Unit 7 Enjoy Your Hobby单元评价检测(含解析)

冀教版2017-2018学年八年级英语上册单元评价检测Unit 7
1.Reading different books good for your studies.
A.am B.is
C.are D.be
2.Nick usually makes model cars his spare time.
A.in B.on
C.at D.of
3.— What’s your , Judy
— I like reading English books.
A.name B.address
C.hobby D.number
4.These flowers are made paper and they look very beautiful.
A.of B.with
C.by D.in
5.— Li Mei, do you like playing basketball
— No, but I like playing violin.
A.the; the B.the; /
C./; the D./; /
6.The funny joke makes everybody happily.
A.laugh B.laughing
C.to laugh D.to laughing
7.We went the forest and found a village at last.
A.under B.through
C.across D.over
8.Peter won first prize in the competition. His parents felt very .
A.patient B.smooth
C.common D.proud
9.Little Tommy is interested in toys with other children.
A.sending B.send
C.trading D.trade
10.Li Mei, it’s your turn our classroom today.
A.clean B.cleaned
C.to clean D.cleaning
11.— are you going to do with the old clothes
— I’ll send them to the poor villages.
A.Why B.What
C.Who D.When
12.Mrs. Smith gardening as her hobby when she was fifty.
A.took up B.took away
C.takes up D.takes away
13. you Jason is invited to Tom’s birthday party. You can go there together.
A.Either; or B.Neither; nor
C.Both; and D.Not only; but also
14. is not for us to finish the work in a day.
A.It; possible B.This; possible
C.It; possibly D.This; possibly
15.— , Linda
— I like to cook in the kitchen.
A.Do you have any hobbies
B.What do you like to do in your free time
C.Can you tell me how to make salad
D.What do you want to be in the future
A hobby is something we like to do when we’re free. It’s not only fun but also useful. It can help you build your 16 and make your life more colourful. There are 17 kinds of hobbies in our life. Here are some of my friends’ hobbies.
Linda is from America. She likes singing and dancing. Linda joined a 18 club last year. At first, she didn’t sing 19 dance well. But 20 the help of her teacher, Linda became one of the 21 girls in the club.
Jack is an English boy. 22 is his favourite hobby. He goes fishing with his father on weekends. Jack usually gives some fish to us. We’re so glad to get his fish.
Lin Bo is my best friend. He is 23 in cycling (骑自行车旅行). There is a cycle club in our school. He goes cycling with the members every Sunday. They enjoy 24 every time.
My hobby is a sport played between two teams of eleven players. During the match, we spend ninety minutes 25 it. Can you guess what it is
16.A.model B.confidence C.house D.sadness
17.A.different B.wide C.same D.full
18.A.chess B.football C.music D.reading
19.A.also B.but C.or D.either
20.A.with B.under C.by D.for
21.A.worse B.worst C.better D.best
22.A.Boating B.Diving C.Fishing D.Swimming
23.A.good B.ready C.interested D.special
24.A.they B.them C.their D.themselves
25.A.play B.played C.playing D.to play
A hobby can give more meaning to our life. Here are some reasons why having a hobby is important.
As a chance to connect with yourself
Perhaps one of the best active ways to get in touch with yourself is to explore (探索) yourself through your hobby. It does not matter what your hobby is. Have a hobby of your own. It is the private (私人的) time you have with yourself.
As a chance to meet people of similar taste
Having a hobby is a great way to meet people. When you get material (材料) or something else for your hobby, you will meet many people who have the same hobby. By communicating with them, you will find out lots of things in common.
As a chance to share
What you learn through your hobby gives you something to share with others. People who learn card-making can use cards as gifts. Hobbies like music and painting help you to share the fine experience of art. People who like photography (摄影) like to share their photos. Having a hobby gives you a reason to share with another person.
26.There are four reasons that are mentioned (提到) in the passage.
27.Having a hobby can help you spend more time with your family.
28.Having a hobby can give you a chance to meet people with the same interest.
29.If you like drawing, you can share some experience of art with others.
30.The passage mainly tells about why it is important to have a hobby.
Pole dancing (钢管舞) is a very difficult sport. LuAyne Brown began to learn it in 2006.
“I’d always wanted to try it, but I was worried about what people would think,” LuAyne Brown told Closer (a British magazine). “But when I had my first class and everyone was in stilettos (细高跟女鞋) and tiny shorts, regardless of (不顾) their different sizes, I felt a lot better.” LuAyne Brown began competing in 2008. Some people didn’t support her and they said something bad, so she wasn’t confident because of the disappointing views. LuAyne Brown also took part in America’s Got Talent in 2012 and passed it. The experience gave her more confidence to take part in other competitions. As “the world’s heaviest pole dancer,” LuAyne Brown told The Huffington Post in a phone interview, “You should love yourself until your last day. Life is wonderful. Don’t let the size of your jeans determine (决定) what kind of life you want to lead.”
31.When did LuAyne Brown begin to learn pole dancing
A.In 2006. B.In 2008.
C.In 2012. D.In 2014.
32.What does the underlined word “disappointing” mean in Chinese
A.令人兴奋的 B.令人失望的
C.使人惊讶的 D.催人泪下的
33.LuAyne Brown took part in in 2012.
B.The Huffington Post
C.The Moment of Truth
D.America’s Got Talent
34.Which is NOT true about LuAyne Brown
A.She is the heaviest pole dancer in the world.
B.At first, she was worried about what others would think.
C.She didn’t take part in the competitions until 2012.
D.Some newspapers and magazines interviewed her.
35.What can we learn from the passage
A.The heavy people should lose weight.
B.We should love ourselves all the time.
C.It’s easy to learn something if you put your heart into it.
D.Taking part in competitions helps you become confident.
36.Helen sent lots of _______(明信片) to her friends before Christmas.
37.I told them my new idea, but nobody _______(支持) me.
38.I’ll_______(用……进行交换) presents with my classmates tomorrow.
39.What do you often do in your _______(空闲的) time
40.How many_______(爱好) does your sister have
real day break huge be made of
41.Telephones are very important in our _______life.
42.There is a _______stone in the museum. How big it is!
43.I _______don’t know how to make a model rocket. Can you teach me
44.These model planes _______wood and glass.
45.Tony fell off the tree and _______his leg.
46.Lisa enjoys playing the piano. (改为一般疑问句)
______ Lisa ______ playing the piano
47.Collecting postcards is Jack’s hobby. (对画线部分提问)
______ ______ Jack’s hobby
48.Gardening is very interesting. (改为感叹句)
______ ______ gardening is!
49.Danny sent some stamps to Jenny. (改为否定句)
Danny ______ ______ any stamps to Jenny.
50.We joined the football club two years ago. (改为同义句)
We ______ ______ in the football club for two years.
Have you ever heard of ballet (芭蕾) Are you interested in ballet Can you perform ballet Since its first appearance in the 15th century in the courts (宫廷) of European royalty (王室), ballet has become one of the most loved forms of dance. One of the most beloved ballets is “Swan Lake”. First performed in Russia in 1895, it continues to draw the audience around the world today.
The word “ballet” itself is French, and comes from the Italian word ballo, meaning “a dance”. Ballet dancing, as we know it today, is a result of influence (影响) from many countries, such as Italy, France, Russia, England and America.
Ballet is always performed to music and often tells a story. Learning this style of dance is difficult, but the results on stage are magical. The graceful (优美的) moves show the body in the most beautiful manner.
51.When did ballet first appear
It first appeared in ______.
52.Where was the ballet “Swan Lake” first performed
It was first performed in ______.
53.What does the word “ballo” mean in Italy
It means ______.
54.Which countries have an influence on ballet
Lots of countries have an influence on ballet, such as ______.
55.What do you think of ballet according to the last paragraph
It is ______ to learn ballet, but the performance is ______.
decide between free child as angry difference parent poster for grow own
You may face all kinds of things every day, such ____56____ what clothes to wear, what food to eat, where you go and how you get there. When you were a child, you didn’t have to make a decision (决定). Your parents would ____57____ everything for you. It’s good because ___58___ need this kind of help.
However, would you mind getting help from your parents when you ____59____ up As you grow into a teenager (青少年), you want to make your ____60____ decisions. What you have decided may be quite ____61____ from your parents’ advice. This can cause a fight___62___ teenagers and parents. You’d like to cover your walls with ____63____, but your parents don’t understand why you do so. Sometimes teenagers and parents get ____64____ with each other.
A great way to solve the problem is that teenagers and their parents sit together and talk____65____. They each speak out their ideas and reasons. Then make the best decision together!
A: Good morning, Bill!
B: Good morning, Anna!_______66_______
A: I’m going to the Old People’s Home.
A: Once a week. I’m a member of the Helpers’ Club. Some members and I take care of the old people there.
B: How nice you are!_______68_______
A: Of course!
A: You can do some washing and chat with them.
B: I think I can tell them some funny stories.
A: I’m sure they’ll like them._______70_______
B: OK! Let’s go!
A.Why not go with me today
B.Can I join your club
C.What are you going to do today
D.What can I do to help the old
E.How often do you go there
①为了取得好成绩,我们每天忙于学习,几乎没有时间去参加课外活动(after-school activity),一些同学甚至放弃了自己的业余爱好;
Dear Ms. Yang,
To get good grades, we spend most of time studying every day. _______________________
I hope that you can think about my advice. Thank you very much!
Lin Hao
【详解】句意:Nick在他有空的时间通常制作模型小汽车。In one’s spare time表示在某人的闲暇时间。根据题意,故选A。
【详解】句意:——Judy,你的爱好是什么?——我喜欢读英语书。A. name名字;B. address地址;
C. hobby爱好;D. number号码,数字。根据题意,故选C。
【详解】句意:这些花是被纸制成的,他们看起来非常的漂亮。短语be made of..表示由……制成;根据题意,故选A。
【详解】句意:那个滑稽的笑话使每个人高兴地笑了。短语make sb. do sth.表示使某人做某事。根据题意,故选A。
【详解】句意:我们走过森林,发现一个村庄。A. under在……下面;B. through内部的通过;
C. across穿过;这里是横穿;D. over在……的上方。根据题意,故选B。
点睛:across prep. 穿过;横穿
adv. 横过;在对面
She bawled to me across the street. 她在街对面大声叫我。
prep. 通过;穿过;凭借
adv. 彻底;从头至尾
Let the rainwater run through this pipe. 让雨水从这个管道中流过去。
adv. 结束;越过;
prep. 越过;在…之上;遍于…之上
vt. 越过
Water went over his head. 水没过了他的头顶。
【详解】句意:皮特在比赛中获得一等奖。他的父母感到非常骄傲。A. patient有爱心的;B. smooth平滑的;C. common普通的;D. proud骄傲的。根据题意,故选D。
【详解】句意:小Tommy对和其他的孩子们对玩具交易感兴趣。短语be interested in doing sth.表示对……感兴趣;trade的意思是“贸易,交易”。根据题意,故选C。
【详解】句意:李梅,今天轮到你打扫教室了。It’s one’s turn to do sth.表示轮到某人做某事了。根据题意,故选C。
【详解】句意:——你打算怎么处理旧衣服?——我将把他们送到贫困山村。A. Why为什么;B. What什么;C. Who谁;D. When何时。根据题意,故选B。
【详解】句意:当她5岁的时候,史米斯夫人把园艺作为她的爱好。短语take up表示从事;take away表示拿走;这里是when引导的时间状语从句,这里用一般过去式。根据题意,故选A。
【详解】句意:不仅你而且Jason被邀请去汤姆生日聚会,你们可以一起去。A. Either; or或者……或者:B. Neither; nor表示两者都不;C. Both; and表示两者都;D. Not only; but also不仅……而且。根据题意,故选D。
【详解】句意:对于我们来说一天完成这项工作是不可能的。固定句型It’s+形容词+for sb. to do sth.表示对于我们来说做某事是……。根据题意,故选A。
【详解】句意:——Linda,在你的闲暇时间你喜欢做什么?——我喜欢在厨房做饭。A. Do you have any hobbies你有任何爱好吗?B. What do you like to do in your free time在你的闲暇时间你喜欢做什么?C. Can you tell me how to make salad你能告诉我怎样制作沙拉吗?D. What do you want to be in the future在将来你想做什么?根据题意,故选B。
16.B 17.A 18.C 19.C 20.A 21.D 22.C 23.C 24.D 25.C
16.It can help you build your 16 and make your life more colourful.句意:它能培养你的自信,使你的生活更丰富多彩。 A. model模型;B. confidence自信;C. house房子;D. sadness悲伤。这里是说自信。故选B。
17.There are 17 kinds of hobbies in our life. 句意:在我们的生活中有不同种类的爱好。A. different不同的;B. wide宽的;C. same相同的;D. full满的。Different kinds of…表示不同种类的……。根据题意,故选A。
18.Linda joined a 18 club last year.句意:去年琳达加入了音乐俱乐部。 A. chess象棋;B. football足球;C. music音乐;D. reading阅读。这里是说音乐俱乐部。故选C。
19.At first, she didn’t sing 19 dance well. 句意:首先,他不会唱歌也不会跳舞。A. also也;B. but但是;C. or或者,否则;D. either两者之一。Or用在否定句中,代替and。根据题意,
20.But 20 the help of her teacher, Linda became one of the 21 girls in the club. 句意:但是在她的老师的帮助下,琳达变成俱乐部最好的学生之一。A. with带有,具有;B. under在……的下面;C. by在……旁边;D. for为了。With the help of…表示在……的帮助下。根据题意,故选A。
21.But 20 the help of her teacher, Linda became one of the 21 girls in the club. 句意:但是在她的老师的帮助下,琳达变成俱乐部最好的学生之一。A. worse更糟;B. worst最糟的;C. better更好的;D. best最好的。One of+the+形容词的最高级+名词的复数,表示……最之一。根据题意,故选D。
22.Jack is an English boy. 22 is his favourite hobby 句意:杰克是一名英国男孩,钓鱼是他最喜欢的爱好。A. Boating开船;B. Diving开车;C. Fishing钓鱼;D. Swimming游泳。He goes fishing with his father on weekends.根据下文可知,这里是说钓鱼。故选C。
23.He is 23 in cycling (骑自行车旅行).句意:他对骑自行车旅行感兴趣。A. good好的;B. ready准备好的;C. interested有趣的;D. special特殊的。短语be interested in…表示对……感兴趣。根据题意,故选C。
24.They enjoy 24 every time. 句意:每次他们玩得很开心。A. they他们;B. them他们,宾格;C. their他们的;D. themselves他们自己。短语enjoy themselves表示玩得开心。根据题意,故选D。
25.we spend ninety minutes 25 it. Can you guess what it is 句意:我们花费90分钟的时间玩。短语spend+时间+doing sth.表示花费时间做某事。根据题意,故选C。
26.F 27.F 28.T 29.T 30.T
26.根据文中As a chance to connect with yourself;As a chance to meet people of similar taste
;As a chance to share可知,文中提到了三种,这种说法是错误的。故选F
27.根据文中Have a hobby of your own. It is the private (私人的) time you have with yourself.可知,这个说法是错误的。故选F。
28.根据文中Having a hobby is a great way to meet people. When you get material (材料) or something else for your hobby, you will meet many people who have the same hobby.可知,这个说法是正确的,故选T。
29.根据文中Hobbies like music and painting help you to share the fine experience of art. People who like photography (摄影) like to share their photos. Having a hobby gives you a reason to share with another person.可知,这个说法是正确的, 故选T。
31.A 32.B 33.D 34.C 35.B
【导语】本文主要介绍了钢管舞蹈家LuAyne Brown是怎样成为一名优秀的舞蹈家的。
31.细节理解题。根据文中“Pole dancing (钢管舞) is a very difficult sport. LuAyne Brown began to learn it in 2006.”可知,在2006年开始学习钢管舞。故选A。
32.词义猜测题。根据上文“Some people didn’t support her and they said something bad”可知人们说了一些不好的事情,故下文disappointing的意思是“令人失望的”。故选B。
33.细节理解题。根据文中“LuAyne Brown also took part in America’s Got Talent in 2012 and passed it.”可知,她参加了America’s Got Talent。故选D。
34.细节理解题。根据文中“LuAyne Brown also took part in America’s Got Talent in 2012 and passed it.”可知,直到2012年她才参加这个活动,故选C。
35.细节理解题。根据“You should love yourself until your last day”可知我们应该一直爱我们自己。故选B。
36.postcards 37.supported 38.trade 39.spare 40.hobbies
39.句意:在你的闲暇时间你经常做什么?in one’s spare time表示在某人的闲暇时间。根据句意及所给汉语提示,故填spare。
40.句意:你的妹妹有多少爱好?How many+可数名词的复数。这里用habby的复数, 根据句意及所给汉语提示,故填hobbies。
41.daily 42.huge 43.really 44.are made of 45.broke
【解析】41.句意:电话在我们日常生活中是非常重要的。In our daily life表示在我们的日常生活中。根据句意及所给单词提示,故填daily。
44.句意:这些模型飞机是由木头和玻璃制成的。短语be made of…表示由……制成。主语是复数,这里用be的复数are,根据句意及所给单词提示,故填are made of 。
点睛:1. 掌握词汇、语法、阅读等基础知识,并具有较强的语言综合运用能力。
2. 具备一定的词汇运用能力。
3. 具备语境逻辑判断能力。
46. Does enjoy 47. What is 48. How interesting 49. didn’t send 50. have been
47.根据划线部分是Collecting postcards可知这里是提问什么,用what来提问,主语是Jack’s hobby这里用be动词is。根据题意,故填What; is。
49.根据题意改为否定句,这里是一般过去时态,含有实意动词,要借助助动词did+not+动词的原形。根据题意,故填didn’t ;send。
50.根据时间状语two years ago表示两年之前。这里是把一般过去时态改为现在完成时,其结构是have been in+俱乐部,根据题意,故填have;been。
51.the 15th century 52.Russia 53.a dance 54.Italy, France, Russia, England and America 55. difficult / hard magical / graceful
51.根据文中Since its first appearance in the 15th century in the courts (宫廷) of European royalty (王室), ballet has become one of the most loved forms of dance.可知,出现在15世纪。故填the 15th century
52.根据文中One of the most beloved ballets is “Swan Lake”. First performed in Russia in 1895, it continues to draw the audience around the world today.可知,这里在俄国出现。故填Russia。
53.根据文中The word “ballet” itself is French, and comes from the Italian word ballo, meaning “a dance”.可知,这里是一个舞蹈。故填a dance。
54.根据文中Ballet dancing, as we know it today, is a result of influence (影响) from many countries, such as Italy, France, Russia, England and America.可知答案,故填Italy, France, Russia, England and America。
55.根据文中Ballet is always performed to music and often tells a story. Learning this style of dance is difficult, but the results on stage are magical.可知,芭蕾舞是难学的,但是表演是困难的。这里是It’s+形容词+to do sth.故填difficult / hard;magical / graceful。
56.as 57.decide 58.children 59.grow 60.own 61.different 62.between 63.posters 64.angry 65.freely
56.句意:你可能每天面临各种各样的事情,比如穿什么衣服;吃什么食物。短语such as表示比如。根据句意及所给单词体提示,故填as。
57.句意:你的父母会为你决定一切。Would+动词的原形。根据句意及所给单词提示,故填decide 。
59.句意:而然,当你长大了,你介意从你的父母那里得到帮助吗?短语grow up表示长大。根据句意及所给单词提示,故填grow。
60.句意:你想做出你自己的决定吗?make one’s own decision表示做出某人自己的决定。根据句意及所给单词提示,故填own。
61.句意:你已经决定什么可能与你的父母的建议相当的不同。短语be different from…表示与……不同。根据句意及所给单词提示,故填different。
64.句意:有时候,青少年和父母彼此变得生气。短语get angry表示变得生气。根据句意及所给单词提示,故填angry。
66.C 67.E 68.B 69.D 70.A
66.根据下文I’m going to the Old People’s Home.可知上文是What are you going to do today 你打算去做什么?故选C。
67.根据下文Once a week. I’m a member of the Helpers’ Club. Some members and I take care of the old people there. 可知上文是How often do you go there 你多久去那一次?故选E。
68.根据下文Of course!可知上文是在问Can I join your club
69.根据下文You can do some washing and chat with them.可知上文是在问What can I do to help the old 我能帮助老人们做什么?故选D。
70.根据下文OK! Let’s go!可知上文是Why not go with me today 故选A。
71.Dear Ms. Yang,
To get good grades, we spend most of time studying every day. We have little time to take part in after-school activities. Some students even give up their hobbies.
As the saying goes, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. I hope you can encourage us to take part in different kinds of activities and take more exercise. In this way, our bodies and minds will get relaxed. That is good for our studies.
I hope that you can think about my advice. Thank you very much!
Lin Hao




下一篇:广西南宁市三年(2020-2022)九年级上学期期末化学试题汇编-填空题、简答题、流程题 (含解析)