【新】天津市外研版八下Module 5 Cartoons听力检测1(含答案及听力音频听力原文)

A. B.
A. B.
A. B.
A. B.
What's the boy's favourite cartoon character
A.Superman. B.Spiderman. C.Garfield.
What can Doraemon do
A.Change his size. B.Get everything from his pocket.
C.Fight with bad people.
What has Jane collected about Tintin
A.Tapes. B.CDs. C.Books.
When did Tony watch the cartoon Tom and Jerry
A.Last Monday. B.Last Thursday.
C.Last Friday.
Who plays Monkey in the film
A.Jack Black. B.Jackie Chan.
C.Angelina Jolie.
Which cartoon character does John like best
A.Snoopy. B.Monkey King. C.Pleasant Goat.
Why does the boy choose Rose Cinema
A.Because it is new.
B.Because it is close to his home.
C.Because it is big.
What are they talking about
A.The name of a cartoon character.
B.The name of a fish.
C.The name of a cat.
What does the man think of the film Avatar
A.Boring. B.Relaxing. C.Exciting.
Who is Jack's favourite film star
A.Jackie Chan. B.Audrey Hepburn.
C.Wu Jing.
(1) Which cartoon is Peter's favourite
A.The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.
B.Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.
C.The Wonderful Adventures of Nils.
(2) When did Lucy watch the cartoon
A.Last week. B.Last term. C.Last year.
(3) What does Lucy think of the book The Little Prince
A.It's wonderful. B.It's boring.
C.It's interesting.
(1) When did Mrs Green begin to watch cartoons
A.In 1980. B.In 1981. C.In 1982.
(2) How many cartoons has Mrs Green watched so far
A.About two hundred. B.About three hundred.
C.About four hundred.
(3) Which cartoon is Mrs Green's favourite
A.Havoc in Heaven. B.Ne Zha.
C.Kung Fu Panda 2.
1. 【答案】C
【原文】My favourite cartoon is The Adventures of Tintin.
2. 【答案】B
【原文】We watched the cartoon Superman last night.
3. 【答案】C
【原文】To fight bad people, Monkey King uses a magic stick.
4. 【答案】A
【原文】Mickey Mouse appeared in 1928, first in a black-and-white film.
5. 【答案】C
【原文】W: Which cartoon character do you like better, Superman or Spiderman
M: Neither. I like Garfield best.
6. 【答案】B
【原文】W: I borrowed a CD of Doraemon. Would you like to watch it with me
M: Who's Doraemon
W: Don't you know him He's a Japanese robot cat. He can get everything from his magic pocket to help his friends.
M: That's amazing.
7. 【答案】C
【原文】M: Do you like Tintin, Jane
W: Yes. I have collected a lot of books about Tintin.
8. 【答案】A
【原文】W: Did you watch the cartoon Tom and Jerry last Thursday, Tony
M: No. I watched it last Monday. I watched the cartoon Havoc in Heaven last Thursday.
9. 【答案】B
【原文】M: Do you know who plays in the film Kung Fu Panda 2, Kate
W: Jack Black plays Po, Jackie Chan plays Monkey and Angelina Jolie plays Tigress.
10. 【答案】C
【原文】W: I like Snoopy best of all the cartoon characters. What about you, John
M: I like Pleasant Goat best.
11. 【答案】B
【原文】W: Which cinema would you like to go to, Park Cinema, Rose Cinema or Land Cinema
M: Rose Cinema. It's not far from my home.
12. 【答案】C
【原文】W: Is Nemo the name of a fish
M: No. It is the name of my mother's cat.
13. 【答案】C
【原文】W: Have you seen the film Avatar
M: Yes. It's great and I enjoy the exciting film a lot.
14. 【答案】B
【原文】W: Jack, which film star do you like better, Jackie Chan or Wu Jing
M: Oh, I like both of them, but my favourite film start is Audrey Hepburn.
15. 【原文】W: Do you like watching cartoons, Peter
M: Yes, Lucy.
W: What's the most interesting cartoon you've ever watched
M: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. I like it best. Have you watched it
W: Yes, I have. I watched the cartoon last year, but I don't like it.
M: I've read the book too. I like it. Do you like reading
W: Yes. I've read a lot of books.
M: What's the most boring book you've ever read
W: The most boring one The Little Prince.
(1) B
(2) C
(3) B
16. 【原文】Hi, I'm Jenny. Mrs Green is my mother and she teaches English in a middle school. Watching cartoons is her hobby. In 1982, she began to watch cartoons. At that time, she was only ten years old. Now she has already watched about two hundred cartoons, such as Tom and Jerry, Kung Fu Panda 2, Havoc in Heaven and Ne Zha. Of all these cartoons, she likes Havoc in Heaven best. She has watched it eight times. In the past, she had to walk to the cinema to watch cartoons. Now she can watch them at home.
(1) C
(2) A
(3) A




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