
第一节(共5小题每小题1. 5分, 满分7. 5分)
1. Who made the cake
A. The woman’s mother. B. The woman. C. The man.
2. When should the man check in
A. At 7:30. B. At 8:00. C. At 8:30.
3. What happened to Mr. Green’s damaged car
A. It was mended. B. It was stolen. C. It was sold.
4. What day is it today
A. Monday. B. Sunday C. Saturday.
5. What is the man doing
A. Making an invitation. B. Asking for help. C. Giving advice.
第二节(共15小题;每小题1. 5分, 满分22. 5分)
6. What is the girl worrying about
A. Her health. B. Her exams. C. Her work.
7. What does the man advise the woman to do
A. Have enough sleep. B. Do some exercise. C. Work harder.
8. When is the man’s ticket to the French painting exhibition
A. The day after tomorrow. B. Tomorrow. C. Today.
9. What do we know about the man
A. He invites the woman to go with him.
B. He got the ticket from his friend.
C. He is an art lover.
10. What kind of game was it
A. It was a baseball game.
B. It was a basketball game.
C It was a football game.
11. Who ran the fastest
A. Carl. B. Gary. C. The man.
12. What do we know about the man
A. He watched the whole game.
B. His ankle was hurt in the game.
C. He’s not a good player.
13. How many members does the International Friends Club have now
A. About 15. B. About 30. C. About 50.
14. What activity does the club have on Thursday evenings
A. A get-together meal. B. A language class. C. A sports event.
15. What day’s language evening should the woman go to
A. Tuesday. B. Wednesday. C. Friday.
16. What do we know about the woman
A. She is new there.
B. She has many friends there.
C She wants to find a job there.
17. What’s the weather like today
A. It’s windy B. It’s sunny. C. It’s foggy.
18. What does the man do
A He is a weatherman. B. He is an engineer. C. He is a painter.
19. What does the man think of his job
A. Dangerous. B. Tiring C. Easy.
20. Why does the man love his job
A. Because he can experience different weather.
B. Because he can enjoy the beautiful view.
C. Because he can stay in the mountains.
Christmas is coming, and it is time to warm yourself and head out to see some festive lights. There are plenty of choices when it comes to following a light path as part of your Christmas celebrations.
Oxford Street
Oxford Street’s festive lights are a treat for the eyes this year. However you’ll have to pick your hours carefully as the lights—which we returned on at the start of November—are only on for eight hours a day this year, from 3-11 pm, in the wake of the rising energy costs the country is facing. It is expected this will reduce energy usage by up to two thirds compared to previous years, when the lights have been on for 24 hours through November and December.
Kew Garden
One of the most famous light paths of the season, Christmas at Kew offers a full-on festive experience with over 2 km of lights to walk through. Along the way you’ll have the chance to sample festive food and drink, and possibly even say hello to Santa himself.
Regent Street
Regent Street’s lights are on the theme of The Spirit Of Christmas this year, bringing golden angels to the shopping street. The lights, which cover Regent Street and the St James neighbourhoods, were turned on on November 9, and like the Oxford St lights are turned on between 3 and 11 pm.
Covent Garden
A visit to Covent Garden will certainly get you in the festive spirit this year, with the central London destination offering a whole lot of lights—from 11 am until midnight every day until January 3. Visitors can also enjoy daily snow showers as well as festive food treats and heated wine—with over 40 different varieties there.
1. Why are Oxford Street’s festive lights just on for 8 hours a day this year
A. The public ask to turn off these lights.
B. The quality of these lights is not good.
C. The government wants to save energy
D The country expects to differ from previous years.
2. In which place do the lights mainly focus on The Spirit Of Christmas
A. Oxford Street. B. Kew Gardens. C. Regent Street. D. Covent Garden.
3. What can visitors do when visiting Covent Garden
A. Take a shower.
B. See snow every day.
C. Pick out the favourite lights.
D. Enjoy many different kinds of wines.
【答案】1. C 2. C 3. D
细节理解题。根据“Oxford Street”部分关键句“However you’ll have to pick your hours carefully as the lights—which we returned on at the start of November—are only on for eight hours a day this year, from 3-11 pm, in the wake of the rising energy costs the country is facing.”(然而,你必须仔细选择你的欣赏时间,由于国家面临能源成本不断上涨,我们在11月初重新开启的灯,今年每天只开8小时,从下午3点到11点。)可知,由于能源成本不断上涨,今年的灯每天只开8小时,由此可知,今年牛津大街的节日灯每天只亮8小时,因为政府想要节约能源。故选C项。
细节理解题。根据“Regent Street”部分关键句“Regent Street’s lights are on the theme of The Spirit Of Christmas this year, bringing golden angels to the shopping street.”(摄政街的灯光以今年的圣诞精神为主题,为购物街带来金色天使。)可知,摄政街的灯光以今年的圣诞精神为主题,由此可知,在摄政街,灯光主要集中在圣诞精神上。故选C项。
细节理解题。根据“Covent Garden”部分关键句“Visitors can also enjoy daily snow showers as well as festive food treats and heated wine—with over 40 different varieties there.”(游客还可以在那里享受每天的阵雪,以及节日食品和40多种不同品种的热葡萄酒。)可知,游客可以在这里享受到40多种不同品种的热葡萄酒,由此可知,游客参观科文特花园时可以享受多种不同种类的葡萄酒。故选D项。
I’d never heard of the yangqin — an 17th century Chinese stringed instrument(弦乐器) — until this past Sunday, when I had the pleasure of hearing Eastman graduate and music artist Wenzhuo Zhang 20E(MA) perform on it in a concert.
Wenzhuo, a Chinese native, began her training on the yangqin at age five. When she was only 13, Wenzhuo was awarded a scholarship to the Arts School of Hebei Province. After graduation. she placed first in the nationwide competition and was admitted into the National Academy of Chinese Theatre Arts in Beijing, where she was awarded her bachelor’s in yangqin performance in 2005. She received her doctor’s degree from Boston University in music education in 2015 and studied at Eastman from 2017 to 2019. Wenzhuo has performed many times and won countless awards for her performances.
Before Wenzhuo performed five pieces on her yangqin, she introduced a brief historical background, and discussed its continued usage up to the present day. The yangqin was first used in Chinese folk music performance and operas. Later, under Mao Zedong, the yangqin slowly became a little popular. Performances began to be supported by the state, and yangqin performers were given a path to higher levels.
Wenzhuo performed four pieces going back to centuries ago, and one piece from the modern time. Needless to say, Wenzhuo’s performances sounded splendid. The yangqin is a unique and beautiful traditional instrument, and its sound is wonderful. It was nice to learn about the yangqin and a joy to watch Wenzhuo perform on it.
4. What do we know about the instrument
A. It is very expensive.
B. It is familiar to the public.
C It is very easy for people to learn.
D. It is a Chinese traditional instrument.
5. What can we learn about the music artist Wenzhuo Zhang
A. She could perform on her yangqin at age 5.
B. She took first prize in national competition.
C. She got her doctor’s degree in yangqin performance in 2015.
D. She was admitted to the Chinese Theatre Arts in Beijing at age 13.
6. How many pieces did Wenzhuo Zhang perform in the concert
A. 3. B. 4. C. 5. D. 6.
7. What did the author think of her performing on her yangqin in the concert
A. Just so so. B. Annoying. C. Successful. D. Disappointing.
【答案】4. D 5. B 6. C 7. C
细节理解题。根据第一段“I’d never heard of the yangqin — an 17th century Chinese stringed instrument (弦乐器) (我从未听说过扬琴——一种17世纪的中国弦乐器)”及第三段中“The yangqin was first used in Chinese folk music performance and operas.(扬琴最早用于中国民间音乐表演和戏曲)”可知,扬琴是中国的传统乐器。故选D。
细节理解题。根据第二段中“After graduation. she placed first in the nationwide competition and was admitted into the National Academy of Chinese Theatre Arts in Beijing(毕业后,她在全国比赛中获得一等奖,并被北京的中国戏剧艺术学院录取)”可知,Wenzhuo Zhang毕业后在全国比赛中获得过一等奖。故选B。
细节理解题。根据第三段中“Before Wenzhuo performed five pieces on her yangqin, she introduced a brief historical background, and discussed its continued usage up to the present day.(Wenzhuo用扬琴演奏五首曲子之前,她简要介绍了扬琴起源的历史背景,并讨论了扬琴至今的使用情况)”可知,她用扬琴演奏了五首曲子。故选C。
推理判断题。根据最后一段中 “Needless to say, Wenzhuo’s performances sounded splendid. The yangqin is a unique and beautiful traditional instrument, and its sound is wonderful. It was nice to learn about the yangqin and a joy to watch Wenzhuo perform on it.(不用说,Wenzhuo的表演听起来很精彩。扬琴是一种独特而美丽的传统乐器,它的声音是美妙的。了解扬琴是件好事,看Wenzhuo演奏扬琴也是件乐事)”可知,Wenzhuo的能力强,扬琴的表演听起来很精彩,所以作者认为Wenzhuo在音乐会中用扬琴演奏得很成功。故选C。
Even the most talkative and energetic children can feel a little discouraged after school. So the age-old question “how was your day ” can sometimes be met with half-hearted responses. Dr Siggic Cohen, a family psychologist in child development, has uncovered why kids struggle to answer this question.
The professional, who goes by the name of @parenting. with. dr. siggie on TikTok, explains that the question is too big for a child to answer. After all, there are probably so many new experiences and memories that have happened during the day for them to process. Instead, it’s better to go more specific(具体的).
Dr Siggie Cohen then gives some examples of some more focused questions such as “during snack time, who did you sit next to ” or “did your teacher say something funny today ” She says: Help your child break down their big experience in a more detailed and balanced way. This will help make things a little less at a loss, but will give them a specific part to go on with.
The TikTok, which has been watched more than 2.8 million times, has received lots of praise from parents — many thanking the psychologist for her advice.
One person replied: “Thank you for this info. I’m guilty of asking the same question. I’m now a little bit more educated.” While another added: “This is my everyday story after picking my son up from school and it upsets me. Thank you for the help.” Another parent cut in with their own strategy, stating that they always get a response when they ask their daughter what was your favorite part of your day
8. Why do children struggle with the question from Para. 1
A. The question is too boring to answer.
B. The question is too broad to respond to.
C. They don’t like to open their mind to the parents.
D. They are somewhat disappointed about their day.
9. How do the parents find the solution to the problem
A. Funny. B. Useless. C. Helpful. D. Common.
10. Which one of the following maybe improper according to the passage
A. How was your day going today
B. Who did you have lunch with today
C. When did you have your English class today
D. How many math classes did you have today
11. What can some parents learn from the passage
A. How to help the kids open up.
B. How to promote kids’ learning ability.
C. How to teach the kids to answer questions.
D. How to improve kids’ understanding ability.
【答案】8. B 9. C 10. A 11. A
细节理解题。根据第二段中的“The professional, who goes by the name of @parenting. with. dr. siggie on TikTok, explains that the question is too big for a child to answer.(这位专家在抖音上的名字是@parenting. with. dr. siggie,她解释说这个问题对孩子来说太大了难以回答)”可知,这个问题太宽泛而难以回答,故选B。
推理判断题。根据第四段“The TikTok, which has been watched more than 2.8 million times, has received lots of praise from parents — many thanking the psychologist for her advice.(TikTok已经被观看了280多万次,得到了很多父母的称赞——很多人都感谢这位心理学家的建议)”以及最后一段中“One person replied: ‘Thank you for this info. I’m guilty of asking the same question. I’m now a little bit more educated.’ While another added: ‘This is my everyday story after picking my son up from school and it upsets me. Thank you for the help.’(有人回复道:‘谢谢你提供的信息。我很内疚问了同样的问题。我现在接受了更多的教育。’还有人补充道:‘这是我每天接儿子放学后的故事,这让我很心烦。谢谢你的帮助。’)”可知,这位专家给出的建议有很多人观看,且得到了家长父母的积极反馈,故推知父母认为这个解决办法很有用,故选C。
推理判断题。根据第二段中的“The professional, who goes by the name of @parenting. with. dr. siggie on TikTok, explains that the question is too big for a child to answer.(这位专家在抖音上的名字是@parenting. with. dr. siggie,她解释说这个问题对孩子来说太大了难以回答)”和第三段“Help your child break down their big experience in a more detailed and balanced way(帮助你的孩子以更详细、更平衡的方式分解他们的重大经历)”可知,家长在和孩子交流提问时要问得更具体些,所以A项“你今天过得怎么样?”属于太过宽泛的问题,故选A。
推理判断题。根据文章内容,结合第一段中“Dr Siggic Cohen, a family psychologist in child development, has uncovered why kids struggle to answer this question.(儿童发展领域的家庭心理学家Siggic Cohen博士揭示了为什么孩子们难以回答这个问题)”可知,文章首先提出一个问题,孩子们为什么不愿意谈论他们的一天,本文提供了解决问题的策略,即问题要问得更具体,更有针对性,所以父母可以从本文中学到如何帮助孩子们敞开心扉。故选A。
Graham Barratt, 62, planted the seeds in his garden in January. He watched as one particular chilli excelled — but never expected it would break the UK record for the longest ever chilli pepper(辣椒) reaching a length of 45.7cm.
The grandfather-of-five beat the previous British record by a whole centimetre. But he didn’t eat it at once — instead he put it in a displaycase and gave it pride of place on the wall in his garden. Retired Graham from Abbeydale, Gloucester, said: “I was so excited when I learnt I had broken the record. I have won prizes for giant vegetables before, but it’s my first record.”
“Growing giant vegetables sounds so easy but there are so many factors — the right seeds and weather, but also the right care so they grow the best. It’s a lot of work, but it’s what I love to do, and it’s very rewarding when you achieve something like this.” He planted the winning seeds in January at his nearby garden after selecting them from a good crop three years ago. He took care of the chillies, along with his other giant vegetables, almost every day. He explained: “It’s a very careful process to successfully grow giant vegetables. You need to consider what to feed them, how to water them, how to prevent infestations, how to protect them from bad weather and so on.”
He measured the big chilli regularly and when it stopped growing he picked it and called a giant vegetable official judge who measured it on July 29. Ordinarily he would have entered it into a local show, but if he waited until mid-September, it would have dried up. After a few months on display, he’ll harvest the record-breaking chilli’s seeds to use them to try and break his own record next year. He added: “I already have a few ideas up my sleeve for how I can improve on my record next year!”
12. Which one of the following can probably replace the underlined word “excelled”
A. Came out B. Gave out C. Stood out. D. Jumped out.
13. How did the gardener deal with the chilli soon after it broke the UK record
A. He displayed it.
B. He collected its seeds.
C. He sold it in the local market.
D. He harvested and made food with it
14. What can we infer about the gardener from the passage
A. He took prizes for giant vegetables.
B. He especially liked to eat chilli pepper.
C. He had nothing to do but grow chilli pepper.
D. He was skilled in growing giant vegetables.
15. What’s the best title for the text
A. A gardener broke the UK record.
B. A gardener planted the greatest vegetables.
C. A gardener grew the UK’s longest chilli pepper.
D. A gardener harvested the record-breaking chilli’s seeds.
【答案】12. C 13. A 14. D 15. C
词句猜测题。根据第一段中“but never expected it would break the UK record for the longest ever chilli pepper(辣椒) reaching a length of 45. 7cm(但没想到它会打破英国最长辣椒的纪录,达到45.7厘米)”可知,辣椒长得相当长,故此处指有一个辣椒很突出,excelled意为“突出”。故选C。
细节理解题。根据第二段中“But he didn’t eat it at once — instead he put it in a displaycase and gave it pride of place on the wall in his garden.(但他并没有马上把它吃掉,而是把它放在一个陈列柜里,放在花园墙上最显眼的位置)”可知,Graham把打破记录的辣椒放在墙上展览。故选A。
推理判断题。根据第二段中“I have won prizes for giant vegetables before(我以前曾因巨型蔬菜获奖)”及第三段中“Growing giant vegetables sounds so easy but there are so many factors — the right seeds and weather, but also the right care so they grow the best.(种植巨型蔬菜听起来很容易,但有很多因素——合适的种子和天气,还有正确的护理,这样它们才能长得最好)”可知,这位园丁以前曾因种植巨型蔬菜获奖,并对如何种植巨型蔬菜给出了一些有效的办法,由此可推知他擅长种植巨型蔬菜。故选D。
主旨大意题。根据文章内容,结合第一段中“He watched as one particular chilli excelled — but never expected it would break the UK record for the longest ever chilli pepper(辣椒) reaching a length of 45.7cm.(他目睹了一种特别的辣椒脱颖而出,但没想到它会打破英国最长辣椒的纪录,达到45.7厘米)”可知,本文介绍了一位园丁种出英国最长的半米辣椒。C项“一位园丁种出了英国最长的辣椒”适合作为文章标题。故选C。
第二节(共5小题;每小题2. 5分, 满分12. 5分)
阅读下面短文, 从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
For some people, physical activity just isn’t a choice when trying to lose weight. Losing weight without exercise is possible. ____16____ Here are 4 tips to lose weight without exercise:
Think Long-Term for Weight Loss.
Weisenberger encourages those interested in losing weight without exercise to think about their long-term goals .____17____ At the same time, you must focus more on cutting the calories you eat while still making sure you eat healthy food.
Drink more water.
Eating more fiber-rich foods while drinking more water is a winning weight-loss combination. Weisenberger says. Water helps to fill you up more, just like fiber does. Set a water drinking schedule.____18____
Play around with plates.
One common strategy used for weight loss is to play around with plate size and the portions on your plate. At dinner, use a smaller salad plate for grains and protein and a larger dinner plate for non-starchy (非淀粉的) vegetables, Kimberlain says.____19____Playing around with plates also can help keep your portion sizes in check.
Eat without distractions (分心).
____20____Were you reading or watching something on a screen Maybe driving and eating It’s easy to cat too much if you’re not focused on what you’re eating. Put away the phone, turn off the TV or remove whatever else distracts you to enjoy each bite. Eating without distractions also can make you aware of whether you’re eating because you’re truly hungry or if you’re just bored.
A. It just takes extra planning and devotion.
B. Think about the last few meals and snacks you ate.
C. This helps you keep healthy by eating a balanced diet.
D. For example, make a plan to cat a healthy meal over a week.
E. This helps you to fill up more on those low-calorie vegetables.
F. For instance, set a goal of a healthy weight loss in eight months.
G. That makes it easy for you to drink water regularly during the day.
【答案】16. A 17. F 18. G 19. E 20. B
空前说“Losing weight without exercise is possible.(不运动也能减肥。)”,空格处应该说怎样才能做到不运动也能减肥,A选项“It just takes extra planning and devotion.(这只需要额外的计划和投入。)”说明了有额外的计划和投入就可以做到不运动也能减肥,因此承接上文,符合语境,故选A。
空前说“Weisenberger encourages those interested in losing weight without exercise to think about their long-term goals.(Weisenberger鼓励那些对不运动减肥感兴趣的人考虑一下他们的长期目标。)”,空后说“At the same time, you must focus more on cutting the calories you eat while still making sure you eat healthy food.(与此同时,你必须更专注于减少卡路里摄入,同时确保你吃健康的食物。)”,空格处应该说具体要树立什么目标,F选项“For instance, set a goal of a healthy weight loss in eight months.(例如,设定一个在八个月内健康减肥的目标。)”说明了具体的目标,其中的goal和空前的goals相一致,因此F选项承上启下,符合语境,故选F。
空前说“Set a water drinking schedule.(制定一个饮水时间表。)”,空格处应该说明这么做的好处,G选项“That makes it easy for you to drink water regularly during the day.(这让你很容易在白天有规律地喝水。)”中的“drink water”和空前的“water drinking”相一致,说明了制定一个饮水时间表的好处,因此承接上文,符合语境,故选G。
空前说“At dinner, use a smaller salad plate for grains and protein and a larger dinner plate for non-starchy (非淀粉的) vegetables, Kimberlain says.(Kimberlain说,晚餐时,用小一点的沙拉盘盛谷物和蛋白质,用大一点的餐盘盛非淀粉类蔬菜。)”,空格处应该说明这么做的好处,E选项“This helps you to fill up more on those low-calorie vegetables.(这能帮助你吃更多低热量的蔬菜。)”说明了用小一点的沙拉盘盛谷物和蛋白质,用大一点的餐盘盛非淀粉类蔬菜的好处,其中的“fill up more on those low-calorie vegetables”和前文的“a larger dinner plate for non-starchy (非淀粉的) vegetables”相一致,因此E选项承接上文,符合语境,故选E。
空后说“Were you reading or watching something on a screen Maybe driving and eating It’s easy to cat too much if you’re not focused on what you’re eating.(你在看屏幕上的东西吗?也许边开车边吃饭?如果你不专注于你吃的东西,就很容易吃太多。)”,空格处应该说回忆一下你之前最后一次是在什么情况下吃东西的,B选项“Think about the last few meals and snacks you ate.(想想你最近吃的几顿饭和零食。)”说明了回忆一下上次吃东西的情形,因此引起下文,符合语境,故选B。
第三部分语言运用(共两节, 满分30分)
第一节(共15小题;每小题1分, 满分15分)
阅读下面短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
I recently lost one of my favourite rings and was upset.
Even though it was cheap and could be easily ___21___, it had a lot of ___22___ value to me. I had ___23___ it for two weeks before losing my hope and planning to buy a new one.
When I was on my way to the ___24___ and was checking for my wallet inside of my backpack, I felt the ring at the bottom of my bag. I was more than happy — and the first person I called was my father. He told me he was happy because I was happy that I’d found it. I had been telling him about all of the special memories I had ___25___ the ring and he knew how sad I was when I thought I lost it. Whenever I have good news, the first people I want to share it with are my ___26___.
I’m 23, and I have been calling my parents every day since I started university in 2018 — sometimes more than once. It started because I was ___27___ . I initially (最初) had a really hard time making friends and sometimes wouldn’t talk to anybody for days.
Ringing my parents became a ___28___ and a way for me to feel ___29___ to them. I love them. Some people might think that it’s ___30___ at my age, or child-like — but I’ve never felt a need or desire to ___31___ talking to them every day just because we don’t live in the same house anymore. I ___32___ that I call my parents sometimes for support and relief, but I think it’s natural for humans to seek support from others, especially from those they’re ___33___ to.
___34___ I’ve never quite understood why people think the ‘mark of independence’ consists of not speaking to your family on a regular basis. I think people can still be independent and seek emotional support from their family. It’s not a sign of ___35___.
21. A. damaged B. replaced C. familiar D. placed
22. A. common B. creative C. familiar D. emotional
23. A. applied for B. looked for C. waited for D. cared for
24. A. store B. classroom C. school D. library
25. A. dressing B. keeping C. holding D. wearing
26. A. classmates B. parents C. colleagues D. friends
27. A. lonely B. curious C. annoyed D. interested
28. A. rule B. habit C. hobby D. wish
29. A. adapted B. addicted C. connected D. attracted
30. A. usual B. common C. strange D. simple
31. A. stop B. prefer C. enjoy D. start
32. A. require B. protest C. imagine D. admit
33. A. finest B. farthest C. best D. closest
34. A. Truthfully B. Generally C. Formally D. Traditionally
35. A. coldness B. weakness C. sadness D. tiredness
【答案】21. B 22. D 23. B 24. A 25. D 26. B 27. A 28. B 29. C 30. C 31. A 32. D 33. D 34. A 35. B
考查动词和形容词词义辨析。句意:尽管它很便宜,可以很容易地更换,但它对我来说有很大的情感价值。A. damaged损害;B. replaced取代,替换;C. familiar熟悉的;D. placed放置。根据上文“it was cheap”可知,戒指很便宜,很容易再买一个,被替换。故选B。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意同上。A. common普通的;B. creative有创意的;C. familiar熟悉的;D. emotional情感的。从后文可知这个戒指承载着作者许多的特殊回忆,具有情感价值。故选D。
考查动词短语辨析。句意:我找了两个星期才失去希望,打算买一个新的。A. applied for申请;B. looked for寻找;C. waited for等待;D. cared for照顾。结合“for two weeks before losing my hope”可知,作者戒指丢了以后一直在寻找。故选B。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:在我去商店的路上,我在背包里找钱包。A. store商店;B. classroom教室;C. school学校;D. library图书馆。根据上文“planning to buy a new one”可知,计划再去买一个,当然是去商店。故选A。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我一直在告诉他我戴着戒指的所有特别的回忆,他知道当我以为我丢了戒指时有多难过。A. dressing给……穿衣服;B. keeping保持;C. holding抓住;D. wearing穿,戴。此处表示“戴戒指”,用动词wear。故选D。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:每当我有好消息的时候,我第一个想要分享的人就是我的父母。A. classmates同学;B. parents父母;C. colleagues同事;D. friends朋友。通过上下文可知作者经常与父母打电话。故选B。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:开始是因为我很孤独。A. lonely孤独的;B. curious好奇的;C. annoyed恼怒的;D. interested感兴趣的。根据下文“I initially (最初) had a really hard time making friends and sometimes wouldn’t talk to anybody for days.”可知,一开始作者很难交朋友,有时几天都不和任何人说话,所以应是感到孤独,故选A。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:给父母打电话已经成为一种习惯,也是我与他们保持联系的一种方式。A. rule规则;B. habit习惯;C. hobby爱好;D. wish愿望。根据上文“I’m 23, and I have been calling my parents every day since I started university in 2018”可知,作者每天都给父母打电话,给父母打电话成了一种习惯。故选B。
考查动词词义辨析。句意同上。A. adapted适应;B. addicted沉溺于;C. connected连接;D. attracted吸引。结合语境及下文“I love them.(我爱他们)”可知,打电话也成了作者与父母保持联系的一种方式,故选C。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意:有些人可能会觉得,在我这个年纪,这样做很奇怪,或者像孩子一样,但我从来没有觉得有必要或想要停止每天与他们交谈,因为我们不再住在同一所房子里了。A. usual通常的;B. common普通的;C. strange奇怪的;D. simple简单的。根据“child-like”可知,作者每天都要给父母打电话,有人可能会觉得以作者的年龄这样的行为很奇怪,或者像小孩一样,故选C。
考查动词词义辨析。句意同上。A. stop停止;B. prefer更喜欢;C. enjoy喜欢,享受;D. start开始。根据转折词“but”可知,作者不认同部分人的看法,作者从来没有觉得有必要或渴望停止每天和父母说话交流。故选A。
考查动词词义辨析。句意:我承认我有时会打电话给我的父母寻求支持和解脱,但我认为人类向他人寻求支持是很自然的,尤其是从最亲近的人那里。A. require需要,要求;B. protest抗议;C. imagine想象;D. admit承认。结合语境可知,作者承认自己会打电话寻求支持和解脱,但作者认为这个行为是很自然的。故选D。
考查形容词词义辨析。句意同上。A. finest最好的;B. farthest最远的;C. best最好的;D. closest最近的,最亲密的。根据“I ___12___ that I call my parents sometimes for support and relief”可知,作者有时会打电话向父母寻求支持和解脱,所以此处指最亲近的人。故选D。
考查副词词义辨析。句意:说实话,我一直不太明白为什么人们认为不经常和家人说话就是“独立的标志”。A. Truthfully诚实地;B. Generally通常地;C. Formally正式地;D. Traditionally传统地。结合语境可知,此处指“说实话,我一直不太明白为什么人们认为不经常和家人说话就是‘独立的标志’”,故选A。
考查名词词义辨析。句意:这不是软弱的表现。A. coldness冷漠;B. weakness虚弱;C. sadness悲伤;D. tiredness疲惫。根据上文“I think people can still be independent and seek emotional support from their family.”可知,作者觉得人独立的同时,是可以向家人寻求情感上的支持的,这样做不是软弱或不成熟的表现。故选B。
第二节(共10小题:每小题1. 5分, 满分15分)
The China International Search and Team (CISAR) was founded in 2001 and now consists of many rescue workers and about 14 sniffer dogs.
After long and careful training, ___36___ team started its first rescue missions in 2003. It was the first time that Chinese team ___37___(go) abroad, and the team was highly praised for their___38___ (brave) and skill.
The CISAR has helped a lot by all means ___39___then. The list of people to ___40___ help has been given is long. The team treated over 2000 people who ___41___ (injure) in the 2004 earthquake in Indonesia, spent several months ___42___ (aid) more than 20, 000 victims of the 2006 floods in Pakistan, and built many shelters ___43___ survivors whose homes had been destroyed in Thailand in 2008.
Rescue workers are ___44___(careful) trained to find people, provide medical care and hand out supplies. After a disaster, there is usually no electricity or water, and there may be diseases and accidents. So they must have big ___45___(heart). The members of the CISAR are always ready to help.
【答案】36. the
37. had gone
38. bravery
39. since 40. whom
41 were injured
42. aiding 43. for
44. carefully
45. hearts
考查定冠词。句意:经过长时间的精心训练,救援队于2003年开始了第一次救援任务。上文“The China International Search and Team (CISAR)”提到了中国国际搜索队,所以此处特指上文提到的事物,用定冠词修饰。故填the。
考查过去完成时。句意:这是中国队第一次出国,队员们的勇敢和技术受到了高度赞扬。在“It was the first time that…”句型中,that从句中用过去完成时,故填had gone。
考查时态、语态和主谓一致。句意:该小组治疗了2004年印度尼西亚地震中2000多名伤员,花了几个月时间帮助2006年巴基斯坦洪水中的2万多名受害者,并为2008年泰国家园被毁的幸存者建造了许多避难所。根据时间状语“in the 2004 earthquake”可知,此处描述过去发生的事情,who引导定语从句,指代先行词people,和动词injure之间是被动关系,故此处用一般过去时的被动语态,who表示复数意义,be动词用were。故填were injured。
考查动名词。句意同上。spend…(in) doing sth花费……做某事,故此处用动名词形式。故填ading。
第四部分写作(共两节, 满分40分)
46. 假定你是李华,请你以“Why Should We Learn English ”为主题,用英语写一篇演讲稿。要点提示:
Why Should We Learn English
Dear fellow friends,
That’s all. Thank you.
【答案】Why Should We Learn English
Dear fellow friends,
It is known to all that English is the most widely used language in the world. There are many advantages for us to learn English.
Firstly, it will not only help us enter an ideal university, but also make us become more competitive. A good command of English will help us find a good job more easily. Secondly, with the help of English we can get a better understanding of foreign cultures. Thirdly, we can relax ourselves and give color to life by listening to English songs and watching English movies. Meanwhile, we can make friends from all over the world.
In brief, learning English is necessary and we should learn it.
That’s all. Thank you.
【导语】本篇书面表达属于应用文。要求考生以“Why Should We Learn English ”为主题,用英语写一篇演讲稿。
精通:a good command of→a good knowledge of
在……的帮助下:with the help of→with the assistance of
同时:meanwhile→at the same time
原句:In brief, learning English is necessary and we should learn it.
拓展句:In brief, learning English is so necessary that we should learn it.
【点睛】【高分句型1】It is known to all that English is the most widely used language in the world.(运用了that引导的主语从句)
【高分句型2】Firstly, it will not only help us enter an ideal university, but also make us become more competitive.(运用not only…but also连接的并列句)
47. 阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段。使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数应为150左右。
How many times do we miss blessings because they are not packaged as we expected Think before you act and do not spoil (损坏) what you have by desiring what you don’t have. What may appear as bad fortune may in fact be the door that is just waiting to be opened.
There was once a young man who was getting ready to graduate from college. For many months he had wanted a beautiful sports car, and knowing his father had much money, he told him that was all he wanted.
With Graduation Day coming, the young man waited for signs that his father had bought the car. Finally, on the morning of his graduation, his father called him into his room. His father told him how proud he was to have such a fine son, and told him how much he loved him. He handed his son a beautiful wrapped (包装) gift box. Curious, but somewhat disappointed, the young man opened the box and found a lovely, leather-bound (皮革精装的) Bible (圣经), with the young man’s name decorated in gold. Angrily, he raised his voice to his father and said, “With all your money, you give me a Bible ” He then stormed out of the house, leaving the Bible. He didn’t want to see his father forever.
Paragraph l:
Many years passed and the young man was very successful in business.
Deep sadness and regret filled his heart when he went into his father’s house alone.
Many years passed and the young man was very successful in business. Suddenly he thought of his father, and realizing his father was very old, he thought perhaps he should go to see him. He had not seen him since that graduation day. Before he could make the arrangements, he received a special letter telling him his father had passed away, and all of his possessions had been given to his son. He needed to come home immediately and take care of things.
Deep sadness and regret filled his heart when he went into his father’s house alone. He began to search through his father’s important papers and saw the still new Bible, just as he had left it years ago. He opened the Bible and began to turn the pages. As he was reading, a car key dropped from the back of the Bible. The key had a label. On the label was the date of his graduation. He knew the real gift for him from his father was the sports car he had desired. He was moved to tears. What a great father he had. He felt sorry for what he had done before, but it was too late.
①收到来信:receive a letter/get a letter
②回家:come home/return home
③从......掉出:drop from/fall from
①感动:be moved/be touched
②对……感到懊悔:feel sorry for/be regretful for
【点睛】[高分句型1] Suddenly he thought of his father, and realizing his father was very old, he thought perhaps he should go to see him. (由that引导的宾语从句,省略了that)
[高分句型2] He felt sorry for what he had done before, but it was too late. (由what引导的宾语从句)
听力答案:1~5 BBACA 6~10 BABAC 11~15 ABCAC 16~20 ABCAB2023年湖北省孝感市高一1月期末考试
第一节(共5小题每小题1. 5分, 满分7. 5分)
1. Who made the cake
A. The woman’s mother. B. The woman. C. The man.
2. When should the man check in
A. At 7:30. B. At 8:00. C. At 8:30.
3. What happened to Mr. Green’s damaged car
A. It was mended. B. It was stolen. C. It was sold.
4. What day is it today
A. Monday. B. Sunday C. Saturday.
5. What is the man doing
A. Making an invitation. B. Asking for help. C. Giving advice.
第二节(共15小题;每小题1. 5分, 满分22. 5分)
6. What is the girl worrying about
A. Her health. B. Her exams. C. Her work.
7. What does the man advise the woman to do
A. Have enough sleep. B. Do some exercise. C. Work harder.
8. When is the man’s ticket to the French painting exhibition
A. The day after tomorrow. B. Tomorrow. C. Today.
9. What do we know about the man
A. He invites the woman to go with him.
B. He got the ticket from his friend.
C. He is an art lover.
10. What kind of game was it
A. It was a baseball game.
B. It was a basketball game.
C. It was a football game.
11. Who ran the fastest
A. Carl. B. Gary. C. The man.
12. What do we know about the man
A. He watched the whole game.
B. His ankle was hurt in the game.
C. He’s not a good player.
13. How many members does the International Friends Club have now
A. About 15. B. About 30. C. About 50.
14. What activity does the club have on Thursday evenings
A. A get-together meal. B. A language class. C. A sports event.
15 What day’s language evening should the woman go to
A. Tuesday. B. Wednesday. C. Friday.
16. What do we know about the woman
A. She is new there.
B. She has many friends there.
C She wants to find a job there.
17. What’s the weather like today
A. It’s windy B. It’s sunny. C. It’s foggy.
18. What does the man do
A He is a weatherman. B. He is an engineer. C. He is a painter.
19. What does the man think of his job
A. Dangerous. B. Tiring C. Easy.
20. Why does the man love his job
A. Because he can experience different weather.
B. Because he can enjoy the beautiful view.
C. Because he can stay in the mountains.
Christmas is coming, and it is time to warm yourself and head out to see some festive lights. There are plenty of choices when it comes to following a light path as part of your Christmas celebrations.
Oxford Street
Oxford Street’s festive lights are a treat for the eyes this year. However you’ll have to pick your hours carefully as the lights—which we returned on at the start of November—are only on for eight hours a day this year, from 3-11 pm, in the wake of the rising energy costs the country is facing. It is expected this will reduce energy usage by up to two thirds compared to previous years, when the lights have been on for 24 hours through November and December.
Kew Garden
One of the most famous light paths of the season, Christmas at Kew offers a full-on festive experience with over 2 km of lights to walk through. Along the way you’ll have the chance to sample festive food and drink, and possibly even say hello to Santa himself.
Regent Street
Regent Street’s lights are on the theme of The Spirit Of Christmas this year bringing golden angels to the shopping street. The lights, which cover Regent Street and the St James neighbourhoods, were turned on on November 9, and like the Oxford St lights are turned on between 3 and 11 pm.
Covent Garden
A visit to Covent Garden will certainly get you in the festive spirit this year, with the central London destination offering a whole lot of lights—from 11 am until midnight every day until January 3. Visitors can also enjoy daily snow showers as well as festive food treats and heated wine—with over 40 different varieties there.
1. Why are Oxford Street’s festive lights just on for 8 hours a day this year
A. The public ask to turn off these lights.
B. The quality of these lights is not good.
C. The government wants to save energy
D. The country expects to differ from previous years.
2. In which place do the lights mainly focus on The Spirit Of Christmas
A. Oxford Street. B. Kew Gardens. C. Regent Street. D. Covent Garden.
3. What can visitors do when visiting Covent Garden
A. Take a shower.
B. See snow every day.
C. Pick out the favourite lights.
D. Enjoy many different kinds of wines.
I’d never heard of the yangqin — an 17th century Chinese stringed instrument(弦乐器) — until this past Sunday, when I had the pleasure of hearing Eastman graduate and music artist Wenzhuo Zhang 20E(MA) perform on it in a concert.
Wenzhuo, a Chinese native, began her training on the yangqin at age five. When she was only 13, Wenzhuo was awarded a scholarship to the Arts School of Hebei Province. After graduation. she placed first in the nationwide competition and was admitted into the National Academy of Chinese Theatre Arts in Beijing, where she was awarded her bachelor’s in yangqin performance in 2005. She received her doctor’s degree from Boston University in music education in 2015 and studied at Eastman from 2017 to 2019. Wenzhuo has performed many times and won countless awards for her performances.
Before Wenzhuo performed five pieces on her yangqin, she introduced a brief historical background, and discussed its continued usage up to the present day. The yangqin was first used in Chinese folk music performance and operas. Later, under Mao Zedong, the yangqin slowly became a little popular. Performances began to be supported by the state, and yangqin performers were given a path to higher levels.
Wenzhuo performed four pieces going back to centuries ago, and one piece from the modern time. Needless to say, Wenzhuo’s performances sounded splendid. The yangqin is a unique and beautiful traditional instrument, and its sound is wonderful. It was nice to learn about the yangqin and a joy to watch Wenzhuo perform on it.
4. What do we know about the instrument
A. It is very expensive.
B. It is familiar to the public.
C. It is very easy for people to learn.
D. It is a Chinese traditional instrument.
5. What can we learn about the music artist Wenzhuo Zhang
A. She could perform on her yangqin at age 5.
B. She took first prize in national competition.
C. She got her doctor’s degree in yangqin performance in 2015.
D. She was admitted to the Chinese Theatre Arts in Beijing at age 13.
6. How many pieces did Wenzhuo Zhang perform in the concert
A. 3. B. 4. C. 5. D. 6.
7. What did the author think of her performing on her yangqin in the concert
A Just so so. B. Annoying. C. Successful. D. Disappointing.
Even the most talkative and energetic children can feel a little discouraged after school. So the age-old question “how was your day ” can sometimes be met with half-hearted responses. Dr Siggic Cohen, a family psychologist in child development, has uncovered why kids struggle to answer this question.
The professional, who goes by the name of @parenting. with. dr. siggie on TikTok, explains that the question is too big for a child to answer. After all, there are probably so many new experiences and memories that have happened during the day for them to process. Instead, it’s better to go more specific(具体的).
Dr Siggie Cohen then gives some examples of some more focused questions such as “during snack time, who did you sit next to ” or “did your teacher say something funny today ” She says: Help your child break down their big experience in a more detailed and balanced way. This will help make things a little less at a loss, but will give them a specific part to go on with.
The TikTok, which has been watched more than 2.8 million times, has received lots of praise from parents — many thanking the psychologist for her advice.
One person replied: “Thank you for this info. I’m guilty of asking the same question. I’m now a little bit more educated.” While another added: “This is my everyday story after picking my son up from school and it upsets me. Thank you for the help.” Another parent cut in with their own strategy, stating that they always get a response when they ask their daughter what was your favorite part of your day
8. Why do children struggle with the question from Para. 1
A. The question is too boring to answer.
B. The question is too broad to respond to.
C. They don’t like to open their mind to the parents.
D. They are somewhat disappointed about their day.
9. How do the parents find the solution to the problem
A. Funny. B. Useless. C. Helpful. D. Common.
10. Which one of the following maybe improper according to the passage
A. How was your day going today
B. Who did you have lunch with today
C. When did you have your English class today
D How many math classes did you have today
11. What can some parents learn from the passage
A. How to help the kids open up.
B. How to promote kids’ learning ability.
C. How to teach the kids to answer questions.
D. How to improve kids’ understanding ability.
Graham Barratt, 62, planted the seeds in his garden in January. He watched as one particular chilli excelled — but never expected it would break the UK record for the longest ever chilli pepper(辣椒) reaching a length of 45.7cm.
The grandfather-of-five beat the previous British record by a whole centimetre. But he didn’t eat it at once — instead he put it in a displaycase and gave it pride of place on the wall in his garden. Retired Graham from Abbeydale, Gloucester, said: “I was so excited when I learnt I had broken the record. I have won prizes for giant vegetables before, but it’s my first record.”
“Growing giant vegetables sounds so easy but there are so many factors — the right seeds and weather, but also the right care so they grow the best. It’s a lot of work, but it’s what I love to do, and it’s very rewarding when you achieve something like this.” He planted the winning seeds in January at his nearby garden after selecting them from a good crop three years ago. He took care of the chillies, along with his other giant vegetables, almost every day. He explained: “It’s a very careful process to successfully grow giant vegetables. You need to consider what to feed them, how to water them, how to prevent infestations, how to protect them from bad weather and so on.”
He measured the big chilli regularly and when it stopped growing he picked it and called a giant vegetable official judge who measured it on July 29. Ordinarily he would have entered it into a local show, but if he waited until mid-September, it would have dried up. After a few months on display, he’ll harvest the record-breaking chilli’s seeds to use them to try and break his own record next year. He added: “I already have a few ideas up my sleeve for how I can improve on my record next year!”
12. Which one of the following can probably replace the underlined word “excelled”
A. Came out B. Gave out C. Stood out. D. Jumped out.
13. How did the gardener deal with the chilli soon after it broke the UK record
A. He displayed it.
B. He collected its seeds.
C. He sold it in the local market.
D. He harvested and made food with it
14. What can we infer about the gardener from the passage
A. He took prizes for giant vegetables.
B. He especially liked to eat chilli pepper.
C. He had nothing to do but grow chilli pepper.
D. He was skilled in growing giant vegetables.
15. What’s the best title for the text
A. A gardener broke the UK record.
B. A gardener planted the greatest vegetables.
C. A gardener grew the UK’s longest chilli pepper.
D. A gardener harvested the record-breaking chilli’s seeds.
第二节(共5小题;每小题2. 5分, 满分12. 5分)
阅读下面短文, 从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
For some people, physical activity just isn’t a choice when trying to lose weight. Losing weight without exercise is possible. ____16____ Here are 4 tips to lose weight without exercise:
Think Long-Term for Weight Loss.
Weisenberger encourages those interested in losing weight without exercise to think about their long-term goals .____17____ At the same time, you must focus more on cutting the calories you eat while still making sure you eat healthy food.
Drink more water.
Eating more fiber-rich foods while drinking more water is a winning weight-loss combination. Weisenberger says. Water helps to fill you up more, just like fiber does. Set a water drinking schedule.____18____
Play around with plates.
One common strategy used for weight loss is to play around with plate size and the portions on your plate. At dinner, use a smaller salad plate for grains and protein and a larger dinner plate for non-starchy (非淀粉的) vegetables, Kimberlain says.____19____Playing around with plates also can help keep your portion sizes in check.
Eat without distractions (分心).
____20____Were you reading or watching something on a screen Maybe driving and eating It’s easy to cat too much if you’re not focused on what you’re eating. Put away the phone, turn off the TV or remove whatever else distracts you to enjoy each bite. Eating without distractions also can make you aware of whether you’re eating because you’re truly hungry or if you’re just bored.
A. It just takes extra planning and devotion.
B. Think about the last few meals and snacks you ate.
C This helps you keep healthy by eating a balanced diet.
D. For example, make a plan to cat a healthy meal over a week.
E. This helps you to fill up more on those low-calorie vegetables.
F. For instance, set a goal of a healthy weight loss in eight months.
G. That makes it easy for you to drink water regularly during the day.
第三部分语言运用(共两节, 满分30分)
第一节(共15小题;每小题1分, 满分15分)
阅读下面短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
I recently lost one of my favourite rings and was upset.
Even though it was cheap and could be easily ___21___, it had a lot of ___22___ value to me. I had ___23___ it for two weeks before losing my hope and planning to buy a new one.
When I was on my way to the ___24___ and was checking for my wallet inside of my backpack, I felt the ring at the bottom of my bag. I was more than happy — and the first person I called was my father. He told me he was happy because I was happy that I’d found it. I had been telling him about all of the special memories I had ___25___ the ring and he knew how sad I was when I thought I lost it. Whenever I have good news, the first people I want to share it with are my ___26___.
I’m 23, and I have been calling my parents every day since I started university in 2018 — sometimes more than once. It started because I was ___27___ . I initially (最初) had a really hard time making friends and sometimes wouldn’t talk to anybody for days.
Ringing my parents became a ___28___ and a way for me to feel ___29___ to them. I love them. Some people might think that it’s ___30___ at my age, or child-like — but I’ve never felt a need or desire to ___31___ talking to them every day just because we don’t live in the same house anymore. I ___32___ that I call my parents sometimes for support and relief, but I think it’s natural for humans to seek support from others, especially from those they’re ___33___ to.
___34___ I’ve never quite understood why people think the ‘mark of independence’ consists of not speaking to your family on a regular basis. I think people can still be independent and seek emotional support from their family. It’s not a sign of ___35___.
21. A. damaged B. replaced C. familiar D. placed
22. A. common B. creative C. familiar D. emotional
23. A. applied for B. looked for C. waited for D. cared for
24. A. store B. classroom C. school D. library
25. A. dressing B. keeping C. holding D. wearing
26. A. classmates B. parents C. colleagues D. friends
27. A. lonely B. curious C. annoyed D. interested
28. A. rule B. habit C. hobby D. wish
29. A. adapted B. addicted C. connected D. attracted
30. A. usual B. common C. strange D. simple
31. A. stop B. prefer C. enjoy D. start
32. A. require B. protest C. imagine D. admit
33. A. finest B. farthest C. best D. closest
34. A. Truthfully B. Generally C. Formally D. Traditionally
35. A. coldness B. weakness C. sadness D. tiredness
第二节(共10小题:每小题1. 5分, 满分15分)
The China International Search and Team (CISAR) was founded in 2001 and now consists of many rescue workers and about 14 sniffer dogs.
After long and careful training, ___36___ team started its first rescue missions in 2003. It was the first time that Chinese team ___37___(go) abroad, and the team was highly praised for their___38___ (brave) and skill.
The CISAR has helped a lot by all means ___39___then. The list of people to ___40___ help has been given is long. The team treated over 2000 people who ___41___ (injure) in the 2004 earthquake in Indonesia, spent several months ___42___ (aid) more than 20, 000 victims of the 2006 floods in Pakistan, and built many shelters ___43___ survivors whose homes had been destroyed in Thailand in 2008.
Rescue workers are ___44___(careful) trained to find people, provide medical care and hand out supplies. After a disaster, there is usually no electricity or water, and there may be diseases and accidents. So they must have big ___45___(heart). The members of the CISAR are always ready to help.
第四部分写作(共两节, 满分40分)
46. 假定你是李华,请你以“Why Should We Learn English ”为主题,用英语写一篇演讲稿。要点提示:
Why Should We Learn English
Dear fellow friends,
That’s all. Thank you.
47. 阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段。使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数应为150左右。
How many times do we miss blessings because they are not packaged as we expected Think before you act and do not spoil (损坏) what you have by desiring what you don’t have. What may appear as bad fortune may in fact be the door that is just waiting to be opened.
There was once a young man who was getting ready to graduate from college. For many months he had wanted a beautiful sports car, and knowing his father had much money, he told him that was all he wanted.
With Graduation Day coming, the young man waited for signs that his father had bought the car. Finally, on the morning of his graduation, his father called him into his room. His father told him how proud he was to have such a fine son, and told him how much he loved him. He handed his son a beautiful wrapped (包装) gift box. Curious, but somewhat disappointed, the young man opened the box and found a lovely, leather-bound (皮革精装的) Bible (圣经), with the young man’s name decorated in gold. Angrily, he raised his voice to his father and said, “With all your money, you give me a Bible ” He then stormed out of the house, leaving the Bible. He didn’t want to see his father forever.
Paragraph l:
Many years passed and the young man was very successful in business.
Deep sadness and regret filled his heart when he went into his father’s house alone.
听力答案:1~5 BBACA 6~10 BABAC 11~15 ABCAC 16~20 ABCAB



