
1.In 2003 he ______ the first taikonaut. ( )
A.become B.becomes C.became
2.What ______ interesting book! It’s about ______ cat. ( )
A.an; a B.an; an C.a; an
3.Daming is playing ________ suona, but Sam is playing ________ table tennis. (  )
A./; the B.the; the C.the; /
4.—When are you _________ Beijing ( )
—I am _________ Beijing tomorrow.
A.going to go to; going to go B.going to; going to C.going to go; going to
5.I flew _________ the earth in it a long time ago. ( )
A.of B.to C.in
6.He became a writer ______ 1998. ( )
A.on B.in C.at
7.—How many people are there in your family ( )
—________ five.
A.There are B.there is C.there are
8.It's easy _____ make mistakes with English. ( )
A.for B.in C.to
9.There are some balloons _______.
10.I sometimes ride my _________ on Sundays.
11.He's trying to the bus.
12.Please hurry. The s_____ c_____ at five o’clock.
13.Pandas eat for twelve hours a day, they love _________.
A.这是我在中国的地址。 B.很高兴见到你。 C.我不会用汉语写信。 D.他来自中国。 E. 我能讲一些英语。
14.Pleased to meet you. ( )
15.I can speak some English. ( )
16.He’s from China. ( )
17.This is my address in China. ( )
18.I can’t write letters in Chinese. ( )
A.B. C.D. E.
19.We eat mooncakes at the Mid-Autumn Festival. ( )
20.Sheep like grass. ( )
21.I have got a new bicycle. I often ride it. ( )
22.In America, there is lots to see. Many different places like New York and Tennessee. ( )
23.The light is red. Please don't cross. ( )
A.It’s twenty yuan. B.It’s half past seven. C.I want some noodles, please. D.To the library. E. A cup of juice, please.
24.Can I help you ( )
25.How much is this book ( )
26.Where are you going ( )
27.What do you want to drink ( )
28.What time is it now ( )
( )It's more than twenty thousand kilometres long.
( )Look! It's a picture of the Great Wall. Do you know it
( )It's in China.
( )No, I don't. Tell me more about it. Where is the Great Wall
( )And how long is it
Marie Curie (居里夫人)was a famous ___30___ She ___31___born in Poland (波兰)in 1867. As a young ___32___ , she went to Paris(巴黎), France(法国) to study maths. She was very good at maths and science. In 1903,the Curies with another scientist(科学家)shared(分享)the Nobel Prize (诺贝尔奖). She lived to ___33___67. She is a role model ____34____ everyone.
30.A.teacher B.taikonaut C.scientist
31.A.is B.was C.be
32.A.woman B.man C.driver
33.A.is B.was C.be
34.A.for B.in C.with
It was rainy (下雨的) last weekend. John and his parents couldn’t have a picnic in the mountain, so they were at home. They were busy all the weekend. His mother washed the clothes and cooked three meals for them. His father cleaned the windows, doors, desks and chairs of all the rooms. John emptied (倒空) the trash (垃圾) and helped them with the housework. John’s father read a book in the evening. John and his mother watched TV. They were very tired but very happy, because they all had lots of things to do.
35.What was the weather like last weekend ( )
A.It was cloudy. B.It was rainy. C.It was snowy.
36.What did John’s family plan to do last weekend ( )
A.They planned to do some shopping.
B.They planned to go to the zoo.
C.They planned to have a picnic.
37.What did John’s mother do last weekend ( )
A.She washed the clothes and cooked the meals.
B.She cleaned the windows.
C.She emptied the trash.
38.What did John’s father do in the evening ( )
A.He watched TV. B.He read a book. C.He cooked the meal.
39.What did John and his parents feel last weekend ( )
A.They were happy. B.They were sad. C.They were boring.
There is a small restaurant near our school. It is very nice. The food is very delicious and cheap. Here’s the menu:
Fish: 16 Noodles: 5 Hamburger: 10 Soup: 1.5
Meat: 8 Rice: 2 Sandwich: 6 Cola: 3
After school, we often go there to eat some food. I like hamburgers. Daming likes sandwiches. Li Ping likes fish. Sometimes our teachers go there to have their dinner.
40.The restaurant is near our school. ( )
41.The soup is $1.5. ( )
42.I have ten yuan. I can buy a hamburger. ( )
43.Li Ping doesn’t like fish. ( )
44.The teachers don’t go to the restaurant to have dinner. ( )

具体要求:1. 根据所给的图片提示,描述你的暑期生活,不少于五句话。
2. 注意时态、语法正确,语句通顺,书写清晰,规范完整 。
My summer holiday
The summer holiday is coming.
【详解】句意:—你什么时候去北京?—我明天去北京。本题考查一般将来时和动词搭配。go to Beijing去北京,固定搭配,选项A中的第二个空搭配是错误的,选项C中的第一个空搭配是错误的。选B是用现在进行时表将来,现在进行时的结构为:be+动词的现在分词,故选B。
【详解】句意:用英语很容易出错。be easy to do sth.做某事是容易的,所以该空填动词不定式,故选C。
9.in the sky
【详解】句意:____有一些气球。图片显示为气球在天空上,此处应用in the sky,意为在天空上,为固定短语,故答案为in the sky。
【详解】句意:他在______公共汽车。图意:上车,英文为get on,to后的动词用原形。故答案为get on。
12. shop closes
14.B 15.E 16.D 17.A 18.C
16.He's from他来自,China中国,句子翻译为他来自中国。故选D。
17.This这,is是,my我的,address地址,in China在中国,句子翻译为这是我在中国的地址。故选A。
18.I我,can't不会,write写,letters信,in Chinese用汉语,句子翻译为我不会用汉语写信。故选C。
19.D 20.E 21.C 22.B 23.A
24.C 25.A 26.D 27.E 28.B
29. 5 1 3 2 4
30.C 31.B 32.A 33.C 34.A
35.B 36.C 37.A 38.B 39.A
35.句意:上周末天气如何?A它是多云的,B它是下雨的,C它是下雪的,根据“It was rainy (下雨的) last weekend.”上周末下雨,故选B。
36.句意:上周末约翰一家计划做什么?A他们计划去购物,B他们计划去动物园,C他们计划去野炊,根据“John and his parents couldn’t have a picnic in the mountain, so they were at home.”约翰和父母不能去山上野炊,只能呆在家,故选C。
37.句意:上周末,约翰的妈妈做了什么?A她洗衣服和做饭,B她打扫窗户,C她倒垃圾,根据“His mother washed the clothes and cooked three meals for them.”他的妈妈她洗衣服和做饭,故选A。
38.句意:约翰的爸爸晚上做了什么?A他看电视,B他看书,C他做饭,根据“John’s father read a book in the evening.”约翰的爸爸晚上看书,故选B。
39.句意:上周末,约翰和家人感觉怎么样?A他们很开心,B他们很悲伤,C他们很无聊,根据“They were very tired but very happy, because they all had lots of things to do.”他们很累但是很开心,因为所有人都有很多事做,故选A。
40.T 41.F 42.T 43.F 44.F
40.句意:餐馆在我们学校附近。根据There is a small restaurant near our school.可知我们学校附近有一家小餐馆。所以题干与原文内容相符,故答案为T。
41.句意:这汤1.5美元。根据菜单中Soup: 1.5可知汤1.5元。所以题干与原文内容不相符,故答案为F。
42.句意:我有十元钱。我可以买个汉堡。根据菜单中Hamburger: 10可知一个汉堡10元,10元钱正好买一个汉堡,所以题干与原文内容相符,故答案为T。
43.句意:李平不喜欢鱼。根据Li Ping likes fish.可知李平喜欢鱼。所以题干与原文内容不相符,故答案为F。
44.句意:老师们不去餐馆吃饭。根据Sometimes our teachers go there to have their dinner.可知有时我们的老师去那里吃饭。所以题干与原文内容不相符,故答案为F。
My summer holiday
Summer holiday is coming. I’m going to Xinjiang with my parents. Xinjiang is in the west of China. We are going there by plane. First we are going to visit my grandparents. We are going to climb the Tianshan Mountains. And I’m going to ride a horse. Then I’m going to visit the Tianchi Lake. It is very beautiful. I’m sure I will have a good time.
【详解】1. 题干解读:该题目要求根据图片提示,为自己的暑假生活计划一下。然后再阐述暑假要去哪,和谁去,在那做什么。注意文章为一般将来时态并要符合句子数量要求。
2. 参考词汇与句型:
参考单词:in the west of在……的西部,by plane坐飞机,grandparents祖父母,climb the Tianshan Mountains爬天山,ride a horse骑马,Tianchi Lake天池,
参考句型:I’m going to …;We are going there by …;First we are going to …;Then I’m going to …;
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