冀教版七年级上册Unit4Food and Restaurants单元测试题(含解析)

冀教版七年级英语上册Unit 4 Food and Restaurants单元测试题
1.My favourite food is rice ________ tomatoes and eggs.
A.on B.in C.for D.with
2.We don't have ________bread. Would you like ________ sandwiches, please
A.any; any B.some; some
C.some; any D.any; some
3.Jim, Kate and I ________ some donuts.
A.are ready order B.is ready to order
C.ready to order D.are ready to order
4.—I'm thirsty, Mum. Can I have ________?
—OK. Here you are.
A.something to buy B.something to drink
C.to eat something D.to drink something
5.My friends eat dumplings ________ lunch. And they put vinegar(醋) ________ the dumplings.
A.with; in B.of; on C.for; on D.at; in
6.They would like four ________.
A.glass of juice B.glasses of juice
C.glass juice D.glasses of juices
7.—Sandy, please ________ these books ________the teachers' office.
A.take; down B.put; around
C.take; to D.pass; for
8.It's time ________ to bed now.
A.goes B.go C.to go D.going
9.—I work out(算出) the difficult problem.
A.I don't know B.Good job
C.Let me look at it D.Let me see
10.Let's go to the ________ to have lunch. The dumplings there are delicious.
A.classroom B.library
C.restaurant D.park
11.Look!The small garden is ________beautiful flowers.
A.different from B.full of
C.a bit of D.away from
—Yes, I'd like two hot dogs.
A.Can I help you B.What do you want to buy
C.What would you like D.Would you like some milk
13.—Would you like some drinks, boys
—Yes, ____ , please.
A.some oranges B.two boxes of chocolate
C.some cakes D.two boxes of cola
14.Everything in this shop ________ nice and beautiful.
A.is B.are C.be D.has
15.—________ a can of coke
—Three yuan.
A.How many for B.How much are
C.How many of D.How much for
Man: Good morning. Can I help you
Boy: Yes, please. I want___16___ a computer.
Man: Do you ___17___ this one
Boy: ___18___ is it made(制造)
Man: In the United States(美国).
Boy:___19___ is it
Man: ___20___ about 5,000 yuan.
Boy: 5,000 yuan That's too expensive(贵的). Do you have Chinese computers
Man: Yes, we ___21___. These computers are made ___22___ China.
Boy: Well, this computer ___23___ nice.
Man: And it's about 4,000 yuan.
Boy: Oh, ___24___, I don't have so much money.
Man: How about this one It's only 3,500 yuan. It is from Shanghai.
Boy: That's good. I'll ___25___ it.
16.A.buy B.buys C.buying D.to buy
17.A.have B.like C.see D.know
18.A.Where B.What C.How D.Whose
19.A.How much B.How many C.How tall D.How
20.A.This is B.It's C.They are D.These are
21.A.are B.aren't C.do D.don't
22.A.at B.on C.in D.to
23.A.are B.likes C.look D.looks
24.A.hello B.sorry C.thank you D.goodbye
25.A.take B.takes C.to take D.taking
Hello. My name is Dalin. I am a waiter in Malan Restaurant. We have free(免费的) hot soup for you. You can come here at any time from 11:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. for lunch. Here is the menu.
Food Small Large Drinks Small Large
Noodles ¥3.50 ¥5.00 Coffee ¥5.50 ¥7.00
Dumplings ¥4.50 ¥5.50 Milk ¥3.00 ¥4.50
Fish ¥4.00 ¥5.00 Pop ¥3.00 ¥6.00
Rice ¥1.00 ¥1.50 Coke ¥3.50 ¥5.00
Hamburgers ¥9.50 ¥10.50 Green tea ¥2.50 ¥3.50
26.How much for a small hamburger and a large cup of coffee A.17.50 yuan. B.16.50 yuan.
C.16 yuan. D.15 yuan.
27.John has 7 yuan. He can buy a small bowl of ________ and a large cup of ________.
A.noodles; coffee B.dumplings; green tea
C.fish; coke D.rice; pop
28.A thirsty boy may want ________.
A.some chicken B.a hamburger
C.a cup of coke D.some dumplings
29.The underlined(画线的)word “menu” means “________”.
A.地址 B.餐馆 C.菜单 D.菜谱
30.What do we know from the passage
A.You can have lunch in the restaurant at 10:30 a.m.
B.Dalin has a restaurant and the name is Malan.
C.Two small glasses of pop and some hot soup are for six yuan.
D.You can have some chicken in the restaurant.
My name is Jim. I have a sister. Her name is Jenny. We are from Canada. We are in China now. We have many friends here. My sister and I like different things. I like Chinese food and my sister likes Chinese clothes. I like to eat rice, noodles and cakes. Noodles are my favourite food. I eat them for lunch or supper. I like the fruit here very much, too. I like peaches(桃子), pears, strawberries(草莓) and bananas. My sister likes to wear Chinese dresses, hats, socks and shoes. Her favourite colours are yellow and blue.
Sometimes we go to McDonalds to eat a sandwich and French fries on Sundays. We feel very happy here!
31.Jim and his sister ________.
A.are in Canada
B.are from China
C.have many friends here
D.like the same thing
32.Jim likes to eat ________.
A.rice and cakes
B.peaches and pears
C.strawberries and bananas
D.A, B and C
33.Jenny's favourite colours are ________.
A.yellow and blue B.yellow and red
C.blue and red D.green and blue
34.Jim has ________ for lunch or supper.
A.rice B.noodles
C.cakes D.dumplings
35.Jim and Jenny feel ________ in China.
A.happy B.sad C.tired D.scared
A Bite of China (《舌尖上的中国》)is a very popular(流行的) TV show in China. It is about Chinese food. In this show, we can see many kinds of food. We can also learn different ways(方法) of cooking food. Why is this show popular Because this show is not only about Chinese dishes(菜肴), but also telling stories about Chinese people.
Eating is very exquisite(讲究) in China. The Chinese think food is the gift from nature(自然). Chinese cuisine(烹饪) is an important part in our everyday life. It helps people around the world know about Chinese culture.
36.A Bite of China is about _________________________________________________.
37.In this show, we can learn different ways of ________ food.
38.What is an important part in our everyday life
Today my mother gives me some m_____41_____. She wants me _____42_____(buy) some vegetables at the market. I would like two _____43_____(sandwich),too. I think they're d_____44_____. My little sister wants some _____45_____(cookie).
46.glass, coke, a, of, I, want
47.eat, you, what, to, like, would
48.have, I, bread, some, may
49.you, do, have, pears, how many
50.pass, they, me, two, carrots, big
Family members Breakfast Lunch Dinner
I bread and eggs rice and meat noodles
Father eggs and tomato noodles rice and vegetables dumplings
Mother milk and bread rice and vegetables bread and apples
【详解】句意:我最喜欢的食物是西红柿炒鸡蛋拌米饭。on 在…上面,in 在…里面,for为了,with有着,带着;根据句意可知,这里表示“有着,带着”,故选D。
【详解】句意:我们没有一些面包了,你愿意要一些三明治吗?some和any均可以表示“一些”。any用在否定句中;some用在肯定句中,但是在表示请求或建议的疑问句中,用some而不用any。第一个空是否定句,所以用any, 第二个空是在would like句型中,表示建议,用some; 故选D。
【详解】句意:Jim, Kate和我准备点一些甜甜圈。be ready to do sth.意为“准备去做某事”,该题的主语是三个人,be动词要用are,故选D。
【详解】句意:我很渴,妈妈,我能喝些东西吗?--可以啊,给你。这里表示“一些喝的东西” 形容词或不定式修饰复合不定代词都要后置,即把to drink放在something 的后面。故选B。
【详解】句意:我的朋友午饭吃一些饺子,并且他们把醋放在饺子上。for意为“作为”,表示目的,常与三餐搭配,for lunch意为“作为午餐”;表示往食物或饮料里放入调味品时用介词on,意为“加进去,附着于”。故选C。
【详解】句意:他们想要4杯果汁。juice是不可数名词,不能加s; 4杯,所以glass要变成复数形式,4杯果汁four glasses of juice, 故选B。
【点睛】当名词被量词修饰时,谓语动词的单复数则由量词决定。例如,There is a big box of apples.
These pieces of bread are delicious.
【详解】句意:--Sandy, 请把这些书带到老师办公室。take down记下,写下,put around传播散布,take…to把…带到…; pass传递,通常和to连用,表示把…递给某人;根据句意可知,这里表示把…带给某人, 故选C。
【详解】句意:到去睡觉的时间了。It's time for sth.=It's time to do sth.,意为“到(做)……的时间了”,for后面跟名词、代词或动名词,to后跟动词原形。根据所给选项可知,用到it’s time to do sth, 故选C。
【详解】句意:我计算出这道难题了。A. I don't know我知道了,B. Good job做得好,
C. Let me look at it 让我看看,D. Let me see让我想想。根据语言习惯,当别人做出成绩时要对别人提出表扬,故选B。
【详解】句意:让我们去餐厅吃饭吧,饺子特别美味。A. classroom教室,B. library图书馆,C. restaurant饭店,D. park公园,由“have lunch”和“dumplings”可知该处表示“餐馆”。故选C。
【详解】句意:句意:看!小花园满是漂亮的花。A. different from和…不同的,B. full of充满,装满,C. a bit of 一点,D. away from远离;根据句意可知,这里表示充满,故选B。
【详解】句意:--我能帮你吗? --是的,我想要两个热狗。A. Can I help you我能帮你吗? B. What do you want to buy你想买什么?C. What would you like你想要什么?D. Would you like some milk你想要一些牛奶吗?根据语境可知,这是服务员和顾客之间的对话,根据语言习惯,服务员通常对顾客说Can I help you?故选A。
考查名词辨析。some oranges一些桔子;two boxes of chocolate两盒巧克力;some cakes一些蛋糕;two boxes of cola两盒可乐。根据问句中some drinks,可知只能选D。
【详解】句意:这个商店里的东西都很好而且漂亮。has表示有,不符合句意;主语是everything, 是复合不定代词,复合不定代词作主语,谓语动词用单数,be动词用is, 故选A。
【点睛】复合不定代词的用法总结:1. 含有some的复合不定代词用于肯定句,含有any的复合不定代词用于否定句和疑问句。2. 复合不定代词作主语谓语动词用单数 3.形容词或不定式修饰复合不定代词要后置
【详解】句意:这听可乐多少钱?--3元。问多少钱用How much, 故排除A,C;主语是a can of coke是单数形式,所以谓语动词用单数,故B不正确;D选项中for表目的,故选D。
16.D 17.B 18.A 19.A 20.B 21.C 22.C 23.D 24.B 25.A
16.句意:我想买一个电脑。want to do sth想做某事,故想买want to buy, 故选D。
17.句意:你喜欢这一个吗 have 有,like喜欢,see看见,know知道,根据句意可知,这里表示喜欢,故选B。
18.句意:它制造于哪里?where 哪里, what什么,how怎么,whose谁的,根据答句可知这里在问“制造于哪里”,故选A。
19.句意:多少钱? how much多少钱/或修饰其它不可数名词;how many多少修饰可数名词,how tall多高,how怎么;根据答句中的about 5,000 yuan可知这里在问多少钱,故选A.
20.句意:它大概 5000元。根据上下文可知,这里的代词是用来替代前文所提到的“the computer”,是单数形式,故用it替代,故选B。
21.句意:你们有中国产的电脑吗?是的我们有。因为问句是用do来问,故回答也要用do来回答,这里是肯定回答,故Yes, I do, 故选C。
22.句意:这些电脑制造于中国。根据句意可知,这里表示制造于某地be make in, 故选C。
23.句意:这个电脑看起来不错。根据句意可知,这里表示“看起来”,用look; 主语是this computer是单数名词,动词用单三形式,故选D。
24.句意: 对不起,我没有那么多钱。hello,喂,问候用语;sorry对不起;thank you谢谢;goodbye再见。后文I don't have so much money. 所以要对别人说抱歉,故选B。
25.句意:我买了。空前有will 是情态动词,后跟动词原形,故选A。
【点睛】本文属于对话类阅读,涉及到日常用语,做题时注意联系上下文的答句和问句,结合所给选项选出最佳答案。例如第3小题,根据答句的In the United States(美国), 判断出这里问的是制造于哪里,故用where.
26.B 27.D 28.C 29.C 30.C
28.细节理解题。根据题目信息“A thirsty boy”可知他想要一些喝的,而A,B,D都是吃的,只有C选项一杯可乐是喝的,故选C。
29.细节理解题。找到单词所在句子Here is the menu.接下来列举的食物名吃及其价格,所以这是一份菜单,故menu的意思是菜单,故选C。
30.细节理解题。根据文中You can come here at any time from 11:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. for lunch.可知10:30还不到午饭时间,故A错误;根据文章My name is Dalin. I am a waiter in Malan Restaurant.可知Dalin只是饭店的服务员,而不是拥有这个饭店,故B错误;根据菜单可知两小杯汽水6元,并且We have free(免费的) hot soup for you.热汤是免费的,故C正确;在菜单中是没有鸡肉的,故D错误;故选C。
31.C 32.D 33.A 34.B 35.A
31.细节理解题。根据We are from Canada. We are in China now.可知A,B,C不正确;根据My sister and I like different things.可判断D选项错误;根据文中We have many friends here.可判断C选项正确;故选C。
32.细节理解题。根据文中I like to eat rice, noodles and cakes.以及I like peaches(桃子), pears, strawberries(草莓) and bananas.可知A,B,C都正确,故选D。
33.细节理解题。根据文中Her favourite colours are yellow and blue.可知Jenny喜欢黄色和蓝色,故选A。
34.细节理解题。根据文中Noodles are my favourite food. I eat them for lunch or supper.可知他午饭吃面条,故选B。
35.细节理解题。根据文中最后一句We feel very happy here!可知我们在这里生活得很幸福,故选A。
【点睛】本题主要介绍兄妹两人的爱好,题目都属于细节理解题。需要我们先快速浏览短文,然后带着问题阅读文章,找到每个小题在原文中对应的信息,根据文章信息,判断出正确答案。根据文中I like to eat rice, noodles and cakes.以及I like peaches(桃子), pears, strawberries(草莓) and bananas.可知Jim喜欢吃米饭,面条,蛋糕,桃子,梨子,草莓等。故选D。
36.Chinese food and stories about Chinese people 37.cooking 38.Chinese cuisine. 39.A Bite of China is a very popular TV show in China. 40.中国人认为食物是自然的馈赠/礼物。
36.根据文中It is about Chinese food.以及Because this show is not only about Chinese dishes(菜肴), but also telling stories about Chinese people.可知这个节目是关于中国食物的以及中国人的故事;故回答Chinese food and stories about Chinese people
37.根据文中We can also learn different ways(方法) of cooking food.可知在这个节目中我们可以学到不同的烹饪方法。故回答cooking。
38.根据文中Chinese cuisine(烹饪) is an important part in our everyday life.可知烹饪是我们日常生活中重要的一部分。故回答Chinese cuisine.
39.由文中第一句话A Bite of China (《舌尖上的中国》)is a very popular(流行的) TV show in China.可知本文主要是介绍《舌尖上的中国》这个节目的,起到开篇点题的作用,故这就是本文的主题句,故回答A Bite of China is a very popular TV show in China.
40.The Chinese指的是中国人,the gift from nature 来自大自然的礼物,所以翻译为:中国人认为食物是自然的馈赠/礼物。
【点睛】一篇文章的主题句通常体现在一篇文章的首尾段,段落的主题句通常在每一段的第一句话。所以在找文章主题句时,需要特别注意首尾段及段落的第一句。例如第4小题,由文中第一句话A Bite of China (《舌尖上的中国》)is a very popular(流行的) TV show in China.可知本文主要是介绍《舌尖上的中国》这个节目的,起到开篇点题的作用,即文章的主题句。
41.money 42.to buy 43.sandwiches 44.delicious 45.cookies
41.句意:今天妈妈给了我一些钱。根据后文She wants me   2  (buy) some vegetables at the market.她想让我去买一些蔬菜,故推测这里是给我一些钱。前money,是不可数名词,故填money。
42.句意:她想让我去市场上买一些蔬菜。想让某人做某事want sb to do sth, 故填to buy.
43.句意:我还想要两个三明治。sandwich是可数名词,前有two, 用复数形式,所以这里填sandwiches
46.I want a glass of coke
【详解】根据句末的句号可知,句子为肯定句。I主语;want谓语;coke“可口可乐”,不可数名词,要用“数量+量词+of+不可数名词”表示量,即a glass of coke。故填I want a glass of coke。
47.What would you like to eat
【详解】根据标点可知,这里连的是疑问句。故先找到特殊疑问词what, 根据所给单词可以推测出所连句子的意思是,你想吃什么? 故连为What would you like to eat?
48.May I have some bread
【详解】根据标点可知应用疑问句形式,分析所给单词,此题应是含有情态动词may的一般疑问句;may置于句首,且大写,I作主语,have作谓语,some bread作宾语。故答案为:May I have some bread““我可以吃些面包吗”。
49.How many pears do you have
【详解】根据标点可知这里连的是问句,结合所给单词可知是特殊疑问句,句意是你有多少梨?故连为How many pears do you have
50.They pass me two big carrots
【详解】根据标点可知这里需要连的是陈述句。根据所给单词可知,所连句子的句意是,他们递给我两个大萝卜。找到主语they, 谓语动词是pass,后跟宾语two big carrots,故连为They pass me two big carrots.
51.I like bread and eggs for breakfast. I like rice and meat for lunch. I like noodles for dinner. My father likes eggs and tomato noodles for breakfast, rice and vegetables for lunch and dumplings for dinner. My mother loves milk and bread for breakfast, rice and vegetables for lunch and bread and apples for dinner. We all eat healthy food!
【详解】本文是谈论自己及父母的早餐,午餐和晚餐情况,可以按照人的顺序逐一列举,时态运用一般现在时,谓语动词形式正确。本篇作文首先介绍我的早餐,午餐和晚餐;然后分别介绍爸爸妈妈的一日三餐,层次结构清晰明了;中间用到I like…My mother likes…My father likes…;人称,句型,时态都运用正确。最后以We all eat healthy food!作为总结,文章内容全面。



