冀教版七年级上册Unit5Family and Home单元练习(含解析)

冀教版英语七年级上册Unit 5 Family and Home单元检测
1.He is ready _______ have a meeting.
A.to B.for C.at D.in
2.My brother likes to play _______ football.
A.an B.a C.the D./
3.There are _______ flowers in the garden.
A.a lot B.a lot of C.a lots of D.lot of
4.-What do you do -_______.
A.I'm a student B.Yes, I do
C.I like to sing this song D.I'm having lunch
5.-Today is my birthday! -_______.
A.Me, too B.I know
C.Happy birthday to you D.I don't know
look out, play football, a basket of, write a letter to, in front of, go on a picnic
6.I like to ____________ after school.
7.The children are all playing ____________ the house.
8.Her parents give me _____________ apples.
9.We all _____________ on weekends.
10.___________ ! The train is coming.
11.I am ____________ my brother now.
My parents ________ __________ America.
_________ __________ __________ are from England.
The children __________ _________ __________ every day.
I have __________ brothers __________ sisters.
We have no classes __________ __________.
He walks __________ school __________ his house.
18.I feel tired. I am _________ (lie) on my bed.
19.The Whites _________(watch) TV now.
20.- _________ the cat ________(run) up the tree now -No, it ________.
21.-What's Jane doing now -She ________(study) Chinese.
22.Look! The children _________ (swim) in the river.
This is Li Ming's bedroom. It's very small. The window is big. Li Ming's bed is big. A picture is 1.在床上方 . A lamp is 2.在床边. 3在窗户附近, we can see a desk and a clock 4.在书桌上. Li Ming puts his books on it. Some flowers are 5.在卧室里. Some are purple, and some are yellow. Li Ming's bedroom is very nice.
Look at the picture of the Green family. The man is Mr. Green. He is thirty. He is an English teacher. The woman in a red coat is Mrs. Green. She is twenty-nine. She is a bus driver. Look at the boy in the picture. He is Mr. Green and Mrs. Green's son, Jim. He is only six years old. He doesn't go to school. Oh, what's in his hands It's a small cat. Jim likes it very much. They are good friends.
28.How many people are there in Mr. Green's family
A.Two. B.Three. C.Four. D.Five.
29.What does Mr. Green do He is _______.
A.a teacher B.a bus driver C.a doctor D.a post officer
30.Is Mrs. Green in a black coat
A.Yes, she is. B.No, she isn't. C.No, she is. D.Yes, she isn't.
31.Does Jim go to school
A.Yes, he is. B.Yes, he does. C.No, he isn't. D.No, he doesn't.
32.What's in Jim's hands
A.It's a dog. B.It's a cat.
C.They are cats. D.Sorry, I don't know.
【详解】句意:他准备开会。be ready to do sth. 表示“准备好做某事”,be ready for sth. 表示“为某事做准备”。结合句意可知选A。
【详解】句意:我哥哥喜欢踢足球。球类名词表示运动时,球类运动的名词前不加冠词。play +球类名词:打(踢)…球;结合句意可知选D。
点睛:有以下情况使用零冠词:1.在专有名词或不可数名词前,例如,milk,Miller’s Clothes Store;2.名词前有形容词性的物主代词(my,your, his, her…),指示代词(this/that/these/
those),部分不定代词(some/any/each/every/no/…)修饰修饰时,使用零冠词,例如,It’s her ruler;3.复数名词表示一类人或事物时,使用零冠词,例如,I like apples;4.在星期,月份,节日前,例如,On Sunday I often play basketball;5.在称呼,头衔和职务的名词前,例如,Mr. Chen;6.在一日三餐和球类运动的名词前,例如,For lunch I like vegetables and soup.;7.在某些固定词组中,例如,at home/school/night/noon,by bus,on time, after class等。
【详解】句意:花园里有许多花。a lot非常,很,副词短语;a lot of=lots of:许多,很多,既可修饰可数名词复数,也可修饰不可数名词;结合句意可知选B。
【详解】句意:----你是做什么的?-----我是个学生。A. I'm a student我是个学生;B. Yes, I do是的,我是;C. I like to sing this song我喜欢唱这首歌;D. I'm having lunch我正在吃午饭。句型What do/does +主语+do?是对职业的提问,其答语为“主语+be+a/an+职业名词.”,结合句意可知选A。
【详解】句意:----今天是我的生日。----祝你生日快乐。考查情景交际。A. Me, too我也是;B. I know我知道;C. Happy birthday to you祝你生日快乐;D. I don't know我不知道。当对方告诉你今天是她/他的生日时,通常应用“Happy birthday to you. ”来表达祝福。结合句意可知选C。
6.play football 7.in front of 8.a basket of 9.go on a picnic 10.Look out ! 11.writing a letter to
【解析】6.句意:放学后我喜欢踢足球。like to do sth.:喜欢做某事;play football:踢足球;结合句意、所给词和语境可知填play football。
7.句意:孩子们都在房子前面玩。in front of :在...前面,表示处所的介词,放在地点名词前;结合句意、所给词和语境可知填in front of。
8.句意:她的父母给了我一篮苹果。a basket of:一篮子…;结合句意、所给词和语境可知填a basket of。
9.句意:我们周末都去野餐。on weekends在周末,一般用于一般现在时态;结合句意、所给词和语境可知填go on a picnic。
10.句意:小心!火车开来了。look out:小心,留神;句子开头要大写。结合句意、所给词和语境可知填Look out;注意句子开头要大写。
11.句意:我现在正在给我弟弟写信。write a letter to:给某人写信;根据时间now可知用现在进行时,其构成是be+ doing sth.;结合句意、所给词和语境可知填writing a letter to。
12. live in 13. The Green family 14. walk to school 15. no or 16. on weekends 17. from to
【解析】12.句意:我父母居住在美国。根据语境可知此句时态是一般现在时,主语复数,谓语动词用原形;结合句意和英文提示可知填(1). live (2). in 。
13.句意:格林一家。根据语境可知此句时态是一般现在时。格林一家:the Greens或,做主语谓语动词用复数;来自:come from或 be from;英国:England;故此句的翻译是the Green family (the Greens)are from England.或the Green family (the Greens)come from England.
结合英文提示可知填(1). The (2). Green (3). family 。
14.句意:孩子们每天走着去上学。根据语境可知此句时态是一般现在时,主语复数,谓语动词用原形;走着去上学:walk to school / go to school on foot;结合句意和英文提示可知填(1). walk (2). to (3). school。
15.句意:我没有兄弟姐妹。根据语境可知此句时态是一般现在时。否定句中“和”用or;此句翻译是I don’t have brothers or sisters.或 I have no brothers or sisters. 结合英文提示可知填(1). no (2). or。
16.句意:周末我们没有课。根据语境可知此句时态是一般现在时,周末:on weekends;结合句意和英文提示可知填(1). on (2). weekends 。
17.句意:他从学校走到他的家。从…到…:from…to…,从学校到他的家:from school to his house;
结合句意和英文提示可知填(1). from (2). to。
18.lying 19.are watching 20. Is running isn't 21.is studying 22.are swimming
【解析】18.句意:我感到累了。我现在正躺在床上。Lie动词,它的现在分词是lying;现在进行式构成:be 动词+doing sth.;根据句中am和语境(I feel tired.)可知此句时态是现在进行时;结合句意和所给词可知答案是lying。
19.句意:怀特一家正在看电视。根据时间状语now可知此句时态用现在进行时;现在进行式构成:be 动词+doing sth.;主语the Whites(怀特一家)是复数,be动词用复数are;结合句意和所给词可知答案是are watching 。
20.句意:猫现在正在爬树吗?-不,它不是根据时间状语now可知此句时态用现在进行时;现在进行式构成:be 动词+doing sth.;它的一般疑问句把be动词提前,此句主语the cat单数,用be动词单数is,它的否定回答是No,it isn’t;结合句意和所给词可知答案是(1). Is (2). running (3). isn't 。
21.句意:简现在在干什么?-她正在学中文。问句是现在进行时,答句时态也应是进行时,结合句意和所给词可知答案是is studying 。
22.句意:看!孩子们正在河里游泳。根据表示时间的动词look,可知此句时态是一般现在时,结合句意和所给词可知答案是are swimming。
点睛:现在进行时是英语的一种时态,表示正在进行的动作或存在的状态,表示动作发生的时间是"现在",动作目前的状态是"正在进行中"。1、 当句中出现的表示时间的词是now,at the moment等词,表示句子要说明的是现在正在发生的事,动词应用现在进行时。例如,2和3小题;2、当句中出现的时间状语是these days,this week,this month,this term 等时,如果句子所要表达的意义是在这一阶段正在发生的事,则动词应用现在进行时。3、在句中出现了Look,Listen,Can't you see 等暗示词时,说明后面谓语动词的动作正在发生,该动词应用现在进行时。例如,第5小题;4、注意根据上下文的暗示,句子的谓语动词可能应用现在进行时。例如,第1和4小题。
23.above the bed 24.beside the bed 25.Near the window 26.on the desk 27.in the bedroom
23.句意:画在在床上方。根据句意、语境和汉语提示可知答案是above the bed
24.句意:台灯在床边。根据句意、语境和汉语提示可知答案是beside the bed
25.句意:在窗户附近,我们能看见一张桌子和一个闹钟在书桌上。句子开头要大写,结合句意、语境和汉语提示可知答案是Near the window
26.句意:在窗户附近,我们能看见一张桌子和一个闹钟在书桌上。根据句意、语境和汉语提示可知答案是on the desk
27.句意:一些花在卧室里。根据句意、语境和汉语提示可知答案是in the bedroom。
28.B 29.A 30.B 31.D 32.B
28.题意:在格林先生的家里有多少人?考查细节理解题。A. Two.二;B. Three.三;C. Four.四;D. Five.五。根据文中第二句The man is Mr. Green. ,第5句The woman in a red coat is Mrs. Green.和第9句 He is Mr. Green and Mrs. Green's son, Jim.可知格林先生家有3口人,故选B。
29.题意:格林先生干什么的?他是_____________。考查细节理解题。A. a teacher老师;B. a bus driver公交车司机;C. a doctor医生;D. a post officer邮递员。根据第4句He is an English teacher.可知格林先生是一名老师,故选A。
30.题意:格林太太穿着黑色外套吗?考查细节理解题。根据第5句The woman in a red coat is Mrs. Green.可知格林夫人穿着红色的外套;结合题意可知选B。
31.题意:吉姆上学吗?考查细节理解题。根据第三行最后一句He doesn't go to school.可知吉姆不上学,结合题意可知选D。
32.题意:吉姆手里拿的是什么?考查细节理解题。A. It's a dog.一只狗;B. It's a cat.一只猫;
C. They are cats.他们是猫;D. Sorry, I don't know.对不起,我不知道。根据最后一行Oh, what's in his hands It's a small cat.可知吉姆手里拿着一只猫。结合题意和选项可知选B。



