Unit 10 I'd like some noodles.单元知识专练(含答案)

Unit 10 I'd like some noodles.单元知识专练
1.The bowl is too large. That bowl is too small. I'd like a m______ one.
2.They have small, medium and ______(大号的)bowls.
3.I often have a bowl of______ (粥) and an egg for lunch.
4.The shoes are a little big. Bring me the s ______24,please.
5.There are many kinds of______ (饺子) in that restaurant.
6.They caught several______ ( fish).
7.Jack would not like______ ( tomato) and beef noodles.
8.Would you like something______ ( eat)
9.The number of the students in our school ______(be)over 2,500.
10.Alice is a(n)______ ( luck) girl. She’ll get the job.
11.There ______some noodles in the bowl.
12.Their______ are not right.
13.For vegetables, ______are my favorite.
14.______you like to go to the library
15.Today we have three______ in our restaurant.
16.I eat rice______ beef and potatoes. It's delicious.
A. in B. on C. with D. for
17.Bob and his brother go to the same school,but they're in ______classes.
A. special B. important C. different D. beautiful
18.If Mary ______teeth every day, she will have healthy teeth.
A. brush B. brushes C. will brush D. brushing
19.Three-fifths of the teachers in our school are______ .
A. man teacher B. men teachers C. woman teachers D. women teacher
20.Here is a banana. Please ______. We’ll make a banana milk shake.
A. cut them up B. cut up it C. cut it up D. cut it down
People often______ ______ ______ when there is a falling star.
People______ ______ ______ all celebrate May Day.
Enough rain can ______ ______ ______ ______ the farmers.
The dove is______ ______ ______ peace.
If you study hard, your dream will ______ ______.
Rick is an American boy. But he lives in Hefei with _26_family now.
His father has a new job in China,_27_Rick comes to China. Now he_28_in No.2 Middle School.
Today is Rick's_29_birthday. It's half past six in the evening. Dinner is ready. It's big and delicious. There is_30_food on the table. You can see some meat and apples. You can also see a bowl of noodles for Rick. And a round birthday_31_is in the middle of the table. There' re eleven_32_on the cake. He is just 11 years old. Is there anything to_33_ Sure!
There's apple juice and hot milk on the table. They are Rick's favorite drinks. What're those over there They' re_34_bowls of rice. They' re Rick's parents' favorite food. They will have the birthday dinner after
Rick's father_35_home. He doesn't get home yet. He usually gets home at a quarter to seven.
26.A. my B. her C. our D. his
27.A. so B. but C. or D. if
28. A. runs B. works C. studies D. sleeps
29.A. eighth B. tenth C. eleventh D. twelfth
30.A. no B. any C. little D. lots of
31.A. card B. party C. cake D. bag
32.A. ages B. bowls C. answers D. candles
33.A. describe B. make C. drink D. blow
34.A. one B. two C. three D. four
35.A. arrives B. leaves C. orders D. climbs
Dear Sue,
I am having a good time in Beijing. I am in a restaurant now. The restaurant is big and there are 30 tables in it. I order a bowl of noodles,some tofu and some vegetables. The dumplings here look good,and I want to order some next time. As for drinks,I order some tea. The meal will cost me 50 yuan.
The food here is very good. The noodles and the tofu
are delicious,and the vegetables are great,but the tea isn't very good.
People in the restaurant use chopsticks(筷子)to have meals. I can't use them and I am learning how to use them. It is very interesting. I think it will take me a long time to finish the meal.
I will go back to New York next week. See you soon.
36.From the passage,we can know Julia is in ______now.
A. Canada B. Australia C. China D. America
37. Julia orders ______for her meal.
①a bowl of noodles ②some dumplings
③some vegetables ④some beef ⑤some tofu
A.①②⑤ B.①③⑤ C.②③④ D.②④⑤
38.What does the underlined word“cost”mean
A.付出 B.花费 C.出售 D.得到
39.Julia thinks that using chopsticks is______ .
A. fun B. popular C. important D. cool
40.Which of the following statement(陈述)is true
A. Sue is in New York now.
B. Julia can use chopsticks well.
C. There are forty tables in the restaurant.
D. Julia thinks the tea in the restaurant is great.
一、1.medium 2.large 3.porridge 4.size 5.dumplings
二、6.fish 7.tomato 8.to eat 9.is 10.lucky
三、11.are 12.answers 13.onions 14.Would 15.specials
四、16--20: CCBBC
五、21.make a wish 22.around the world 23.bring good luck to 24.a symbol of e true
六、26--30: DACCD 31--35: CDCBA
七、36--40: CBBAA



上一篇:沪科版九年级物理 第十四章_了解电路拓展训练(无答案)
