外研版(2019)高中英语选择性必修第三册 Unit6 Nature in words Using language 同步课堂重点练(有答案及解析)

Unit 6 Nature in words
Section B Using language (重点练)
一. 阅读理解
"A blue whale's heart is as big as a Volkswagen Beetle(大众甲壳虫)," I told a group of wide-eyed, open-mouthed second-graders. "It is so big that you could walk around inside of it." Then I asked a big question-"Why does a blue whale have such a big heart "—and let the adventure begin.
I was bringing SOLE to my classroom-the Self-Organized Learning Environment.
My students began their investigations and, after 40 minutes, they shared their discoveries.
"Blue whales can call to each other over almost a thousand miles." said Heavenly. "They need a big heart to talk to each other."
"They swim all over the world," said Ki'ara. "So they need a big heart to be their motor."
"They swim together in pairs." said Amare. "So they need huge hearts to care for each other."
"Yeah," said Isaac. "That's true. It takes a huge heart to care for somebody."
"Hmmm," I said. "How can we have big hearts for each other instead of small hearts "
Then the students made a list of it.
I was teaching compassion—to model ways we can care for each other and other living things. This SOLE lesson took a beautiful turn when Amaze connected the heart of the blue whale to community and to caring.
Perri Klass, in a brief essay for the New York Times titled "Understanding How Children Develop Compassion", writes about the importance of modeling compassion to children so those things are part of their experience long before they know the word.
Around my school, however, nine out of 10 families live in a destructive poverty that makes it difficult to model compassion, to nurture community and caring. My students often come to school knowing more about the survival of the fittest than the survival of the kindest. Yet here were my 7 and 8-year-olds working together in a community, talking about caring for each other and exploring ways we can have big hearts instead of small hearts for each other.
On that day, the blue whale and the second-graders modeled compassion for all of us. This SOLE lesson brought heart to my classroom.
(1)How did the students get the answer in the SOLE class
A.By looking at a blue whale.
B.By finding the answer themselves.
C.By questioning each other.
D.By taking a dangerous a trip.
(2)What was the list made by the students about
A.The ways to care for each other.
B.The ways to learn from each other.
C.The disadvantages of having small hearts.
D.The importance of having big hearts.
(3)What does the underlined part "the survival of the fittest" imply
A.The students were used to SOLE lessons.
B.The students were mostly from poor families.
C.The students had too much to do at school.
D.The students were fond of working together.
(4)Which of the following can be the best title for the text
A.SOLE Lessons-a Way to Care for Each Other
B.Discoveries about a Blue Whale's Heart
C.How Blue Whales Taught Children about Compassion
D.How Children Learned Science in SOLE Lessons
When the winter comes, millions of Americans realize they don't feel as happy as usual, and may be depressed If you're one of them, you may be suffering from "seasonal affective disorder" or SAD, whose symptoms include exhaustion, difficulty concentrating, sleep problems, body aches and pains, and a loss of interest in activities you normally enjoy. ________
Take extra Vitamin D.
Researchers at the University of Georgia analyzed more than 100 articles that examined the link between Vitamin D and depression. They found that a lack of Vitamin D appeared to be a major factor in the development of SAD.________
Most researchers agree that the people who fall victim to SAD most often are particularly sensitive to the lack of light. Weather permitting, go for a walk. In your home or office, try sitting close to a window that faces south.
Increase exercise.
Although exercising may be about the last thing you want to do and would rather curl up with a book or watch a DVD, studies have shown that upping your exercise routine can counteract SAD. And experts advise exercising at least 20 minutes a day at least three times a week.________The benefits are also long lasting. The longer you do it, the more benefit you'll get.
Eat more fish.
________Studies have found that people who have low levels of two chemicals found in fish, EPA and DHA, are at increased risk for depression. Either eat more fish—at least three times a week—or take fish oil capsules to combat SAD.
Although dark winter days got you down, don't worry because nature is always waiting to help. Just enjoy the winter days and benefit from the nature!
A. Take medicine.
B. Get more light.
C. If the weather permits, take a walk.
D. Any type of exercise offers benefits.
E. Fatty fish contain omega-3 fatty acids.
F. To fight SAD, here are some easy, natural ways.
G. So the vitamin D Council recommends at least 2, 000 IU daily.
三. 语法填空
The trip to Canada was so fantastic! I'd like to share with you the impressions this country left ________ me—"M-A-P-L-E".
Multicultural Canada officially ________ (become) a multicultural society in 1971. Canadians believe they should accept others' cultures, values and beliefs equal to ________(they) own. Abundant (富饶).Canada has an abundance of natural resources, ________(especial) fresh water resources from numerous rivers and lakes. Pleasant. It enjoys lots of pleasant natural scenery and beautiful forests, in which trees are extremely tall, some ________(measure) over 90 meters. Livable. Three Canadian cities — Vancouver, Toronto and Calgary are in the top five livable cities in the world. Empty. It is such ________ empty country where most of Canadians live within a few hundred kilometers of the USA border.
All in all, the trip was ________ (amaze). I feel one trip cannot help me picture the whole country, ________I hope to take another cultural trip to Canada, with the ________(intend) of learning more about this country. When I ________ (equip) with much more information about this country, I can become a bridge between two great countries — Canada and China.
I was 17 years old. Along with a dozen other boys I had made a long trip to Iowa in order to see a college that I was thinking of 1 . While the trip had been 2 for the most part, now that I was there I was feeling depressed, alone, and isolated. I was missing my 3 and I was also missing the Appalachian mountains and the forests of my home. I loved 4 the leaves turned a thousand shades of green in the Spring and then 5 a sea of red, gold, and orange in the Fall.
Here in Iowa everything was 6 . The grass looked burnt and brown. All that I could 7 was a mixture of corn, mud, and pigs. I walked outside the dormitory of the college and sat on an old stump. I closed my eyes and 8 being back home again. When I finally opened them, however, I saw something that touched my 9 . It was a Prairie Sunset. It seemed to 10 the sky from horizon to horizon. Gold, red, purple and pink clouds all 11 together in a picture painted by Heaven's own hand. It was so huge that it took my breath away. It made our mountain sunsets seem 12 by comparison. I realized that this place too had its own special beauty. This place too was a part of nature's 13 .
Over the years to come I learned something else. Each of us has a special beauty 14 .
Each of us has our own 15 talents and abilities.
1. A. assisting B. attending C. visiting D. quitting
2. A. fun B. hard C. novel D. tiresome
3. A. chance B. school C. family D. goal
4. A. when B. how C. why D. whether
5. A. became B. flooded C. drew D. surrounded
6. A. easy B. beautiful C. flat D. rough
7. A. hear B. touch C. taste D. smell
8. A. cared about B. prepared for C. dreamed of D. thought over
9. A. body B. soul C. face D. pain
10. A. fill B. cover C. separate D. block
11. A. folded B. sank C. escaped D. flowed
12. A. tiny B. pale C. splendid D. weak
13. A. change B. punishment C. creation D. reflection
14. A. as well B. in addition C. for sure D. in between
15. A. extra B. unique C. possible D. reasonable

【答案】 (1)B

【答案】 F;G;B;D;E
A. 吃药吧。
B. 多点光线。
G.所以维生素D委员会建议每天至少摄入2000 IU。
(1)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空前“‘seasonal affective disorder’ or SAD”季节性情绪失调;以及这种疾病的症状可知下文主要介绍的是如何对抗SAD,故F选项能承接上下文,因此选F。
(2)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据本段的小标题“Take extra Vitamin D.”可知G选项和小标题相呼应,再结合下文的内容可知,缺乏维生素D似乎是导致SAD的一个主要因素,所以维生素D委员会建议每天至少摄入2000国际单位。由此可知,G选项和前文是因果关系,故选G。
(3)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据空后“Most researchers agree that the people who fall victim to SAD most often are particularly sensitive to the lack of light. ”季节性情感障碍的 受害者往往对光线不足特别敏感。所以此处建议要“获得更多的阳光”,故选B。
(4)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据本段的小标题“Increase exercise.”可知,D选项与小标题相呼应,根据下文的“The benefits are also long lasting.”可知,D选项中的benefit与下文相呼应,且语意(这些好处也是长期的)衔接下文,故选D。
(5)考查对上下文的理解和推理判断能力。根据本段的小标题“Eat more fish.”可知E选项fish和主题相呼应,另外,本段的主要内容是鱼的营养价值,且E. Fatty fish contain omega-3 fatty acids.“富含脂肪的鱼类含有-3脂肪酸”符合本段主旨内容,故选E。

【答案】 on;became;their;especially;measuring;an;amazing;so;intention;am equipped
(1)考查介词。句意:我想和你们分享这个国家给我留下的印象。leave a(n)… impression on sb固定短语,"给某人留下一个……样的印象",故填on。
(2)考查时态。句意:1971年,多元文化的加拿大正式成为多元文化社会。时间状语"in 1971"表明应该用一般过去时,故填became。
(3)考查代词。句意:加拿大人认为他们应该接受与自己文化、价值观和信仰相同的其他国家的文化、价值观和信仰。one's own表示"某人自己的",故填their。
(10)考查时态语态。句意:当我了解到更多关于这个国家的信息时,我可以成为两个伟大国家之间的桥梁。be equipped with固定短语,"装配有",在when引导的时间状语从句中,遵循"主将从现"原则,从句用一般现在时,故填am equipped。

【答案】 (1)B;(2)A;(3)C;(4)B;(5)A;(6)C;(7)D;(8)C;(9)B;(10)A;(11)D;(12)A;(13)C;(14)A;(15)B;
(1)句意:为了参观一所我正考虑就读的大学,我和其他十几个男孩长途跋涉来到爱荷华州。A. assisting“辅助”;B. attending“出席,上(大学等)”;C. visiting“参观”;D. quitting“离开,放弃”。作者去爱荷华州是为了考查自己想要就读的大学,故选B。
(2)句意:虽然这趟旅行大部分都很有趣,但现在我在那里却感到沮丧、孤独和孤立。A. fun“有趣”;B. hard“困难”;C. novel“新奇的,异常的”;D. tiresome“讨厌的”。本句与后半句I was feeling depressed, alone, and isolated表转折关系,这趟行程大部分都很有趣,故选A。
(3)句意:我想念我的家人,我也想念我家乡的阿巴拉契亚山脉和森林。A. chance“机会”;B. school“学校”;C. family“家人”;D. goal“目标”。作者想念家人,故选C。
(5)A. became“变成”;B. flooded“淹没”;C. drew“描绘”;D. surrounded“包围”。此处指树叶在秋天变成五彩斑斓的海洋,故选A。
(6)句意:在爱荷华这里,一切都很单调。A. easy“容易的”;B. beautiful“美丽的”;C. flat“平的,单调的”;D. rough“粗糙的”。通过上文对家乡美景的描述,可知作者做出对比,这里的一切都是平淡和单调的,故选C。
(7)句意:我能闻到的只有玉米、泥土和猪的混合气味。A. hear“听到”;B. touch“触摸”;C. taste“品尝”;D. smell“闻到”。作者起初对此地心生厌弃,所以能闻到的只有玉米、泥土和猪的混合气味。此处为嗅觉感触,故选D。
(8)句意:我闭上眼睛,梦见又回到了家。A. cared about“关心”;B. prepared for“为…...做准备”;C. dreamed of“梦想”;D. thought over“仔细考虑”。作者起初对此地失望,再一次想到了家乡,故选C。
(9)句意:然而,当我最终睁开眼睛时,我看到了一些触动我灵魂的东西。A. body“身体”;B. soul“灵魂”;C. face“脸”;D. pain“痛苦”。作者看到五彩斑斓的云布满天空,感受到了心灵的震颤,触动了灵魂,故选B。
(10)句意:它似乎从地平线到地平线布满了天空。A. fill“装满,填满”;B. cover“覆盖”;C. separate“分离”;D. block“封锁”。这里指云彩漫布天际,故选A。
(11)句意:金的、红的、紫的、粉的云彩,在上帝亲手绘制的一幅画里,一起流动。A. folded“折叠”;B. sank“下沉”;C. escaped“逃避”;D. flowed“流动”。这里是指云彩瞬息万变,像是在一幅画里四处流动,故选D。
(12)句意:相比之下,这让我们的山景显得渺小。A. tiny“渺小的”;B. pale“苍白的”;C. splendid“辉煌的”;D. weak“虚弱的”。根据上文“It was so huge that it took my breath away”它太大了,我简直无法呼吸,可知,此处与huge表对比,故选A。
(13)句意:这个地方也是大自然创造的一部分。A. change“改变”;B. punishment“惩罚”;C. creation“创造”;D. reflection“发射”。根据上文对于落日的描述,可知这个地方的美也是来自自然的造化,故选C。
(14)句意:我们每个人也都有独特的美。A. as well“也,同样”;B. in addition“此外”;C. for sure“确定,毫无疑问地”;D. in between“在中间,进退两难”。此句为作者在目睹爱荷华州落日之后生发的感慨,风景很美,我们每个人亦如是,故选A。
(15)句意:我们每个人都有自己独特的天赋和能力。A. extra“额外的”;B. unique“独特的”;C. possible“可能的”;D. reasonable“合理的”。根据上文作者对于爱荷华州的落日的描述,这个地方有它独特的美,此处推而及人,每个人同样都有独特的美,故选B。
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