
(1) Where will the woman go
A.To a hospital. B.To a school.
C.To a post office.
(2) What will the woman see along the street
C.His sister.
(1) What is Mike's favourite sport
A.volleyball. B.football. C.basketball.
(2) Where is the woman going
A.playing tennis. B.going to America.
C.playing basketball.
(1) Where is the woman going to go
A.She wants to stay at home. B.She wants to go to New York.
C.She wants to go to China.
(2) What do you know about the man
A.He is good at Japanese. B.He has to work hard.
C.He will visit some friends.
(1) What's the girl doing now
A.Making a speech. B.Leading a discussion.
C.Giving an introduction.
(2) What's the girl's advice on creating the future
A.Making good plans.
B.Making your own decision.
C.Making good use of your knowledge.
(1) What fruit does the man like
【音频原文】What fruit does the man like
(1) What's the weather like tomorrow
【音频原文】What's the weather like tomorrow
(1) What sport did the man do last week
【音频原文】What sport did the man do last week
(1) What does the man like doing
【音频原文】What does the man like doing
(1) Who is not here at the moment
【音频原文】Who is not here at the moment
School Trip
Feelings Activities
Really interesting Visited _____ museum
So fast Got there by _____
So cool Learn a lot about _____ Play _____ with people
Lovely gifts I went to a _____
(6) 你的介绍可以这样开始:Peter, Mike told us something about his school trip. __________
1. 【原文】W: Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to the post office
M: Go along this street. Then turn right at the first crossing and you'll see it on your left.
W: Do I need to take a bus
M: Oh, no. It's not far from here. It's only 15 minutes' walk.
W: You mean I can go there on foot.
M: Yes, on foot. And you can enjoy the view along the street.
W: Thank you.
M: You are welcome.
(1) C
(2) A
2. 【原文】W: Hey there, how are you doing, Mike
M: Good, how about you, Lily What're you doing today
W: I'm good. I'm going to the tennis club to play tennis right now.
M: Oh, that's cool. Do you like playing tennis
W: Yeah. Tennis is my favorite sport. I'm on the school tennis team.
M: Do you often have matches
W: Yes. We'll have a match with Class Eight this afternoon. What's your favorite sport
M: Well. I like volleyball best.
W: It's fun! Would you like to go and play tennis with me now Maybe I can show you how to play it.
M: Okay, cool. Let's go!
(1) A
(2) A
【知识点】运动 (Sports and exercise)、事实细节
3. 【原文】W: Hi, Tom. What are you going to do for vacation
M: I think I will just stay at home. I may visit some friends and watch a few DVDs. What about you What's your plan, Lucy
W: I am going to do some traveling with my mother.
M: Oh, where are you going
W: New York. My mother's friends live there.
M: That's exciting. How long do you plan to stay
W: Two weeks.
M: What will you do in New York
W: My mother will have a get-together party with her friends. Oh, I am
afraid I have to go now. My parents are waiting for me. Have a nice
M: Thank you. You, too.
(1) B
(2) C
【知识点】计划与安排 (Plans and arrangements)、事实细节
4. 【原文】M: I heard you were teaching English in China. Tell me about it. Did you
like it, Mary
W: Oh, yes, Mike, you know, it was really very interesting.
M: What were the schools like
W: Oh, I didn't teach in the schools. I taught after school. I taught in an
English educational company.
M: But you taught children, yes
W: Yes. That's right. Many children in China go on learning after school.
They all work hard.
M: They actually study after school
W: That's right. After school they go to study math or English in some
educational companies.
M: But aren't the kids tired I mean, they go to school all day, and then
they go to school in the evening too.
W: As an English teacher, I tried to make the lessons as fun as possible.
I tried to have a good time with my classes. The students often enjoyed it. So it was a good experience.
(1) A
(2) C
【知识点】个人信息 (Personal information)、事实细节、其它
5. 【原文】W: Jack, would you like some fruit
M: Yes. A banana, please.
W: How about this one
M: It looks cool.
【知识点】食物与饮料 (Food and drinks)
6. 【原文】M: What's the weather like tomorrow
W: It's going to be sunny.
M: That's great. We can do something outside then. Do you want to play basketball. I'm a basketball player.
W: A picnic Yeah, that's a good idea.
【知识点】天气 (Weather)
7. 【原文】M: Lucy, have you been to the new sports center
W: Not yet. Is it good
M: Yes, it's great! I played basketball there last week. Would you like to go there with me tomorrow
W: Sure, I'd love to.
【知识点】运动 (Sports and exercise)
8. 【原文】W: Tom, did you buy anything yesterday
M: Yes. I bought a football.
W: When do you often play football, Tom
M: On weekends.
【知识点】商品与产品 (Goods and products)
9. 【原文】W: Hello. This is Helen speaking.
M: Hello! Sky Tech Store. May I speak to Mr. Johnson
W: I'm afraid he's out at the moment. Can I take a message for him
M: Yes, please. My name's Tony, T-O-N-Y.
W: Right, T-O-N-Y, Tony. And what's the message
M: Mr. Johnson's computer has been repaired. Please tell him to get it back.
【知识点】打电话 (Making telephone calls)
10. 【原文】Today I went on a school trip. We visited the science museum and it was really interesting. We got there so fast by train. We saw some farms and villages along the way. At the museum, I learned a lot about robots. I didn't know they could play chess with us. It was so cool! Then the guide taught us how to make a model robot. I took a lot of great photos, too. After that, I went to the gift shop and bought some lovely gifts for my parents. They weren't expensive. All in all, it was an exciting day.
(1) science
(2) train
(3) robots
(4) chess
(5) shop
【知识点】学校活动 (School activities)、事实细节




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