北京市人教版八下Unit 1 What's the matter?听口检测1(含答案及听力音频听力原文)

(1) When are they going to have a picnic
A.Tomorrow. B.Next weekend. C.Next Tuesday.
(2) Mary's mom has a _____.
A.cold B.sore back C.headache
(1) What's the matter with Mike's mother
A.She has a fever. B.She has a cold.
C.She has a sore back.
(2) What does Mandy give to Mike
A.Some flowers. B.Some fruit.
C.Some medicine.
(1) How many people got hurt in the accident
A.10. B.17. C.20.
(2) How did the accident happen
A.The truck was broken.
B.The driver drove after drinking.
C.The driver kept driving when he was tired.
(1) What can we learn from the news
A.David's leg got hurt.
B.David is only ten years old.
C.David's parents were busy with work.
(2) Why did Cody make loud noises
A.To wake David up. B.To let him go into the house.
C.To ask David to cook for him.
(1) When did Jenny start to cough
【音频原文】When did Jenny start to cough
(1) What did Lucy help her aunt do
【音频原文】What did Lucy help her aunt do
(1) Who is interested in mountain climbing
【音频原文】Who is interested in mountain climbing
(1) Why did the car accident happen
【音频原文】Why did the car accident happen
(1) Where is Mandy going
【音频原文】Where is Mandy going
How to Have a Healthy Eating Habit
Eat breakfast every day ● Keep your ___1__ up ● Plan your breakfast a day early
___2__ your food and eat slowly ● It takes some time for your ___3__ to tell you that it's full. ● It's better to spend at least ___4__ minutes to eat your meals.
Eat more vegetables and less junk food Too much junk food will ___5__ your body.
(6) 你的转述可以这样开始:Chris is giving us some advice on how to have a healthy eating habit. First, we should ...
1. 【原文】M: Hi, Mary. This is Mike. We are going to have a picnic next weekend. Can you come with us
W: I'd love to, but I have to look after my mother. She is ill in bed.
M: I am sorry to hear that. What's the matter with her
W: She has a cold. Nothing serious.
M: But she should drink lots of water. I hope she will feel better soon.
W: Thanks.
M: If you are free next weekend, you can come. We will meet at 6:00 a.m. at the school gate.
W: OK. I hope so.
M: Bye.
W: Bye.
(1) B
(2) A
2. 【原文】W: Mike, let's go to the movies tonight.
M: Sorry, Mandy. I have no time.
W: Do you have to do your homework
M: No. My mother has a fever and I have to look after her at home.
W: I'm sorry to hear that. When did it start
M: Last night. But she feels better now.
W: Here is a box of fruit. Please take it to your mother. It's good for her health.
M: Thank you. It's very nice of you.
(1) A
(2) B
3. 【原文】M: What's in the newspaper
W: There was an accident on the highway.
M: Was that serious
W: Yes, three men died and seventeen people got hurt badly.
M: I'm sorry to hear that. How did that happen
W: A truck driver kept driving when he was very tired.
(1) B
(2) C
4. 【原文】 W: Welcome back to the news, I'm John Smith. Here is a piece of news about a boy and his pet dog. David is a student in No. 10 Middle School. Last Friday, he stayed at home with his dog, Cody. David's parents were always busy with their shop, so he had to cook by himself. But he forgot to turn off the heat after he made the lunch. Cody found the kitchen was on fire when David was sleeping. He shook David's leg and made loud noises. Finally, Cody woke David up. David rushed out of the house in time and made a call to 911.He was so lucky that Cody gave him a big hand.
(1) C
(2) A
5. 【原文】M: Jenny, you don't look very well.
W: Oh, my cold seems to have gotten worse.
M: Have you had a cough
W: Yes, I started to cough last night. And I have a sore throat.
M: You'd better see a doctor.
W: Yeah, I'm thinking of going to a doctor this afternoon.
6. 【原文】M: I heard you went to a farm last weekend, Lucy.
W: Yes, I went there to visit my aunt. She got sick.
M: Does she get better now
W: Yeah. I helped her feed the chickens. She seemed very happy.
M: That's good. How old is your aunt.
W: Seventy years old. I should visit her more often.
7. 【原文】W: What are you reading now, Jack
M: A book called Between a Rock and a Hard Place.
W: Oh, I remember its writer is a great climber.
M: Yes. How do you know the book, Tina
W: My father is interested in mountain climbing. He told me about it.
M: What did he say about the book
W: It's a great book.
8. 【原文】M: Did you hear the news, Amy
W: What is it
M: There was a serious car accident on Green Street.
W: Did anyone get hurt
M: Yes. Two people died and four people got hurt.
W: That's terrible.
M: I heard it was because of the heavy rain.
9. 【原文】M: How about going to the City Park today, Mandy
W: Sorry, but I have to prepare for my speech.
M: Come on. You should have a rest.
W: But the competition is coming up.
M: Okay, so are you going to the library
W: Yes.
10. 【原文】 W: Hello, I'm Chris. Today I'd like to give you some advice on how to have a healthy eating habit. First, eat breakfast every day. A small breakfast is better than no breakfast. Eating breakfast can keep your spirits up. You'd better plan your breakfast a day early. Then it's easy to have a simple, healthy meal to start your day. Second, enjoy your food and eat slowly. It takes some time for your stomach to tell you that it's full. Eating more slowly can help you enjoy the full taste of the food. It's better to spend at least 20 minutes to eat your meals. Third, eat more vegetables and less junk food. Too much junk food will hurt your body.
(1) spirits
(2) enjoy;Enjoy
(3) stomach
(4) 20;twenty
(5) hurt




下一篇:Unit1 Welcome back to school !综合能力提优测试卷(含答案+听力音频+听力材料)