  6  to make it happen. She planted some common marigold seeds and  7  them. A year later, when the plants produced flowers, she chose one of the faintest(颜色淡) and took its seeds. She planted these seeds and waited another year for them to open. Year after year, her  8  changed. Her husband died, her children moved away, and many things happened.  9 , her dream of growing white marigolds stayed strong in her heart.
  Finally, after 20 years, she went out to her  10  and found a marigold that was not just white—it was as white as the purest snow!
(  )1.A.white B.golden C.brown D.black
(  )2.A.phone B.letter
C.ticket D.stamp
(  )3.A.wood B.trees C.grasses D.flowers
(  )4.A.surprised B.worried
C.excited D.interested
(  )5.A.something B.nothing
C.everything D.anything
(  )6.A.worked B.helped
C.asked D.answered
(  )7.A.made friends with B.kept away from
C.took care of D.took part in
(  )8.A.taste B.life C.habit D.hobby
(  )9.A.So B.Also
C.And D.However
(  )10.A.garden B.office
C.company D.home
  When your town has winter, the earth’s axis(轴) is pointing away from the sun. Your town doesn’t get as much light or heat from the sun. The days are shorter and colder.
Winter and summer happen because the earth is tilted(倾斜) as it revolves around the sun. The northern end of the earth’s axis points towards the sun in summer. You have more hours of light in summer. Your part of the earth is towards the sun for more hours each day. When the part of the earth where you live is towards the sun, you have hotter days. In winter, when your part of the earth points away from the sun, you have colder days.
You have learned about winter and summer. There are two more seasons in the year. One comes after winter and before summer. The other season comes after summer and before winter. Can you name them That’s right. Spring comes between winter and summer and autumn comes after summer but before winter.
The four seasons are spring, summer, autumn and winter. Spring and autumn are opposite seasons. Which season do you like best
You have thought about the four seasons of the year. Each season is different. The seasons are made by the northern end of the axis pointing towards or away from the sun.
Your part of the world gets more heat from the sun when the northern end of the axis points to the sun. When the axis points away from the sun, you get less heat. Now you know why winter is colder than summer. The axis is pointing away from the sun in winter. It is pointing towards the sun in summer.
1.What does the underlined word “revolves” in Paragraph 2 mean (  )
A.moves B.turns C.jumps D.sits
2.What is the passage mainly about (  )
A.How four seasons happen.
B.How the weather changes.
C.When the earth’s axis points towards the sun.
D.When the earth’s axis points away from the sun.
3.Where does the passage probably come from (  )
A.A film guide. B.A storybook.
C.A science magazine. D.A book review.
  Rainforests are very large, and they can be found close to the equator(赤道), in Southeast Asia, West Africa and Central and South America. They have very high temperatures and it rains all year round. In a year it can rain as much as 260 cm!
  The rainforest is divided into three layers(层). The canopy(树冠) is the top layer of the trees where most of the animals live. These trees can be more than 30 meters high and it is the noisiest layer of the rainforest. The middle layer is under the canopy and has some shorter trees. The third layer is the forest floor. It has very little sunlight and is the quietest layer of the rainforest. It can take ten minutes for a falling raindrop to travel from a rainforest’s thick canopy to the floor.
  Rainforests help to protect the earth’s climate(气候) because they take in CO2, a greenhouse gas from the air, and give out O2.Many things we need such as medicines and food come from the rainforests, too.
  Unluckily, these rainforests are disappearing. Every second an area the size of a football field is either cut down for wood to make furniture(家具), and to build houses or to be cleared for farming animals. Action needs to be taken to protect the rainforests now!
  1、2 题完成句子;3题简略回答问题;4题找出并写下第二段的主题句;5题将文中画线句子译成汉语。
1.In rainforests, it can rain             in a year.
2.The forest floor has very little sunlight and is                      .
3.Why do rainforests help to protect the earth’s climate
Ⅰ.1.B 2.B 3.C 4.B 5.D 6.D
9.A 10.A
Ⅱ.1.eastern 2.thirds 3.The 
4.simply 5.greeting 6.than 
7.shook 8.hobbies 9.our 10.on
Ⅲ.1.He used to wear long hair
2.When was the machine invented
3.It is important to learn English well
4.How politely the young man behaves
5.Don’t worry about losing your mobile phone
Ⅵ.1.as much as 260 cm
2.the quietest layer of the rainforest
3.Because they take in CO2 and give out O2.
4.The rainforest is divided into three layers.



