
Unit 3 高频考点检测卷-小学英语六年级下册人教PEP版
1.—Did you eat __________ else ( )
—Yes. I ate strawberries, too.
A.anything B.nothing C.something
2.—________ you have a good time ( )
—Yes, I do.
A.Did B.Do C.Was D.Is
3.My brother often ______ snowmen in winter. ( )
A.made B.make C.makes
4.—What happened to you ( )
A.I hurt my foot. B.It was great. C.Thank you.
5.She couldn’t sleep ________ her father came back home.
A.till B.and C.so
6.John ________ pictures and ________ swimming last summer holiday. ( )
A.take; go B.took; went C.took; go
7.______ you ______ a horse last weekend ( )
A.Did; ride B.Do; rode C.Did; rode D.Do; ride
8.Where did you ______ last Saturday ( )
A.went B.go C.goes
9.—Where did you go yesterday
—To the cinema. We _________ _________ food (吃新鲜的食物) and _________ pictures (拍照).
10.—______ did you go on your holiday
—I went to Beijing.
11.The fish _________ (品尝起来) very nice. l like it very much.
12.Sarah: ________________________
Lily: Yes, my brother had many sports shoes.
13.Tom: ________________________
John: Zhang Peng wears size 41.
of in like over till
14.The horse looks ______ a mule.
15.Where did you go ______ the winter holiday
16.We took many photos ______ the beautiful countryside.
17.These grapes won’t be ready ______ August.
18.It’s dangerous (危险的) to sit ______ a basket on the front of the bike.
A.I went to Dalian. B.Yesterday. C.Because my uncle was ill. D.I stayed there for a week. E. I came back by train.
19.How did you come back ( )
20.How long did you stay here ( )
21.Where did you go on holiday ( )
22.Why did you go there ( )
23.When did you come back ( )
24.( ) Oh, dear! Are you all right
( ) Can I come and visit you
(1) Hi! Tom. You didn’t come to school. What happened
( ) Yes, I’m OK. Thanks.
( ) Sure.
( ) I fell off my bike and hurt my foot.
A: Hello, Mary. ____25____
B: I went to Kunming.
A: ____26____
B: It was warm and sunny.
A: ____27____
B: I went there by plane.
A: ____28____
B: I watched folk dances (民族舞) and took some pictures.
A: Did you eat any Kunming snacks
B: ____29____ They were delicious.
A.How did you go there
B.What was the weather like there
C.Where did you go over your holiday
D.Yes, I did.
E.What did you do there
F.When did you go there
30.ate, mum, bad, some, and, fruit, feel, didn’t, well, she (.)
31.Amy, go, winter, did, Where, last, holiday( )
32.did, last, where, go, night, you ( )
33.Turpan, you, to, go, Did
34.did, weekend, go, last, where, you ( )
My friend Sun Yang is a university student. Last summer holiday, he went to Germany and stayed there for two months.
"How did you get so much money (钱), Sun Yang " I asked.
"I got a job in Germany."
"What did you do there "
"I gave Chinese lessons to a shop owner (店主). He gave me a room, three meals a day and some money."
"But you aren't a teacher."
"He knew I wasn't a teacher, but he wanted to learn Chinese. I talked with him two hours a day. Sometimes I helped him cook meals. I didn't have to work on weekends. I often took a trip on weekends."
"Did he learn much Chinese " I asked.
"I don't know, but I learned lots of German (德语)," Sun Yang said.
35.Sun Yang is a _________. ( )
A.teacher B.student C.shop owner
36.Sun Yang went to _________ last summer holiday. ( )
A.Australia B.the UK C.Germany
37.Sun Yang often _________ on weekends. ( )
A.gave lessons B.took a trip C.cooked meals
38.Sun Yang gave _________ lessons to the shop owner. ( )
A.English B.German C.Chinese
39.Did Sun Yang learn German ( )
A.Yes, he did. B.No, he didn't. C.I don't know.
40.Sun Yang lived in Germany for _________ last summer holiday. ( )
A.two weeks B.two months C.two years
My name is Tony. One day, I was walking in the school. A big Australian student came to me and said, “Give me five.” He said it many times. I was very afraid at that time. I thought he was a robber (强盗). I told him I didn’t have five yuan and I couldn’t give him five yuan. He looked at me and became very angry. I ran away quickly.
In the evening, I told it to Mr White. He is the head teacher of the school. I wanted him to do something with that boy. But Mr White had a good laugh at it. He told me, “The student wins the basketball game.” The boy was very happy and he wanted to tell other people about it. “Give me five.” really means “Clap hands with me.”
41.When Tony was walking in the school, an Australian student came to him. ( )
42.When Tony heard “Give me five yuan.” many times, he was very angry. ( )
43.Finally, Tony gave the Australian student five yuan. ( )
44.After listening to Tony’s words, Mr White phoned the policeman. ( )
45.The Australian student wanted Tony to clap hands with him because he won the basketball game. ( )
【详解】句意:我哥哥在冬天经常堆雪人。often是一般现在时的标志词,故该句是一般现在时,主语My brother是单数第三人称,故谓语动词用第三人称单数形式,A过去式,B原形,C第三人称单数,故选C。
【详解】句意:约翰去年暑假拍照片和游泳了。take pictures拍照,take过去式为took,go swimming去游泳,go过去式为went,根据句中的last summer holiday,可知句子是一般过去时,谓语动词用动词过去式,排除A,and连接的动词形式必须一致,排除C,故选B。
【详解】句意:你上周末骑马了吗?由句中last weekend可知句子时态为一般过去时。句中有实意动词ride,因此应借助助动词Did引导一般疑问句,后面的动词用原形,句型结构为“Did + 主语 + 动词原形 + 其他 ”,故选A。
9. ate fresh took
【详解】句意:—你昨天去哪儿了?—去电影院。我们吃新鲜的食物和拍照。yesterday是一般过去时的标志词,动词吃eat用过去式ate,新鲜的fresh,拍照take pictures,take用过去式took,故答案为ate;fresh;took。
【详解】句意:这鱼尝起来非常好,我很喜欢。根据句意可知,该句是陈述句,时态为一般现在时,主语the fish,可数名词单数,谓语动词用三单形式,taste尝起来,变为三单tastes,故答案为tastes。
12.Did your brother have any sports shoes
【详解】句意:—________—是的,我哥哥有很多运动鞋。根据答语,可知问句是did引导的一般疑问句,句意是你哥哥有一些运动鞋吗?主语你哥哥是your brother,did后面接动词原形,有是have,一些用any,运动鞋是sports shoes,故答案为Did your brother have any sports shoes
13.What size are Zhang Peng’s shoes
【详解】句意:—______?—张鹏穿41码。根据答语,可知问句问的张鹏穿的鞋是多大尺码?句子是What size引导的特殊疑问句,时态是一般现在时,主语 张鹏的鞋为Zhang Peng’s shoes是复数,be动词用are,故答案为What size are Zhang Peng’s shoes
14.like 15.over 16.of 17.till 18.in
【解析】14.句意:这匹马看起来像一头骡子。根据句意及所给提示单词可知该空填like,look like看起来像,故答案为like。
15.句意:寒假期间你/你们去了哪里?根据句意及所给提示单词可知该空填over,over the winter holiday在寒假期间,故答案为over。
16.句意:我们拍了很多美丽乡村的照片。根据句意及所给提示单词可知该空填of,take photos of...给.……拍照,故答案为of。
19.E 20.D 21.A 22.C 23.B
20.句意:你在这里待了多久?问句是由how long引导的特殊疑问句,提问逗留的时间长度,结合所给选项,D选项我在那里待了一个星期。符合题意,故选D。
24. 3 5 4 6 2
【详解】首句已给出,该句为Hi! Tom. You didn’t come to school. What happened
向对方解释发生了什么,故该句为I fell off my bike and hurt my foot.
听到对方受伤,关心对方,故该句为Oh, dear! Are you all right
回复对方自己已经好了,故该句为Yes, I’m OK. Thanks.
接着提议去看望对方,故该句为Can I come and visit you
故答案为3 5 4 6 2。
25.C 26.B 27.A 28.E 29.D
30.Mum ate some bad fruit and she didn't feel well.
【详解】ate吃,mum妈妈,bad坏的,some一些,and和,fruit水果,feel感觉,didn’t助动词的否定形式,well好,根据所给的句号,可知句子是一个陈述句,根据所给词义可以连成句子:妈妈吃了一些坏了的水果,现在感觉不好。故答案为Mum ate some bad fruit and she didn't feel well.
31.Where did Amy go last winter holiday
【详解】Amy艾米,go去, last winter holiday上个寒假,did助动词,Where哪里,根据所给的问号和疑问词,可知句子是特殊疑问句,根据所给的词义可以连成句子:艾米上个寒假去了哪里?故答案为Where did Amy go last winter holiday
32.Where did you go last night ##Last night where did you go
【详解】did助动词,last night昨天晚上,where哪里,go去,you你(你们),根据所给的问号,可知句子是一个疑问句,根据所给词义可以连成句子:昨天晚上你(你们)去哪里了?故答案为Where did you go last night Last night where did you go
33.Did you go to Turpan
【详解】Turpan吐鲁番,you你(们),go to去,Did助动词。根据Did和句末的问号,可知句子为Did引导的一般疑问句。根据词义可连成句子:你(们)去吐鲁番了吗?故答案为Did you go to Turpan。
34.Where did you go last weekend
【详解】did助动词,last weekend上周末,go去,where哪里,you你,根据所给问号及疑问词where可知句子是特殊疑问句,根据所给单词词义可以连成句子:你上周末去哪里了?故答案为Where did you go last weekend
35.B 36.C 37.B 38.C 39.A 40.B
【分析】35.句意:孙杨是_________。根据My friend Sun Yang is a university student,可知Sun Yang是一名大学生,故选B。
36.句意:孙杨去年暑假去_________。根据Last summer holiday, he went to Germany and stayed there for two months,可知去年暑假,他去了德国,故选C。
37.句意:孙杨在周末经常_________。根据I often took a trip on weekends,可知Sun Yang周末常常去旅行,故选B。
38.句意:孙杨给店主上了_________。根据I gave Chinese lessons to a shop owner,可知Sun Yang给店主上的是中文课,故选C。
39.句意:孙杨学德语了吗?根据but I learned lots of German,可知该句是正确的,故选A。
40.句意:孙杨去年暑假在德国住了_________。根据Last summer holiday, he went to Germany and stayed there for two months,可知去年暑假,他去了德国,在那里呆了两个月,故选B。
41.T 42.F 43.F 44.F 45.T
41.题干句意:当托尼正在校园走着的时候,一个澳大利亚的学生朝他走了过来。根据 One day, I was walking in the school. A big Australian student came to me and said.可知题干正确,故答案为T。
42.题干句意:当托尼听到“给我五元钱。”很多次,他非常生气。根据He said it many times. I was very afraid at that time.可知他很害怕,不是生气。故题干错误,故答案为F。
43.题干句意:最后,托尼给了那个澳大利亚的学生五元钱。根据 I told him I didn’t have five yuan and I couldn’t give him five yuan. He looked at me and became very angry. I ran away quickly.可知最后托尼跑走了。没有给钱。故题干错误,故答案为F。
44.题干句意:听完托尼的话后,怀特先生给警察打了电话。根据But Mr White had a good laugh at it. 可知怀特先生大笑。没有给警察打电话。故题干错误,故答案为F。
45.题干句意:那个澳大利亚的学生想要和托尼击掌,因为他赢了篮球比赛。根据He told me, “The student wins the basketball game.” The boy was very happy and he wanted to tell other people about it. “Give me five.” really means “Clap hands with me.”可知题干正确,故答案为T。
精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页)



