人教版英语七年级下册 Unit1-6 期中作文范文

音乐俱乐部 1. 活动时间:每周一、五下午3:00—4:002. 教授课程:钢琴、吉他、唱歌和舞蹈
联系人 张涛
电话 733-6952
1. 海报内容须包含表格内的所有提示信息,可适当发挥;2. 不少于60词
Do you like music
Do you like music If so, please come to our club. It is open from 3:00 to 4:00 p.m. on Monday and Friday. We can teach you to play the piano and guitar. We can also teach you how to sing and dance. Join us now. Please call Zhang Tao at 733-6952.
生活。 1. 8点起床,健康饮食,多做运动。 2. 有时帮助父母做家务。
学习 1. 每天做3小时作业,擅长数学。 2. 喜欢记日记,梦想成为作家,写有趣的故事。
活动 1. 和家人聚餐、旅行。 2. 和朋友聚会、做游戏。
感受 1. 享受春节的乐趣。 2. ……(自拟一点)
要求:1. 所写内容必须包括提供的所有信息,适当发挥。
2. 文章80词左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数。
3. 语气通顺,意思连贯,语法正确,字迹工整。
4. 文中不得出现真实的人名、校名等。Hello, I’m happy to tell you something about Kate’s winter holiday.
Hello, I’m happy to tell you something about Kate’s winter holiday. She gets up at 8:00 in the morning. She has a healthy diet. And she does a lot of exercise every day. What’s more, she sometimes helps parents do housework. It takes her about 3 hours to do her homework every day. She is good at maths. She likes keeping a diary. She wants to be a writer. Beacuse she wants to write interesting stories. During the holiday, she eats and travels with her family. She likes to party with her friends and play games. She likes to enjoy the fun of Spring Festival best. She likes to let off fireworks with her parents.
Zhang Jing is my good friend. She studies in Qingdao. Her home is about five kilometers from school. She usually rides her bike to school and it takes her about twenty minutes. But when it rains, she goes to school by taxi. It takes her about seven minutes. Her father and mother both work in a hospital. It’s fifteen kilometers from their home. They take a car to work. It takes them about twenty minutes.
4.根据提示,请以“School Rules”
提示: 每所学校都有规章制度,下面是你们学校的一些规章制度,请你向一位新生Mary作一下介绍。
内容包括: 1. 上课不能迟到。
2. 在学校必须穿校服。
3. 不许在教室吃东西。
4. 不许在走廊上奔跑。
5. 不许在课堂上听音乐。
6. 在图书室必须保持安静。
School Rules
Welcome to our school, Mary. Here are some of our school rules. Let me tell you: We can’t arrive late for class. We can’t talk loudly in class. We have to be quiet in the school library. And we have to wear school uniforms at school. We can’t eat or drink in the classroom. But we can eat outside. We can’t listen to music or play games in class, either. We can’t run in the hallways.
5.假如你是李文,你的外教Mr. Robin让你用英语向同学们介绍一种中国特有的动物。以下是你找到的关于金丝猴的资料,请根据下表,写一篇60词左右的演讲稿,向大家介绍一下金丝猴。
名称 金丝猴(Golden Monkey)
颜色 黄色或黑色
分布 中国南部
特点 群居;食树叶(leaves)和水果
现状 人类的捕杀导致它们处于危险之中
Good morning, everyone! Today, I want to tell you one of the Chinese animals—the golden monkey. Golden monkeys live in the south of China. Some of them are yellow and some are black. They live in groups. They like eating leaves and fruit. People kill many golden monkeys, so they are in great danger now. We must help save them.
要求:1. 语句通顺、连贯;
2. 词数50左右。
It’s Sunday today. The weather is sunny. On this morning, Tom is having fun with his parents in the park. There are many people in the park. Some children are playing games. Some boys are playing soccer. What about the girls Look! They are singing and dancing under a big tree. Some women are drinking tea together. All of them look happy



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