2023中考英语一轮复习冀教版教材知识梳理 七年级(全)综合达标检测卷(含答案)

(限时:60 分钟 满分:90 分)
题 号 Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ 总 分
分 值
Ⅰ. 单项选择。(共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,
满分 10 分)
1.[2022·黔西南州]—Tom, remember to turn off the gas burner (燃气炉) before you leave
—Oh, I usually do that. I was just ______.
A. on my way B. in a hurry
C. in danger D. in surprise
2.[2022·沧州一模]Our country is trying to fight ______ the blue sky and clean water.
A. with B. for C. as D. against
3.[2022·黔西南州]I’m also ______ in the show of sea -lion feeding. I want to learn how they feed the sea lions.
A. surprised B. moved
C. excited D. interested
4.[2022·定西]—How’s the new restaurant
—It’s ______. We waited a long time for the food to arrive.
A. wonderful B. exciting
C. difficult D. awful
5.[2022·大连]—Wilson, ______ you help me carry the box upstairs
—Sure, no problem.
A. could B. need
C. should D. might
6.[2022·玉林改编]—Do you know ______ about the four classic novels of Chinese literature (文学)
—Yes, I learn something interesting about
Journey to the West.
A. anything B. something
C. nothing D. everything
7. [2022·河北二模]We all know that knowledge comes from ______.
A. practice B. confidence
C. mistakes D. courage
8.[2022·保定二模]He ______ smokes because he knows it’s bad for his health.
A. never B. always
C. usually D. sometimes
9. [2022·保定二模]Jack likes wearing his red hat. He ______ it from his grandma as a birthday gift.
A. is getting B. gets
C. got D. will get
10.[2022·定西]We ______ a e and join in.
A. were having B. are having
C. had D. have been
Ⅱ. 完形填空。(共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)[2022·滨州]
My name is Kevin. The first twelve years of my life were nearly perfect until my parents told me some terrible news that would change my life forever. But before I tell you the bad news, let me tell you about a 11 day in my life.
Every morning, my mom wakes me up softly and takes time to listen to my 12 .
She laughs at the strange ones and pretends
(假装) to be afraid when I tell her the scary ones. Then the 13 of breakfast carries me downstairs. During the drive to school, I choose the music we listen to. Mom, Dad, and I sing along 14 . At dinner, we eat and tell stories about our day happily.
Well, it’s the time for me to tell you the bad news. A few months ago, my parents told me that soon I’m going to 15 a little sister. Ugh! For twelve years, I have been the center of attention. I haven’t had to share my parents with 16 . One more person will make our house too 17 . I will have to share my room with the baby. Mom won’t have time to listen to my dreams anymore.
I told Mom that I don’t want a baby sister. But it didn’t work. Today, Mom and Dad are coming home from the hospital with my new sister, and I’ve decided to tell them they should just 18 .
Well, here they are. Suddenly, Mom hugs me and kisses the top of my head. 19 I say anything, Dad puts the baby in my arms. My baby sister 20 out and grabs (抓) my finger! I think she knows that I’m her big brother and she likes me already.
Hey, maybe having a little sister won’t be so bad. I believe Mom and Dad have enough love for both of us.
11. A. right B. great
C. serious D. terrible
12. A. excuses B. problems
C. requests D. dreams
13. A. taste B. feel
C. smell D. sound
14. A. clearly B. loudly
C. patiently D. politely
15. A. have B. save
C. educate D. influence
16. A. somebody B. anybody
C. everybody D. nobody
17. A. old B. dirty
C. crowded D. dangerous
18. A. take her back B. blow her away
C. wake her up D. let her down
19. A. When B. Unless
C. Before D. Although
20. A. cries B. rushes
C. gets D. reaches
Ⅲ. 阅读理解。(共 6 小题,每小题 5 分,满
分 30 分)
Tom’s got a big smile on his face. He’s thinking about swimming again. Right now he’s daydreaming about swimming in the sea, with dolphins and whales. Tom feels the water on his back and on his legs...
Tom hears children’s laughter first, then,“Tom, wake up! ”
Tom opens his eyes and looks up. Mrs. Potter, his teacher, is tapping his arm to get his attention. She doesn’t look happy. He gives her his best smile but she turns her back to him, saying, “No play time for you today, Tom. You can help me clean the classroom instead.” Tom sighs and looks across the classroom at May. She has got plans for
play time. Yesterday he promised to play table tennis with her. May’s good at table tennis. She wants to practise for the school championship.
Tom looks around at his classmates.Fatima, sitting next to him, is good at singing. Charlie’s in front of him. His best thing is painting. Last year he won a prize for a portrait of his pet fish, Goldie. It was amazing!“There’s Ollie,” he thinks.“Ollie’s
the town’s chess champion. Nobody at school
can beat Ollie at chess.” He moves his thoughts around the classroom, stopping at each child to name their best thing.
Tom looks at May again. He can’t see her face but he knows she’s sad.“I need a plan,” he thinks.“Mrs. Potter always tells us it’s important to help each other.” Tom remembers the shiny, red apple in his schoolbag and he smiles...
21. Why did Mrs. Potter feel unhappy with Tom
A. He didn’t learn to swim well.
B. He didn’t listen carefully in class.
C. He made many mistakes in his exams.
D. He forgot to clean the classroom.
22. What is Ollie probably good at
A. Swimming.
B. Playing table tennis.
C. Painting.
D. Playing chess.
23. What do you think happened later according to the story
A. Tom played table tennis with May.
B. Tom gave his red apple to May.
C. Tom refused to clean the classroom.
D. Tom went to Mrs. Potter for help.
You might think ice cream is a modern
kind of food, but actually, ice cream was first eaten in China more than 2,000 years ago. It was made from rice and milk. In Europe around 2,000 years ago, Roman leaders also enjoyed a kind of frozen dessert(冷冻的甜品). Snow and fruit were used to make it. It wasn’t true ice cream, as it had
no milk or cream in it.
Marco Polo, who came from Italy, spent a lot of time in China during the late thirteenth century. People believe that he saw ice cream being made while he was on his travels there. He brought the recipe (食谱) for it back home when he returned. This was the first time true ice cream was made
in Europe. Perhaps this is why Italians are considered the European masters (能手) of ice cream making. They have had more time than other countries to practise the recipe!
In the seventeenth century, King Charles Ⅰ of England was introduced to the pleasures of ice cream by his new French chef (厨师). He was so surprised by its beautiful taste that he offered the chef £500 a year (around £100,000 in today’s money! ). This wasn’t just for him to make Charles lots more ice cream. It was also to keep the recipe secret.
Ice cream cones (蛋卷筒) are a popular
way to serve ice cream. They’re easy to hold ice cream and there is no waste at all because they can be eaten up along with the ice cream. So they’re environmentally friendly as well as tasty. It’s believed they were invented in 1904 in the US.
Ice cream quickly won the hearts of people in the middle of the twentieth century. At that time,
the first fridges became available (可用的) to the public. Owning one meant you could keep ice cream at home. They also brought a bigger chance
of eating ice cream for those living in hot places.
24. What can we know from Paragraph 2
A. Marco Polo liked eating ice cream.
B. Marco Polo made lots of friends in China.
C. Marco Polo was a master of ice cream making.
D. Marco Polo brought the recipe for ice cream home.
25. What does the word“This” in Paragraph 3 refer to
A. Receiving £500 a year.
B. Getting advice from the king.
C. The king’s love for eating ice cream.
D. The chef’s love for making ice cream.
26. Which can be the best title for the passage
A. How to keep ice cream
B. The history of ice cream
C. How to choose ice cream
D. Different kinds of ice cream
Ⅳ. 任务型阅读。(共 5 小题,每小题 2 分,
满分 10 分)[2022·河北一模]
The idea that red means stop and green means go has influenced our lives in more ways than just traffic signals (信号). We have been taught from a young age that the color red means danger and green means it’s okay to move forward. But why were those colors chosen for traffic lights in the first place For something we have to look at every day, why couldn’t they have been prettier colors
Well, it’s important to know that before traffic lights for cars, there were traffic
signals for trains. At first, railway companies used red to mean stop, white to mean go, and green to mean warn. As you could imagine, trains ran into a few problems with white meaning go. For example, one train mistook a bright star for a white light and something unexpected happened. Because of that, railway companies finally moved green meaning go and used yellow to mean warn.
And it’s been that way ever since.
Red has always been a color that means danger, long before cars were even around. This most likely started because it’s the color with the longest wavelength (波长), so it can be seen somewhere farther than other colors.
But, believe it or not, yellow was once used to mean stop. Back in the 1900s, some stop signs were yellow because it was too hard to see a red sign in a poorly lit area.Finally, highly reflective materials (高反射材料) were developed and red stop signs were born. Since yellow can be seen well at all times of the day, school zones, some
traffic signs, and school buses continue to be
painted yellow.
That’s why traffic lights are red, yellow and green. So next time you are impatiently waiting at a traffic light, don’t get so mad at them, they’ve certainly come a long way.
27 题完成句子;28、29 题简略回答问题;30 题找出并写下全文的主题句;31 题将文中画线句子译成汉语。
27. There were traffic signals for _________
__________ before traffic lights for cars.
28. Which color meant“go” at first
29. Why are school buses painted yellow
30. _________________________________
31. _________________________________
Ⅴ. 词语运用。(共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,满
分 10 分)[2022·梧州改编]
The weather gets colder, days get shorter, and leaves fall off the tree. When winter 32. __________ (come), people live in warm houses and wear thick coats outside. But what happens 33. __________the animals
Some animals sleep for part or all of the winter. It is a special, very deep sleep 34. __________ (call) hibernation (冬眠).These 35. __________ (animal) body temperature drops, and their heartbeat (心跳 ) and breathing slow down. In autumn,they get ready for winter by eating
36. __________ (much) food than in summer and storing it as body fat. This fat provides 37. __________ (they) with enough energy while they are sleeping. Bears, snakes, frogs 38. __________ even some bugs (甲虫) hibernate.
Some animals are very active in winter.
It is hard for them 39. __________ (find)food. Some of them, like mice, collect extra food in autumn and store it to eat later. Some other animals eat 40. __________(difference) kinds of food as the seasons change. They may live in holes, in trees or under the ground to stay warm. Some birds, like wild geese (大雁), fly to the south for the winter. We call this migration (迁徙).
Nature 41. __________ (be) full of
magic. Aren’t the ways that animals get through the winter amazing
Ⅵ. 基础写作。(包括 A、B 两部分,A 部分 5
分,B 部分 15 分,满分 20 分)
A)连词成句。(共 5 小题,每小题 1 分,满
分 5 分)
42. went, Lily, friends, hiking, Sunday, with,her, last
43. the, spent, whole, they, morning,climbing, hill, a
44. are, hill, trees, there, lots of, the, on
45. danced, they, music, to, sang, and, there
46. how, they, happy, were
B)书面表达。(满分 15 分)[2022·贵州改编]
47. 丰富多彩的“课后服务”活动让我们的校园生活更加充实,促进我们成长。 请以
“Colorful Activities at School”为题,写一篇
不少于 80 词的短文。
Colorful Activities at School
Ⅰ. 1. B 提示:句意:———汤姆,离开
家之前记得把燃气炉关掉。 ———哦,我通常都这样。 我当时只是赶时间。 on the way 在途中;in a hurry 匆忙;in danger 在危险中;in surprise惊讶地。 根据“remember to turn off the
gas burner before you leave home”可知,“我”通常都这样,“我”当时只是赶时间,因此选 in a hurry。 故选 B。
2. B 提示:句意:我们的国家正在努力为蓝天和清洁的水而战。 fight with 和……打架;fight for 为……战斗;fight as 作为……而战 斗 ;fight against 对抗。 根据“the blue sky and
clean water”可知,我们的国家正在努力为蓝天和清洁的水而战。 故选 B。
3. D 提示:句意:我还对海狮喂食表演感兴趣。 我想知道他们是如何喂养海狮的。surprised 吃惊的;moved感动的;excited 激动的;interested 感兴趣的。 根据“I want to learn how they feed the sea lions.”可知,是“我”还对海狮喂食表演感兴趣,短语 be interested in 对……感兴趣。故选 D。
4. D 提示:句意:———新餐馆怎么样? ———太糟糕了。 我们等了很长时间食物才上。 wonderful 精彩的;exciting 令人激动的;difficult 困难的;awful 糟糕的。 根据空后“我们等了很长时间食物才上”可知,应是新餐馆很糟糕。 故选 D。
5. A 提示:句意:———威尔逊,你能帮我把箱子搬到楼上吗? ———当然,没问题。 could 能;need 需要;should 应该;might 可以。 根据“help me carry the box upstairs”可知,此处请求帮助,应使用委婉语气,用“could”符合
语境。 故选 A。
6. A 提示:句意:———你知道中国文学中四大名著的某些事情吗?———是的,我学到了一些关于《西游记》的有趣的东西。 anything 某些事情,用在否定句或疑问句中;something 某些事情,用在肯定句中。设空处是一般疑问 句 , 用 anything 。nothing 没有事,everything 意为“每件事,一切”,C、D 不符合题意。
7. A 提示:句意:众所周知,知识来自实践。 根据句意可知,此处表示实践,故选 A。
8. A 提示 :never 从 不 ;always 总是;usually 通常;sometimes 有时。根据句意可知,他“从不”吸烟。 故选 A。
9. C 提示:句意:杰克喜欢戴他的红帽子。 他是从他奶奶那里作为生日礼物得到的。 根据前句可知,杰克喜欢戴红色的帽子,说明帽子是在过去得到的, 所以句子用一般过去时。 故选 C。
10. B 提示:根据“Come and join in.”可知,“我们”正在开会,句子用现在进行时,因此选 are having。 故选 B。
Ⅱ.【文章大意】本文主要讲述了作者作为独生子一直享受父母的爱,直到有一天父母告诉他他即将有一个妹妹。 起初他不能接受,到最后态度改变了。
11. B 提示:根据下文“Every morning, my mom wakes me up softly and takes time to listen...”可知,在知道这个坏消息之前,之前的每一天对于作者来说都是很棒的。 故选 B。
12. D 提示:根据下文“Mom won’t have time to listen to my dreams anymore.”可知,此处是指作者做的梦。 故选 D。
13. C 提示:根据“the... of breakfast”可知,此处是指早餐的气味。 故选 C。
14. B 提示:根据“Mom, Dad, and I sing along...”可知,此处是指唱歌声音很大,用 loudly 修饰。 故选 B。
15. A 提示:根据下文“a little sister”可知,“我”要有个妹妹。 故选 A。
16. B 提示:根据上文“I haven’t had to share my parents with...”可知,是任何人,此处为否定句,B 项符合题意。 故选 B。
17. C 提示: 根据上文“One more person will make our house too...”可知,作者多了一个妹妹,所以房间是拥挤的。 故选 C。
18. A 提示:根据“I’ve decided to tell them”可知,推测作者希望把妹妹带回去。 故选 A。
19. C 提示: 根据“Dad puts the baby in my arms”可知,此处是指在作者说话之前,时间为先后关系,下文动作先发生,故选 C。
20. D 提示:根据“My baby sister... out and grabs my finger! ”可知,此处是指作者妹妹伸出手抓住了作者的手,固定短语 reach out 伸出来。 故
选 D。
21. B 提示:推理判断题。 根据前三段的内容可知汤姆上课的时候在走神,被老师发现了。 故选 B。
22. D 提示:细节理解题。 根据文中“奥利是镇上的象棋冠军。 学校里没有人下棋能赢奥利。 ”可知奥利擅长下象棋。
23. B 提示:推理判断题。 根据文章最后“汤姆记得书包里那个红得发亮的苹果,他笑了”可知他会把苹果给 May。
24. D 提示: 细节理解题。 根据“People believe that he saw ice cream being made while he was on
his travels there.”可知他回去的时候
带回了冰淇淋的食谱。 故选 D。
25. A 提示:代词指代题。 根据前文“He was so surprised by its beautiful taste that he offered the chef £500 a year ( around £100,000 in today’s money! ).”可推知 This 指的是 500 英镑的年薪。 故选 A。
26. B 提示: 标题概括题。 根据“You might think ice cream is a modern kind of food, but actually, ice cream was first eaten in China more
than 2,000 years ago.”及全文可知,文章介绍了冰淇淋的历史。 所以 B 项符合题意。 故选 B。
Ⅳ.【文章大意】本文主要介绍了交通信号灯使用红色、 黄色和绿色的原因以及其发展过程。
27. trains
28. White.
29. Because yellow can be seen well at all times of the day.
30. But why were those colors chosen for traffic lights in the first place
31. 早在汽车出现之前,红色就一直是代表危险的颜色。
Ⅴ. 32. comes 33. to 34. called
35. animals’ 36. more 37. them
38. and 39. to find 40. different 41. is
Ⅵ. 42. Lily went hiking with her friends last Sunday
43. They spent the whole morning climbing a hill
44. There are lots of trees on the hill
45. They sang and danced to music there
46. How happy they were
47. One possible version:
Colorful Activities at School
“After -school service” activities have enriched our campus life. There are many interesting activities in our school, such as homework guidance and community activities. Let me introduce some of my activities.
First, after school I usually play badminton on the playground for half an hour. And it will make me more energetic. Then, I finish my home -
work at school. So I don’t have to do my homework when I go home.
Finally, I will take drawing classes,because I like drawing things on paper best. I think it’s very relaxing for me.



