
本试卷共 8页,满分 150 分。考试用时 120 分钟。注意事项:
1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、座位号和准考证号填写在答题卡上。 2.答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡庄
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B.C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在式卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对仅读一遍。
例:How much is the shirt
A. 19.15. B. 9.18. C. 9.15.
答案是 C。
1. Which room has the man finished decorating
A. The living room. B. The bathroom. C. The kitchen.
2. what does the man want to do now
A. Go to the cinema. B. Do some shopping C. Get something to eat.
3.Where does the conversation probably take place
A. In a library. B. In a classroom. C. In a bookstore.
4. What does the woman want the man to do
A. Write a letter. B. Look for the pen. C. Help fix a bookshelf.
.5. Who can Dr Philips be
A. A new neighbor. B. A street cleaner. C. An old friend
听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B.C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。
6. Why was the woman stopped by the police officer
A. She was speeding. B. Her car light was broken. C. She didn't wear a seat belt.
7. What is the weather like now
A Clear. B. Windy. C.Foggy.
听第 7段材料,回答第8至 10 题。
8.What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Police officer and citizen.
B. Husband and wife.
C. Neighbors.
9. What happened to the woman
A. Her house was on fire.
B. Her jewelry was stolen.
C. She had a fight with her neighbor.
10. Where does the woman live
A. On Clifton Street.
B.On Maple Street.
C.On Waterford Street.
听第8段材料,回答第 11至 13 题。
11. What is the purpose of the tennis match
A. To promote tennis. B. To improve fitness. C. To raise money.
How will the woman probably get to the tennis courts
A. By cur. B. On foot. C. By subway.
13. When will the speakers meet
A. At 8:30 am. B. At 9:30 am. C.At 10:30 am.
听第 9段材料,回答第 14 至 17 题。
14. Who is the woman probably asking for advice
A. Her neighbor.B. Her classmate. C. Her tutor.
15.What does the man think of the western dining traditions
A. plex. C. Casual.
16. When should the woman arrive
A. Around 4:30. B. Around 5:00. C. Around 5:30.
17. What is the woman advised to bring
A. Wine. B. Books, C. Food.
听第 10 段材料,回答第 18至20题。
18.Which type of ski run is fit for beginners
A. Green-circle.B. Blue-square. C. Black-diamond.
19.What do we know about the Whistler Blackcomb Mountain Resort
A. There are no instructors.
B. Cabins are in the middle of the forest.
C. Visitors can take cable cars there.
20. How can visitors get the best prices
A. By going to the sales desk.
B. By booking through the website.
C. By calling the sports center directly.
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
We have a list of travel guidelines from health organizations around the world to help you consider measures you should take to help reduce health risks when you travel. Please review all information that you need to protect yourself.
Wash your hands often
Wash your hands frequently and thoroughly for at least 20 seconds with soap and water. If soap and water are not readily available,use a hand sanitizer(洗手液)that contains at least 60% alcohol. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.
Wear a mask
Clean your hands with aleohol-based hand sanitizer, or soap and water, before putting on a ma Cover your mouth and nose with a mask or face covering and make sure there are no gaps between your face and the mask. Avoid touching the mask while using it; if you do, clean your hands.
Coughing and sneezing etiquette
If you are not wearing a mask. cover your mouth or nose with a flexed elbow or use disposable tissue and discard immediately after use. Clean hands with alcohol-based hand sanitizer or soap and water after coughing or sneezing.
Social distancing
Maintain at least6 feetor2meters (about2 arm lengths) distance between yourself and others
Avoid traveling if unwell
If you have a fever, cough, difficulty breathing a sore throat or have seen recent changes in taste c smell.medical professionals recommend you not travel. If you get sick during the trip, stay where you are and follow the advice of local officials.
Anticipate travel needs
Bring enough of your medicine to last you for the entire trip and have prescription paperwork with you if traveling internationally.Consider packing enough alcohol based hand sanitizer and keep it within easy reach; but remember some airports or airlines may have limitations on volume of liquids you can carry。Bring a cloth face covering or mask to wear in public places. Pack some food in case restaurants and stores are closed, but remember some airlines may limit your ability to carry food and drinks onboard.
21.What is the text intended to help people do
A. Travel smarter. B. Travel safer. C.Travel lighter. D Travel for free.
22. What information does the author provide
A. Carrying a soap at all times, B. Coughing with your mask off.
C. Keeping a proper social distance. D. Going back home if you feel sick.
23.What does the author recommend carrying in case you need
A. Alcohol. B. Facecloth. C. Food and drinks. D. Medicine packaging.
Thrown from his horse three times and repeatedly wet through while camping in a downpour, Chris Walker wondered whether the Mongol Derhy was really for him.
The property developer and farmer from Gloucestershire was, at 55, the oldest of the competitors in this year's 1.000 km race across the grassland.
Despite the hardships of his eight-day journey,Walker was delighted to finish third in the annual equestrian(马术的)endurance race.
Competitors race betweencheckpoints22 miles apart, where they change horses. They spend nights atone of28 stations, set up their own camp or enjoy the hospitality of friendly Mongolian families.
Walker,whose grandfather Neville Crump trained three Grand National winners, was an hour ahead of his rivals as the race entered its eighth day but was awarded a time penalty(判罚)because his horse had a high heart rate during one of the regular checks to ensure that the animals were healthy.
Walker said he had gone to Mongolia to“give it a go"but realized that he stood a chance of winning after teaming up with Patrick Heffron, a competitor from Ireland.
"The horses are quite wild.I got bucked off three times.I fell off in a bole," he said. "You're going
along and suddenly disappear.You have to hang on to your horse for dear life or it goes off.”
Walker who has raised more than 7000 for the charity Riding for the Disabled Association,own horses and his son" ton.
Heffron,who met Walker as they went out for the race. finished third equal alongside his companion.He said it was important to form a team mainly because falling off alone means that there is
no one to help you retrieve your horse.
“It is also a bloody long way to talk to yourself,”Heffron said. “Neither of us had prior ambitions win this race but we realized: "We're in front,"SP R pushed.
What can we learn about the Mongol Derby
It's a 22-mile equestrian endurance race.
Competitors have to camp at stations.
There is an age limit to competitors.
D. Horses are switched at checkpoints.
25.What is the main reason for Walker's falling behind
A. A time penalty. B. The wild horse. C. Poor teamwork. D. His ill health.
26.What does the underlined word “retrieve" mean in the text
A. Tie. B. Feed. C. Mount. D. Bring back
27.Which of the following words can best describe Walker
A. Enthusiastic but moody. B. Proud and stubborn.
C. Courageous and ambitious. D. Cooperative and generous.
TheCovid-19 pandemic has been stressful in so many ways and increased work stress stands out as widespread consequence of it.
In a study titled“This job is killing me"conducted at Northern Illinois University and Indiana a
University,the researchers discovered that two specific factors-having a high-stress job and low control over one's work-were closely related with higher death rates.
During the 20-year period,over 3,000 Americans were tracked at three separate points by the Midlife in the United States Survey Analyzing that data, the study found that those with high-stress, low-control jobs were 43% more likely to die than those in lower-risk categories.
People who suffered from depression were 130% more likely to die early, according to Erik Gonzalez-Mulé,who co-authored the study.Those with high stress, low-autonomy jobs who died were likely to have suffered depression.
GonzalezMulé says his takeaway is not that everyone should quit their jobs in terror. Rather, he also
says,those with influence over employees' work experience-like company heads and managers-should do as much as possible to increase workers’ feelings of autonomy, especially for workers in high stre
Lowering stress at work isn't always possible: Some jobs are inherently(固有地) stressful.But jobs.
Adding a sense of autonomy is sometimes possible .Gonzalez-Mulé says one simple option is to allow people to decide where to work, whether that's from home or other non-office workspace, In that way, theCovid-19 pandemic may have actually moved things forward: Employers who were unwilling to take the step of allowing flexible working on employees' terms have had to adapt fast and, in many cases have seen positive results.
There are other ways that companies can increase workers' autonomy too, especially for those for
whom working from home isn't an option.“Allowing people to choose what they want to do is kind of a higher order level of autonomy, whereas just allowing people to prioritize tasks and tackle things in the order they want is kind of on the low end," says Gonzalez-Mule
28. What does GonzalezMulé agree with
A. People should give up their stressful jobs.
B. Lowering employees'stress at work is essential.
C.People under high pressure are likely to suffer depression.
D.Employees should be allowed to make their own decisions.
29.What is the positive outcome the Covid-19 pandemic has brought
A. Light workload. B. Less stressful jobs.
C. Increasing autonomy. D. Safe working environment.
30.Which belongs to the lower order level of autonomy
A. Doing whatever one wants. B. Deciding what to do first.
6 Choosing to work at home. D. Choosing among several jobs.
31.What can be a suitable title for the text
A. Have High Control Over Your Work B. High-stress Jobs Can Cause Death
C. Stay Away From Stress at Work D. Ways to Cope with High Stress
Reading doesn't come naturally to people, but most of us have learned how. Eighty-six percent of the world's population is literate(有读写能力的),and this rate has been increasing for centuries. Literacy makes it possible to navigate a world filled with books, websites, text messages, road signs and more.
Could a growing number of people participate in today's world without reading or writing at all Technology makes it possible. Most of our devices now talk to us and take spoken commands. Smart cars ask for a destination and then give directions.Smart virtual assistants listen for requests to report the weather,play a song, set a timer, order groceries, and much more. Software can also read text aloud or turn speech into text. These interactions aren't perfect-the software still makes silly mistakes. But it's getting better and better. It's possible to imagine a future world where all of our communication with our devices and each other is spoken.
But reading and writing are powerful tools.For one, most people read faster than they speak. A podcaster or audio book narrator speaks at around150to 160 words per minute, while a strong reader can cruise through a text at 300 to 400 words per minute. That's twice as fast! Research has also found that people remember more information and stay more interested when they read as opposed to listen. Learning to read also creates new connections in the brain. In her book Proust and the Squid: The Story and Science of the Reading Brain, Maryanne Wolf writes that with the invention of reading, human beings “rearranged the very organization of our brain, which in turn expanded the ways we were able to think, which changed the intellectual evolution of our species."Would we really choose to give up that progress What do you think Do you hope people keep on reading and writing, or will technology make literacy obsolete(淘汰的)
32. What does the 2nd paragraph focus on
A. Technology makes up for illiteracy. B. Many people have problems with literacy.
C. Technology is a double-edged sword. D. Technology is changing fast.
pared to listening, what will a person do when reading
A. Gather more information. B, Remember less clearly.
C. Show less interest. D. Learn more words.
34. Why does the author mention Maryanne's book
A. To give an example of a book on reading. B. To show the evolution of human beings.
C.To prove that reading is related with brain. D. To illustrate the need for reading and writing.
35. Where is the text probably taken from
A. A textbook. B.A blog post.
C. A book review. D. An academic article.
Whether it's for a promising job interview. first date, or chance meeting, making a good impression is important in just about every situation.36
Arrive Early.Actor Billy Porter said it in his book Unprorected: A Memoir, "Fifteen minutes early is on time, on time is late, and late is unacceptable.”37 If you're giving a presentation, arriving early gives you a moment to test the equipment you're using.If you're early to a job interview, you'll have time to go over your elevator pitch to yourself, adjust your tie, or make sure your hair isn't out of place.
Actively listen.Active listening is giving the speaker your undivided attention and paying attention to what's said and the intention behind it.38 Asking the right questions shows you're engaged just don*ask something the speaker already answered,
39 When you're meeting someone for the first time, don't try to be someone you're not. If you don't know the answer to something they ask, don't fake it. The ability to learn into your weaknesses shows that you are self-aware.However, don't over emphasize your shortcomings, either.
Know your audience 40 If your meeting is planned in advance, you should know plenty about the person or business you're meeting with before arriving. Google the people you'll meet, the company founders/co-founders,their history their competition, their main products, and any other relevant information before you walk into the room.
Be authentic.
B. Do your research.
C. Emphasize your advantages.
D.Listen for opportunities to ask questions concerning the discussion.
E.There are some simple steps to succeed in the first business meeting.
F.We can help you put your best foot forward no matter where you are.
G.Arriving in advance for a meeting gives you a little more time to ensure everything is in place.
第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)
第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每题1.5分,满分30分)
The 2022-23 college basketball season hasn't even started yet, but we already have the photo of the year.It has nothing to do with anything that happened on the 41 , either, but instead a father-son 42 caught in the stands at Kentucky's intrasquad exhibition game.
The43 ,which has now gone viral, shows Michael McGuire and his son sitting in the stand Saturday's Blue White Game that was 44 in Eastern Kentucky. McGuire is still wearing his uniform and heavy boots and his face and arms are_45_in black coal dust.
While the dad possibly just wanted to go home and get46 . he prioritized his young son, and gave him the most 47 of gifts: his time.
MeGuire only had about 45 minutes to get to the game when he 48 work on Saturday and he didn't want to 49 his son Easton's first basketball experience.”It was either go straight there,or miss half the game to go home and take a shower and 50 ," he said. AKentuckyfan 51 the photo and posted it on Facebook in52 that someone from the coach’s staff would see it and 53 the little boy an autograph. The plan54 better than she hoped
and the head coach of the University of Kentucky. John Calipari shared the photo on social media a expressed 55 for his hard work and dedication to his son. For Calipari, the picture was 56 moving to him considering his own family also came from coal mining. So, the coach wanted to 57 the stranger and his family as VIPs to a game.
This picture symbolizes every son lucky enough to have a(an)_58 father doing the very best they canItalso59_every blue-collar worker in America providing for their family that still 60 important moments in their children's lives.
41.A.court B.scene C. stand D. air
42. A. discovery B. moment C. choice D. promise
43.A. game B. coach C. university D. photo
44.A.taught B. gone C. played D. watched
45. A. lost B. buried C. filled D. covered
46. A. fixed up B. picked up C. cleaned up D. packed up
47. A. interesting B. rewarding C.enjoyable D.precious
48. A. set about B. returned to C. went on D. got off
49.A.risk B. drop C. miss D. fail
50. A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing
51.A. developed B. worked C. shared D. took
52.A.efforts B. hopes C. expectation D. thought
53.A. pass B. lend C. send D. donate
54.A. happened B. selected C.mattered D. changed
55.A. admiration B. gratitude C.admission D.apology
56.A. hardly B. particularly C. usually D.merely
57.A,invite B. beg C. persuade D.allow
58.A.considerate B. independent C.hardworking D. determined
59.A.signals B. assumes C. confirms D.represents
60. A.judges B. permits C.recognizes D.claims
第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分 45分)
Hand-washing 61 (be)one of the simplest and most effective ways to prevent the spread of COVID-19.And yet, some people still fall 62 (wash)their hands effectively. However, there is one
last procedure 63 might save the day--how they dry their hands,
Scientist from the University of Leeds, UK, found that both paper towels,64 jet air hand dryers-the two main ways people dry their hands in public toilets--can 65 (significant) reduce virus contamination(污染).But there is still a big difference between the two.
In their study, scientists contaminated the hands of participants with a harmless virus. To simulate(模拟)poorly washed hands, participants 66 (ask) not to wash them at all before either wiping them with paper towels or 67 (put) them under a hand dryer. Scientists then tested surfaces that the participants touched afterward!doors, elevator buttons and phones,68 example. They found that on 10 out of 11 surfaces, the contamination was much 69 (heavy) after being touched by a blow-dried hand than a towel-wiped hand.
So the next time you use a public toilet, make sure you dry your hands with a paper towel-ideally after 70 (second) of careful hand-washing.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 35分)
第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
2.只允许修改 10 处,多者(从第 11 处起)不计分。
This summer I take a trip to the undersea world, which turned out extreme fantastic,
The first thing I became aware was all the vivid colors surrounding me. Seeing so extraordinary beauty,I found my heart beat wildly and every cell in my body waking up. I began to explore the fantastic coral.Suddenly,I caught a sight of an eel(鳗鱼)with its heads showing from a hole watching for tasty food.I felt scared to death but fled away. However, when I looked down into the deep of the ocean,I felt like discovering a whole new dimension of life.
Exposing to such deep clear water, I found my trip awesome!
第二节 书面表达(满分 25分)
注意:1.词数 100 词左右;
2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;参考词汇:移动支付:mobile payment
语法填空:is,to wash,that/which,and,significantly,were asked,putting.for,heavier,seconds
aware和was加 of,



