Units1-3练习 2022-2023牛津译林版七年级英语下册(含答案)

1. Robert is good at playing _______ piano although he is only_______11-year-old boy.
A. /,the B. the,an C. a,/ D. the,the
2. —Is there________ in the show —Sorry, I didn’t go there.
A. something special B. special something C. anything special D. special anything
3. The teacher asked those boys ______ so much noise.
A. do not make B. not make C. not making D. not to make
4 — I’m looking forward _________ a trip tomorrow! — _________ then!
A. to having; Have a good time B. to having; Good idea
C. to have; Be careful D. having; Enjoy your day
5. ---Where is Tom’s bike He is looking for it. ---Can’t he see it It is just between________.
A. mine B. his C. yours D. her
6. There ______a football match this evening.
A. is going to have B. will have C. is going to be D. will be have
7. The juice bottles on the table are ________. ________ bottles are all empty.
A. my; Yours B. mine; Yours C. your; Mine D. yours; My
8. Lily and her sister look the same. I can’t tell one from _____ .
A. other B. another C. the other D. others
9. ─Why are you so happy ─We had fun ________volleyball with our friends just now.
A. play B. to play C. playing D. played
10. Every year, we plant _________trees.
A. five millions of B. five millions C. million of D. millions of
11 There are about seven _____workers in that factory.
A. hundreds B. hundreds of C. thousand of D. thousand
12. There are many in Beijing.
A. interesting place B. interesting places
C. places of interesting D. place of interest
13 --- beef do you want, sir --- Three kilos.
A. How much B. How many C. How heavy D. How
14. Most people here live in houses this.
A. likes B. like C. to like D. look like
15. It is about 8 ride from our school to the supermarket.
A. minutes' B. minutes C. minute's D. minute
16. Suzhou is Shanghai. It takes about only an hour to get to Shanghai from Suzhou by Car.
A. at the foot of B. not far away
C. different from D. not far from
17. How long does it take you to work every day
A. for going; take an underground B. go; by underground
C. Goes; to walk D. to go; on foot
One day, the wind starts an argument(争论) with the Sun. "I'm much l than you are!" says the wind. "No," answers the Sun "I'm much stronger than you are! "
While they are arguing, they see a man walking down the road. He is wearing a heavy 2 . The Sun says to the wind, "Now let us see 3 of us can make the man take off his coat, and then we will know 4 is stronger. "
First the 5 tries. It begins to blow very hard. It blows so hard that the man pulls his coat round him. The wind is 6 with the man. Then the wind says to the Sun, "Now it's your 7 . Let me see if you can make him take off his coat. " The Sun 8 to shine on the man. Soon it gets very hot! The man 9 his coat. The argument is 10 .
( )1. A. strong B. strongest C. strongly D. stronger
( )2. A. trousers B. hat C. coat D. shoes
( )3. A. what B. which C. why D. how
( )4. A whose B. who C. when D. what
( )5. A. Sun B. rain C. cloud D. wind
( )6. A. happy B. worried C. angry D. sad
( )7. A. way B. home C. hope D. turn
( )8. A began B. begins C. begin D. beginning
( )9. A. takes off B. takes down C. puts on D. puts down
( )10. A. out B. over C. on D. of
Paris is a very beautiful city but l will not call it the most romantic(最浪漫的)city at
all! It is difficult to find a hotel(旅馆)!That is quite funny(滑稽). Some policemen help us
and then we find a hotel! The hotel is on the sixth floor and it is tired to climb up the stairs
(爬楼)!The room is very simple(普通的)but it has a big bathroom. We go out for a walk
to visit the city. The Louvre Museum is our favourite one. There are some wonderful pieces
of art there. The Eiffel Tower looks so cool from a far place, but when we get close to it, it
doesn't look so good. We also don't feel well about the expensive food. Most of the time, we
enjoy Paris, but the weather is not always good. It often rains. We feel a little difficult
because not many people can speak English and we can't speak French. But I'm sti11(仍然)
glad that this is the beginning of our travel.
( )1. Who help the writer find a hotel?
A. Some students. B. Some policemen. C. Some workers. D. Some farmers.
( )2. There is a big_______ in the room of the hotel.
A. bedroom B. sitting room C. bathroom D. kitchen
( )3. How does the Eiffel Tower look from a far place
A. Cool. B. Short. C. Pretty. D. Bad.
( )4. What can we know from the passage
A. The writer doesn't go to the Louvre Museum.
B. The writer can speak English and French.
C. It never rains when the writer stays in Paris.
D. The writer thinks food is not cheap in Paris.
( )5. The passage mainly(主要)tells us_______.
A. Paris is not a good place to travel B. the writer is looking for a good hotel
C. the writer starts travelling from Paris D. it is important for people to speak French
1. Millie is an old friend of (我的).
2. There is (没有什么)interesting in this picture.
3. The old man is sick. Let's take him to the (当地的)hospital now.
4. -- How many (明信片)do you need -- Five, please.
5 There are lots of Chinese (绘画) in the Huangji Palace.
6. I like to read the (作品)of Jin Yong.
7. We ask Jason to write down something about his ['h mta n].
8. She is a good friend of ________________(我的).
9. Many people in big cities go to work by (地铁).
10. He didn’t go to bed __________ (直到)his father came back.
11. Are there any bookshops between the __________(旅馆)
12. If you are there,_________ (也许)you’ll find something special.
13 Would you like to be an __________(交换)student to USA
14. Shall we _____(邀请) them to have dinner with us this evening
15. The fish on the plate __________(闻起来) bad, so we can’t eat it.
16. They worry about not finding all their __________(钥匙).
17. I don’t know how to get to the___________(博物馆). Can you show me the way
18. I can’t do any reading when so many people are talking here. I need a _______(安静的)place.
19. Now there are many tall ________(建筑物) in the city.
20. It’s about ten ________(分钟) walk from here to the playground.
1. 你怎样到达学校?骑自行车。
--____________ do you _____________ to school
-I ____________ to school ______________ bike.
2. 我通常步行,但有时乘公共汽车。
I usually _____________, but _____________ ____________ a bus.
3. 我姐姐用15分钟吃早饭。
My sister _______________ 15 minutes ______________ breakfast.
It ______________ my sister 15 minutes ______________ breakfast.
4. 到达学校需要多长时间?
___________ ___________ does it take ___________ __________ ___________ school
Happiness is important to everyone. Most people want to be happy but few people know how to find happiness. In fact(事实上), we make our own happiness.
Here are the ways to help you be happy.
The secret(秘密) of happiness is to enjoy the simple things in life. We shouldn’t spend too much time worrying about the future. For example, will I get a good job in the future Instead, we should enjoy a simple life right now, such as reading a good book, listening to our favourite songs, or spending time with close friends. People who have close friends usually enjoy happier and healthier lives.
The secret of happiness is also to be active(积极的). Many people go dancing or play sports. People can forget about their problems and only think about the activities.
What’s more, many people find happiness is helping others. According to studies, people feel good when they volunteer their time to do many meaningful(有意义的) things for other people. If you want to feel happier, do something nice for someone. You can help a friend with his or her studies, go shopping to get food for an old neighbour, or just help your mother do some housework.
Now maybe you know how to find happiness!
__1___ to be happy
__2___ the simple things in life ___3___ worry about the future too much. Enjoy a simple life right now. Do some __4__,listen to music or spend time with close ___5____.
Being active Do activities like dancing or __6__ sports, and you will forget about your __7__.
Helping __8___ You will feel __9__ when doing meaningful things for other people. You can help a friend __10__ his or her studies,buy food for an old neighbour, or just help do some housework.
1-5 BCDAC 6-10 CDCCD 11-15 DBABA 16-17 DD
1-5 DCABD 6-10 CDBAB
1. mine 2. nothing 3. local 4. postcards 5. paintings
6. works 7. hometown 8. mine 9. underground 10. until
11. hotel 12. maybe 13. exchange 14. invite 15. smells
16. keys 17. museum 18. quiet 19. buildings 20. minutes’
1. How get get by
2. walk sometimes take
3. spends having takes to have
4. How long to get to
1. How 2. Enjoying 3. Don’t 4. reading 5. friends
6. playing 7. problems 8. others 9. happier 10. with




下一篇:人教版七年级英语下册 (1) Unit 1 Can you play the guitar? 测试卷(无答案)