
longer periods over more days.
The problem here isn't the technology;rather,it's the way the technology is used
-and,more than that,the way people think about using it.
33.What is the passage mainly about
A.How to take care of the AI machines.
B.The relations between workers and jobs.
C.The human's fears in the age of Al.
D.Human experiences were replaced by Al.
34 What jobs are supposed to be good according to the passage
A.Those that mainly have the economic benefits.
B.The ones that offer chances to progress professionally.
C Those that make full use of workers'motivation.
D.The ones that don't bring new problems to workers
35.How do news media respond to the development of AI
A.Negative B.Supportive.C.Optimistic.D.Unknown
36.What will the author probably talk about next
A.The future jobs humans will do.
B.The application of AI in the future.
C.The ways that humans do jobs.
D.The proper attitude towards AI.
A highly expected project to get plastic out of the massive pool of ocean debris
(H)is ready to begin its first period from Alameda,California.The creators of the
project,called the Ocean Cleanup,say their system can remove 90 percent of the
plastic in the ocean by 2040.
It's those larger pieces that the cleanup system will stop.The system features a
600-meter-long line of unmoored booms(未停泊的水栅)that act as an artificial
shoreline traveling with the wind,waves and ocean currents while rounding up plastic
debris.Beneath the surface,the booms drag a 3-meter-long skirt,through which only
the tiniest bits of plastic can escape.Currents will naturally push the line of booms
into a U-shape,herding plastic particles (so they're easier to collect.
The booms are also tricked out with solar-powered lights,anti-collision (
systems and satellite positioning to avoid ships and help project scientists keep track
of the system's location.Periodically,support ships will cart the collected plastic bits
back to land for recycling.
The launch of"System 001"will be a test for the first of a planned fleet of about
60 such systems.Once launched,System 001 will undergo two weeks of field testing
off the California coast,Lebreton says.If all goes well,it will head to the North
Pacific,arriving within five weeks of the launch date."We're hoping to bring the first
plastic back before the end of the year,"he says.
The Ocean Cleanup representatives say their project is meant to work consistently
with such upstream measures."Even while trying to change human behaviors,it's still
worth trying to remove whatever is already out there floating near the surface.The
whole point is that we want to try to collect as much as possible,"Lebreton says.



