Unit 13 We're trying to save the earth! 语法填空篇章练习题 (含答案)

Unit 13 We’re trying to save the earth!
Many kids want to help to keep the environment clean but don’t know where1._________(start). In fact,even the 2._________(simple) everyday activities can make a difference
to the environment. Here is how:
◆Don’t litter. Litter can3._____(pollute)our water and that could do harm to us and to wildlife.
◆Recycle bottles,paper and plastic. This is a good way to develop and can really make 4.___ difference.
◆Always turn5.____ lights and electronic devices(设备) when they are not being used.
◆Use your bike6.____ walk to nearby locations instead of driving a car. Encourage your 7.________(friend) and family to do the same.
◆Avoid8.________(waste) plastic bags by bringing your own reusable cloth bags to stores.
◆If you see9.______(litter),pick it up.
◆By following these tips and using10.______(they) in your everyday life,you can make the world a better place.It’s never too late to start.
Riding a bike is good exercise and great fun.11_____ what do you do with your old bike?The girl Nicole Basil has a great answer 12___ this question. When she was 8 years old,she had a dream 13________(help) others. Then she created Pedal Power. It is a charity(慈善机构) that collects bikes that kids don’t use and gives 14______(they) to Chicago public schools.
Since 2010,Nicole has provided poor kids with more than 1,000 bikes,15________(include) 400 helmets(头盔).“It is important to ride 16______(safe) on a bike,and helmets are a big part of that,” Nicole says.
The bikes 17_________(give) as rewards(奖励) to students who have good grades. Nicole collects more than 250 bikes each year.“Some kids aren’t as 18_______(luck) as others,
but they still do well in school,” she says.“And I think they should be rewarded for that.”
“It has been19 great way to encourage students to do their best,” one teacher says.“They work hard to try to make it happen.”
Nicole has received e-mails and phone calls from parents and teachers that say students’ 20________(grade) are improving.“Bikes can take you far,” she says.“Good grades can
take you even farther.”
Riding a bike is good exercise and great fun.21_____ what do you do with your old bike?The girl Nicole Basil has a great answer 22___ this question. When she was 8 years old,she had a dream 23________(help) others. Then she created Pedal Power. It is a charity(慈善机构) that collects bikes that kids don’t use and gives 24______(they) to Chicago public schools.
Since 2010,Nicole has provided poor kids with more than 1,000 bikes,25________(include) 400 helmets(头盔).“It is important to ride 26______(safe) on a bike,and helmets are a big part of that,” Nicole says.
The bikes 27_________(give) as rewards(奖励) to students who have good grades. Nicole collects more than 250 bikes each year.“Some kids aren’t as 28_______(luck) as others,
but they still do well in school,” she says.“And I think they should be rewarded for that.”
“It has been29 great way to encourage students to do their best,” one teacher says.“They work hard to try to make it happen.”
Nicole has received e-mails and phone calls from parents and teachers that say students’ 30________(grade) are improving.“Bikes can take you far,” she says.“Good grades can
take you even farther.”
There is no doubt that global warming has ____31____ (become) one of the biggest problems we face today, so it’s important for us ____32____ (protect) our environment.
As middle school ____33____ (student), what can we do First of all, try to ride bicycles and take public transportation to school instead ____34____ cars because it will make less CO2. It can not only be better for our ____35____ (healthy), but also make it possible for us to get ____36____ (close) to nature. Then, it’s necessary to pick up rubbish and put it into dustbins (垃圾桶). Planting more trees can also help a lot. However, we should never forget to turn off the lights when we leave the classroom. ____37____, why not reuse water and paper to live a low-carbon life
I think it’s ___38___ (everyone) duty to help our earth. And even the simplest activities can make ____39____ real difference to our environment. So don’t put it off! Let’s do ____40____ we can to protect our home. I believe we will make our world more and more beautiful.
There are many ways to save the environment if you would like. In this passage, you can find some ways.
Plant more trees. Choose a right ground near your house or workplace. ____41____ there’s any rule stopping you from ____42____ (grow) trees in that area, go ahead and grow trees. Plant a tree every month and ____43____ (encourage) your friends and classmates to join you. Have more and more trees ____44____ (plant) and there will come a day when you have green land thanks ____45____ your hard work.
Walk more and drive less. Choose to walk rather than drive your car. Walk or ride a bicycle to work if it’s not very far. Not only cycling but walking is good ____46____ (exercise). And each time you avoid using your car, you’re doing something ____47____ (help) to cut down air pollution. You are saving fuel (燃料), saving money and keeping fit as well.
Save water. Water is very important for ____48____ (live) things. It’s we who use and pollute ____49____ (it). The simplest way to save water is turning off water taps after use. When you visit a beach, make sure that you don’t throw waste around. Do not pollute rivers _____50_____ dropping rubbish or other waste. Water is so valuable, so we can’t waste or pollute it.
1.to start 2.simplest 3.pollute 4.a 5.off
6.or 7.friends 8.wasting 9.litter 10.Them
11.But 12.to 13.to help 14.them 15.including
16.safely 17.are given 18.lucky 19.a 20.grades
21.But 22.to 23.to help 24.them 25.including
26.safely 27.are given 28.lucky 29.a 30.grades
31.become 32.to protect 33.students 34.of 35.health
36.closer 37.Moreover 38.everyone’s 39.a 40.what
41.Unless 42.growing 43.encourage 44.planted 45.to
46.exercise 47.helpful 48.living 49.it 50.by



